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Five years after it was first posted to YouTube, the infamous
that was only supposed to be seen by members of the Church of Scientology still seems as nutty as ever. You know the one, the interview Cruise gave to celebrate his winning the “Freedom Medal of Valor,” a special tchotchke made just for him and awarded by Scientology leader David Miscavige in a 2004 celebration. The video was clearly intended to make Cruise’s fellow church members feel warm and fuzzy that the actor was such a hard-core L. Ron Hubbard addict, who shared with them their belief that in the upper levels Scientologists acquire superhuman abilities: “Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident, it’s not like anyone else. As you drive past, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you’re the only one that can really help,” Tom said, flexing his OT muscles.
Well, talk about another car wreck. Get a load of Cruise’s former assistant, Andrea Doven, talking the Scientology talk as she celebrates finishing a course at the Hollywood Celebrity Centre.
As Andrea says, “I emanate power from this org.”
Andrea is so proud of her progress, yesterday she sent out an e-mail with a link to the video, and the e-mail made its way to the Underground Bunker. We’re happy to share it with you…
Hello Everyone!
I recently took on a very exciting new Post!…you’ll have to watch the video to see….
I hope this video
also INSPIRES you to play the birthday game and help CC Int make it to the finish line !
Andrea Doven
The “post” she’s referring to is a spot on the Celebrity Centre’s “OT Committee,” which means she’s joining the other superhuman high-level Scientologists (upper-level church members are known as “Operating Thetans” or “OTs”) in order to whip up fervor and help the org win the “birthday game.” That is, each March 13, when L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday is celebrated, Scientology orgs compete to be awarded in several different divisions for bringing in the best “stats” (read = cash).
But there’s much more to talk about regarding this remarkable video. Not only is her Scientology babble fun to watch, but Andrea herself has an interesting background
She’s the daughter of Robert Morse, well known actor who has a role on Mad Men…
And we’re told that Andrea Morse herself had aspirations to be an actress and was working in New York theater when she was hired to work part time as Tom Cruise’s assistant in the late 1980s. At the time, Cruise was married to actress Mimi Rogers, who got both Cruise and Andrea into Scientology.
A few years later, another Scientologist joined Tom’s team during filming of the movie Far and Away. His name was Michael Doven. Michael and Andrea started dating, and eventually married.
If you’re a longtime reader here at the Underground Bunker, these names will sound familiar. A year ago last January,
that three former high-ranking Scientology officials — Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, and Claire Headley — told us that during the years Tom Cruise fell away from Scientology (during the second half of his marriage to Nicole Kidman, 1995 to 2001), Scientology leader David Miscavige used Michael Doven to keep tabs on Cruise.
The church, in other words, used Cruise’s own staff to spy on him.
We talked to Claire Headley today, who told us that Andrea was also involved in gathering information for her and other executives.
“Andrea and Michael were both intimately involved in reporting on Tom when he was drifting away from Scientology,” she says. “I met her several times. I supervised her up at the Int Base when she was getting ethics handling.”
(We’ve sent Andrea a message through her Facebook page and we hope she’ll tell us about the video and her years working for Cruise.)
We had another question for Claire Headley: Andrea talks about finishing OT VIII last May, which is the highest level of spiritual enlightenment that a Scientologist can achieve. So why is she celebrating her completion of something relatively basic like the Hubbard Elementary Data Evaluators Series Course?
“Yeah, if you have ’cause over matter, energy, space and time’ and you’re this big OT, why would you do this basic course. It doesn’t seem to make sense. But that doesn’t occur to you when you’re in Scientology,” Claire says. She explains that although Andrea may have reached the top of the counseling track, there’s another set of Hubbard materials about how to administrate an organization which is known as “admin technology.” Students take these courses in order to learn to be better executives.
Andrea asserts in her speech that the course helps a student “Be more clear in your thinkingness.”
But after looking at the actual materials in the course, we have to think what it would most be effective for is insomnia.
One of the first steps, for example, is to sit down with a dictionary and look up these words: “FALSEHOOD, REASONING, SITUATION, INFORMATION, INDICATOR, ANALYZE, ILLOGIC, OBSERVE, SURVIVAL, SEQUENCE, THOUGHT, DATA, LAW, LOGIC, OMIT, THINK, TIME, TRUE, VALID”
After that thrilling intellectual enterprise, things start to look up when a student gets to play with clay. Using the doughy stuff, students then are instructed to fashion artistic representations of the following ideas:
Omit a fact
Change sequence of events
Drop out time
Add a falsehood
Alter importance
Now doesn’t that sound fun?
Isn’t Scientology fun?
Yes, after spending 24 years to get to OT VIII — and probably hundreds of thousands of dollars — Andrea then paid more money so she could look up the definition of the word “be.”
Are you starting to see why she’s so thrilled to be done with the thing?
We’ll let you know if she gets back to us.
Posted by Tony Ortega on Febuary 1, 2013 at 16:20


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