Running go! I will start off to my dream landrunningman是什么意思

How would you like to get
yourself a job your really love? In fact, the 'Dream
Job' you have always looked for?
Imagine for a moment what
that would be like
. You get up for work every day with a spring in your step,
actually enthusiastic about the day
"A I landed my dream
job within a week of reading this
Joan Morris
University of
What sort of a difference
would it make to you, your family and friends, if you were
so thrilled with each work day, that you were
full of energy and excitement when you got home? How about work
meaning that you could be the fun, interesting and happy person
that you&just know&you are, deep
down inside when you got home?
Just think about
the possibilities for your own life as well. A life where
you really are having fun! Not in just half of
your life, but the whole of your life. How much&better
would that be for a life?
Well, yes it is, if you
know how to set about it. Truth is, hundreds and thousands of
people make it to their dream job. Yet many, many
more do not. In fact a recent survey showed that 43%
of retirees said that they wished they had chosen a different
For them (and James,
above) it’s too late. For many, for YOU, there
is still time.
You see, you have choices
you can make right now, today, that will
propel you on to become who and what you
really want to be at work.
For you, not to be one of
that 43% for whom there is now no hope. You have the chance
they did not have...
"But Wait,&Martin!
It’s Hard -
Almost Impossible
To Get the Job You Want…
You're right - it is! For those who struggle
on, year in, year out trying to understand what it is that’s
missing from their work-life. In fact it’s a living
nightmare that leads to inaction, frustration and
eventually,&giving in&to the job you have, being ‘all
there is’.
But if you have a
game- a formula that works with you and
for you -&to shape the work-life you have
into one full of possibilities, you will gain the enthusiasm
and focus to move yourself forward. So, how about
Personal Step-by-Step Guide
to the Job of Your
Simple Steps to Your Dream
A&Free, Mini-Course
stacked&full of great
you!You can
take these great hints and tips and put
them to work - Right
COST to you at
It's an exciting
kick-start for you to try out some of
the ideas in an&simple, 3-part
course, delivered straight
your inbox over
the next week.
And, in case you were
wondering, we are absolutely clear
about e-mail addresses. We
NEVER share, give
out or do anything at all that
might damage the trust you have
given us by trying out this
course. Period!
Just sign up,
click and you're all
please&double check&the e-mail
address you enter and&specifically
martin (at)
any filtering system you use
Finally! A
Way Out of the Aimless Rut
It could be that you are in a&hole
in your life and you don’t know why! You see age creeping up on
you and your job is, well,&a job. You feel that there
must be more to your life.&The
"How To Land Your Dream Job"
Toolkit&helps you get really clear on why it’s
vital that you&get as great a life in
work as you do outside.
"Excellent - I could not put it
Very readable, thought provoking and action
I challenge anyone to read through and not
be spurred onto action. I would highly
recommend for anyone at a crossroads,
young, old, mid-life&and especially
18-25 year olds!
A must have for anyone giving (and
Sian WilliamsTraining
and Development
If you ever wondered what
a ‘Dream Job’ was, then&the
"How To Land Your Dream Job" Toolkit,
3&tells you all about that. Many
things to many different people, there is a pattern to
what everyone is looking for. And it might not be quite
what you think!
Hey Martin...that’s all
very well, but what about me! How do I fit into all
this? Don’t worry, you’re covered too. In "How To Land
Your Dream Job" Toolkit Chapter
4,&I show you&ways and means of
getting clear to what is right just for you. No job is perfect
for everyone, nor is any job perfect, yet, there is a great job
for everyone! N no more compromising. It’s
about simple activities you can undertake to get much closer to
what works for you.
Maybe you are
bored, frustrated and tired of what you are doing
right now – and those are just a few of the symptoms that can
give you strong hints that you (a round peg) are in a square
hole. In "How To Land Your Dream Job" Toolkit
Chapter 6, we help you
find out why you are there, how you can learn for the future
and how you can build your confidence that better - much better
is around the corner!
"Martin has produced a well written and
informative book full of practical, down to
earth information.
This book can be considered as an essential
guide in helping everyone in achieving
fulfilment in the career they choose to
Judith Underhill - Business and Management
Coach and Trainer
.&We've a section
here about what you can do to make yourself irresistibly
attractive to recruiters. "How To Land Your Dream Job"
Toolkit Chapter 10 shows
you real achievable steps you can take, starting today, that
will make the difference even in the most competitive
Sometimes people realise
they have a passion about their future.
somewhere it hits them and they don’t see clearly the
tactics to get there. Remarkably, some people get there
others slower
because they have work to do to prepare for the future
they want. I show the way to plan, plot and scheme your
way to success.
"For me this book is the 'fine dining' of
the 'how to' genre of business
Martin has sifted through and condensed all
the juicy bits from every book I've ever
read about job hunting, self-awareness and
He's prepared a simple, palatable,
digestible feast and then he's topped&
it off with a sauce that allows the reader
actually to 'taste', the 'dream job' and
know how to order it."
Jilly Shaul - ICF Master Certified
Maybe you’re in
successful mid-career and yet you don’t quite
feel right. There is something eating away at you, deep down
inside which says – I need something else – and I don’t know
what it is. Chapter&1 shows you how to
find out more, much more about what it is that you need to
And also, in case you’re
wondering about help –&the whole
of&"How To Land Your Dream Job" Toolkit
9&&gives you a unique insight to the
tools that very successful people use - and you can too! On how
you can, without any cost to yourself, utilise skills
you already have, with people you already
know, to maximise the possibilities of getting your
'Dream Job'. To such an extent that it will be
hard to see how you can fail!
But, it's not just about
any old job you're going to be looking for - it might
even&fulfill your wildest dreams, like
Elaine and Ken, below...
"This book
really helped my husband and I realize our
dream of setting up a new business. The job
I was in just didn't seem
With Martin's
help, using the very practical ideas you'll
find in the book, our dream has come
have always wanted to offer good quality
holiday accommodation, in a beautiful part
of the world&- we just needed to
believe it was possible - thanks,
Elaine & Ken
Want to cut to the
chase? &to Buy
It Doesn't Matter Who
Where You Are or What Your
This is A&Step-by-Step
Can Start Today!
This&'Toolkit' is as
comprehensive as you can get. From your beginning
inklings that things need to change, to giving you tools that
you can use again and again. Because once you are in your
‘Dream Job’ you will find you are able to
do&it really well (because you love it) and so the future
may spin out a bit differently than you might expect. There are
tools to help you! In "How To Land Your Dream Job"
Toolkit Chapter 11, we
explore many more possibilities for you!
If you are
struggling with some ideas about
how to make it work – STOP.
This e-book makes it clear, in an organised way for the most
progressive way forward for you. The unfocused
struggle and self-defeating frustration STOPS HERE.
here is the notion that a
planned and gradual approach is where success comes from. And
that’s exactly what you get!
"All I can say is that this stuff
I worked with Martin in
exactly the way this books tells you. From
being stuck in an unrecognised rut, not
entirely believing that I had the
potential, but with a burning ambition to
get somewhere, this structured approach was
perfect for me.
Now, not only have I
been held in the highest regard in a role I
got, quickly, but I have been recognised
for my potential and have a new job I truly
love. I am motivated and fulfilled.
Who knows what will come
I am so pleased Martin
worked with me -& the book works
through everything we did - and more -
and&great value&too!"
Strategist UK Public
Too Can Join the Growing Band
of Joyful Individuals
Who Love Their
Job...Day-In, Day-Out!
Do you remember that a
recent multi-national survey&found that 43% of
pensioners wished they had changed career.
That’s almost 1 in 2
individuals could have done something about it and, for
whatever reason, they didn’t. Now, you have no such excuse. The
choice is down to you deciding to do&something
now, or reflect on disappointment for the rest of your
And these days, that's a
long, long time.
"Martin has drawn on his extensive
managerial and coaching experience to
produce a& book that is practical,
easy to read and is packed with tips and
A must read if you are
looking to get more fulfilment from your
job and career."
Steve Pauley
Does Anyone, Anywhere&Need To
Experience They Hate
This “How To Land
Your Dream Job”&Toolkit is as easy as it comes. The
way forward is laid out for you in easy to use steps in
a&simple, yet comprehensive 'read and&do'
There really is no
excuse for putting up with a horrible employer, who,
frankly doesn’t deserve you. Let others who don’t want to
move on stay, that’s up to them. You can and will get what
you want in your work. And in your life.
ready to make changes that
will make a huge difference to you and those you love. Now
is the time – not wishing you’d taken the steps you could
have, when you reflect on your life in later years. That is
just not good enough – and I won’t let
Stop your frustration
NOW. At last,
you'll&see (page 38)
there is a way
forward&to quickly&get
ahead - and get what YOU
want! You now have every tool you
How to get really (and I mean
REALLY) clear on
exactly what a Dream
Job is all about. N no spin -
it's time (page
5) to start the process of getting
you what you want, by
understanding just what it truly
How just one little word
the right place at the&right time can make all
the difference between success and failure. So much
so that assessors are trained to
listen for it!
Never be&jammed in a hole again! With these
tools you'll get stuck into a powerful
action plan (page 40) using
the&skills and talents you've already got,
just waiting to burst out!
From&TODAY, you will know how
to build a workplace experience
101)&that&goes way
beyond&rewarding, fulfilling and pleasurable.
It will take you and your performance to the next
level and make you irresistable to
your next employer.
Never before revealed (page 87) -&a
so&very simple tactic, in
everyday conversations that can
transform the relationship that you have
with anyone at all - multiple
relationships you can leverage time and again, to
your definite
Get out of that boring frustrating and empty job at
last. It's time (page
61)&to escape the
grind of a soulless job that gives you
little recognition and leaves you miserable. And a
job that you don’t even like!
Time to smarten up and ship out. By
building your personal self-esteem and
confidence, (page 53) not to
mention relationship building skills, you will have
a whole bucket of opportunities coming at you -
ready to catch some?
And, we'll help you not just with your job,
but with a better
LIFE&(page 54). Yes,
that&includes a far better home
life with family and friends, so
never again will they feel the
sharp edge of your frustration.
Are you ready to&hugely
develop your&own built-in ability to get
others working with you in your quest,
without making anyone (including
you) feel uneasy? We will tell you how to
unleash the power of an
enormous army (page 76) on your
side - and the fun that will bring
And, by making this part of a way bigger
plan, we help you see ways to
share your own experiences
138) with others and help them see
a way forward as well - something no-one else has
ever done for
Want a better standard of living? Well, this
will&generate a better income
for yourself (page
63). Because those people who match
themselves to the right job are, most often,
far, far better at their
job&too – so they (that's you!) get better
financial reward!
By looking closely at&the work&you are
doing right now
40)you will
clearly see the potential it
holds for you - even if you hate
every minute! How you can
leverage the job you are
in&today, to give you the future you
want in the tomorrows to
It's time to have the courage to take
control of your own future
49),&by following the plan
of action we give you,&and stop
blaming everyone else.
Even if you love the work you do
and the place you do it, you
can create much better
value for the organization you work for
now, as you are more engaged and
capable in the right job
135). Who knows, the
very next promotion posting
might well be
Are You Ready? To
stop dreaming about
your&your ‘Dream Job’ and get on
doing some things (page 54),
that will quickly and easily
make it a reality. With the help we give you
here, yes, you really can move
If Only....
your "How To Land Your Dream job"
Toolkit, you’ll get full guidance on
everything above, as well as hundreds of tips and ideas to get
you going. In fact, if you follow just some of the contents of
the toolkit, you’ll need to work quite hard not to
succeed in your quest!
&to Buy Right
This toolkit is ready to
start right way stuff with a plan of action you can
introduce at your pace, to suit your own, very personal
Martin's book doesn't just explain, step
by step, how to land your dream job... it
explains how to identify exactly what
that dream job is... and why it's so
important for you to get
can't think of anyone who wouldn't benefit from
the Chapter 4 exercises that help you identify
what your dream job is, and I bet more than a
few people will get a massive "a-ha!" moment
from that chapter alone.
fact, the book is filled with many more
revelations too - everything from how to tell
when it's time for a career change... to how to
realistically go about getting your dream
book also helps you navigate the typical, and
often daunting, recruitment process, and
includes invaluable guidelines on aspects such
as how to prepare a CV and how to handle a job
you want your dream job: get this
Author, Insider Job Secrets Revealed
There is a word of
warning here. Anything you buy is only as good as your action
steps. If you do them, it will work. If you don’t – well, it
won’t. The "How To Land Your Dream Job"&Toolkit is
pre-arranged in easy to access sections to help you choose what
you need& to do
next. All you have to do is decide when – and stick to
Right Then,
Martin…Enough Already!
Know the Cost of This
Amazing and Life-Changing
Well& how much would it be
worth to lead a happy fulfilled and joyful life? And how
much would it cost you to not to? Its tough to calculate
such a life-changing experience, isn’t it?
The "How To Land Your
Dream Job"&Toolkit&is culled from hundreds of
client hours, not to mention the thousands of days managing the
careers of hundreds and thousands of people in the corporate
world – and not to mention the hundreds and thousands of hours
recruiting through interviewing and other selection
Let’s look at it another
way. As a&personal development&coach, I charge
clients $300-500
an hour when I work with them one-to-one. And that charge is
replicated, sometimes for months and even years. For me to work
with you for a year, twice a month, is going to cost you around
And, think about this,
what value would you place on excitement, fun, fulfilment,
motivation, time, energy, challenge, success and achievement in
your day job, to take home with you to share with friends and
family. How much would you pay for that. Some clients have told
me it's not measurable, one said $10,000, and another
said 'millions'!
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere
near that amount and I’ll tell you why in a moment. In
fact, your total investment for all the
tips, step-by-step&chapters and the remarkable and
unique resources (as well as the unique secrets!)&in
the "How To Land Your Dream
Job"&Toolkit is just $47. The
new life you’ll have, the potential for a ‘dream’ future
and the potential for growing your financial income,
means that this is a mere fraction of the value you will
So, "Why are you selling
this at such a low price – and what’s the catch?" You might
right! And&there are&THREE
Firstly, this
life-changing course is available worldwide, over the
internet, thus reducing my costs significantly. I
need no-one around to help me. It’s the wonder of the
virtual world (though I am a totally real person and if you
want to talk with me, then you can anytime, at the number
at the bottom of the page). You get great price savings
passed on – so we’re both winners!
Secondly, I want to
help as many people as I can to make a difference in
their own lives. It makes me feel like I’m contributing
to a bigger thing in the world too.
finally, remember, your investment is conditional
on&YOU taking action – I’m
selling it to you at a great price, so that you feel both
committed to action as well as being able to afford
How does that sound to
As a special free bonus
for acting immediately, I'm going to add in a
'How to Land Your Dream Job'
56-page Workbook. This will give you a
head start in planning your actions in a convenient ready
to print out format. Plenty of space to design the rest
of your career...and life. What I want for
you is your success and
happiness, then you can write me
and let me know!
This is easily a
If you've decided to get
on board right away, I'm adding in, free of charge
a&20-minute&audio overview of the
'How To Land Your Dream
Job' Toolkit.
This audio, straight from the horse's mouth
(that is me!), will help you significantly, because in a
nutshell you will hear the way you progress quickly (or slowly,
depending on what you need), through the step-by-step
In just&20 minutes or
so&you will understand precisely
the components of this unique and amazing program to your
successful future.
This essential tool is
another $49.97
You might be wondering
how you set about making the time for this. Hey, you've got
a day job and families and other demands on your time. Well,
I have a treat for you right now. In your free bonuses, I'm
including a link to Michael
Green and Peter Twist's&'Diary Profit'
Interview, both hard copy and
In this, Michael talks
with Peter Twist about how he sets about scheduling his time
very precisely in the busy business he operates. With 10
great ideas, there are bound to be many that you will want
to incorporate in your day, to plan and delivery your
'Dream Job' strategy
These guys
give this to you free,
and&from my own personal experience, this essential
tool is another $49.97
As a further spur to
action, you will receive, every Friday,&for 52 weeks,
your&'How to Land Your Dream Job' Amazing Achievement
Checklist,&which will help you
Specially created for
owners of the Success Guide, the 'How to Land Your Dream
Job' Amazing Achievement Checklist
encourages you to reflect the successes of your week...and
more!&You can take 5 minutes over it, or an hour - or not
at all, it's up to you!
This helps you see what
you really have achieved in your week (and spurring you on to
even greater achievements), what slipped past (and how
important or not that was to you)&and what, maybe, your
priorities are in the next week (thus setting the scene for
next week's progress&well in advance!)
I even use this myself
and find it&an invaluable tool for to work with, which
adds almost unlimited value. Even at a measly
week, you'll get way more value than&50 bucks&a
year out of this - stick with it and you will be more
than well on your way to your 'Dream
Job', well before then!
This essential 'call to
action' tool is another $51.48
value (at least!).&
That's over
$170 of free
bonuses direct to you for making this
unique and amazing purchase - but be quick, these won't be here
for ever! I'm only going to include these 4 bonuses for the
first 250 buyers, then they will become addon purchases after
buyers have bought the 'How to Land
Your Dream Job' Toolkit.
The 'How to Land Your Dream Job'
Achieving Your ‘Dream Job’ a Snip!
Your success in using this powerful toolkit is completely
guaranteed. In fact, here’s my
total"Hassle Free Complete Personal
The Hassle Free
You have my
personal guarantee that if you follow the
contents of the "How To Land Your Dream
Job" e-book, you will make significant
progress in achieving your goal of work
that you love. You will make fundamental
changes to the way you see your
opportunities and potential, which will
bring you great benefits and success. If
your investment in this product is aimed at
giving you a wonderful work experience that
will be of great value to you, you will
find it here. You have a full&56
days&to prove to yourself that this
product works for you. If you aren’t 100%
satisfied, let me know and I’ll refund
everything you paid without a single word
of a question. And the bonuses are yours to
keep, just for being courageous enough to
take a look. And I really mean
That's my complete and total guarantee.
I want for you to be satisfied and beyond with this product –
and I’m confident that you will be!
In fact I’m delighted to be
taking all the risk. You can try out the contents of this
step-by-step programme of activities and see if they work for
you. Life is way too short for you to be dissatisfied with my
products – so don’t be!
If the product doesn’t live up to what you’re expecting, I want
you to tell me and I will make sure that you get your money
back just as fast as I can get it to you. My background is
providing amazing customer service and that’s
what I will deliver to you – it’s a personal promise! And you
know what - you can keep the bonuses - I'll even keep sending
you the 'How
to Land Your Dream Job' Amazing Achievement
Checklist, just for
having a go!
Look at it this way -- $47 is really
a painless drop in the ocean compared with the frustration and
demoralisation you are going to feel in the job that isn’t
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That's why...
You Really
Can't Afford To Waste Another Second of Your
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Your Dream Job" Toolkit!
And it’s a breeze to get going straight away.
Just&&and you can get your "How To Land
Your Dream Job" Toolkit,&immediately downloaded to
your computer. In minutes you can start to realize just what
this opportunity offers to you.
It’s time to get ready to roll. Time to get yourself going on a
hugely exciting phase of your life that is going to make a huge
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will change your life forever, if you want to.
Martin HaworthP.S. If you've
decided not to order .
P.P.S. Remember, this is a
unique opportunity to
change your life. Not in a woolly or vague way, but in a
practical sense that makes a huge difference to your life. This
is a step-by-step guide that shows you&"How
to&Land Your Dream Job"; a job that you will
treasure for the rest of your life.
There can’t be a more valuable resource around than that!
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