
Dell Inspiron 15 7000 集结工作与娱乐功能
Dell Inspiron 笔电在 2013 年 10 月推出全新 00 系列机种,其中入门等级为 3000 系列、中阶为 5000 系列,拥有铝合金一体成型机身的则为高阶的 7000 系列,则是这次小编要为各位测试的系列机种。Inspiron 7000 共有 14 吋及 15.6 吋两种萤幕尺寸机种,均采用 10 点触控萤幕,本次测试最高阶的 15 7000 系列笔电,则搭载 Intel 第四代 Core i7 处理器、8GB 内存与 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 独立显卡,另外则提供 1TB 的储存容量,在多媒体娱乐部分,采用 Full HD 分辨率萤幕与 Waves MaxxAudio Pro 及 Skullcandy 音效技术,则让这款笔电同时兼具工作效能与娱乐功能。
专用变压器为分离式缆线设计,变压器上方则印有 DELL 品牌 Logo。
专用变压器的输出电压为 19.5V/4.62A,输入电压则为标准国际电压配置。
实际测量专用变压器含电源缆线的重量为 395g,也不算是太过笨重的设计。
镜面 DELL Logo 则位于雾面涂层上盖的中央,有一种突出的视觉感受。
隐藏式的转轴与散热孔设计,则让机身更有一体成型感,但很明显的可以看出 Inspiron 15 7000 并非是以轻薄为主打的笔电产品。
收边角部分则是使用 DELL 独家的钻石切割工艺技术,圆弧造型则赋予机身一种圆润质感。
机身右侧由左至右分别为 SD 记忆卡插槽、耳机/麦克风音源插孔、两组 USB 3.0 连接埠(一组支援 USB 充电功能)、HDMI 端子与 RJ-45 有线网络插孔。
另外还有两组 USB 3.0 连接埠,机身共提供四组 USB 3.0 连接埠,算是满有诚意的配置。
机身底部则可以看到如 Ultrabook 笔电一体成型底盖设计,搭配两条长型防滑橡胶垫,另外可以看到长型进风孔。
内存位于上方左侧,为 4GB X 2 架构配置,使用者可以自行更换。
单散热风扇配置让人会不禁担心整体散热的问题,一旁则有 Intel Wireless 无线芯片。
内建的硬盘位于充电式锂电池左方,为一般 HDD 硬盘,详细规格下方会有介绍,同样也是可自行更换的硬件。
充电式锂电池电量则为 58Wh,为 4Cell 锂离子电池。
其实不瞒各位,当萤幕上盖打开的时后,我有一种 Apple MacBook 的错觉,若不是因为上方印的是 DELL 的 Logo,实在会让人误会, 15.6 吋 LED True-Life 萤幕,采用 Corning Gorilla Glass 康宁玻璃材质,提供不错的防刮保护,但镜面萤幕设计不免会有反光问题。
支援 10 点触控萤幕配置,如果常使用的话还是容易留下指纹油污,建议各位可以经常擦拭以保清洁,另外 Inspiron 15 7000 系列机种有 1366 X 768 与 1920 X 1080 两种分辨率机种可选,这边测试的机种则为 1920 X 1080 Full HD 分辨率。
萤幕上方则有整合式 100 万像素的 HD 网络摄影机,左右两侧则为双阵列式麦克风。
搭配白色光源的键盘背光,在上方的 F10 功能按键可以进行启闭。
拜 15.6 吋机身大小所赐,这款笔电还另外搭载独立数字键盘,在使用上又更加方便。
实际测量按键颗粒宽度,主要输入按键部位为 15.41mm,数字按键部位为 13.58mm,整体来说还是有一定的差距。
至于这款笔电的携带性如何,先从机身重量来看,2.599Kg 的重量,对于携带上还是有一定的负担。
机身前端不含防滑橡胶垫的厚度约为 22.45mm。
机身尾端不含防滑橡胶垫的厚度则约为 22.76mm,几乎等高的机身设计,但却无法提供消费者不错的轻薄度,算是比较可惜的地方。
Dell 延续先前针对笔电内建软件,推出接口全新修改的应用程式,My Dell 是让使用者可以诊断、更新笔电韧体与效能状态的软件。
在 My Dell 程式中,也提供关于通知、检查、个人化等相关设定,使用者可以依照使用情况来进行调整。
刚开始使用笔电的朋友,个人是建议在还没安装任何应用程式前,先进行备份与还原点的建立,因为花的时间会比较少,透过 Dell 内建的 Backup & Recovery 程式就可以完成。
在音效部分,Dell 持续与 Waves MAXXAUDIO 合作提供音效技术,在 Dell Audio 软件中,可以针对喇叭与麦克风等进行优化设定。
主要选单部分可以调整扬声器强化,共有电影、音乐、语音、游戏与 MaxxSense 五种模式可选。
麦克风技术则是由 RealTek 提供语音、私人交谈与背景噪音三种模式设定。
在喇叭与耳机功能部分,MaxxAudio Pro 提供各项音效调整,包含 Bass、Treble、Dialog 等音效调整。
声音的格式部分,原厂默认 24 位元/48000Hz 专业录音室音质,使用者也可自行选择音乐格式。
麦克风部分,也是由 RealTek 提供的相关技术,包含噪声抑制、回音消除与麦克风聚焦均可在此启闭。
默认格式部分则可以看到 CD/DVD 两种不同音质选择。
CPU-Z 软件中,可以看到这款笔电搭载 Intel Core i7-GHz 处理器,为双核心四线程架构,搭配 4MB L3 快取内存。
主机板部分当然是采用 Intel 第四代 Haswell 芯片组。
8GB DDR3L 1600MHz 内存为原厂标准配置,使用者可自行进行升级更换。
图形装置则一如往常仅能查阅 Intel HD 显示芯片。
处理器效能部分,先看到 CPUmark 99 的效能分数为不错的 512 分。
Nuclearus Multi Core 测试软件,则可以看到总分为 12386 分,其中 ALU Speed(算术逻辑部件)为 7284 分、FPU Speed(浮点运算器速度) 9601 分、Multi Thread Speed(多线程速度) 14822 分,三项处理效能的表现均不错。
AIDA 64 软件中的内存与快取内存效能测试,可以看到内存的延迟时序为不错的 61.4ns,L3 快取内存的延迟时序则为 14.7ns,也算是不错的成绩。
这款笔电搭载 1TB 的 HDD 硬盘,虽然满足储存空间的需求,但采用 SATA III 与 5400RPM 的硬盘架构,似乎对效能起不了太大的帮助。
实际测试硬盘的读取速度,在 CrystalDiskMark 软件中得到 104.9/105.1 MB/s 的平均读写速度成绩,写入速度比较令人意外的表现不错。
ATTO Disk Benchmark 所测得的平均读写速度则为 022 MB/s,与上方测试结果相差无几。
GPU-Z 中则可以看到内建的 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 独立显卡,搭配 GDDR5 2GB 内存,CPU 时脉则有 941MHz。
另外看到 Intel HD 显示芯片的详细资讯,GPU 时脉则仅有 200MHz。
CINEBENCH R10 的 OpenGL 效能测试分数为 6711 分,额外测试的单核处理器效能为 5338 分,多核心处理器效能分数为 7699 分。
CINEBENCH R11.5 中的 OpenGL 效能则有 45.61fps 的表现,在相同系统中算是满不错的表现。
至于 CPU 测试则为 2.18pts,在类似的相同系统中表现则没有那么好。
从 3DMark 测试软件可以看到,GT 750M 比较偏向中阶等级的显卡,如果要进行高阶游戏运算与图形处理会比较勉强。
从额外的 Extreme 测试中,也可以看出效能等级的差别。
3DMark 11 Entry 测试模式:1737 分。
3DMark 11 Performence 测试模式:908 分。
3DMark 11 Extreme 测试模式:276 分。
Final Fatasy XIV 游戏测试软件,将萤幕分辨率调整至 1920 X 1080,在 MAXIMUM 特效等级模式下仅有 736 分。
HIGH 游戏特效等级测试模式下,也仅有 1042 分的效能分数。
最后看到 MEDIUM 特效等级模式,获得 1764 分的分数也不算太好。
恶灵古堡六的游戏测试,将环境设定至 1920 X 1080 全萤幕模式,关闭垂直同步并开启 4x 反锯齿模式,测得的效能分数为 917 分、效能等级则落在 D。
Street Fighter IV 游戏测试,在 1920 X 1080 全萤幕模式,关闭垂直同步与反锯齿模式,测得平均 29.36FPS、6719 分与RANK E 的成绩。
同个测试环境下,切换至 1600 X 900 全萤幕模式,效能稍有提升至平均 37.11FPS、7767 分与 RANK D。
切换至 1366 X 768 全萤幕模式,则得到平均 44.83FPS、8623 分与 RANK C 的测试结果。
延续上方 Street Fighter IV 测试所得到的结果,最后我将测试环境设为 1280 X 720 全萤幕模式,在关闭垂直同步与反锯齿模式下,得到平均 59.26FPS、9887 效能分数与 RANK A,是测试当中最佳的表现。
同样测试环境下,开启 2xAA 反锯齿模式,则得到 39.83FPS、6229 效能分数与 RANK D。
开启 4xAA 反锯齿模式,平均则有 38.44FPS、6129 效能分数与 RANK D 成绩。
最后设定至 8xAA 反锯齿模式,则有 30.38FPS、5442 效能分数与 RANK D 的成绩,简单的说,如果要用这款笔电玩游戏,除了萤幕分辨率需要下调外,游戏效能也无法设定到最高等级,不然就会有延迟与停顿的情况发生。
Heaven Benchmark v2.5 则设定在 DX 11 环境下,1920 X 1080 全萤幕模式,关闭垂直同步并开启 4x 反锯齿模式,测得平均 5.7FPS 及 143 分效能分数。
从 Call of Pripyat Benchmark 游戏效能测试软件的各项测试结果看来,平均的 FPS 均落在 13.9~17.8 之间,如果光影特效较多的环境下,平均 FPS 则仅有 3.1~6.9 之间,整体来说并不算是太好的成绩。
电脑综合效能分数,则先来看到 Windows 内建的体验指数,图形效能 5.8 与主要硬盘 5.9 是效能中较低的部分,在处理器 7.1 与内存 7.5 则是效能表现较佳的部分,游戏效能 6.9 则算是中规中矩的表现。
CrystalMark 2004R3 的电脑综合效能分数为 191418 分,还算是不错的成绩,效能表现较佳为处理器、内存与 OpenGL 三个部份,硬盘与图形效能的表现则是差强人意。
或许有眼尖的粉丝会问说怎么没有 PCMark 7 与 PCmark 8 的效能测试结果,这边要跟各位说明,由于这两套测试软件进行更新后,无法正确的显示测试结果,在截稿前与 Futuremark 进行联络请求技术协助,但并未得到解决的方式,因此在此就无法将测试结果放上来,还请各位小恶魔粉丝见谅~~
Dell 在新闻稿中说明这款笔电拥有 13 小时的电池续航力,看起来真的是相当吸引人,这边当然也要来进行续航力测试,测试环境在平衡电源管理模式,将萤幕亮度与音量调整至中央值 50,并开启 WiFi 无线网络进入常驻,键盘背光也维持开启的状态。
在 Powermark 平衡测试模式(文书处理、网页浏览与影音播放测试),从 100% 到剩余 79% 电量的电池续航力为 5 小时 5 分钟,以整体的硬件架构来说,算是不错的电池续航力表现。
针对电池部份,Dell 也在桌面上建置电池计量器的软件,使用者可以查阅电池状态,并针对电池使用与充电进行设定,在电池状态中,则可以看到电池容量,电池使用寿命的设定,则包含 Intelligent Display 智慧显示与 Extend Battery Life 延长电池寿命两种模式。
最后可以看到软件还提供桌上型与持久性两种电池使用模式,前者是会将电池充电保持在 50~100% 之间,后者则会充电至 88~100% 之间,使用者可以依照使用习惯进行模式启用。
AIDA 64 的系统稳定度测试,可以看到在待机时的 CPU 温度为 40~42 度,硬盘温度则为 29 度。
测试软件运作约 30 分钟后,CPU 温度则提升至 73~74 度,硬盘温度也来到 36 度。
看到平均的 CPU 温度为 70.6 度,硬盘平均温度则来到 33 度。
测试区的环境温度约为 25.7 度。
待机时的散热孔温度则约为 28.5 度。
测试软件运作后,散热孔温度最高则来到约 46.3 度。
▲ 从完全关机到开机能使用的时间,Dell Inspiron 15 7000 要花上约 19 秒的时间才能使用,主要的原因还是在搭载一般 HDD 硬盘,让整体的开机速度慢上不少。
以外型来看,Dell Inspiron 15 7000 或许可以给你不错的金属简约质感,一体成型的机身设计、隐藏式转轴与散热孔,均能展现 Dell 制造笔电不错的工艺技术,唯一比较令人觉得可惜的是,在机身重量与厚度上,并没有让人便于携带的感觉,当然如果要将这款笔电定位在桌机机种,是可以不用在意这些问题,但如果是对于需要随时移动的朋友,或许会令人却步。在 I/O 端子埠配置上,Inspiron 15 7000 则让人有种安心感,基本上常用的端子埠都没有少,机身上配置四组 USB 3.0 连接埠,则让人觉得诚意十足,也稍稍弥补硬盘配置较为普通的缺点。
整体的效能部分,Inspiron 15 7000 足以应付大多数的工作需求,当然在这边是说网页浏览、文书处理与多媒体娱乐的实际使用情况,如果要玩游戏的朋友,一定得面临的问题就是 GT 750M 显卡所能提供的效能确实有限,如果玩游戏并非你使用这款笔电的主要需求,那这个问题也就可以稍作忽略,但如果要使用较高阶的 3D 绘图软件的话,这张显卡会比较勉强一点。至于效能面需要改进的地方,其实透过升级硬件也可以稍作解决,更换 SSD 固态硬盘与升级内存,是一般使用者能够快速强化效能的动作,当然需要另外花钱对斤斤计较的使用者来说可能不划算,另外一方面就只能等待 Dell 针对这系列笔电进行改款的动作。
相较于工作上所需要的效能有些不足,在多媒体娱乐的表现上,则是比较令人满意的地方,15.6 吋 Full HD 高分辨率萤幕与 Waves MaxxAudio Pro、Skullcandy 音效技术的搭配,确实能提供使用者在观赏影片与浏览高画质照片上不错的效果。这边也不要忘记支援 10 点触控萤幕,对于已经习惯触控操作的朋友来说,在浏览照片或网页时,会有不同的使用感受。
还有感谢分享 隐藏散热孔在那边...
震旦通讯 行情比其他高很多请各位三思而后行
C510-6990!? 台X大6000 杰X50XX 灿坤5299!!空机差距真大= =
aquarius69131 wrote:
感觉XPS系列好像都没要继续出了...换成Inspiron 15 7000 接棒吗??
Bryan.S wrote:
Dell Inspi...(恕删)
qaz.man wrote:
驱动精灵升级AUDIO 驱动试试
xing15 wrote:
i7双核心? 这跟i3差在哪??
还有他的GT750M怎么表现那么差?Dell Inspiron 15 7537
Dell Inspiron 15 7537 Review
April 7, 2014
Editors' rating:
The Dell Inspiron 15 7537 packs Nvidia graphics and a crisp 1080p touch screen inside an attractive aluminum chassis.
Dell has consolidated its notebook lineup, and the result is an increased focus on quality. Case in point: The Inspiron 15 7537, which boasts a gorg a 15-inch, 1080 a Core i7 and Nvidia graphics. Starting at $749 ($1,149 as configured), is this the affordable version of the ?article continued below Design
The Inspiron 15 7537 is a high-powered variant of the Inspiron 15 7000 we reviewed back in October, so it sports the exact same look and feel as its sibling. That's not a bad thing. From its aluminum exterior to its diamond-cut edges, this is one attractive 15-inch laptop. The Inspiron's lid features a simple, polished Dell logo. Pop its top, and you'll find the same elegant, silver aluminum on the Inspiron's keyboard deck and wrist rest. Details, such as the polished aluminum framing its keyboard and touchpad, only add to the notebook's beautiful design. Measuring 14.9 x 10 x 0.9 inches, the Inspiron 15 7537 is roughly the same size as HP's 14.9 x 9.9 x 1.1-inch . ASUS'
is a bit beefier, measuring 15.1 x 10 x 1.1 inches. All three notebooks weigh a somewhat hefty 5.6 pounds.
Display Our Inspiron 15 7537 sports a 1920 x 1080-pixel WLED TrueLife touch-screen display that offered razor-sharp visuals. In a trailer for "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," Spidey's red-and-blue suit looked absolutely electric, and the white parts of the costume covering his eyes popped. Based on our tests using a Spyder4 colorimeter, the Inspiron is capable of displaying 103 percent of the sRGB gamut. That's much better than the average mainstream notebook, which is capable of showing just 87.3 percent. The Latitude's color reproduction, however, was somewhat inaccurate, with a Delta-E score of 11.9. A Delta-E of 0 is perfect. Unfortunately, at 212 lux, the Inspiron 15 7537's display is dimmer than the mainstream notebook average of 225 lux. Still, that's brighter than the HP Envy TouchSmart 15 (184 lux). ASUS' N550JV, on the other hand, reached a much higher 275 lux. Audio The two speakers mounted just below the Inspiron's front lip pushed out relatively flat audio. While listening to Outkast's "B.O.B.," we noted a distinct lack of bass, and high notes sounded fairly hollow. Even with the onboard MaxxAudio Pro audio software enabled, music and movies sounded dull and tinny. Turn off MaxxAudio, however, and the laptop's maximum volume drops precipitously.
On the Laptop Mag Audio Test, the Inspiron 15 7537 pumped out 83 decibels of sound. That's lower than the 87-dB category average, as well as the HP Envy TouchSmart 15's 85 decibels. The ASUS N550JV offered the loudest speakers, reaching an impressive 94 dB. Keyboard and Touchpad Like many 15-inch notebooks, the Dell Inspiron 15 7537 comes equipped with a full-size keyboard complete with a number pad. The backlit, island-style keys are evenly spaced, and nothing felt too small. Unfortunately, like the Inspiron 15 7000 we reviewed late last year, key presses felt soft, which made typing for long periods slightly uncomfortable. That said, overall key travel measured 1.5mm, which is average for a mainstream notebook. On the Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor test, we recorded an average of 80 words per minute with an error rate of 1 percent, which is on a par with our usual average. The Inspiron 15 7537's 4.25 x 3.25-inch touchpad proved accurate and comfortable during our testing. Multitouch gestures -- including two-finger scrolling and twist-to-rotate -- worked well, as did Windows 8 gestures. Heat After streaming a 15-minute full-screen Hulu clip, the Inspiron 15 7537's keyboard reached 92 degrees Fahrenheit. The touchpad was considerably cooler, topping out at a mild 80 degrees. Underneath, the Inspiron was on the toasty side, reaching 98 degrees. We consider temperatures of 95 degrees or lower to be comfortable. Ports and Webcam Need a lot of ports? The Inspiron 15 7537's got you covered. This Dell offers four USB 3.0 ports -- two on each side. On the right edge, you also get an HDMI port, Ethernet jack, combination headphone and microphone jack, and 8-in-1 card reader. You'll find the notebook's power port on its left side. Windows 8 laptops just can't seem to get webcams right. As with many of its ilk, the Inspiron 15's 720p camera captured dim, grainy images. Fine details, such as the lines on our face, were obscured, and colors were far too dull. Performance Our Inspiron 15 7537 review unit features a 1.8-GHz dual-core Intel Core i7-5400U processor with 16GB of RAM and a 1TB, 5,400-rpm hybrid drive with 8GB of flash storage. Throw in Nvidia's GeForce GT 750M with 2GB of RAM and Optimus Technology, and you've got one beefy multimedia machine. We ran a full virus scan using McAfee LiveSafe while streaming Hulu videos (with 10 tabs open in Chrome), and we didn't notice a hint of slowdown. On PCMark7, a synthetic benchmark that tests a laptop's overall system performance, the Inspiron 15 scored 4,075. That's better than the mainstream notebook category average of 3,734. The ASUS N550JV and its quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, 8GB of RAM and 1TB HDD scored a slightly lower 3,546. The HP Envy TouchSmart 15 and its quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, 8GB of RAM and dual 1TB HDD and 24GB SSD hit a higher 5,363. Though its 1TB HDD runs at just 5,400 rpm, an additional 8GB of flash storage helped the Inspiron 15 7357 boot Windows 8.1 in just 18 seconds. That's faster than the 20-second category average, as well as the HP Envy TouchSmart's 19 seconds. The ASUS N550JV, however, came to life in only 16 seconds.
On our Laptop Mag File Transfer Test, the Inspiron copied 4.97GB of mixed media files in 1 minute and 9 seconds. That equals a rate of 73.8 MBps, which is just shy of the mainstream notebook category average of 75 MBps. The HP Envy TouchSmart's and ASUS N550JV's drives we're both much slower, coming in at 28 MBps. The Inspiron took 4 minutes and 39 seconds to complete our OpenOffice macro benchmark, which involves matching 20,000 names to their respective addresses. While that's nearly a minute faster than the category average of 5:29, it's a bit slower than the HP Envy TouchSmart 15's time of 4:00. The ASUS N550JV beat that time by a hair, with 3:58. Graphics With its Nvidia GeForce GT 750M graphics chip with Optimus Technology, the Inspiron 15 7537 is more than capable of running many of your favorite games, just not the most resource-intensive ones. On the 3DMark Fire Strike Extreme benchmark, the Inspiron scored 883. That's well above the category average of 577 and blows away the HP Envy TouchSmart 15's score of 533. When playing "World of Warcraft" with the graphics set to Low and the resolution at 1366 x 768 pixels, the Inspiron managed a frame rate of 104 fps. Bump up the resolution to 1080p, and the frame rate dips to 94 fps. Crank up the graphics to 11, and the frame rate drops to a still-smooth 51 fps. That's on a par with the GeForce GT 750M-powered ASUS N550JV's 52 fps, and significantly better than the GeForce GT 740M-equipped HP Envy TouchSmart 15's 33 fps. However, the average laptop hit 54 fps. On the more demanding "BioShock Infinite," we saw an average frame rate of 76 fps with the graphics on Low and the resolution at 1366 x 768p. Frame rates were still solid at 1080p, hitting 49 fps. When we boosted the graphics to High and set the resolution to 1366 x 768p, the frame rate fell to a playable 35 fps. That's slightly better than the category average of 31 fps. The ASUS N550JV averaged 24 fps, while the HP Envy TouchSmart 15 averaged 17 fps.
Jump to 1080p, though, and frame rates drop to an unplayable 22 fps on this title. That said, the Inspiron did manage to perform better than the category average (19 fps), and the ASUS N550JV and HP Envy TouchSmart, which registered 14 fps and 9 fps, respectively. Battery Life The Inspiron 15 7537 lasted an impressive 6 hours and 13 minutes on the Laptop Mag Battery Test, which involves continuous Web surfing over Wi-Fi with the screen brightness set to 100 nits. That's better than the category average of 5:34. On our previous battery test, which involved continuous Web surfing with the display brightness set to a more forgiving 40 percent, the ASUS N550JV lasted just 4:52, whereas the HP Envy TouchSmart 15 lasted 4:54. It's worth noting that the cheaper Inspiron 15 7000 lasted a marathon 9:26. However, that system has a slower Core i5 processor, integrated graphics and a lower-res 1366 x 768p display.
Software and Warranty Dell went extremely light on the preinstalled software with the Inspiron 15 7537, loading Microsoft's Windows 8 apps and a few third-party offerings. The most noteworthy programs include a one-year subscription to McAfee's LiveSafe security suite and Nvidia's GeForce Experience, which lets users download graphics drivers and access Nvidia-specific features with ease. The included My Dell app provides access to driver updates, system information, notifications and additional options. Dell provides Inspiron 15 7537 customers with 90 days of premium phone support and a one-year in-home service guarantee after a diagnostic phone call. Configurations Our $1,149 Inspiron 15 7537 review unit features a 1.8-GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 processor, 16GB of RAM, a 1TB HDD and an Nvidia GeForce GT 750M graphics chip. However, the Inspiron 15 7000 starts at just $749; for that, you get an Intel Core i5 processor, 6GB of RAM, integrated HD Graphics 4400, a 1366 x 768-pixel display and a 500GB HDD. Verdict With its sexy design, strong performance and above-average battery life, the Inspiron 15 7537 has all the makings of a quality multimedia laptop. The graphics performance is particularly strong for this class of system. For the price, though, we would have liked a brighter screen and a less-mushy keyboard. If you're looking for a similarly priced 15-inch notebook with more gaming power, check out the $1,049 Lenovo Y510p. That system offers a powerful Core i7 processor, dual Nvidia GeForce GT 750M graphics and a 1TB HDD with a 24GB secondary SSD. However, that machine offers only about half the battery life as the Dell. Overall, the Dell Inspiron 15 7537 is a multimedia laptop that looks good and performs well.
Recommended by
Dan Howley, Senior Writer
A newspaper man at heart, Dan Howley wrote for Greater Media Newspapers before . He also served as a news editor with ALM Media's Law Technology News, and he holds a B.A. in English from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
Dan Howley, Senior Writer on
1.8-GHz Intel Core i7-4500 processor
Operating System
Windows 8.1
RAM Upgradable to
Hard Drive Size
Hard Drive Speed
Hard Drive Type
Serial ATA Hybrid
Secondary Hard Drive Size
Secondary Hard Drive Speed
Secondary Hard Drive Type
Display Size
Native Resolution
Optical Drive
Optical Drive Speed
Graphics Card
Nvidia GeForce GT 750M with Optimus Technology
Video Memory
Wi-Fi Model
Intel Wireless-N7260
Bluetooth 4.0
Mobile Broadband
Touchpad Size
4.25 x 3.25
Ports (excluding USB)
Ports (excluding USB)
SD card slot
Ports (excluding USB)
Kensington Lock
Ports (excluding USB)
Ports (excluding USB)
Ports (excluding USB)
Combo Headphone/Mic Jack
Card Slots
8-1 card reader
90 days of p one-year in-home service guarantee after a diagnostic phone call
14.9 x 10 x 0.9 inches
5.6 pounds
Company Website


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