
收藏 查看&积极英语阅读教程本词条缺少概述,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!ISBN2出版社上海外语教育出版社装&&&&帧平装
正文语种: 简体中文, 英语
尺寸: 25 x 20 x 1.2 cm
重量: 522 g作者:(美国)安德森 改编:莫勤勤《积极英语阅读教程(最新版)(第4级)(学生用书)》是一套培养英语阅读理解能力、训练词汇技巧的系列教材,共分5个级别,包括预备级和1-4级,适合外国语学校、外语特色学校及重点中学使用。这套最新版教程和第一版相比,内容更精练,阅读能力的层次划分和培养目标更明确,词汇和阅读技巧的运用与学生实际学习需要的联系也更紧密。
本册为最新版,第四级,学生用书,包括了12个部分的内容。Unit 1 Looking for Work
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 2 Computer Culture
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 3 Travel Adventures
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 4 Haunted by the Past
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 5 A Good Read
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 6 A New Generation of Thinking
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 7 It's Dinner Time!
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 8 Beyond Planet Earth
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 9 Energy ofr Life
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 10 Language and Life
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 11 The Natural World
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
Unit 12 Music:Influence and Innovation
Reading Skill
Vocabulary Skill
Real Life Skill
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看初一英语阅读理解题二十篇及答案_百度作业帮
Mr Chen living next door to us has a habit(习惯) of drinking. The best present to him, of course, is wine(酒). Now his eldest son brought him a bottle of Mao Tai. He was glad and drank it up, then wrote “105” on the corner of the trademark(商标)with a pencil, meaning he had already drunk 105 bottles of the famous wine. Two days later, a stranger came and offered(打算) to pay 5 yuan for the empty Mao Tai bottle. Mr Chen was pleased and sold it. Several days later, his second son brought him another bottle of Mao Tai. While he was examining and enjoying it, he suddenly found “105” ——the very mark(记号)on it.6. The story is mainly about .A. two sons of Chen’s B. the best wineC. Mr Chen’s habit D. an empty bottle of Mao Tai7. The story sells us that the stranger was a man who .A. collected(收集)empty bottles B. produced famous wineC. was a maker of wine D. was a cheat8. Mr Chen sold his empty Mao Tai bottle because .A. he had already drunk the Mao Tai upB. he knew his second son would bring him anotherC. the price offered was high enoughD. he hoped the bottle could be used again9. When examining and enjoying the wine sent by his second son, Mr Chen found that .A. the wine was mixed with water B. the wine was niceC. the wine had exceeded(超过)the time limit(限制)D. his second son had been cheated(欺骗)10. According to the story, who should learn a lesson? .A. The stranger B. Mr Chen and his second sonC. Mr Chen’s eldest son D. No one6D. an empty bottle of Mao Tai 都是说关于茅台酒瓶子7.B. produced famous wine 8.B. he knew his second son would bring him another 9.我不确定10.A. The stranger The Farmer, His Horse, and His sonOnce there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself.He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died. Fatherand son walked, because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired.They met two men on the road who said, "Why are you walking, farmer? You havea horse, It's a long way to market(市场). "The farmer know that this was true,so he rode on the horse, while his son walked.Then they met two old women, "What are you doing up there, farmer? Can't yousee how tired boy is?" So the farmer got down, and his son rode instead.\$Next, three old men stopped them, one said, "Why are you walking, farmer?Get up, It's too hot for an old man like you to walk today," So the farmer gotup behind his son, and they rode on.Some time later, a young woman passed them, "Why aren't you walking?" sheasked, "It isn't far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest."So the farmer, and his son, got down once again. It is a fact that you cannotplease all the people all the time.1. The farmer wanted to sell the horse ____.A. before it was deadB. before it become too tiredC. before it market was overD. before it was as old as he was#A2. The two men on the road ____.A. asked how far it was to the marketB. said they thought the horse looked very tiredC. asked why the farmer was not riding on his horseD. told the farmer's son to get off the horse and walk#C3. The two old women said it was wrong for ____.A. the farmer to ride such a tired horseB. the farmer to ride while his young son walkedC. the boy to ride instead of his fatherD. only one person to ride such a long way#D4. The farmer got up behind his son because ____.A. the old man said it was too hot for him to walkB. the three old men stopped them on the roadC. he did not know why he was walkingD. his son could not ride the horse by himself#A 回答者: 北欧神话~ - 见习魔法师 三级
19:37检举Yuanxiao 吃元宵,话元宵
The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival. The first lunar month is called Yuan-month in China, and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. Meanwhile, the 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuanxiao Festival in China. According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere.
Besides entertainment and beautiful lanterns, another important part of the Lantern Festival, is eating small dumpling (面团) balls made of glutinous rice flour (糯米粉) . We call these balls Yuanxiao of Tangyuan. Obviously, they get the name from the festival itself. It is said that the custom of eating Yuanxiao originated during the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the fourth century, then became popular during the Tang and Song periods.
The fillings inside the dumplings or Yuanxiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, walnuts (胡桃), sesame (芝麻), osmanthus flowers (桂花), rose petals, sweetened tangerine peel (甜橙皮), bean paste (豆沙), or jujube paste (枣泥) . A single ingredient (成分) or any combination can be used as the filling. The salty variety is filled with minced (切碎的) meat, vegetables or a mixture.
The way to make Yuanxiao also varies between northern and southern China. The usual method followed in southern provinces is to shape the dough (生面团) of rice flour into balls, make a hole, insert the filling, then close the hole and smooth out the dumpling by rolling it between your hands. In North China, sweet or non-meat stuffing is the usual ingredient. The fillings are pressed into hardened cores, dipped lightly in water and rolled in a flat basket containing dry glutinous rice flour. A layer (层) of the flour sticks to the filling, which is then again dipped in water and rolled a second time in the rice flour. And so it goes, like rolling a snowball, until the dumpling is the desired size.
The custom of eating Yuanxiao dumplings remains. This tradition encourages both old and new stores to promote their Yuanxiao products. They all try their best to improve the taste and quality of the dumplings to attract more customers 回答者: 我发二代 - 试用期 一级
15:32检举七年级上学期内容的哦:I am a girl.My English name is Linda.I am eleven years old.I have eight subjects at school.They are Chinese,math,English,P.E.,music,art,science and history.My favorite subject is Chinese.I think it is interesting.I also like English.But it's a little difficult for me.I can speak only a little English.History is interesting ,too.I like it.Math is difficult.Mr Wang is our math teacher.He is very strict.I'm usually tired after his class.But I work hard.I think I can study it well.⒈Linda is ______.(A)A.11
C.13⒉Linda has ______subjects at school.(C)A.six
C.eight⒊Linda's favorite subject is ______.(A)A.Chinese
C.math⒋Linda thinks English is ______.(C)A.difficult
C.a little difficult⒌______ is NOT true.(B)A.Linda can speak a little English.B.Mr Wang is Linda's history teacher.C.Linda thinks she can study math well.
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