people always think that 楚菲楚然twinss are the th

Many people think that the ideas about right and wrong are only personal ideas. Bennett wrote The Book of Virtue (美德) in which he suggested that great moral (道德的) stories can build character. The success of Bennett’s book shows that many Americans still believe in moral values, just like honesty, courage, loyalty and many others. For Americans, one basic moral value is honesty. The story about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value clearly. Little George cut down his father’s favourite cherry tree. When his father asked him about it, George said, “I did it.” Instead of punishment, his father spoke highly of him. Sometimes American honesty--being open and direct--can make people angry. But Americans still believe that “honesty is the best virtue”. Another virtue is perseverance (毅力). A story tells of a little train climbing a hill. The hill is too high to get over it. But the train just kept pulling, all the while saying, “I think I can, I think I can.” At last, the train was over the top because he did not give up. Compassion(同情) may be the queen of American virtues. The story of “The Good Samaritan” from the Bible describes a man with compassion. On his way home, he found a poor traveler lying on the road. The kind man, instead of just passing by, stopped to help this person in need. Compassion can even turn into a good cycle. In 1992, people in Iowa sent plenty of water to help Floridians(佛罗里达州人) hit by storms. The next summer, during the Midwest flood, Florida returned. Millions of Americans are quietly passing along the kindness shown to them. In no way can this book cover all the moral values honored (以…为荣) by Americans. But moral virtues are priceless, and they are the base of American culture and any culture. How many virtues Americans have are mainly talked about in the passage?A.Six.B.Five.C.Four.D.Three.The tale about the turtle (龟) and the rabbit that had a race can be an example to describe .A.honestyB.perseveranceC.compassionD.courageThe passage implies(暗示) that .A.the story of “The Good Samaritan” tells that a kind man helps a poor travelerB.some people think Americans go back to traditional moral valuesC.Americans have many other moral virtues such as courage, loyalty, confidence.D.the story about the little train proves Americans perseverant(有毅力的)Which of the following shows the organization of the passage? 2015届江苏无锡市北塘区中考二模英语试卷(带解析) 答案The Pains That Come With Being a Twin. : I Am a Twin Story & Experience
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The Pains That Come With Being a Twin.
Many of us who have brothers or sisters will know just how frustrating it can be to get along at times.&&& Well just imagine how much worse it would be to try and get along with a fraternal twin, and trust me I know, I&m talking from my own experience of being a twin.&
I have countless people come up to me with a dreamy look in their eyes saying &I wish I was a twin & I would love to have someone my own age to play with.&&&
I have no doubt you&re imagining those famous movie twins from &The Parent Trap&, or &Finding Mary Kate and Ashley&& Their dazzling identical smiles and exotic twin powers are enough to charm the pants off anyone!
When I say &twins& you probably think of identical twins with matching clothes.& &&&&&
You know, the type who finish off each others sentences and know exactly what the other is thinking. Yes, there are some twins who really do act like that - I& I&ve met twins like that myself and have found them dizzying to look at let alone talk to.
However it is a common prejudice that people think all twins will be identical, cute, and mirror personalities of each other. &In most cases this image is very wrong!
I for one do not have this mirror image kind of relationship with my sister and at the worst of times it can be a much, much uglier picture.
Have you ever really stopped to think of what it is like to be a twin?
&&& Imagine You and your &twin& are screaming loud enough to raise the entire neighbourhood at five in the morning because you can&t decide who is to wear the rainbow undies.& &
&& Imagine having your hair yanked out because you were naughty and used her favourite red marker.
& &Imagine being made to take the blame for something you didn&t do just because your twin sister lied and said you did it. It will always be her word against yours.
&& Imagine how your friends will forever be comparing you to your sister.&& &&&&
&& Imagine always being defined as &The Twins&
&&& Imagine always having to compete against your &other&.&& Having a twin is like having a shadow that will never leave you alone,
&That is what having a twin is like for me.& My sister and I are two incredibly different individuals.& We look completely different, we talk differently, we act differently and have separate beliefs and values.& We have different interests - most of them at extreme opposite ends of the scale. I was always more of an intellectual who excelled academically whereas my sister enjoys physical activity.&&&& No matter how different we were, we still had to share our room, our toys, our clothes, our school, our class, our friends, and its no wonder that we spelled double trouble!& If we had just been two classmates we wouldn&t have thought twice about befriending each other we&re just too different.
Unlike classmates though, we don&t have the choice of &not& knowing each other.& We are forced to endure each others company everyday.&&
We drive each other around the twist and what usually starts off as a little tiff can turn into a violent fight.
Relief, relief by high school we were to much for our parents and were split into different schools. &&&&I revel in those hours when I can pretend I don&t have a twin. &But at the end of the day she is always there barging through my bedroom door and accusing me of &stealing& something that belonged to her when actually it was given to both of us.&&
We spent our entire childhood sharing things and there were times when we wanted to have our own things that we could rightfully say was 'mine' instead of 'ours'.& Somehow it never quite worked out that way.
To this very day my sister always seems to think she has a right to help herself to my underwear whenever she can&t find her own.& She always thinks she can just nip into my room and take my headphones. Its very irritating to find my sister has taken something just when I want it most!& &I guess& we have grown so used to having to share things she doesn't quite know where to draw the line&& I tell her once in a nice tone not to do it. I try to be nice and understanding when really all I want to do is rip her head off.& I tell her twice in a stern tone, I try to be angry and threatening, I tell her a million times &Don&t take my things, they are not yours&& yet she still doesn&t get the message!
&Its drives both of us insane when we unknowingly cross each other&s line.& &It has driven me to put a lock on my bedroom door. &(she has taken to climbing through my window now)
& Who said twins had to like each other?& How on earth did people come up with the idea that twins would be the best of friends and live happily ever after?&&
With your friends you can atleast send them home when you get tired of them.& I can&t just &send& my sister away when I get tired of her. I have to live with it. We will always be tied together by our birthdays and genes.
&Please, tell me you don&t want a twin after all I&ve said?& &If you do, you are probably a deluded nutcase!
Having a twin can drive you insane to the point where your bed time reading becomes the home security catalogues!
1 More Response英语人教新课标八年级上Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister试题及答案
Test for Unit 3
Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ 总分得分听 力 部 分 (20分)
听句子选择恰当的应答语。(5分)( )1.A.Yes   B.No   C.Yes( )2.A.My brother.
B.Yes sister is.
C.No,my brother is smarter.
( )3.A.At school.
B.At ten o'clock.
C.Playing tennis.( )4.A.She has long hair.
     B.Fifteen.( )5.A.Yes听对话5分)( )6.What is Sue good at?( )7.Who is more hard-working?( )8.What was the result of the running race?     B.Dave was the second.( )9.Why does the woman think Steve should get the job?     B.He is more serious.( )10.What's the difference between Tina and Tara?der than Tara.
B.Tina is friendlier than Tara.
C.Tina is shyer than Tara.
Ⅲ.听长对话选择最佳答案。(5分)听第一段对话回答第11~12小题。( )11.Who is Dave?     B.The boy with a round face.t.
( )12.Which is TRUE about Steve and Dave?听第二段对话回答第13~15小题。( )13.When is the basketball game?( )14.Who does Wei Fang think should be the basketball player?( )15.Which can't describe Li Lei?
( )16.What does Tom look like?
A.He is shorter and has longer hair than Sam.
B.He is taller and has shorter hair than Sam.
C.He is of medium build and has long hair.
( )17.Who is quieter?( )18.Tom is good at________.( )19.When did Tom break his arm?( )20.Tom thinks good friends should________.笔 试 部 分(100分)单项选择。(15分)( )21.—What is Anna like?A.a
D./( )22.______me__________me.
( )23.Dona is________to her mother in many ways.For example( )24.—How about these two sweaters?( )25.—What about this music?( 26.—There is only one bedroom.I think you two have to________.
—We don't care about it.
( )27.—________is bigger( )28.Our English teacher is very funny.He often makes us ______________( )29.—Why are you so happylass________the volleyball match just now.
( )30.We should________our classmates because they are our friends.( )31.—What do you think of Tara?( )32.Tom is 13 years old.Julie is 13 years oldA.older than
B.younger old old as( )33.—________ should get the job( )34.My pictures are more beautiful than________.( )35.The two girls ________ like children.They are good ________ children.完形10分) sister,Anna.She has __36__hair than me.I don't like long hair.Many people think we __37__ have lots of things in common.I'm afraid this is not true.When my parents' friends come to my home,Anna often sits there and says __38__,but I like to talk with them.So she is __39__than me.Anna likes reading,drawing and cooking.I just like swimming and playing basketball.She has __40__hobbies than me,but she is not as athletic(健壮的) __41__me.Because Anna does __42__ than me at school,my parents say to me,“__43__ Anna is younger than you,you should learn __44__her.” We do have some similarities(相似之处)__45__like eating fast food,going shopping and listening to pop music.
( )36.A.longer   B.long   C.short   D.shorter( )37.A.can
D.need( )38.A.something
D.everything( )39.A.quieter
D.busier( )40.A.much
D.fewer( )41.A.than
D.for( )42.A.worse
D.good( )43.A.It
D.As( )44.A.with )45.A.either
Many people think that twins are exactly the same.But they're not!Ali and Simon are twin brothers.They look the same and in some ways they are the same.But in other ways they are different.Ali and Simon are both very athletic.Ali and Simon both like soccer.But Ali plays every day and Simon plays only on weekends.Simon likes watching soccer games on TV but Ali only likes to play the game,not to watch it.Ali and Simon are both outgoing and funny,but Simon is a little more outgoing than Ali.Simon is also a little more serious about schoolwork.Ali and Simon are very popular at school,and they both have a lot of friends.
根据短T)误(F)。( )46.Ali plays soccer more than Simon.( )47.Both brothers like tennis.( )48.Ali is more outgoing than Simon.( )49.The twin brothers are popular at school.( )50.Ali likes to watch soccer games on TV.B
I have a best friend.His name is James.He is from the USA.We look totally(完全)different!I have blonde hair and he has red hair.I wear glassestgoing and he is very quiet.
I don't really have a best friend,but one of my good friends is Kristi.She is from America.I sometimes call her Kwiti.She is funny and kind.And she really cares about everyone and almost
everything.She became one of my good friends at the age of five.
Mary Smith
My best friend's name is Edna from Australia.She likes to talk a lot and hardly keeps quiet.Edna has curly(卷曲的) brown hair and brown eyes.She always makes me laugh.Alsoimes helps me with my homework.
Lisa Brown
I have a best friend from India.Her name is Sinsha.I call her Kuttu.She is short.She has a round face and black eyes.She has long black hair.You can hardly get sad or angry if you're with her.She often makes me happy.
( )51.Kristi became Mary's good friend when she was________.( )52.Sinsha has________hair.( )53.________comes from Australia.
( )54.Maybe________isn't funny.
( )55.Which of the following is TRUE?asses.
B.Kristi comes from India.C
Do you have any friends? What do you think of friendship? Here are some opinions from Ann,Pedro,Crystal and Roy.
Ann comes from Japan!She likes to have friends who really care about her.She thinks a true friend won't leave her alone when she is in trouble. Besides care
about you,you must care about them first.
Crystal was born in China. She has the same opinion with Pedro. The real meaning of friendship is giving others something instead of thinking about taking anything back.
What about Roy from Japan? He doesn't care about the looks of his friends. In his opinion,a sincere heart (真诚的心) is more important than looks. If you are in the same country with Roy( )56.Ann wants to have friends who ________. lots of money
B.have good looks( )57.Where is Crystal from?( )58.________are in the same country.nn
B.Pedro and Crystal( )59.Which of the following sayings has the same meaning with Ann's opinion? you are in Rome,do as the Romans do.
( )60.What are the people above talking about? B.Their different habits. D.Their working.根据汉语意思完成英语句子每空词数不限。(10分)61.在某些方面我的房子不同于你的房子。这辆自行车和她的相似。只要不下雨我就去锻炼。事实上你表妹比李军学习更用功。cousin is more hard-working than Li Jun.
B:We have a new comer in our class. His name is Jimmy.:67.________:He's very funny.He's tall and thin.:68.________:He truly is.He is much funnier than I.:69.________:Yes.He is outgoing and noisy.He wears long hair and very cool clothes.:70.________:YesA.I think he likes sports very much.Right?
B.How do you like him,Tony?
C.Is he shy or friendly?
D.Is he a little outgoing?
E.Any good news?
F.Is he funnier than you?
G.What does he like?
Friends are important.What kind of friends do you want to __71__?Different people have some __72__.Alan:I think a good friend should be a good __73__.My best friend is Eric.He's quieter __74__me.When I feel sad__75__,too.When I am ill at school,he always __76__about me.
Maria:I don't think it's __77__to be the same.My best friend is Li Jing and she's different __78__me.She's more outgoing than me.We both wear glasses and have long hair__79__than me.I'm __80__than her,and I often make her laugh.
 71.______ 72.______ 73.______ 74.______ 75.______ 76.______ 77.______ 78.______ 79.______ 80.______书面表达。(15分)跟Tom是一对双胞胎兄弟比Tom大5分钟。写一下他们的相同点和不同点。80词左右。相同点:长相一样都喜欢踢足球学习刻苦都讨厌吃肉类食物、垃圾食品。不同点:Tim活泼外向喜欢音乐、体育。Tom安静擅长英语和语文。喜欢度假露营。Tom喜欢在家看电视或去看电影。_
Test for Unit 3参考答案
听力材料:听句子选择恰当的应答语。 your sister?
3.What is Helen talented in?
4.What does Alice look like?
5.That's Lisa,isn't it?
Ⅱ.听对话选择最佳答案。:Do you like music:I'm good at art.I like music but I don't like P.E.and I hardly play sports.:Mary:But Lily is more hard-working.:Yes:Cindy:Yes.:What was the result?:Peter was the second.Tom ran faster than Peter:Who do you think should get the job:Steve.He is more hard-working.Jill is smarter:Tina is shyer than Taray as Tara.
W:Yes.And they both study hard.听长对话选择最佳答案。听第一段对话回答第11~12小题。:Ann:Sure.The shorter boy with a round face is Steve and the boy in a red T-shirt is Dave.:Can you tell me something about them?:They can both sing.But Steve sings more clearly and more beautifully than Dave.:In sports?:Steve runs faster and Dave jumps higher.听第二段对话回答第13~15小:Li Dongay?
M:Yes.But we still need one player.Wei Fang:I think Lin Tao should be.:Why?:Lin Tao is good at running.And he is very tall.He can do a good job in the game.:But Li Lei is also very talented!:But Li Lei is shorter and heavier.I think he may not be as smart as Lin Tao.:Maybe you're right.Ⅳ.听短文选择最佳答案。onger hair than Sam.Tom is much more outgoing than Sam.Usually,he speaks more loudly than Sam.Tom is good at math,and Sam likes English.But they are good friends.“I broke my arm last week.”Said Tom.“Sam helped me a lot.So I think good friends should care about each other and share everything.It's not necessary for good friends to be the same.”
参考答案:Ⅰ.1~5 AACAB~10 BBAAC~15 CAABC~20 AABAC~25 BBDCD~30 CABBA~35 CDCDA~40 ABBAB~45 BCCBC~50 TFFTF~55 ABBCD~60 DCAAA long as fast as~70 EBFDA 72.differences73.listener 74.than 75.kind 77.necessary 79.more beautiful 80.funnier:ood.They study hard.But they also have something different.Tim is more outgoing than Tom.And he likes going camping and going for vacations.Tom is quiet.He doesn't like going out.He likes to stay at home to read,watch TV or watch movies.Tim is good at music and P.E.Tom is good at English and Chinese.All their classmates love them very much.
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