
来源:  15:38:38 【】 
  的习俗总少不了吃粽子,粽子的味道甜甜的,外面包着一层层竹叶,里面有各种各样的馅儿。  说到粽子,我还有一个故事,在两千多年以前,也是农历的  ,屈原抱石投江,老百姓听到这个消息家家户户包粽子,来到江边把粽子都扔进了江里,用这种方法来保护屈原的尸体。  粽子分为两种,有圆筒形的叫竹筒粽,一种是三角形的叫竹叶粽。家人还给孩子戴五丝线,头上画&王&字,在家门上插艾草&&的风俗还真不少。  我爱!  的传统习俗就是吃粽子。我们家有一个名副其实的包粽子好手&&我的妈妈。每年的时候,我们全家都能吃到可口的粽子。妈妈常说:用芦苇的叶子包的粽子最香。所以,每年妈妈都用芦苇的叶子来包粽子。她在包粽子之前,先做好准备工作:把芦苇的叶子放在水里煮一煮,把准备好的糯米和枣分别洗一洗。等芦苇的叶子凉了以后,她就开始包粽子了。她先取三片叶子,将这三片叶子卷成一个圆锥体,然后先放一个枣,接着在里面放上糯米,中间再夹几个枣,最后用线把叶子捆好,一个粽子就包好了。她包的粽子又肥又大,活像一个个老佛爷在睡觉。等粽子包完后,妈妈把它们放在高压锅里蒸四十分钟,再放三四个小时,使其入味,然后就可以吃了!妈妈包的粽子十分香,香得使我一见到粽子就会大口大口地吃起来。所以,每当吃粽子时,我总是吃得很多!  吃粽子、赛龙舟,这两样传统习俗共同编织了一个热热闹闹的。  我的家乡DD永昌,位于祖国的大西北,是座古城,历史悠久,可如今也只是知道者微乎其微的小镇而已。在彼,人们留心于早晚的云蒸霞蔚,四时的风花雪月,并不太在意小小的;在此,人们向往着都市的灯红酒绿,生活的纸醉金迷,而忽略了小小的城镇。他们都喜欢心目中美好的东西,却不知在此边陲小镇中,也是热闹非凡的。  家乡的端午习俗可谓多种多样。插茱萸。在端午的前几天,人们就弄一枝茱萸(或一柳条)插于门楣之上,据说可以驱妖避邪。戴香包。大人们用布缝制成小布包,并将艾、苍术、板蓝根等草药包于其中,让孩子或戴于项下,或系于腰间,可增强免疫力。我的家乡由于缺水,所以并不像江南等地划龙舟。在我家乡,最典型的风俗便是吃粽子了(有些地方吃油糕)。将糯米洗净,并配一把包,用棕叶宝成三角锥形,蒸熟,便成了香气四溢、味甘可人的粽子了。在永昌吃粽子有一个讲究,那就是在吃之前先祭屈原,在祭祖先,然后才能吃。  我最爱吃粽子。每逢,我总要吃个够,直到再也吃不下为止。妈妈做的粽子十分可口。轻轻将棕叶撕破,便露出了又白又嫩的糯米糕,忍不住吃一口,甜汁溢入口中,那感觉简直妙不可言。曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。吃惯妈妈包的粽子,吃起别人包的,总觉得有些干涩,不如妈妈包的香嫩。  不知怎的,每次吃粽子都会有同一种感觉。满口喷香的糯米,氤氲香气中,仿佛升腾起成败英雄不灭的屈原,自己也仿佛回到了失落千年的楚国。不禁对靳尚、张仪与郑袖的卑鄙无耻嗤之以鼻,为屈原的气节所折服。何为英雄?生死契阔,气吞山河?金戈铁马,仰天长啸?都不是!而是喜笑悲歌气傲然,九万里风鹏正举!隐隐的,似乎可见你将那无尽的沉沦抛进滚滚汨罗江,只有那涓涓流水重复着永不改变的晨昏。无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来!你的心胸可吞日月,可囊星汉!整个世界因你而美丽!折断柳条留不住的,是岁月的裙袂,挽短罗衣留不住的,还有你追寻真理的脚步&&  忽然,一切都消失了,只剩下幽雅的餐桌。原来,手中的粽子已尽,才明白富贵名禄过眼云烟,君王霸业恒河沙数,最终空留叹嗟,沉沦不已&&  粽子在口,母亲在身边,家乡在心中。1&&&
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5 May to eat dumplings More than 2000 years ago,the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan in the riversideout into the rolling rapids,two thousand years later,has become a traditional festival in May Fifth - Dragon Boat Festival,we package dumplings,dragon boat racing,hard-boiled eggs with a variety of ways to commemorate the great patriotic poet.Dragon Boat Festival is a year,I would like to experience the atmosphere experience this once asked her grandmother,she taught me how to package rice dumplings.Bao dumplings,first of all to clean skin of bamboo leaves in hot water in the soft foam.Re ready to dates,eggs,meat and so do collapse,the depression will be your favorite tasty cooked,you can start a.Indocalamus long before folding,to crowded,make a nest,the deployment of intermediate good into the glutinous rice and rice,including the edges and corners.And then the subsidence on the Miri,and even rubbing together,and finally the skin of bamboo leaf wrapped rice dumplings into the shape of the corners.This is the whole package dumplings effort to work together in the final process,your dumplings packages well,it depends on the four corners is not symmetry,is not a type.When I started school,four corners always get wrong,and not become a six Kok,is rubbing the ball together.Grandma looked at me on more than one of the "masterpiece" laugh:"This,this can be called dumplings?Do you allow fine line where ah?" I fainted!The feelings of the four-out edges and corners dumplings is to facilitate the use of fine line linked up,how this world is not round dumplings on it?Package rice dumplings into the pot with a good火煮Meng,about 1 hour later,changed the text can火煮30 minutes.In the process of making dumplings,I'm always eager to see the situation to open the lid.Because the dumplings from the pot飘出aroma,DC saliva I was greedy.Wait a long time is always special to see steaming hot from the pot of dumplings finally "liberate" them,I danced for joy.On the bowl,ripping out with chopsticks,you can see inside the soft golden "brown the meat," and a bite,taste great,I almost have to bite even chopsticks down.Dragon Boat Festival this year,I learned how to package dumplings,tasting the fruits of their labor,it is not an ordinary sweet feeling.
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html" target="_blank">http. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, because dates are s Jiaxing County is famous for its pork-stuffed Zongzi.htmlTzung Tzu(粽子)A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu
English composition describing Zong Zi
【网络综合 - 英语资源英语作文】本文是由无忧考网编辑为您准备的《关于端午节英语作文:端午节话粽子》请大家参考!“吃粽子喽!”听到妈妈这么一喊,我急忙从房间里冲出来,原来今天是端午节,我们一家吃粽子。
"Eat rice dumplings!" heard my mother shouted, I hurried out from the room, the original today is the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat a rice dumplings.
Dumplings, in the Jin Dynasty was officially designated as the Dragon Boat Festival food. It has many kinds, of which the most common is the corner dumplings, the dumplings is dark green Zongye wrap glutinous rice, the stuffing inside have dates, red bean paste, fresh meat, ham, egg yolk and so on nutrient rich food, cooked, the delicious dumplings.
Open the leaves, you can smell a fragrance of bamboo leaves. Bite bite down, Goodfellas, really sticky ah! And a scent of glutinous rice, eating eating is not made me think of Qu Yuan, the injustice of the doctor, eventually defected to the Miluo River, his image is forever in people heart. I think, the dumplings on the finish, leaving only those leaves fragrance issued on the table.
Eat dumplings can do, but Qu Yuan was gone.


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