DIR-655如何强制信道宽度20 4040MHz

我现在有个D-link DIR655的路由器 一套联想的服务器 我有域名 想在自己的服务器上开个公司网站 改如何操作_百度知道
我现在有个D-link DIR655的路由器 一套联想的服务器 我有域名 想在自己的服务器上开个公司网站 改如何操作
我现在有个D-link DIR655的俯埂碘忌鄢涣碉惟冬隶路由器 一套联想的服务器 我有域名 想在自己的服务器上开个公司网站 改如何炒作啊网页制作不去考虑 哪怕就一张图片都没关系。我想知道怎样通过路由器把我的域名和我的服务器连接起来。
我QQ 有人能在线指导指导我吗?
出门在外也不愁D-LINK DIR 655路由器如何作为交换机使用?_百度知道
D-LINK DIR 655路由器如何作为交换机使用?
有一台DIR 655路由器。想把这个路由器作为一台交换机使用。由于电信限制,不能使用路由器拨号上网。谢谢,以便使用它的无线功能。请教如何设置
你如果想用路由就得花钱用什么我的E家之类的山东电信确实不行。 ----------------关闭DHCP即可。破解的也试过,不行
插上 不用设置 不知道是你的路由器问题还是什么
现在的路由器基本都破解电信限制的 你可以换个试试
出门在外也不愁> 混战拼杀 鹿死谁手?家用无线路由器导购
混战拼杀 鹿死谁手?家用无线路由器导购沈阳代理
  IEEE 802.11n 是 802.11g/b 的最新无线传输协议标准,从无线上网问世发展到今天,无论是基础协议还是搭配的网络设备都已经进入成熟阶段。利用和,我们可以很轻松的实现 Internet 和 Intranet 的接入,摆脱有线连接的线缆困扰。
  在此之前,WLAN始终存在着系统不安全、带宽局限、网络管理薄弱的缺点,802.11n 协议的应运而生很好的解决了这些弊病。802.11n不仅可以将WLAN的传输速率由目前802.11a及802.11g提供的54Mbps、108Mbps,提供到300Mbps甚至高达600Mbps。同时得益于将MIMO与OFDM技术相结合而应用的MIMO OFDM技术,提高了无线传输质量,也使传输速率得到极大提升。此外,在新协议的促进下,无线网络的覆盖范围也大大增加。
  目前无线网络市场处于一个11n与11g/b协议共存的时代,搭载11n(草案2.0)协议和11g/b协议的网络设备品牌和种类样式五花八门。如何选择一台适合自己的无线路由器也成了一门学问。其实并不是说采用 IEEE 802.11g/b 协议的网络设备已经落伍,标称的54Mbps或300Mbps 只是相对于内网来说,如果两台之间并无海量文件传递,在ISP提供商的限定下,理论传输标称并不影响互联网的接入带宽。
  同样,对于仅是小户型的家庭用户来说,即便是拥有11n协议的无线路由也未必就能发挥它的全部优势,相反它只适合复合结构的大房间使用。况且目前有很多11g/b的无线产品已经搭载了增益天线,信号覆盖能力得到增强。笔者建议将产品多加对比,将钱花在刀刃上,购买有性价比可言的产品才是大家选购的初衷。我们可以根据自己的实际需求来购买无线路由器,今天就为大家推荐五款家用无线产品,是11n 还是 11g/b,看过之后再来定夺吧!
  日系名牌:BUFFALO WHR-G300N
  产品为可卧可立设计,配合附带的支架就能达到立式使用的目的。遵照IEEE 802.11n(2.0草案),身长较长,拥有127 × 143 × 25 mm的体积。仅有CD盒大小的超轻薄Buffalo Wireless-N Nfiniti高速无线宽带路由器WHR-G300N,既是宽带路由器,又可以作为AP使用。可以最大限度地连接用户的无线世界。采用MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output)技术,利用内置复数的天线来接受、发送信号,达到高速及稳定通信的目的。
  流线的造型设计给人耳目一新的感觉,抛光外壳令产品整个质感提高。相关的LED指示灯被设计在产品边缘,灯、加密、无线、路由等一一对应。该无线路由向下兼容802.11b/g设备,最高可达300 Mbps无线连接速度(理论值),AOSS一键式安全加密系统,方便设定同一网络中可实现多种加密协议混合使用。支持、WPA2-PSK(TKIP/AES)、WPA-PSK(TKIP/AES)和128/64位WEP加密、兼容Wi-Fi Protected Setup。
  内置NAT/SPI和外部侵入侦测,简单便捷的WEB页面设置,外部开关切换路由器和AP模式。内建DHCP内置4口10/100M自适应,有益于高速流媒体传输以及在线游戏,可与Nintendo DS Wi-Fi无缝连接,自动选择最佳的无线传输信道,通过Windows Vista 认证,支持LLTD功能。
  BUFFALO WHR-G300N 可以根据每台设备最高所能支持的加密协议分别进行不同级别的加密,保证每台设备都工作在最高安全级别。背部集成了1个10/100Mbps WAN口 和 4个10/100Mbps LAN口,同时支持有线网络的连接。此外该无线路由的频率范围为2.412 -2.462 GHz (11个信道),2 x 2 MIMO内置天线。
  BUFFALO 不仅是品牌的象征,同时多年的制造研发经验让这款出自日商的无线路由拥有强大的有线/无线网络支持性能。
  [品牌型号] BUFFALO WHR-G300N  [参考] 428元  [经销商家] 沈阳晨光网络  [咨询电话] 024-  [推荐级别] 
  RB-1200CH 以另类的圆形为主,以白色和橙色混搭为主基调。传输标准协议为IEEE 802.11b/802.11g,是54Mbps时代的无线网络产品。前后两侧主面板为相同的设计,中央有经过设计师精心设计的橘子图案,轮廓设计多少有些印象派的风格。面板有四个凸点,在产品卧式使用时保护主面板不被磨损。主面板与整机不同处是采用了透明的亚克力材质,提升了整个产品的质感。背部有可拆卸的全向天线,保证无线信号的畅通。
LED 面板指示灯
  保证无线连接的同时,背部接口还设计了1个10/100Mbps WAN口、4个10/100Mbps LAN 口,通过双绞线缆互联,兼顾有线组网的功能。WiFi ISP支持 WiFi ISP 模 式,同时可以接收与发送无线信号,只要 连接上SP数据机,WiFi热点、无线基地台、以及动态主机设定协议(DHCP)服务器与网络地址转译器(NAT)功能便可以支持多台电脑以有线与无线方式连接,通过WiFi ISP模式同时免费分享互联网。
  包装中同时附带了支架,通过与主机拼装,即可将产品变成立式使用,在电脑桌上同时是一款精美的装饰品。局域网络与资料传输安全保密防护,具备64/128bitWEP、WPA、WPA2与802.1x等多种安全认证机制。防火墙功能为IP Filter/MAC Filter/URL Filter/Port Filter 等等。
  这款无线路由器能够提供多样的无线网络使用模式,包括无线路由器、无线基地台和WiFi ISP等,同时精美的外观确实是目前网络设备中的一个创新设计。TCP/IP、UPnP、PPTP、PPPoE、DDNS、WDS、DHCP Server/Client、DMZ、Port Forwarding等网络功能绝对能够满足目前主流的网络需求。
  [品牌型号] 固网 橘子系列 RB-1200CH  [参考价格] 450元  [经销商家] 北京理想固网科技股份有限公司沈阳分公司  [咨询电话] 024- 凌宇  [推荐级别] 
  11N无线新品:TP-LINK TL-WR741N
  TL-WR741N 外观同样继承了普联的一贯设计风格,纯白色机身加全黑色无线天线。160mm x 102mm x 28mm的体积比TL-WR841N 小巧了许多,兼容 IEEE 802.11g、IEEE 802.11b;IEEE 802.3、IEEE 802.3u、IEEE 802.3ab等无线协议,拥有强大的设备兼容性能,内网无线传输速率达150Mbps。
  为了保持整机的美观性,前面板烤漆工艺处理的LED显示区非常抢眼,为了防止烤漆外观的损伤,产品在出厂前全部贴上了透明塑料膜加以保护。前面板指示灯分别为 Power(电源),System(系统指示),WLAN(无线状态指示),Link/Act(端口连接/工作)。我们可以通过指示灯的闪烁状态来判别路由器的连通情况。
  背板除了POWER电源接口外,4个10/100M自适应LAN口,支持自动翻转(Auto MDI/MDIX);1个10/100M自适应WAN口,支持自动翻转(Auto MDI/MDIX);普联为这款无线路由器搭载了强大的安全管理功能,无线MAC地址过滤、无线安全功能开关、64/128/152位WEP加密、WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK、WPA/WPA2安全机制、QSS快速安全设置等一应俱全。TL-WR741N和11N、11G产品及3945ABG、4965AGN、50/5350等迅驰网卡具有良好的兼容性。
  [品牌型号] TP-LINK TL-WR741N  [参考价格] 180元  [经销商家] 沈阳新亿通  [咨询电话] 024-  [商家地址] 百脑汇2D30  [推荐级别] 
  14倍速传输 6倍覆盖:D-Link DIR-655
D-Link DIR-655
  这款路由器型号为DIR-655,依然采用友讯惯用的橙色设计风格。从包装上不难看出这款产品的一流性能,包括Windows Vista//WIFI在内的权威认证一应俱全。
  D-Link DIR-655外观为时尚的抛光外壳,纯白色的主体与前面板黑色混搭,透露出简洁利落的设计风格。加之背部三根无线天线,令人感到这款无线路由器强悍的“穿透”性能。可见这款无线路由器定位高端,是去年友讯的一款得力之作。
  该产品采用Atheros的芯片解决方案——AR5008系列的芯片组,3根外置可反折SMA天线使之拥有强悍的无线发射功率,实验测得的数据为14倍于11g的传输速度,6倍于11g的覆盖范围。DIR-655是一款D-Link Xtreme N千兆路由器,用 DSL 连接 Xtreme N千兆路由器后,就可以提供高速的Internet连接给多台电脑进行游戏、多媒体服务等活动。该无线产品是全球首款通过Vista认证的无线路由器。
  应用了MIMO、 OFDM以及增大信道带宽等多项先进技术,使得最大传输数量可以达到300Mbps。更多的带机量,DIR-655拥有高达130-140M 的传输速率,可以在不影响速度的情况-下,带更多的用户。更安全的WCN,1个USB2.0接口配合无线存储安全技术,备份您的配置资料。同时它还拥有VPN 穿透 / 多种类型VPN PPTP / L2TP / IPSec等功能。
  DIR-655通过 FCC Class B、CE等权威认证,保持信号独立,不会和周围的其他无线信号互相干扰。产品拥有1年的保修承诺。这款无线路由器诞生于协议“混乱”的年代,好在自有的802.11n(草案)协议让它最终成为未来无线设备的王者。
  [品牌型号] D-Link DIR-655 无线路由器  [参考价格] 688元  [经销商家] 沈阳安好世纪网络技术有限公司  [咨询电话] 024-  [推荐级别] 
  穿墙王:磊科 NW625 PLUS
  磊科 NW625 PLUS 外观为精湛的陶瓷白烤漆工艺,乍看上去产品显得十分简约,不过高品质的时尚设计反而令这款产品倍显档次感。陶瓷白外观正适合现代家具及写字楼办公室的潮流风格。小巧、仅手掌大小是NW625 PLUS 的一大亮点,背部拥有单根4dBi(可拆卸)天线。
  前面板加入与外壳形成反差的纯黑色,面板中有与背部接口一一对应的LED指示灯,通电后可以通过灯光的闪烁情况来判断网络的工作情况。NW625 PLUS 使用16MB,这款增强版路由可以更稳定的为我们工作。内置PA芯片级优化技术,磊科技术研发人员经过精心调教和优化处理电路,保证无线的信号强度、覆盖范围及穿透能力、难怪人称“穿墙王”,即使隔着厚实的墙壁也能收到强信号。此外这款无线路由还支持桥接(Bridege)、中继(Repeater)和客户端(Client)等功能,提供了强大的AP功能。
  无线路由背部为RJ-45端口和电源接口,四个10/100Mbps LAN端口 和 一个10/100Mbps WAN端口,用户可以通过RESET键进行恢复出厂设置。符合IEEE 802.3、IEEE 802.3u、IEEE 802.3x、TCP/IP、DHCP、ICMP、NAT、PPPoE、IEEE 802.11b、IEEE 802.11g 等网络协议,拥有全中文配置界面,支持Web页面升级,轻松使用Web 浏览器配置(HTTP)等网管功能。
  NW625 Plus还提供了IPTV优化功能,支援IPTV的数据优化并且支持IPTV设备的组网。多种DDNS动态域名解析,满足个人及企业架设网站需求。兼容64/128位WEP及WPA无线安全标准,WPA、Wi-Fi预保护访问,预共享密钥匙(WPA-PSK)、AES等加密与安全机制等。
  此外,这款无线路由还有无线加速优化、ABS频道最优选择系统、14频道技术等,包装内附带了支架,配合使用可以让NW625 PLUS 竖立使用,另一番使用感觉。
  [品牌型号] 磊科 NW625 PLUS  [参考价格] 280元  [经销商家] 深圳磊科实业沈阳分公司  [咨询电话] 024-  [商家地址] 物产1801A室  [推荐级别] 
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排行 文章标题DIR-655 disconnect wan and wlan under heavy torrent load.
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Topic: DIR-655 disconnect wan and wlan under heavy torrent load. &(Read 39640 times)
on: February 17, :42 AM »
Hi ALL, I am new here from China, I am very frustrate with my A4& DIR-655Here is my story:The reason I buy this model is QOS, I just read a lot of DIR-655 streamengine article, it's hardware-base QOS router, can operate under heavy p2p application, it's why I am here.The wireless Client is ACER AS1810TZ laptop, the wireless card is Intel wifi link 1000, I have already disable power saving option. AS1810TZ worked fine with my old 802.11G router linksys WRT54GS and Buffalo WRH-HP-54G.The dir 655 seems fine when I just surfing web and download some files with IE,& but when I check the statistics, I see a lot of wireless error and tx packet/ rx packet dropped, the percent I calculate is about 0.5%, I am wondering if it's normal phenomenal?When I download several bit torrent files With XUNLEI simultaneously, total 6 files, after 3 minutes, lot of session be created, the router slow down the download and finally crashed, wan be reset and wireless connection lost. router can recover after 1 minutes and try to continue the BT download again, but failed again.I just try all firmware version like 1.21EA, 1.30EA B04, 1.30EA b05 and 1.33NA, but all does not work for me, I haven't try disable WISH, QOS, DNS relay, PNP,because& I believe these function should be work properly under heavy load.anyone has comment on this? here I attached the log for reference[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:57:54 2010 WAN interface speed measurement completed.& Upstream speed is 463 kbps[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 Estimating speed of WAN interface[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 PPP network up with IP Address[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 LCP sets local options: ACCM: , ACFC: 1, PFC: 0, MRU: 1492[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 LCP sets remote auth: C023[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 LCP sets remote options: ACCM: FFFFFFFF, ACFC: 1, PFC: 0, MRU: 1492[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 Established INTERNET PPPoE connection, session id 5693[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 Issuing request for offer for INTERNET PPPoE Session[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 Offer of service [any] accepted for INTERNET PPPoE Session[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 Discovering PPPoE servers for INTERNET PPPoE Session[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:18 2010 Trying to establish INTERNET PPPoE connection[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:56:17 2010 Log viewed by IP address[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:55:57 2010 UPnP deleted entry &-& UDP[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:55:48 2010 Terminating INTERNET PPPoE session ID 5760[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:55:48 2010 PPP network down[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:55:48 2010 LCP sets remote auth: [INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:55:48 2010 LCP sets remote options: ACCM: FFFFFFFF, ACFC: 1, PFC: 0, MRU: 1492[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:55:48 2010 LCP sets local options: ACCM: , ACFC: 1, PFC: 0, MRU: 1492[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:55:48 2010 PPP network down[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:55:06 2010 UPnP renew entry &-& &-& UDP timeout:0 'Teredo'[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:53:19 2010 Above message repeated 5 times[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:53:14 2010 Allowed configuration authentication by IP address[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:52:48 2010 UPnP renew entry &-& &-& UDP timeout:0 'Teredo'[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:43:05 2010 Above message repeated 16 times[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:43:04 2010 UPnP added entry &-& &-& UDP timeout:0 'Thunder5'[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:43:04 2010 UPnP added entry &-& &-& TCP timeout:0 'Thunder5'[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:43:01 2010 UPnP deleted entry &-& UDP[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:43:01 2010 UPnP deleted entry &-& TCP[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:42:20 2010 UPnP renew entry &-& &-& UDP timeout:0 'Teredo'[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:38:15 2010 Above message repeated 14 times[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:37:46 2010 UPnP added entry &-& &-& UDP timeout:0 'Thunder5'[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:37:46 2010 UPnP added entry &-& &-& TCP timeout:0 'Thunder5'[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:37:33 2010 UPnP renew entry &-& &-& UDP timeout:0 'Teredo'[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:34:57 2010 Above message repeated 5 times[INFO] Wed Feb 17 17:34:47 2010 UPnP added entry &-& &-& UDP timeout:0 'Teredo'
« Reply #1 on: February 17, :05 PM »
There's two issues here.The major one:1. You need to throttle down on your 'max BT peer& connections. The DIR is good, but it is not a miracle machine that will& stay up whatever you throw at it. The DIR will work OK with about 250/300 max connections (up and down combined)Minor one:2. Your connection with your modem seems to be flakey, so check the cables. At least, that's what the log suggests.
DIR-655 H/W: A2 FW: 1.33
« Reply #2 on: February 17, :07 PM »
There's two issues here.The major one:1. You need to throttle down on your 'max BT peer& connections. The DIR is good, but it is not a miracle machine that will& stay up whatever you throw at it. The DIR will work OK with about 250/300 max connections (up and down combined)Minor one:2. Your connection with your modem seems to be flakey, so check the cables. At least, that's what the log suggests.100 connections on uTorrent is the max I was able to get out of it. That still requires a reboot of the router after the torrent files are done downloading because all other internet access gets locked out for everyone EXCEPT the machine downloading the torrent.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, :48 PM »
100 connections on uTorrent is the max I was able to get out of it. That still requires a reboot of the router after the torrent files are done downloading because all other internet access gets locked out for everyone EXCEPT the machine downloading the torrent.Recheck your settings, esp. the settings that concern the number of connections. They are set in different places usually in the client software.
DIR-655 H/W: A2 FW: 1.33
« Reply #4 on: February 17, :15 PM »
There's two issues here.The major one:1. You need to throttle down on your 'max BT peer& connections. The DIR is good, but it is not a miracle machine that will &stay up whatever you throw at it. The DIR will work OK with about 250/300 max connections (up and down combined)Minor one:2. Your connection with your modem seems to be flakey, so check the cables. At least, that's what the log suggests.thanks EddieZ- yes, I know throttle down the connections can be some help to improve the download stability, my adsl is 4M/512K, normally I can get 400K download speed, but for torrent download, I have to limit the download/up speed to 350K/20K in XUNLEI setting, &I think limit the speed should also limit the peer connections. Today I try down 3 files with XUNLEI, a bittorrent client. After 1 minute passed, lot of session be established, I ping the router IP, found the router is not stable, the ping reach 100 ms or high even get lost, normally ping router should less than 1ms from wired computer, when ping router & 30ms, the download speed became unstable, and hard to access the router web interface, I immediately check the internet sessions amount in router statistic menu, calculate total 2320 session record here, I remember my old WRT54GS &can handling more than 4000 sessions with no problem Then I disable the dynamic fragmentation option in QOS setting menu, I find the router became solid under heavy torrent downloading, the ping to router is stable, less than 1ms, so I think the QOS engine can?t handling the mass connections, ubicom streamengine slow down the whole rounter.Another my thought is DIR 655 QOS is absolutely useless, -&&&I set A computer priority 40, and set B computer priority 200, when I download file in B computer with single thread, A computer ping to ISP gateway is 150ms( normally the ping is around 30ms),-&&&if I download the files with 5 thread in B computer, then I got the ping 800ms or more to ISP gateway (normally the ping is around 30ms),-&&&I can?t see any improvement with &QOS enable, what's wrong with my dir 655?
« Last Edit: February 17, :44 PM by leowood »
« Reply #5 on: February 18, :17 PM »
I think limit the speed should also limit the peer connections. No, you really need to seed the number of incoming connectionsThen I disable the dynamic fragmentation option in QOS setting menu, I find the router became solid under heavy torrent downloading, the ping to router is stable, less than 1ms, so I think the QOS engine can?t handling the mass connections, ubicom streamengine slow down the whole rounter.It is taking up prcessor/memory a lot with large numbers of connections. So the performance degredation is quite obvious...-&&&I can?t see any improvement with &QOS enable, what's wrong with my dir 655? You cannot prioritize IP's only, you need to at least differentiate in the ports that are used. otherwise it won't work... So you can prioritize certain kinds (streams) of data, not all equal http or FTP with respect to different IP's
DIR-655 H/W: A2 FW: 1.33
« Reply #6 on: February 19, :28 AM »
I finally found the root cause, UBICOM QOS can't handling so many session/connection raised by P2P client,& it lead to router freezing frequently (just like cpu utilization 100%) , once QOS overload ,then the wired computer download speed slow down, and wireless client disconnect from router/ router wan port rest.simply ping router lan address can verify this phenomenal.So simply turn off the QOS can solve the problem (low P2P speed, wan reset, wireless disconnect)QOS capability does not relate to any firmware version, frankly said its very poor, how stupid dlink set the QOS enable by default.&
« Reply #7 on: February 21, :52 AM »
just return to dlink for replacement, dlink confirm the wireless signal is not stable, dropped packet when wireless client ping router, will send me a new one for test, so I will update the situation here to see if QOS issues is a common or individual once I received
« Reply #8 on: February 21, :53 PM »
to make QoS function properly, I would think, like many other router firmware, you would have to set the max upload to about 80 to 90 percent of what you get from your ISP. The reason for this is so the router can buffer the acks and delay them according to the service priority. Though I do agree, the QoS fucntion is flakey in my opinion and a lot of users mis-interpret what QoS is and how it is supposed to function. Perhaps what you may find more helpful is a gateway that impliments traffic shaping instead.
« Reply #9 on: February 22, :13 PM »
Good news, today received replaced 655 from Dlink office, seems everything is OK,Just download 4 torrent files meantime in office (100M connection), total 3300 sessions,& 250 ESD connections, around 5M/s speed,QOS enabled, router is stable, no ping delay and packet lost under heavy download, so the conclusion is QOS is applicable for heavy torrent handling no problem,my old DIR 655 is a defective, So sadly I waste 3 days on this,
« Reply #10 on: February 22, :21 PM »
Good news, today received replaced 655 from Dlink office, seems everything is OK,Just download 4 torrent files meantime in office (100M connection), total 3300 sessions,& 250 ESD connections, around 5M/s speed,QOS enabled, router is stable, no ping delay and packet lost under heavy download, so the conclusion is QOS is applicable for heavy torrent handling no problem,my old DIR 655 is a defective, So sadly I waste 3 days on this, OMG!!!!take my new DIR-655 to home, the problem produce again. running 4 torrent files, ping router lose packet and time out, the difference between office network and home network is& office net work is static wan IP, while the home network is ADSL PPPOE dial-up, so , the question is& DIR-655 PPPoE mode is not friendly with QOS?
« Reply #11 on: February 23, :43 AM »
That might be the case, I have the same configuration as yours at home, and I have the same problem of ping lag and sometimes lost packets when I use wireless n in 40MHz mode whether when I do torrent or not. This non-sense happens with every firmwares I have tried from 1.30WW, to 1.31EU and 1.33NA, might be others, too I guess.So have you tried running your wireless n in 20 Mhz mode? And which wireless client inside your laptop, Atheros, Ralink, Broadcom or Intel...?EDIT: I do not have WAN or wireless drop off and restart as of now.EDIT2: My wireless client is a DWA-140 (Ralink 2870) with latest Ralink Vista x64 driver. Wireless g with a Atheros chip on my netbook does not have this problem.
« Last Edit: February 23, :20 AM by bigeyes0x0 »
« Reply #12 on: February 23, :38 PM »
OMG!!!!take my new DIR-655 to home, the problem produce again. running 4 torrent files, ping router lose packet and time out, the difference between office network and home network is& office net work is static wan IP, while the home network is ADSL PPPOE dial-up, so , the question is& DIR-655 PPPoE mode is not friendly with QOS?You might want to start thinking about your PPPoE modem as the cause of the issue....
DIR-655 H/W: A2 FW: 1.33
« Reply #13 on: February 23, :15 PM »
You might want to start thinking about your PPPoE modem as the cause of the issue....I own my PPPoE modem for 10 years (e-tek brand), this modem no problem connect to my ASUS, Linksys, Baffalo. So I do not thinks its modem issues.
« Reply #14 on: February 23, :46 PM »
That might be the case, I have the same configuration as yours at home, and I have the same problem of ping lag and sometimes lost packets when I use wireless n in 40MHz mode whether when I do torrent or not. This non-sense happens with every firmwares I have tried from 1.30WW, to 1.31EU and 1.33NA, might be others, too I guess.So have you tried running your wireless n in 20 Mhz mode? And which wireless client inside your laptop, Atheros, Ralink, Broadcom or Intel...?EDIT: I do not have WAN or wireless drop off and restart as of now.EDIT2: My wireless client is a DWA-140 (Ralink 2870) with latest Ralink Vista x64 driver. Wireless g with a Atheros chip on my netbook does not have this problem.I haven't try the 20Mhz mode, I won't give up the 40M mode for only 40Mhz can handling 300mbps link speed.my wireless client is broadcom (my thinkpad X60), realtek( my desktop PC), and intel wifilink 1000 (my acer laptop), all client suffer the wireless lost while BT download.
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