
题目是什么?你校成功地举办了一次摄影展览,现已结束.请根据海报内容用英语把这次影展写成一篇报道,并向21st century school edition 投稿海报为丰富学生的业余生活,我校学生会将于4月26日——28日举办一次学生摄影展览.参加对象:所有学生自愿参加作品要求:黑白、彩色均可;但必须是自己的作品作品主题:学校生活、自然风光、节日活动等展览地点:二层阅览室获奖作者将得到意外的奖品注意:1.报道必须包括海报所表示的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使其连贯完整;2.报道的标题已给出;3.词数:100左右A Photo Show
My school managed to hold a photo show.
The photo show was hold to make our day time colorful.It started at 26th Apral and lasted three days.Many of my schoolmates took part in this.In this show,we can see all kinds of photos.Some is black and white and others have all kinds of colors.This photo show suit every student to join.Because the photo showed the life of school,the view of nature or the activity of festival.We can feel how talentet out schoolmates are.In the reading room of the second floor,we can see the smile face,the writing hands and the beauty of a big tree…All of the photo was watched by the judge.They will take out the best photo.The photographer would get an award full of secret.
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Part V Writing (15 points)
Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic &My Ways of Saving Energy&. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:
1. 人类对自然资源的需求日益增大,
2. 可利用的资源越来越少,
3. 谈谈如何从自身做起节约能源。
Modern technology has enabled people to enjoy better life than before. Meanwhile, people have an increasing demand of energy to satisfy their daily needs, such as lighting and transportation, etc.
Natural resources are limited, and with the endless demand from human beings, the amount of the resources will decrease rapidly.
We need to cultivate energy-saving habits. On the one hand, we should turn off the computer monitor every time after we shut it down. The monitor, if left on, still consumes electricity even though the computer connected to it has been turned off. On the other hand, we should choose public transportation whenever it is appropriate. Travelling by subway and bus will save much more energy than driving a car. (120 words)
Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic &Attending Boarding School&. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:
2. 有些人认为孩子住在父母身边好;
3. 谈谈你的看法。
Nowadays it is quite common for parents to send their children to boarding schools, because students can learn to be independent and establish good interpersonal relation there.
By attending boarding school, students can learn to be independent. Unlike day school students, those of a boarding school need to organize their life and study independently. They can no longer rely on their parents for guidance and advice. Most of the time they need to do their own decision making. Moreover, attending boarding school is a good chance for students to truly socialize with their peers. They need friends to help settle their problems and share their happiness. They need to learn to accept people and to be accepted by people.
All in all, a boarding school is where students learn to be an independent and sociable person.
(136 words)
Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic &Family Education&. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:
1. 父母是孩子最好的老师;
2. 父母的言行影响孩子;
3. 谈谈你的看法。
Family education is even more important than formal school education, for parents spend the most time with their children and should have the best chance to educate their children.
On the one hand, parents can be the best teachers of their children. They are the ones who witness the growth of their children and who know their children best. With a good knowledge of the children's personality, strengths and weaknesses, parents can design a tailored plan for their children's development, which is quite impossible for school education. On the other hand, parents'behavior may have a deep impact on their children. It is not hard to find parents'attitude, personality and behavior in their children. A violent parent and stressful family atmosphere is quite likely to produce a violent child.
Therefore, family education is the most fundamental to a person's development. (141 words)
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