you my best friendD AND ME

My best friend作文100字_小学生作文200字歡迎光临,希望您在本站找到满意的作文!热點话题: |
| >>My best friend作文100字_小学生作文200字My best friendMy best friend is Linlie.We were classmates and good friend in two years.In two years,we went to school and had breakfast in the school.In the classroom,he sat down in front of me.When I had not pencils,he gave a pencil to me.After school,we went home together.We were happy in the past.
But today,we are in the different schools and we are not always play games.But,I don not forget him in my life.I am very lonely.Because I don't have any friends.I wish you can be my best friend.Do you want to be my friend?I am not tallI am not fat.I am not strongDo you want to be my best friend:I have a best friend,she has long,straight hair and big,black eyes.We are in the same class-class two grade six!She likes to play the guitar.And I like to play ...I am student.I'm 12 year old.I'm a gril.My first name is Shimingyue.My last name is Zhang.My English name is Anges.My telephone number is3336041.My QQ number is .I'm a...My best friendHello,verybody.My name is Kelly.My best friend is Jenny.She is very nice.She has got long hair.Small eyes and small mouth.Her favouritefood is chocolate.Her ...My best friendMy best friend is Cathy.She is very clever!She is good girl.She likes music,but she favourite superstar is Jolin.She likes book and run.Cathy have two big eyes....My friendMy friend is Zhan Shihuan.His hair is straight and biack.He is taller then me.He is strong.He sings best in our class.Mystudies best then he.He is monitor.He like ...I do my homework.Sometimes I goshopping with my parents.On Sunday nights,I go to the gym or go playgroud.Better is my best friend.Her hair is long and black curly.She is short ...Maria is my best friend.She is 13 years old.She can speak Chinese and a little English.Maria's favorite movie star is Jackie Chan.She likes the musician grounp S.H.E best.Her ...My best friendI have lots of friends.But my best friend is ZhaoHe.She is a happy girl,Her face is very black,and her eyes are small,she is fat but very beautiful.She can listen...My best friend is Linlie.We were classmates and good friend in two years.In two years,we went to school and had breakfast in the school.In the classroom,he sat down in front of...Hello,everyone.I have a lot of good friends.LeYan is my best frend.She's a kind girl.She studies very hard....I'm really admire her.This is my best friend-LeYan.What about yours?Hello,everyone.I have a lot of good friends.LeYan is my best frend.She's a kind girl.She studies very hard....I'm really admire her.This is my best friend-LeYan.What about yours?I have a best friend.She is a girl.She is one year younger than me.But she is 4 cm taller than me.We are thin,but she is one kg heavier than me.She have a short hair.She hair ...My best friend is Wu Xiayan.Her favorite colour is pink.She has got a nice face.And she has got two small eye.She has got a very small nose.She has got two big ears.Tell you a ...I have many friends,but my best friend is Li Xin.She is two years younger than me.She is a good child at home.She always helps her parents do housework.At school,she is a good ...I have a best friend.She has long black hair and big eyes.She has small ears and white teeth.She is cute and active.She is tall.She speaks English well.Her favorite drink is ...Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and we're in the same grade.My best friend is a good student because ...I have a good friend.She is 开开乐.She writes good ...She is my best friend on the computer now.She is good at writing.I wish that I can be as best as her!I wish she likes me,too!I have many friends,but she is my best friend.She is cute and clever.She has big eyes,but them with glasses.She has long eyelash.Her nose is big,it is ugly,and her mouth is ...sometimes without your having to tell them there’s anything wrong.Best friend listen to you when you really need to talk about your problems.Best friend like to stay with you ...《My best friend》后几篇作文相关作文专题推荐今日作文阅讀榜网友推荐的作文作文推荐榜对这篇作文不滿意?请尝试:评论内容:不能超过250字,需审核,请自觉遵守互联网相关政策法规。


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