sitdounpease这是什么意思 翻译中文翻译

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dialog (dialogue是什么意思
中文翻译对白及口形:&&&&n. 1.问答,对语。 2.问答题,对话体。 3.(小说 ...:&&&&n. 1.问答,对语。 2.问答题,对话体。 3.(小说 ...
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sit with是什么意思
中文翻译临时替人照看替人照看:&&&&vi. (sat , 〔古语〕si ...:&&&&短语和例子 Away with him! 把他带走! D ...
例句与用法1.Stranded, he sat with his back to a tree .他束手无策,只好靠着一棵树坐下。2.He sat with idan near the stove .他和伊坦一起坐在火炉旁。3.I left him sitting with a quiet smile on his face .我离开了,而他却坐着,脸上挂着一丝安详的笑容。4.She'll sit with you, my soul, while i write a letter .让她陪着你坐一会儿,我的好人,我要写封信去。5.The doctor sat with his face turned away, and his eyes bent on the ground .医生把脸转过去,他的眼睛俯视着地面。6.He sits with hands clasped on his handsome new mahogany desk .他两手紧紧抓住他那张崭新漂亮的桃花心木办公桌,坐在那儿。7.Dr. bledsoe sat with a benign smile of inward concentration .布莱索博士坐在椅子上,思想集中,脸上露出了一副宽厚的笑容。8.The doctor sat with his eyes quietly fixed on his bright, expressive face .医生两眼一直紧盯着这位客人容光焕发、表情生动的脸。9.They sat with bowed heads, dead to all things but the ache at their hearts .他们垂头丧气地坐着,除了心痛而外,对一切都失去感觉了。10.I sit with my eye on mr. creakle, blinking at him like a young owl .我坐在那看着克里克先生,好象一个小夜猫子一样,冲着他直眨巴眼儿。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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中文翻译英英解释屁屁人的屁股臀部:&&&&短语和例子 bun3 n. 1.〔英方〕尾巴〔尤指兔尾〕 ...
例句与用法1.Half my money goes on buns and tea .我一半钱花在喝茶吃点心上。2.These buns haven 's been steamed long enough .这一屉馒头欠火。3.She had her fair hair done up in a bun .她把自己漂亮的头发做成了个圆髻。4.He chewed his bun as he hated it .他狠狠嚼着面包,象是把面包当成冤家似的。5.Uncle soames did take the bun .索米斯舅舅真的得了头名。6.The steamed buns fresh from the steamer were nice and warm .刚出锅的馒头真热火。7.He turned away several boys who came with more buns .他打发走了几个卖果子面包的小伙子。8.She wears her hair in a bun .她梳着面包头。9.Her hair, also as usual, had escaped from its bun .她的头发也象往常一样,从发髻里松了下来。10.You've got another bun on !你又喝醉了!&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇您当前位置:&>& > baby-sit是什么意思
baby-sit 是什么意思
中文翻译与英英解释vi.(- -sitting) (临时代人)照管孩子,照看婴儿。work or act as a baby- "I cannot baby- I have too much homework to do"同义词:sit, take watchfu "I baby-sit the neighbor''s plants when she is out of town"
例句与用法1.Please baby-sit my children tonight .今晚请你照顾我的孩子们。
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please sit down是什么意思
中文翻译请看看请坐下:&&&&vt. 1.使高兴,使欢喜,使快乐,使满足;中…的意。 ...:&&&&vi. (sat , 〔古语〕si ...:&&&&短语和例子 down3 n. 1.(装被、褥等用的)鸭绒 ...
例句与用法1.2 please sit down . here is our reception desk / room请坐。这是我们的接待处/室。 2.One , two , three , four . now , please sit down skaters一,二,三,四好了,现在坐下哦3.Please be patient , mr . hammond . please sit down请耐心,哈门德先生请坐下4.Dentist : please sit down . what is your trouble医生:请坐。有什么不舒服? 5.Secretary : please sit down and wait for a moment秘书:请坐着等一会儿! 6.- please sit down and take a cup of wine . - i will-请坐,先喝两杯酒-好的7.Please sit down and take a cup of wine . - i will请坐,先喝两杯酒-好的8.Please sit down , i will help you with your bag先生/女士,您先请坐,行李我来安排。 9.One , two , three , four . . . . now , please sit down skaters一,二,三,四好了,现在坐下哦10.Please sit down ! how about beefsteak , or something else请坐!吃点牛排,还是吃点别的? &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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