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2、仿真模考演练 3、热门话题
do you want to learn in
is your dream?
do you want to do after
graduation from University?
is you hobby?
is the person that helps
do you admire most?
can you do to satisfy
your parents?
do you get along well
with your roommates?
to make the city more
do you like shopping on-line?
do you like smoking in
is your opinion about loud
talk on a bus?
major will you choose for
your university life?
you like tour? Why?
you want to be a
volunteer teaching the children
in remote areas?
do you choose English as
your major?
you cook? What is your
best dish?
do you improve your oral
do you parent want you to
do for them?
you want to work in Xi'an
after graduation? Why?
you do housework at home?
What do you usually do?
What do you get from it?
kind of job do you want
can you save water at
to reduce air
do you want to say to
your teachers when you leave
your high school?
do you face it if you
fail to enter a key
what difficulty you may meet
in university life?
you have to go to another
city for study, what will
worry you most?
you want to have a bother
or sister? Why?
you a teacher, what would
you teach to your students?
parents set limits in internet
access for their teenage
is dangerous if a child
has unlimited freedom to use
are too weak to resist
the great tempt. arious
online games will cost their
almost all-day time.
many kinds of online movies
may teach them y
content such as violence.
long-time exposure to computer
will do great harm to
addicted to Internet will
neglect his study completely.
the word limit
be denied that internet is
a very useful tool for
learning. n
this information age, computer
and internet is essential.
access to internet will
contribute to teenagers keeping
pace with this world.
a fine entertainment for
students who have study longtime
and get tired. o,
parents should set limits on
but not forbid access for
their teenager children.
smoking be prohibited completely
a quite complex question.
in my opinion,
smoking shouldt
be completely prohibited in all
countries. et
me explain my views.
all know clearly that smoking
is very harmful to the
health. ongtime
smoking can lead to lung
cancer and other serious health
problem. lso,
smoking in
is awful. eople
around the smoker, especially
the children, also suffer from
the damage to their health.
spite of all these bad
effects mentioned above, however,
think smoking is indeed needed
in our society. or
example, when people get tired
or anxious, a cigarette can
help to release their body
as well as spirit.
cigarette is a essential.
imagine what peoples
life will become if smoking
is completely prohibited.
may be many benefits for
individuals, but
will suffer a lot.
smoking should not be
prohibited. t
is individuals
make smoking a useful
or disagree: There is nothing
that young people could teach
old people.
young people should never teach
old people. ld
people know much more than
young because they have
undergone many things in their
lead us to the right way.
regarded impolite for young to
teach old. ut
that does not mean young
people really have nothing to
teach old people, especially in
this high-developed times.
people usually learn things fast
and learn more. hey
always have a smart head
for new things. ,
can teach the olds how to
use computer and cellphone, how
to dance and so
old people can learn
passion and energetic for life.
will be a good
pets be allowed in university
my opinion, by no means
should pets be allowed in
dormitories. o
be honest, ve
been thinking in my mind
to have a pet in my
dorm. ovely
pets will bring much joy
to our daily life.
do that. hy?
is something selfish and
a place where several people
live together. o
a certain degree, it is a
public place. e
just comply with our own
desire while ignore other
a pet in dorm can be
troublesome or even annoying.
may make the room dirty
and even in a mess.
worse, some people are allergic
to certain animals. lso,
be guaranteed. ome
people may say that we
could choose a mild and
little pet such as fishes.
this case, if your roommates
it is acceptable.
or disagree: Museums should be
made free.
my eyes, museums of
be made free. e
as a part of culture,
museums restore many culture
relics. hese
are typical symbols for a
certain times. s
a citizen of our country,
natural to learn our past
history. ecent
years, more and more museums
are open free to the
agree more with it.
museum will greatly motivate all
kinds of people to approach.
more, in this fast developing
age, museums have many new
and advanced invents inside.
will be a wonderful place
for people who want to
learn more. arents
can often take their children
to museums to learn about
history and some technical
government should try to make
more museums free for
or disagree: Zoos should be
lots of people
realize that zoos are not
a good place for animals.
need zoos because it is
an easy way to close the
animals and also because
convenient for people to observe
them. owever,
zoos are in fact a cruel
place for animals. nimals
should live in their natural
habitat. n
natural instinct is to run
and to hunt. ut
not for animals kept in
zoos. veryday,
people feed them. heyve
never been taught how to
hunt for food and will
gradually lose their natures.
will be quite cruel for a
animal, especially for wild
animals such as tigers and
can often find in zoos
that a tiger kept in cage
has a loose expression in
set animals in zoos and
therefore feel that they
meet danger and may
them from dying out.
may be just a excuse we
find for ourselves to make
animals in cages just as
entertainment. e
always say animals are our
friends, then why we put
our friends in cages?
or disagree: Advertising aiming
at children should be
fair to advertize to children
even children are always said
to be unable to distinguish
between reality and fiction,
between entertainment and advertising.
consequence of advertising is
that children are being
persuaded to demand things that
need and to adopt consumerist
values and attitudes in their
formative years. owever,
up to the parents to
determine what should and
be bought for their children.
need to know how to see
these ads and realize how
a certain product would affect
them and thus balance out
the pros and cons and see
in their best .
my opinion, the parents as
well as the world need to
stop babying children and let
them learn lessons for life,
because certain things
be restricted well. emptation
is always at
have to learn to resist
and make responsible
or disagree: Junk food should
many people are
eat in KFC or
fried chips and so on are
sold out. espite
the good sale, it t
these are junk food.
as the word junk,
bring great harm to our
healthy. o,
there comes a appeal that
junk food should be taxed.
think it is enforceable because
sale of junk food to a
certain degree. irstly,
the tax can force the
and then there will be
less junk food on market.
we all know that junk
food has very high profits.
trader many take extreme trick
to cut down their cost
and gain more profit.
or disagree: Universities should
abolish the practice of cutting
off the electricity at dormitory
with it. s
a student,
say, university
off electricity at dormitory at
cut off electricity is to
ensure our rest for some
students will stay up very
late if there is nothing
to limit them. owever,
these students are minority.
students have regular timetable.
more, we are now already
in university,
treated like high school
students any longer. Especially
in summer hot days, no
electricity at night would be
a nightmare to all students.
fall asleep without
just imagine that. niversities
should think more for their
students and trust their
say music training in college
is unnecessary, while others do
not believe so. hat
is your opinion on this
say, music training in college
is necessary, especially for
non-art students. o
be honest, nowadays
students are also under much
pressure. e
have to attend many complex
courses everyday. any
students get tired and gloomy.
if there is a music
course, it will greatly release
our bad mood. nd
we will have a nice mood
continue our study. esides,
commonly believed that music
training can cultivate
character. t
will make people more calm
and wise as well as
many parents send their children
to attend music course at
a very young age.
parents hope their children will
have a elegant and smart
students in university
have adequate music training at
their former school.
university can open related
music course, it will be
of great use for
people like to do
what they already do well.
people prefer to . hich
do you prefer?
to try new things and
take risks. or
a kind of .
it will lead to a
but just as
character cannot be developed in
ease and quiet. nly
through experience of trial and
suffering can the ened,
ambition inspired, and
if we only do what we
already d well, we can
rarely touch new things, gain
new knowledge, and we never
change. owever,
if we try new thing, we
may come to something
never face before. hen,
we will try our best to
solve it, to achieve it.
the course, our ability is
improved even though we fail
at last. fter
things, we will eventually find
learnt many and become more
will find it
measure situation and make right
decision. lso,
our simple life is becoming
meaningful and interesting.
say military training at
is necessary while other
disagree. hats
your point of view on
this subject? hy?
military training at
necessary. owadays,
many undergraduates are lacking
in self-control and .
military training is quite
this case. e
know that military training is
very strict. uring
the training, we learn to
obey the disciplines and keep
we can have our body
change our lazy image.
be very hard, we will
gradually find that our steps
more, military training can also
cultivate our .
experience of hard training will
remind us of
hardship. e
are aware of
and responsibility. o,
military training is an
effective way to make people
know more about our motherland
and love her.
qualities do you think a
friend should have to continue
the friendship? se
specific reasons to support your
the most important quality to
continue the friendship is
friendship must be
to continue a friendship is
not a easy thing.
of each other have to pay
we need to be frank and
honest to each other.
if when we did so can
us like the same and thus
build belief between friends.
of lies and deceit
be called friendship.
we need to be considerable
and do not be
should think more for our
friends and encourage them on
certain occasion.
friend can be very troublesome
and annoying. o
one would tolerate him for
a long time. inally,
we should learn to compromise
sometimes. e
live in harmony forever with
our friends. hen
there expose a disagreement, we
should compromise to each other.
by this way can a
friendship last long.
people say college degree begins
to lose shining while others
do not think so.
your point of view on
this subject? hy?
question. n
the whole,
college degree do begin to
lose shining but we should
never think it
there are more and more
universities or college degrees.
can say that graduates in
society are overflowing.
be ignored that more and
more graduates with high degree
are in fact idiots.
more on the personal ability
rather than college degree when
they recruit employees.
that does not mean college
certification becomes a wastepaper.
still a essential for you
looking a good job.
that a person without any
qualification, will a recruiting
company give him a chance?
will rarely happen, at least
in our country. hen,
if you never have a
chance, how can you display
and prove your ability, if
you indeed have? o,
do not think the college
degree is useless. ,
chances are not for every
common people. nly
if we own it can we
get the chance to enter a
good company and thus make
a difference.
say growing up in rich
family promotes childrens
personality and character.
think otherwise. hats
your opinion? hy?
quite a question argued by
people all the time.
personality has little relation
to his family economic level.
commonly said that a child
in rich family will has
more chances and better choice
for his study. owever,
if the kid himself
aware of this, that is
all in vain. ts
not unusual that many children
from rich family are quite
rude and conceited although they
are always receive the best
education. hen,
how about the poor
children? here
is another saying that adversity
cultivates heroes. o
be honest,
with it too. oor
children should learn harder and
catch every chance to
the reality is often not
like that. ubjectively
speaking, poor children are easy
to feel inferior and thus
study well. ven
if they study well, they
hardly do well in practicing
poor children can hardly receive
good and plentiful education
because of the economic limit.
will cause deficiency in some
literal or
such as music or dance.
personality have little relation
to their family situation.
universities, students should take
no matter what field they
you agree?
with it even though
know history is important.
a student major in electricity.
be honest,
in university taking
matter what field they study.
many people would say, history
is something left by our
so we shouldnt
forget it. es,
with that. istory
need to be remembered.
in fact, we have been
enough for people like me
whose major has little relation
to history.
take history exam last year.
me, it was really a
so much time on it and
chosen engineering,
understand why we need and
have to learn
time spent on history learning
should be used for our
major courses.
or not agree: the next
twenty years from now on,
students will not use printed
books any more.
think so. printed books
be abandoned in such a
short time.
that new technology is
developing fast. any
advanced electronic products are
gradually take the place of
traditional tools. ust
like in university, teachers
like to use multimedia in
class for it is quite
convenient and efficient.
for our student, it is
not realistic to study
completely by electronic products.
are many things need to
recorded on books. ooks
are something meaningful and
say, in our country, printed
books wouldnt
be abandoned within 20 years
at least for two reasons.
books are classical
to advance.
without books could be someway
our country
so strong to make every
student study by computer or
other forms of electronic tools.
even after 20 years, the
possibility is also very small.
think it is unnecessary
are cheap but useful and
still meaningful.
or not agree: working together
is better than working
work together is better than
work alone. here
are many benefits of working
together. irstly
and obviously, working together
can collect many useful and
excellent ideas especially when
we are thinking some complicated
problems. ,
each person has his own
way of thinking. fter
getting all ideas together, you
will often find that things
become much easier. econdly,
working together can avoid
mistakes to a great extent.
may make wrong judge when
their mood is not stable.
this case, teamwork will do
great favor. our
remind you of your mistake
and turn the result to a
good one. hirdly,
when we work together, we
need be patient and not
self-centered. ou
need to listen to
and learn to get well
along with people around
you think nowadays the young
life is in fact easier
and more comfortable than their
elder generations?
think so. ife
contains two aspects.
is material life, and the
other is spiritual life.
we usually emphasize on the
later one. e
have to admit that the
material world. e
no longer need to fight
with hard environment and worry
about food all day long
like the elder generation.
of us eat well, wear well
and live well. owever,
there are something important
lost. eople
are all under great
even if you are a child.
are told to study hard
and hard, to work hard
and hard. f
we will be
the world. hen
we have to worry about
the fast develop of world,
we have to run all the
all their time on earning
money, on achieving goals.
have no time to accompany
parents, to care for children,
and let alone to
nerve is in tension all
say, the young
too much. rom
this point,
think the young
life is easier than their
elder generations.
you think package tour is
a good way of
my opinion, package tour is
good in some case, while
that is not absolute.
me explain my views.
you travel not very often,
the package tour is a
better choice because the tour
guide can give you many
useful helps. irstly,
the guide is quite familiar
with the tour city.
if you travel abroad, the
guide can be your interpreter.
be lost or even be
cheated. lso,
the tour guide knows much
about the sight spot.
introduction is very useful and
will always lead to the
most beautiful or meaningful
places. esides,
if you dont
have a car, the package
tour is quite convenient.
have to worry about that
go back in time on
festival, when there are too
many visitors.
if you often go for a
travel, the package tour can
be quite boring for you
have to follow the fixed
timetable and .
this case,
should choose traveling by
yourself. ou
can travel however you like
and stay there as long as
you wish. hats
more, you can save the
extra expense paid to travel
to be popular?
is no exact answer for
this question. n
my mind, in order to be
popular, we need to have
these characters which will be
mentioned next. irstly,
we need to be a person
of unique character.
a very important factor to
be popular.
of pleasant temper is always
attractive. ther
people are willing to approach
or make contact with him.
we need to be optimistic.
with optimistic people, we are
easier to forget various
trifles. magine
that you have to face a
friend who are all-day in
low spirit, how could you
be cheered? ost
people wouldnt
like to stay with ones
with bad mood. ast
but not least, we should
think more for others.
people are always lonely.
we think only for ourselves,
the people around us, even
our relatives or close friends,
will eventually leave us.
alone to love us.
these characters, whether you
are active or quite, extroverted
or introverted, youre
sure to become a popular
how to say no.
been taught from a young
age that we should help
people. ts
the right thing to do and
will make us popular.
may even win us favors in
return. However, we must be
realistic. e
say yes to every request.
we did, we could feel
tired or go crazy for
simply dont
have time to help others.
this case, we must know
how to say no
we need to say no, there
is one method we can try.
we should tell the truth
if we really cant
do something. e
should say no directly.
we should refuse the request
politely. inally,
have to feel guilty about
saying no. sometimes refusing
others is the right thing.
can help us to get rid
of troubles. fter
all, we cant
please every one all the
time and saying no is a
part of life.
western festivals are increasingly
welcome in china. o
you think it is good or
people in china are increasingly
interested in celebrating western
festivals. ome
critics are arguing that people
are losing their traditional
values and respect historical
not completely agree with it.
my eyes, the celebrating of
western festivals has more
advantages than disadvantages.
are appreciated by almost
it is a bad thing
life has more festivals.
celebrating foreign festivals can
benefit to
communication between different
countries. eople
can feel other culture
atmosphere and enjoy a lot
in these festivals. hats
lose respect to our own
festivals. e
regard our traditional festivals
such as Spring Festival
as important as usual.
my opinion, the prevalence of
western festivals is just a
way to make our life more
colorful and joyful.
you talk about the reasons
why there are so many
Income No Kids) families
continually appearing in our
there are more and more
DINK families continually appearing
in our society. he
reason is complicated.
it has something to do
with society and
concept. wing
to the fast develop of
commodity price is rising all
the time. hile
all people want to lead a
comfortable life, so they have
to work hard for money.
young couples can not have
a child rashly. fter
all, raising a child is
big project. hey
have to consider
have the economic ability as
well as enough time to
raise a child. ven
if they do have the
ability, some couples still
like to have a child.
think having a child will
cause a lot of inconvenience
for them. ne
of them have to stay at
home to take care of the
newborn bay and this may
make them lose a job.
women dont
want to have a baby
simply because they are
their figure will go bad.
a word, they
to lose their leisure


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