
  @韩国驻华大使馆 【使馆声明】对于2014年南京青奥会闭幕式上发生的激光笔照射事件,我们仍在确认正确的事实关系的过程中。用激光笔照射他国领导人,这是极为不当且令人遗憾的行为,这类事件不应发生。
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武警战士们正在训练。来 自 西 陆 军 事
中国江苏网6月6日讯(记者 赵筱青)眼看着青奥会即将召开,参加青奥会开闭幕式的“小伙伴”们紧锣密鼓地投入了排练。而这其中,负责青奥会开闭幕式升降国旗的国旗班“长腿欧巴”们成为了瞩目的焦点。在炎炎夏日,记者走进了他们日常训练的南京市武警十六中队,见证了国旗班的汗水。
时间:日 12:01:24
卡梅伦含泪辞职演讲完整版 中英文对照 --6 :36: 来源:
The country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise ―perhaps the biggest in our history.这个国家刚刚进行了一场大型的民主活动, 这也许是我们历史上最大的一次Over 33 million people ― from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar ― have all had their say超过3300万来自英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰和直布罗陀的人民表达了他们的声音We should be proud of the fact that in these islands we trust the people with these big decisions.我们应该为这个事实感到骄傲在这片国土上,我们相信人民是重大的决策者We not only have a parliamentary democracy, but on questions about the arrangements
how we are governed, there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves, and that is what we have done.我们不仅拥有议会民主制度,而且还在如何管理这个国家的问题上,我们也会适时征求人民的意愿对此我们已经做到了The British people have voted to leave the European Union , and their will must be respected.英国人民投票选择离开欧盟,他们的意愿必须得到尊重I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, including all those who put aside party differences to speak in what they believed was the national interest.我要感谢在这场活动里和我持相同意见的每个人,这其中包括摈弃政党偏见来表达他们对国家利益信念的所有人And let me congratulate all those who took part in the “Leave” campaign ―
the spirited and passionate case that they made.同时,我也祝贺所有进行脱欧活动的人们,他们进行了活跃和充满热情的活动The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered. Itwas not a decision that was taken lightly, not least because so manythings were said by so many different organizations about the significance of this decision.英国人民的意愿是必须执行的指令这不是一个轻易做出的决定,并不仅仅是因为众多不同组织对这一决定的重要性阐述了众多观点So there can be no doubt about the result.对这个结果不应持有疑问Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain.has made. I would reassure those markets and investors that Britain’seconomy is fundamentally strong.全世界的人民都已经看到了英国做出的决定我想对市场及投资者重申的是,英国的经济基础非常强劲And I would also reassure Brits living in European countries, and European citizens living here, that there will be no immediate changes in your circumstances. There will be no initial change in the way our people can travel, in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold.另外我也向居住在欧洲国家的英国公民以及在英国居住的欧洲公民保,你们的现状不会立刻发生改变我们的人民在出行方式上目前不会有任何改变物品运送、务提供都将照常进行We must now prepare
a negotiation with the European Union.我们现在必须做出准备,与欧盟进行协商This will need to involve the full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments to ensure that the interests of all parts of our ed Kingdom are protected and advanced.协商需要苏格兰、威尔士以及北爱尔兰政府的共同参与,以确保联合王国各方面的利益都受到保护和推进But above all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership.但要做到以上全部,我们需要强劲、坚定且负责任的领导者I am very proud and very honored to have been prime minister of this country
six years.我非常骄傲和荣幸能在过去的六年里担任这个国家的首相I believe we have made great steps, with more people in work than ever bee in our history, with rems to welfare and education, increasing people’s life chances, building a bigger and stronger society, keeping our promises to the poorest people in the world, and enabling those who love each other to get married whatever their sexuality.我相信我们做出了巨大的进步:就业人数从未如此之多;我们对福利和教育进行改革,改善人民生活质量、建设更大更强的社会;保持对全世界最贫困人民做出的承诺;不论性别因素,让相爱的人们合法结婚But above all restoring Britain’s economic strength, and I am grateful to everyone who has helped to make that happen.所有这一切都将让英国继续保持其经济实力我对帮助实现这一切的所有人表示感谢I have also always believed that we have to confront big decisions ― not duck them.我始终相信,对重大决策,我们应该面对,而不是回避That’s why we delivered the first coalition government in 70 years to bring our economy back from the brink. It’s why we delivered a fair,legal and decisive referendum in Scotland. And why I made the pledge to renegotiate Britain’s position in the European Union and hold a referendum on our membership, and have carried those things out.这就是为什么我们成立了70年来首个联合政府,带领经济脱离濒危边缘这就是为什么我们在苏格兰进行了公正、合法、有决定意义的公投这也是为什么我做出承诺,与欧盟重新商议英国的地位、开启英国与欧盟关系的公投,并实现它们I fought this campaign in the only way I know how ― which is to say directly and passionately what I think and feel ― head, heart and soul. I held nothing back.我以自己知道的唯一方法进行着这个过程,那就是直接、用心地表达我内心的想法和感受I was absolutely clear about my belief that Britain is stronger, safer and better off inside the European Union, and I made clear the referendum was about this and this alone ― not the future of any single politician, including myself.我没有任何保留,我的立场很明确,英国在欧盟内将会更加强大、安全和繁荣我也强调了这次公投跟任何政客的前途,包括我自己,没有任何关系But the British people have made a very clear decision to take a different path, and as such I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction.但是英国民众已经做出了明确且不同的选择,我认为英国需要新的领导人来带领我们的国家向前I will do everything I can as prime minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but I do not think it would be right
me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. This is not a decision I have taken lightly, but I do believe it is in the national interest to have a period of stability and then the new leadership required.我将以首相的身份尽我所能在未来几个星期、几个月中稳定局面但我认为并不应该由我作为领导人带领我们的国家向新的目的地前进这是我经过慎重考虑做出的决定但从国家利益出发,我认为我们需要一段稳定期,之后便需要更换新的领导人There is no need
a precise timetable today, but in my view we should aim to have a new prime minister in place by the start of the Conservative Party conference in October.我们不需要今天就制定一个详细的时间进度表,但是我认为,在月保守党大会开始之前,我们需要一个新的首相继任Delivering stability will be important, and I will continue in post as prime minister with my cabinet
the next three months.保持稳定是非常重要的,在接下来的三个月里,我将继续作为首相和我的内阁一起为大家务The cabinet will meet on Monday. The governor of the Bank of England is making a statement about the steps that the bank and the Treasury are taking to reassure financial markets. We will also continue taking ward the important legislation that we set bee Parliament in the Queen’s Speech. And I have spoken to Her Majesty, the Queen, this morning to advise her of thesteps that I am taking.内阁将在周一举行会谈,英格兰行长将发表声明,阐释央行与财政部关于确保金融市场稳定采取的下一步措施我们也会继续推进在女王议会讲话中制定的重要立法议程我今天早晨也跟女王陛下通话并告知我即将采取的行动A negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new prime minister, and I think it is right that this new prime minister takes the decision about when to trigger
50 and start the mal and legal process of leaving the E.U.与欧盟的协商需要由新的首相开启,我认为应该由新任首相去决定何时启动《里斯本条约第50条、开启脱离欧盟的正式法律程序I will attend the European Council next week to explain the decision the British people have taken and my own decision.我将在下周举行的欧洲理事会会议上阐释英国人民的选择和我个人的决定The British people have made a choice. That not only needs to be respected ― but those on the losing side of the argument, myself included, should help to make it work.英国人民已经做出决定,这不仅需要被尊重;同时,失败的一方,包括我本人在内,还应该努力去协助实现这一决定Britain is a special country.英国是一个特别的国家We have so many great advantages.我们拥有很多杰出的优点:A parliamentary democracy where we resolve great issues about our future through peaceful debate.我们实行议会民主制,通过和平辩论的方式解决关乎未来的重要事项A great trading nation, with our science and arts, our engineering and our creativity respected the world over.我们是强大的贸易国家,科学和艺术、工程和创造力深受世界推崇And while we are not perfect, I do believe we can be a model of a multiracial, multifaith democracy, where people can come and make a contribution and rise to the very highest that their talent allows.虽然我们并不完美,但我相信我们能为多种族、多信仰的民主系统树立典范人们可以来到英国,做出贡献并凭借才华能力达到自己的顶峰Although leaving Europe was not the path I recommended, I am the first to praise our incredible strengths.尽管离开欧洲并不是我推崇的道路,但我是第一个赞扬我们卓越力量的人I have said bee that Britain can survive outside the European Union, and indeed that we could find a way.以前我说过,脱离欧盟英国也能继续下去,我们肯定会找到一条出路Now the decision has been made to leave, we need to find the best way.现在决定已经做出,英国脱离欧盟我们需要找到最正确的方向And I will do everything I can to help.而我也将尽我所能去帮助实现它I love this country ― and I feel honored to have served it. And I will do everything I can in future to help this great country succeed.我热爱这个国家,能够为之效力我感到十分自豪未来我也将尽我所能去帮助这个伟大国家取得成功
澳洲年度人物呼吁工作场所不说guys -- :36:6 来源:chinadaily
Australian of the Year David Morrison is leading a drive against the use of the term "guys" in the workplace.澳洲年度人物大卫莫里森发起了一项运动,反对人们在工作场所使用guys(意思是家伙,男人)的称谓The #WordsAtWork campaign by the country's Diversity Council asks people to avoid expressions they say exclude minority groups.由澳洲多元化协会发起的“工作用语”运动旨在呼吁人们避免使用这类把少数群体排除在外的词语Using "girls"
women, and "walk the talk" to people in wheelchairs, are among terms they say are offensive.称女性为girls,把坐轮椅的人称作walk the talk,多元化协会成员认为这两个称谓都具有冒犯之意Mr Morrison was awarded the role of Australian of the Year partly
his equality campaigning.莫里森先生当选澳大利亚年度人物,部分原因在于他一直致力于追求平等的斗争The mer military man - once chief of the Australian Army - admitted he had used some of the terms himself.这名退役军人曾是澳大利亚陆军司令,他承认他过去也说过类似的不礼貌的言辞But of "guys" Mr Morrison said "I have now removed that from my lexicon as best I can. I think it's important."但提到guys时,莫里森先生表示:“现在,我已经尽可能地不再使用这个词语,因为我认为将它从我的个人语库中移除非常重要”Insisting the campaign was not intended to create a "language police", he said: "People use language to denigrate others and to take away their self-respect. Sometimes it happens unconsciously, but the effect is the same."莫里森表示,该活动的初衷并非是塑造一个“语言警察”,他说:“人们用语言诋毁他人,伤害他人的自尊尽管有时是无意之举,可造成的后果是一样的”While some praised the inclusive language drive, not everyone agreed that "guys" was offensive, or that it was the most urgent problem that the Australian of the Year could be tackling.虽然有人持这场运动,提倡中性语言,但也并非所有人都觉得guys是一种冒犯,或者认为这场运动是“澳洲年度人物”的当务之急Some wondered if the thoroughly Australian greeting "mate" - often used by and
men - would be next.有人提出,澳洲男性常用的对其他男性的称呼mate是不是会成为下一个争议对象Australian National University language expert Catherine Travis also questioned whether "guys" was still a gender-specific term, telling Australia's A that "you guys" was now widely used of all genders.澳大利亚国立大学语言专家凯瑟琳?特拉维斯也对guys是否具有性别针对性提出了质疑,她告诉澳大利亚广播公司,you guys这一说法现在被各种性别的人所广泛使用There was broader agreement on some other terms though, including against using "gay" in a negative fashion.不过,针对其他某些词语的使用,人们达成了更广泛的共识,比如反对在表示负面含义时使用gay英文来源:B译者:杜馨乐(中国日报网爱新闻iNews译者)审校#38;编辑:丹妮
冰桶挑战为“渐冻症”致病基因的发现筹集资金 --9 :56:01 来源:
Scientists have identified a new gene contributing to the disease, NEK1.科学家们实,已经发现了一种导致肌萎缩型侧索硬化症这一疾病的新的基因NEK1The Ice Bucket Challenge has raised m from people pouring cold water over themselves and posting the
on social media.“冰桶挑战”项目已从参与冰水浇遍全身并将该视频上传至社交媒体的人们那儿筹集了1.亿美元It was criticised as a stunt, but has funded six research projects.虽然有人批评冰桶挑战是逢场作戏,但是它已经资助了六个研究项目Research by Project MinE, published in Nature Genetics, is the largest-ever study of inherited ALS, also known as motor neurone disease (MND).MinE项目的研究是迄今为止对通过遗传而得的肌萎缩型侧索硬化症(ASL),也称运动神经元症(MND),规模最大的一次研究,目前已发表在《自然遗传学上了More than 80 researchers in
countries searched
ALS risk genes in families affected by the disease.来自个国家的80余名研究人员对受肌萎缩型侧索硬化症影响的家庭的风险基因展开了研究The identification of gene NEK1 means scientists can now develop a gene therapy treating it.基因NEK1的发现意味着科学家们现在能够发明一种基因疗法来治疗这一疾病Although only % of ALS patients have the inherited m, researchers believe that genetics contribute to a much larger percentage of cases.虽然只有%的肌萎缩型侧索硬化症病人是通过遗传患上此病,但是研究人员们相信:更高比例的病例均与遗传因素有关Social media was awash with s of people pouring cold water over their heads to raise money
ALS in the summer of .在年夏季,社交媒体被那些往自己头上浇冷水来为肌萎缩型侧索硬化症筹集资金的视频给刷屏了More than
million people uploaded s to Facebook, including many celebrities who rose to the challenge, which were then watched by 0 million people worldwide.超过00万人将视频上传到了脸书上,其中还包括很多参与挑战的名人,这些视频而后得到了全世界.亿人的观看What is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neurone disease (MND)?什么是肌萎缩型侧索硬化症(ALS),也称运动神经元症(MND)?fatal, rapidly progressive disease that affects the brain and spinal cord一种致命、快速发展的影响大脑和脊髓的疾病attacks nerves that control movement so muscles refuse to work (sensory nerves are not usually affected)攻击控制运动的神经,从而导致肌肉无法运动(感觉神经通常不受影响)can leave people locked in a failing body, unable to move, talk and eventually, breathe能够导致人体瘫痪、无法行动、不能说话并最终呼吸衰竭scientist Stephen Hawking is best-known person with the disease科学家史蒂芬?霍金便是最知名的“渐冻症”患者kills around a third of people within a year of diagnosis and more than half within two years三分之一的患者在确诊一年左右死亡,过半数患者两年内死亡there is no cure尚无疗方
美国一名记者和翻译在阿富汗采访时遇袭身亡 -- ::56 来源:
NPR photographer David Gilkey and NPR Afghan translator Zabihullah Tamanna were killed on assignment Sunday in Afghanistan, NPR said.美国全国公共电台发表声明说,他们的摄影师吉尔奇和阿富汗语翻译塔曼纳上周日在阿富汗进行采访任务时,遇袭身亡NPR said they had been traveling with an Afghan army
near Marjah, in southern Afghanistan when the convoy came under fire and their vehicle was hit by shellfire.美国全国公共电台说,他们当天随从阿富汗部队采访,护送队在阿富汗南部的马尔亚附近遭遇炮火,他们的汽车被炮弹击中Gilkey was traveling on assignment with NPR reporter Tom Bowman and NPR producer Monika Evstatieva, who were not harmed, NPR said.美国全国公共电台指出,当时与吉尔奇同行的美国全国公共电台记者鲍曼和制作人莫妮卡在袭击中没有受伤Gilkey was a staff photographer and
NPR, where he had worked since , according to his NPR biography. Gilkey was named the Still Photographer of the Year by the White House Photographers Association in .吉尔奇是美国全国公共电台的摄影师和视频编辑人员,据电台档案记录他于年就开始在该电台工作年,吉尔奇被白宫新闻摄影师协会评选为年度静物摄影师Gilkey covered war and conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan since September , Michael Oreskes, NPR’s Senior Vice President of News and Editorial Director, said in a statement.美国全国公共广播电台新闻部资深副总裁奥瑞斯克在声明中表示,吉尔奇自“9.”恐怖袭击事件以来,一直都在记录采访伊拉克和阿富汗的战争与冲突"He was devoted to helping the public see these wars and the people caught up in them. He died pursuing that commitment," Oreskes said.“他致力于让公众看见这些战争,以及处于战火中的黎民百姓现在,他为追求此目标而牺牲”奥瑞斯克说"As a man and as a photojournalist, David brought out the humanity of all those around him. He let us see the world and each other through his eyes," Oreskes said.“身为人类和一名摄影记者,吉尔奇展现了他周围所有人的人性他让我们透过他的眼睛观察这个世界和世界中的人们”奥瑞斯克说Jarl Mohn, President and CEO of NPR, said in a statement: "Horrific incidents like this remind us of the important role journalists play in America’s civic life. They help us understand beyond the headlines and see the humanity in others.美国全国公共广播电台总裁和CEO 莫恩在声明中说,“这样的恐怖事件提醒了我们,记者在美国人的日常生活中所起的重要作用他们帮助我们了解到新闻标题以外的东西,让我们看到了人性”"We are devastated by the death of David and Zabihullah. Our hearts go out to his family, his friends and his colleagues out in the field," Mohn said.莫恩说,“我们对吉尔奇和塔曼纳的牺牲表示深切的哀悼希望他们的家人、朋友和同事节哀顺变”
乌克兰再现岁真人芭比 称未整容 -- 00:7:53 来源:
Meet Lolita Richi, the youngest 'Human Barbie' yet to emerge, who claims to be the most doll-like beauty yet. Lolita, , from Kiev, Ukraine, boasts the same improbable body proportions and blank facial features as a Barbie.  让我们隆重有请洛丽塔?瑞琪,迄今最年轻的“真人芭比”!她声称自己是最像娃娃的美女岁洛丽塔来自乌克兰基辅,她有着和芭比娃娃一样不可思议的身材比例和无表情的面部特征  Lolita maintains that her striking looks were achieved without plastic surgery, dieting or Photoshop. The outspoken high-school student, who is now temporarily living in Turkmenistan, says: 'I think I've achieved this image better than anyone else. I haven't even heard of Valeria Lukyanov. People have openly told me that they're jealous of me and how good I look. All of the boys at school fancy me as well but I don't like any of them. They are not to my taste.'  洛丽塔坚称自己的长相和身材绝不是通过手术或者节食得来的,照片也没有ps过这个坦率的高中女生现暂住 土库曼斯坦,她直言不讳地说:“我觉得我比任何人长得都美,我也没听说过瓦莱里娅?露可安诺娃(另一位乌克兰真人芭比)人们公开对我的长相表示嫉妒,学校里所有的男孩子都很喜欢我,但我没一个能看上的,他们不是我的菜”  Growing up, Lolita was a playful tomboy who showed no interest in her appearance. She says: 'I never thought about playing with dolls when I was younger. I was always outside playing with the boys. It was only a year ago that super-confident Lolita first adopted the doll look. She has since gained a devoted band of followers on Russian social network VK.  洛丽塔一直是个对外貌不太在乎的假小子她说:“我小时候从来不玩洋娃娃,反而是经常在外面和男孩子玩”只是一年之前,这位超自信的洛丽塔第一次尝试娃娃妆,自那时起她在俄罗斯社交网络VK上便有了一众的持者  Lolita explains: 'I started dressing up like this because I want to look perfect. I think that all women should be well-kept and immaculate. I wanted to be my own inspiration. If a girl doesn't have beautiful eyes then they should wear contact lenses to sort it out. If they have a crooked nose, then she must do something about it, whether that's plastic surgery or not.  洛丽塔解释说:“我打扮成这样是因为我想看上去是完美的我认为所有的女人都应该仔细打扮做到完美我想成为自己的精神柱如果一个女孩子没有漂亮的眼睛,她就应该戴美瞳;如果她鼻子歪,就应该去做整形手术或者采取点什么别的措施”  'I have a gorgeous figure so I don't even have to diet. I just eat whatever's available in the fridge whether that's sausages or fruit. I started wearing afdable contact lenses and make-up. My mother used to be an actress so I borrow her wigs. I feel comtable and confident in my appearance. There are many women who want to look like this.'  “我的身材很好所以不必解释冰箱里有什么我就吃什么,不管是香肠还是水果我会戴舒的隐形眼镜,也会化妆我妈妈曾经是个演员,所以我可以戴她的假发我对自己的外表很舒,也很自信很多女人都想长成芭比娃娃一样”  However Lolita confesses that she does receive a fair share of negative criticism online. She says: 'People make good and bad comments about me online. I've blocked a few users who have been particularly mean about my appearance. But I do get nice compliments too, I like when men admire my hands.'  然而,洛丽塔也承认在网络上她收到了一些负面的评价她说:“在网上,说我好说我坏的人都有不过我屏蔽了几个对我长相评价刻薄的人但是我也会收到一些正面的赞扬,我喜欢男人称赞我的手”  One person who is wholly supportive of her eccentric look is Lolita's mother, Anya Richi, 33. Anya is her photographer and captures all of the snaps that Lolita uploads online. She says:'My mum doesn't say anything about my appearance. She allows me to dress however I want. My mum's proud of how I look.'  对于洛丽塔反常打扮全力持的只有她的母亲,33岁的安雅?瑞琪安雅是洛丽塔的摄影师,她传到网上的照片都是安雅拍摄的她说:“妈妈对我的打扮不做评价,她允许我打扮成自己喜欢的样子,也同样以我为傲”  Lolita says there is no man out there at the moment who is a worthy candidate
her affections. 'I'm not attracted to any of the boys at school, although they all like me. They aren't good enough
me and they have an immature mentality. I want to be with a really manly man who is polite, sensible and who doesn't run away from problems. He also needs to have a full head of hair. I don't like bald men.'  洛丽塔说目前还没有男孩子吸引到她的注意“学校里那些男孩子都很喜欢我,但我对他们都不感兴趣他们太幼稚,还配不上我我想和一位有礼貌、感性、不逃避问题的真男人在一起,他也不能是秃顶,我不喜欢秃头的男人“  Lolita wants to become a psychologist after she finishes school but would love to achieve fame
her look. She says, 'I'm only 5ft in tall so I can't become a model untunately. But if I can become famous
my appearance in some other way, I will be extremely happy.'  完成学业后,洛丽塔想成为一名心理学家,但她也愿意因自己的长相而成名她说,“我只有公分高,所以很遗憾不能做一名模特不过如果有其他方法让我因为容貌而出名,那我会相当开心的”
监会门口“熊大、熊二”被搬家 -- :36:50 来源:
A statue of a cartoon bear has been removed from outside China’s securities regulator after complaints that it was making a middle-finger gesture at the building.北京金融街有两座“熊大”和“熊二”的雕塑,监会投诉说俩熊看起来像在对监会大楼竖中指,于是随后他们俩便被搬家了Statues of two characters from the popular Boonie Bears cartoon had been installed opposite the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) headquarters in Beijing, as part of an attraction marking Children’s Day, the People’s Daily newspaper reports. But it wasn’t long bee one bear’s paws caught the attention of passers-by, with two outstretched digits apparently aimed at the government building.据人民日报报道,安放在监会对面的这俩熊是庆祝儿童节的一个景点但是很快其中一只熊就引起了行人的注意,它的两根手指竖起,很明显地指着监会大楼Both statues were subsequently taken down and replaced with cartoon monkeys.很快这俩熊就被撤下来,换上了一只卡通猴子Zhu Lei, who was in charge of the Boonie Bear attraction, says the CSRC called to complain about the bear’s "impolite hand gesture". They said it was "as if it was putting its middle finger up at them", he tells Beijing Youth Daily. "But a bear only has four fingers, it would not give a middle finger."据主管这座“熊大熊二”雕塑的朱磊(音)透露,监会打电话来向他们投诉这只熊的“不礼貌手势”朱磊告诉《北京青年报,称监会的人说这只熊看起来“好像在对他们竖中指”“但是熊只有根手指,没有中指”The gesture may not have been the only issue though - the term "bear market" refers to falling share prices and widesp selling, and mid-June marks a year since China’s financial market turmoil began.这个手势也许不是唯一的原因,“熊市”表示股票价格下跌和大范围的股票抛售,而到今年6月中旬为止,中国股市的动荡已经持续一年了That fact has not been lost on Chinese social media users. "Who knew the CSRC’s leaders were superstitious," says one on the Beijing Youth Daily website. Many others find the bears’ expulsion amusing, with some cracking jokes at the traders’ expense. Another simply declares: "These rotten stock exchange people are too sensitive."但是中国社交媒体上的用户们却没有遗漏掉这一事实在《北京青年报的网站上,有人说:“谁知道监会的领导是不是迷信”许多人认为“熊大熊二被搬家”这件事很有趣,在股票交易者的费用上讲了一些笑话还有人则简单地指出:“这些烂股票交易所的人太敏感了”Mr Zhu says the Boonie Bears have now been consigned to a store room in order to avoid any further trouble.据朱磊表示,现在这俩熊的雕塑被放在了储藏室里,以免将来惹出什么其他事端
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