
求翻译!!!救急啊When Berenice Belizaire arrived in New York from Haiti with her mother and sister in 1987, she was not very happy. She spoke no English. The family had to live in a small and crowded Brooklyn apartment, a far cry from the comfortable house they'd had in Haiti. Her mother, a nurse, worked long hours. School was torture. Berenice had always been a good student, but now she was learning a new language while enduring constant taunts from the Americans. They cursed
her in the cafeteria and threw food at her. Someone hit her sister in the head with a book. "Why can't we go home?" Berenice asked her mother.Because home was dangerous. The schools weren't always open anymore, and education – her mother insisted – was the most important thing. Her mother had always pushed her: memorize everything, she ordered."I have a pretty good memory," Berenice admitted last week. Indeed, the other kids at school began to notice that Berenice always, somehow, knew the answers. "They started coming to me for help," she says. "They never called me a nerd ."Within two years Berenice was speaking English, though not well enough to get into one of New York's elite public high school. She had to settle for a neighborhood school, James Madison, a school with a history of unlikely success stories. "I didn't realize what we had in Berenice at first," says math teacher Judith Khan. "She was good at math, but she was quiet. And the things she didn't know! She applied for a summer program in Buffalo and asked me how to get there on the subway. But she always seemed to ask the right questions. She understood the big ideas. She could think on her feet. She could explain difficult problems so the other kids could understand them. Eventually I realized she wasn't just pushing for grades, she was hungry for knowledge … And you know it never occurred to me that she also was doing well in English and history, all these other subjects that had to be much tougher for her than math."
1987年,当Berenice Belizaire离开Haiti,和她的妈妈妹妹到纽约的时候。她一点都不开心,她不会说英文。整个家庭不得不居住在布鲁克林又小又挤的公寓里,这和他们在Haiti舒适的房子有很大的差距。她的妈妈是一个护士,一直工作很长时间。学校是折磨人的。Berenice是个好学生,但是现在她一边在学习一门新的语言,一边忍受着来自美国人的持续的嘲弄。他们在咖啡馆里咒骂她,把食物扔在她身...
1987年当Berenice Belizaire和她的妈妈、姐妹从海地到达纽约,她不是很高兴。她不会英文。家人不得不生活在Brooklyn一个又小又挤的公寓,和她们在海地舒适的房子大不相同。她的妈妈,一个护士,工作很长时间。学校是一种折磨。Berenice曾经是一个好学生,但是她正在学习一个新的语言而长时间被美国人嘲弄。他们在自助餐馆诅咒她而且把食物扔向她。一些人用书打她姐妹的头,“为什么我们不能...
position sensor..下次要翻译,自己先来段!!
position sensor is a kind of angular mearing circuit that turns the mechanical angular into digital signal我的英文实在不好!
直流电机驱动控制DC drive system测角位置系angle
measurement system混合式编码器composed encoding instrument霍尔传感器hull sensor


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