
XiaYu,11:00, March
4th   I like Art. I enjoy listening to music and playing the guitar, I play the guitar well. I also like sports very much.
I'm good at playing basketball. Sometimes I play basketball with my classmates at
weekends. But there's no basketball field near my home. And my homework is so heavy
that I have less time to play.
I hope our school will start a basketball club. Then I can play basketball with my friends every day, I'm sure I'll play basketball better than the other students.I also hope there will be less homework on weekends. Then I can have more time to do what I'm interested in.原创,望采纳!
(1)Hello everyone. My name is .... I am a student of Grade nine . I am an outgoing , lovely girl and I am so welcomed by my friends and my classmates.I have a best friend, xiao hai. She is very interesting and lovely too. She often tells funny stories and always make me laugh. We often play together. I like action movies. I think they are exciting and interesting. I often go to the movies with my friends on weekends. I can aslo play the violin and have won many prizes in the competitions. I take violin lessons twice a week. It is a little hard for me but I am very happy , because I have a dream. I want to be a great violinist one day.
(2)A person's expertise to play, can not rely on other people's findings, but to rely on their own efforts to the performance. Cultivation of a specialty, not by oath Dandan, boarding the mountain to find, but by a down to earth, bit by bit to start.I like to play badminton, my hobby is my specialty.Very young, I would like to watch other people playing badminton. Whenever someone to play badminton, I will relish in the side, sometimes to think for himself.A physical education class, the teacher let each student have to say to their own preferences and strengths, other students, some said to sing, some dance, put it to full flight! And I, nothing will! Finally my turn. My face is red like fire, and generally hot, the heart beats. I am slowly coming out of a chaotic mind .. &The teacher, she would play badminton!& I do not know who shouted. The teacher will be gently asked me know, I would not hesitate to. Later, the teacher told me that my game was good, she also encouraged me to play more, and more practice, my confidence is even greater. The first time I feel, playing badminton actually is my specialty! I finally had the bright spot.I love playing badminton, I decided never to leave this specialty. I am determined to &her& crazy.Whenever there is a physical education activity classes, he called on my partner to play badminton together.Whenever a sports meeting or competition, I will first volunteered to enroll.Whenever a holiday, I will pull my parents or family members to go on happily marked meal.Understand their strengths, and I am very proud, very happy.Such as green leaves attached to trees, such as the sun fondly of the lake, I love sports, especially love to play badminton. Playing badminton is the paradise of my life. Human complement
09:42 my specialtyI love to learn English, and either will show where the two statements, I also always due to careless and often aspire to the next must make one out.Day at noon, the weather is very hot, very tired, I came to the school. Soon a teacher came in holding a stack of English examination paper, toot a lot, I did not listen carefully, then, the English examination paper hair down about 20 minutes, my second big issue is over, they looked up and take a look at other students' examination paper, I thought: they drank a northwest wind of what the road today. even fourth big issue finished. legitimate this teacher came in and said: &probably do almost five minutes later assignment. This is very tired, I immediately spirit and Shuashua Shua written class winding, I finished the thought: is indeed to do so quickly, the question is really simple, however, when the English papers I got hair down, my heart all of a sudden drop from peak to trough, my English score was too 80 extra points and not what I expected ninety multisection. I thought I was dazzled, I would certainly pulled himself together, rubbed his eyes, repeatedly looked at many times, yes, that makes me guilty sweat scores .This time, I have learned a lesson: To cherish treat each test question, we must make a habit of, in my mind set a firm determination in the learning of English in the future, I have set for ourselves a more distant goal: to study at Beijing Foreign Studies University. Although this is a dream, through hard work, I believe I can do it.I love to learn English, which is my specialty
This year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear. I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed much interest in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countrysideThis year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear. I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed much interest in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countryside.
不知道下面这个日记是否符合初中水平,看一下吧, I’m so excited today. Because today is the day that Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony is held in the National Stadium( Bird's Nest). It is an international event and the whole world is watching. Of course, include me. I watched a wonderful performance from TV this night. It’s fantastic. When the Olympic torch was lit up by Li Ning, I think all of Chinese people cheered and applauded. At that royal moment, I’m so pound of myself, as a Chinese people. I love
my country and I believe it will be stronger and stronger.
I hope the Olympics success and pray our country will win more gold
培养学生具有较强的英语写作能力是英语课教学的重要任务之一。而写作目前仍然是英语教学中的薄弱环节,所以,在教学中不断地总结经验,分析学生英语写作中常犯的错误,及时改进教学方法,以便于提高英语写作课教学质量是英语写作课教学的重要任务。 一、初中生英语写作普遍存在的问题 我校同学大部分来自农村,这些同学基本上没有接受过正规系统的写作训练。英语语言的基础也比较差,主要表现在以下几个方面: 1、词汇少,短语运用能力差。 一般来讲,学生比较注重学习语言点,对语言的信息注意不够,所以很多的词汇,特别是谓语动词,他们知道什么意思却很难把它们正确地用在句子中,有些不及物动词需要搭配介词一起使用,很多学生却只用了单独的动词,所以写出的句子往往是错误百出,有的甚至于整个句子不知要表达什麽意思。 2、句式变化单一。 文章的内容固然重要,但是形式也不容忽视。然而很多同学作文中的句子都是同一句式、长短相近,所用句型也多是些there be的句子,而且全都是主语、谓语、宾语、状语的单一顺序,缺少变化,读起来乏味、枯燥,平时学到的很多语法、句法如分词、强调句型、等等在多项选择题中很顺手的东西这时却派不上用场,仿佛它们只是用来对付选择题的。 3、段落、文章的逻辑性差。 传统的英语教学把语言知识放在首位,忽视了文章的篇章结构和段落发展,因此学生写出来的东西往往是信息感不强,逻辑性差,文章整体内容缺乏一致性,连贯性,内容按排上也无主次之分,所以读完之后有时甚至全然不知所云。 4、中英文句式差异分辨不清。 英语句子中的状语可以由很多成份来充当而且位置也很灵活。另外,定语和修饰语、插入语的使用等等都与汉语有很大的差别,而很多同学都是按汉语的习惯来组织句子的,这样就显得语言很不地道。 5、写作训练少。 由于受课时的限制或者是教学内容过多,教师一般都是以阅读为主,留给写作的时间甚至没有。多数教师只是简单提一下,把文章布置给同学课下去完成,而每位教师的教学任务都很大,要逐一地去批改每一份几乎是不可能的,时间一长,教师不阅,学生也就不写了。 目前,随着社会对学生英语综合素质的不断提高,英语写作显得越来越重要。因此,加强英语写作教学,改进教学方法迫在眉睫。 二、提高英语写作教学的途径和方法 1、从宏观上指导英语作文结构 在进行作文指导中,我采取了与常规教学相反的方法,英语作文教学一般先从字、词、句着手,而我首先重点强调的是文章结构。假如我们把写作比作建造一座大厦的话,那么词汇和语法就是建筑中的砖瓦,文章的结构是大厦的框架。框架有了,填砖瓦就容易了。初中阶段往往一篇文章就是一个段落。根据英语作文的思维方式,段落写作是有章可循的。英语典型段落写作的结构图式为:主题句、辅助句和结尾句。在分析段落式的文章结构之后,再讲授主题句和扩展句之间常见的逻辑关系的三种类型: 从概括到具体;从命题到原因;从命题到例证。这样一来,就帮助学生掌握了英语典型段落写作的方法,通过一定时间的训练,这一结构便可成为学生的己有图式,在需要的时候可以随时被激活。对文章结构的训练,可以采用大量的看题目写主题句、或写结尾句的方法进行尝试,同时调动学生的积极性,让他们展示自己写的句子,共同讨论是否符合主题。 2、对文章进行有效的审题指导 审题还需要通过题目所给的文字信息和图片信息确定写作的题材包括事情和时态、人称和代词。 首先,正确使用时态。这一部分是学生的弱点,他们往往会想用什么时态就用什么时态,这使得文章非常的费解。其一,通过看题目来确定总体时态。有的文章通过题目就能一眼确定时态,这样的文章比较好写。如题为“我的梦想‘My dream’”的文章,应该用一般将来时;题为“Last summer holiday”或“My tenth birthday”的文章,就应该采用一般过去时来写。其二,通过欣赏一定量的范文寻找规律。不是所有的文章从头到尾都用一种时态,可能不同部分所用的时态不一样;不同的角度,时态也不同。 合理应用时态训练的主要步骤:步骤一:进行文章结构分析,一起寻找主题句、辅助句和总结句,再找出每个不同的观点所引申出的次主题句和辅助句。步骤二:确定每一部分所用的时态,了解为什么要那样使用。步骤三:重新出题进行仿写。在这一过程中,学生通过佳作欣赏、分析和仿写,使写作能力得到训练,从总体到细节把握写作技巧。 其次,正确使用人称代词、指示代词和不定代词的训练。代词主要用来替代前文出现的人名或名词,避免重复,简化文章。在使用代词时,一定要确保代词指代的准确无误,清晰明了。在这方面,主要采取“啄木鸟”行动的形式进行,给与的习作一般都是基础比较好的学生作品。一般学生更喜欢找不足,尤其是比他们好的学生的不足。这样不仅模仿了好同学的好词好句,同时也树立了信心,效果往往更好。 3、从词汇教学入手,抓好语言基本功。 作文的每个部分是相辅相成的,词、句、段和通篇文章的形成应该是水到渠成的。写作基本功的训练始终贯穿于每节写作课,基本从三个方面进行:连词成句,连句成段,修改润色。步骤一:连词成句。用连词成句的方法,将“蜘蛛图”中细节要点的词语或词组扩展成句子。步骤二:连句成段。通过使用过渡性的词或词语,将以上各个独立的句子有机的连成小段落。过渡性的词或词语是构成连贯语篇的必要条件。只有恰当运用好衔接手段,才能使所写的英语作文清晰、流畅。这部分训练主要引导学生使用过渡性的词或词语写出清晰、流畅的英语作文。步骤三:修改润色。将结构简单重复的句子,用不同的结构表达出来,使句式多样,文章丰富多彩。 4、加强阅读训练,注重文章整体结构。 阅读是我们教学的首要任务。读的多了,不但可以提高同学们的阅读技能,提高阅读速度,也可以使他们从中学习到英语文章的整体结构是如何组织的。阅读和写作是相辅相成的,阅读中正确地引导学生进行语篇分析,找出主题句,分析扩展句(supporting details),总结段落大意,把握作者的谋篇布局思路,总结概括文章大意都有助于培养学生的写作能力。 5、积累好词好句 针对这个问题,除了背单词、默课文之外,要求学生日常积累好词好句。教师在授课中做个有心人,有意识的将课内、阅读理解中、以及写作中出现的好词好句隆重推荐给学生,并在下一节课进行背诵或默写加以巩固。
出门在外也不愁求一篇英语作文 初三水平_百度知道
求一篇英语作文 初三水平
  At weekends,它一点都不简单。我不擅长这方面。我的音乐很好,my name is Tom,  我有一个好朋友,Yes,He is a boy, I am in Class Three, I am good at Music,I like it a lot! Who am I,when reading,而且我们可以用它和外国人讲话。但是我不喜欢数学,他打得非,and, rabbit and bird,and we went to Wangfujing though there are lots of people ,我在第2中学读书。(学校是瞎编的)我最喜欢的科目是英语。因为我觉得它很容易, My goodfriend  I have a goodfriend,From then on,s not easy at all,we become goodfriends,But I don&#39,我们还去了王府井。虽然那里有很多人, I am a pupil, Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it,他歌唱得很好听。他教我英语然后我教他中文。  我们永远都是好朋友。  我自己 Myself  Hi! I am a happy and cute boy,we often get together to play basketball,他有一个非,I have a around face,  SO,he plays it very well, I study in No, I am from China,it seems like I am a visitor who followed the wirter to view his own world,a dining room,I love there ,但是许多人还是在那里购物。我在那里买了一双很漂亮的鞋子……我爱北京,  I am not good at it,he sings well,in order to make it come true,too,He teaches me English and I teach him Chinese,  There is three room in it,I should study hard from now on,I bought a pair of beautiful shoes in there, book is my good friend,2 Middle school,  We are goodfriends forever,  My favourite subject  My name is XXX,they are round and cute,锰拿帧薏亍K醋杂⒏窭,我喜欢那里。颐和园的景色非常美, banana ,most people buy things in there,他有一对大眼睛,  Do you like me,I like music very much, big eyes ,I am tall , chicken and so on,the air is fresh and the bird is flying in the sky,In there and the things are too expensive ,它们很圆很可爱。他和他的父母一起来中国。我们从去年开始认识。从那时候起,the peacock ,我们成为好朋友了。  在周末,我们经常一起打篮球,Because I like reading very much,那里很美,,I love Beijing ,而且,s a lot of mountain around it and a small lake beside it,We know each other since last year,I went to Beijing ,Gread Four,I have many good friends,他是一个男孩,big and bright,而且东西都很贵,我去了北京,panda, too,they are lovely,  我最喜欢的学科  我叫XXX,There is so beautiful!  去年,He comes from England, I have black and short hair,I like eatting apple,I like many pet,  My dream home  My dream home is located in a small town,there&#39,a small mouth and a small nose,A bedroom clean and warm, I often say,  My favourite room is the study,and I believe that there nothing is diffcult if you have a will  Last year ,The Summer Palace is very beautiful,A study which is full of the book I like,t like Maths,The sky is blue,so I like it,  Do you think so,所以我也喜欢它。  你也这样认为吗,,he has a very nice name—Robert, My favourite subject is English,He comes to China with his parents,I am fourteen years old,it&#39,He has big eyes,
Spring is the season of planting,In
, I opened my eyes and a beautiful sea was right there,I like spring best,贝壳等等。它们都很好吃。
我的口水再一次流出来。我永远不会忘记这麽有趣的社交活动I Like Spring Of the four seasons,people
,虾仁, the blue sky and the happy boys and girls formed a wonderful picture! At noon,等待收割。我爱春天,春节the Spring festivalThe
,,她是一年的希望, What a beautiful place! We swam in the sea and played beach volleyball, we started our journey at 21,6嗝疵览龅牡胤!我们在大海里游泳和打沙滩排球。风,When spring comes, the sunshine,不冷也不热。春天是播种的季节。农民把种子洒在田里, we also have
festival !I
much !春节是在中国。 在春季,00 in the evening,如螃蟹,在晚上21,人们通常得到红包。人们聚在一起的时候孩子们吃一顿丰盛的晚餐, They are all so delicious, I joined an outdoor club and went to the seaside in Zhejiang province with other members,and
dinner ,阳光明媚,在浙江省与其他成员去海边。7月20日, My mouth is now watering again,我喜欢春天春天是四季中我最喜欢的季节。当春天到来,I like spring,trees turn green and flower begin to come out,We
friends, seashells and so on, shrimps, On July 20, How happy am I!The favorite thing I wanna do is traveling,花儿盛开。天天很好, I will never forget such interesting pink tea
我最喜欢的就是旅行。我加入了一个户外的俱乐部,And the weather is good, I was so sleepy that I fell asleep in the bus,it is the hope of a year,it is not too hot or not too cold,有人推我。我睁开我的眼睛看到了一个一个美丽的,我在公共汽车上睡着了。
突然,peasants put seeds into the soil and wait for a big harvest, Suddenly someone was pushing me,我们吃煮熟的海鲜, The wind,00我们开始了我们的旅程。我太困了,我们也要吃饺子,蓝色的天空和快乐的男孩和女孩组成了一幅画!中午,树木变绿,为这个节日!
我喜欢春节。The first go to the seaside
Summer holiday has already come, we cooked seafood like crabs,我们经常去拜访家人和朋友们,


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