namaste 苏州mysore瑜伽馆报名费多少

年交替的时候,我背着瑜伽垫子在印度游荡。去过Mysore的人都知道一个词,Mysore Magic.
The last conference…
It’s the last conference of the season .
Sharath& has been teaching non stop since the
beginning of July last year. But he’s in good spirit and smiles a
lot today. One would think because& the shala will
close and he will get some rest from all of us demanding
But oh no & already on Thursday Saraswati and Sharat’s whole family
travel to the US to teach in April and May.& No
rest in sight. However, with us Sharath is firm. It is important to
rest and to keep a balance in life he says.& “Day
off” should mean DAY OFF! It doesn’t mean stretching exercises or
doing other sports. The body needs to recover and repair itself. If
we overdo practice the body will break down due to repetitive
strain. Practice needs to be balanced. Just like food intake, work
or sleep needs to be balanced, Sharath reminds us (he spoke of this
at the&&too).
Too much or too little of each will lead to
a balance of&in all areas of life is
the key to happiness.
At the start of the conference Sharath comes and sits down with a
big smile on his face and says: “If you have any questions this is
your last chance”. “I don’t have any because I’m not in doubt” he
laughs. He is indeed in a good mood and the “show” is made even
happier when Sharath’s son Sambhav joins the stage and performs
some of his Bollywood dance talents&&.
Despite the happy atmosphere, there’s a kind of sadness or
sentimentality in the air. Sharath even becomes kind of “fatherly”
when he, at the end of the conference, encourages us to keep up our
practice when we go home. It is the practice that will help us
remain steady in the ups and downs of life. Life is never just
smooth or easy but by embracing both the good and bad times in
life, just like the Indians savour Bevu and Bella on New Year’s Eve
(these symbolize the fact that life is a mixture of different
experiences such as sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust,
surprise that should be accepted together and with equanimity
through the New Year) we will be happy. Also, Sharath reminds us
that one cannot know happiness if one has not experienced it’s
opposite.& There needs to be a balance & in this
as in so many other things.
Many issues that have been discussed over the weeks and months come
up again today. Sharath is aware of this but he underlines that he
does this on purpose so that we remember. And every time a question
is raised that has been on the agenda before, Sharath adds new
dimensions in his replies. His new book that was released this past
week is a summary of many of the issues that come up in
In the book Sharath’s for example outlines the Yamas and Nyiamas. A
question in today’s conference related to Satya, which means
truthfulness and is the second Yama. It means being truthful in
both words and actions. In today’s conference, Sharath stressed
that we should follow our Dharma.&Dharma
is what is true. Though, everyone makes mistakes & that’s
only human. There is not always time to reflect upon one’s actions,
but yoga practice will help one slow down and think and judge what
is right and wrong. However, not all people use yoga for honest
purposes. If they misuse it it will lead to no good and it will
backfire upon them. Nature will take it’s course and reveal the
“bad guys” in scandals or in other ways (maybe this was a reference
to recent sex scandals in a number of modern (and traditional!)
yoga styles).
It is important how you use the tool of yoga, Sharath underlined.
Any tool can be used with different purposes. A knife can peal a
sweet mango, but it can also be used to stab someone.” If you use
it to stab you will end up in jail & if you use it to peel the
mango you will be able to relish the sweetness of the fruit. If you
use yoga for proper reasons it’s like eating the mango. It will
make you a better person”, Sharath said.
Come and practice with your Guru once a year Sharath says & if I
could decide I would stay here all the time. But nothing lasts
Here I am in the obligatory picture in front of the Shala in
Gokulam & sincere and sad that the season is over.
Try not to get disturbed what other people around you do in or with
yoga, Focus on yourself and protect your path, your Dharma. It is
easy to be influenced by the people around you & therefore surround
yourself with people who also follow Satya & the truth. Do your
duty and come and see me once a year, Sharath said. But remember
that the Guru can only guide you and help you get the knowledge.
The Guru cannot bring you to Moksha (enlightenment) & you need to
walk the walk yourself. Once you have the knowledge it is important
that you adapt it to your life & then only you will be on the track
towards Moksha.
Again Sharath reminded us that asana practice is not merely a
physical exercise. “If you do your practise properly you will
experience something within you & you will develop dhyana”, he
said. By “properly” he meant making the asana practice stable,
steady and focused& and being totally absorbed in
the asana. This would lead to meditation & dhyana.
How does one make asana practice stable then? By properly using the
bandhas (in addition to tristana: breath, dristhi and asana).
Mulabandha, located in the Muladhara chakra is source of all the
five elements in us (earth, water, fire, air, and ether), the
source of the divine and the source to control the mind. When we
engage Mulabandha properly Uddyiana bandha will come automatically.
When Mulabandha and Uddyianabandha are applied correctly, Jalandara
bandha will also be complete. It is not possible to to Jalandhara
bandha without the other two. Only when the three are applied then
the energy of energy Kundalini & pictured as a coiled serpent at
the bottom of the spine will flow up through the main nadi sushumna
(the main nadi). This free flow of energy will make us stronger and
lighter and will make our asana stable. As an example Sharath
demonstrated Karandavasana, from Intermediate series (in particular
the one I had struggled with during this mornings’ led class & not
so much due to lack of strength but because I can’t keep my nerves
under control and so I lose my bandhas and become very shaky).
“It’s s very difficult asana which requires the use of your
abdominal strength (not so much your arms or shoulders) and the use
of your bandhas”, Sharath said before lifting up in to the posture
(see video below).
At the end of the conference we all lined up to have our book
signed, to say our thanks and good byes and have our picture taken
with “the Boss”. Tomorrow morning is the last practice, led Primary
series for all. And then it’s time to get on a plane and go home to
do our Dharma. It’s been a blessing to be here for three months and
I can’t begin to summarize the feelings and thoughts that I have
about the time that I’ve spent here this year. But it’s not over
yet so I will save that for yet another posting. Until then
The “Boss” and I after the book signing and the goodbyes
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& & &Mysore180瑜伽工作坊
开课时间:日-4月6日(周五-周六)AM 9:00-12:00 PM 14:00-17:00上课地点:南山店报名热线:南山店0 & & 新闻店1咨询热线: &Jojo&报名费用:日之前报名1580元/2天& & & & & & & & 2014年 3月31日以后1980元/2天报名单次课程1000元/天;导师介绍:&陈江River香港Golden—Y瑜伽联盟培训总监瑜伽教学工作11年受邀签约上海、武汉、重庆、苏州等城市共计7家专业瑜伽会所担任签约瑜伽课程顾问总监,为会所提供瑜伽团队管理、瑜伽培训开发、特色瑜伽课程开发等合作。多年持续在印度、香港、新加坡、泰国跟随Lance Schuler、Eddie Stern、David Swenson等世界名师精修Ashtanga、Vinyasa、Hatha等课程高级别体系。不断的学习和自我提升。2010年至今在香港Golden-Y瑜伽联盟担任培训总监一职是创建了:《Mysore180瑜伽精修体系》《DC普拉提》、《舞极》等拥有完善专业体系的课程体系。05年获得国际瑜伽联盟200小时和500小时(RYS)认证亚洲体适能普拉提认证教学特长:&Mysore180精修完整教学体系,完美诠释Mysore180精修体系48套Flow2主题序列串接教学,课程特点:深层肌肉唤醒练习,强化深层肌肉的力量、平衡、柔韧等三大能量元素。教学中融合独立个体和群体的能量交互链接。Mysore180瑜伽精修详解:Golden—Y瑜伽培训学院的专属瑜伽老师精修体系Mysore180,Mysore180体系由Golden-Y瑜伽培训学院培训总监River老师创建,它是集合了古印度Mysore瑜伽体系的精髓并融合了现代外科医学的专业瑜伽精修体系。Mysore180代表着180分钟全身心专注的瑜伽行修,它象征着一个生命旅程,让每一个走进Mysore180精修体系的瑜伽人都会在身心历练的同时收获最专业的安全练习方法和安全教学的辅助方法。Mysore180体系的核心:1、80%的体式练习+20%的人体解剖学理论,通过自身的练习来实践理论.2、分为初、中、高级别体式顺位编排的固定体式序列,从而来循序渐进的进入高水准的练习。3、精准的教学口令及安全的辅助。4、瑜伽人体解剖学与瑜伽体式融合的专业体系。5、90分钟全面的体式练习强度激活你的身体能力+45分钟的瑜伽辅助教学手法+45分钟搭档协助精准引导习练以及瑜伽分享。6、将呼吸融入体式,将体式融入意识,将意识融入身心控制,最终达到动静共融的冥想状态。专业的瑜伽老师需要具备的能力:1、安全精准习练瑜伽的能力2、安全有效引导教学瑜伽的能力3、专业而全面的瑜伽理论根基Mysore180可以给你带去的能力:1、目前无论你的体式练习程度如何,Mysore180都能安全有效的帮助你进入瑜伽练习,帮助你掌握专业的瑜伽老师所具备的身体素质能力.2、精准的体位法练习和教学,每周都会巩固核心内容,让瑜伽的理论通过实践根深蒂固的进驻在身体里面。3、通过Mysore180呼吸控制和体式练习来唤醒身体的自我觉知力与自我疗愈能力,以及Mysore180大家庭的练习氛围,去补充我们忙碌的瑜伽教学中所消耗的心灵能量和身体能量。如何成为Mysore180瑜伽精修授权老师和拥有《Mysore180等级证书授权》老师的福利:1、参加Mysore180瑜伽精修不少于120小时练习并通过考核获得《Mysore180等级证书授权》考核2、结识全国专业并用心的瑜伽老师,通过考核方可注册为香港Golden-Y瑜伽联盟老师,可以在上海、苏州、武汉、重庆等地活动专业瑜伽会所工作机会。3、获得香港Golden-Y瑜伽联盟签约老师机会4、获得香港Golden-Y瑜伽联盟培训师助教、推荐去合作会所授课等机会5、授权加入Golden-Y瑜伽联盟老师团队,有机会参加国内外合作的高端品牌推广演出以及获得国际顶级瑜伽服饰装备赞助。课程安排周五上午:关于Mysore180公开课(180分钟)90分钟Mysore180精修体系第2套Flow2主题序列串接练习90分钟Mysore180精修体系Partner地面根基(搭档)习练环节周五下午:深层肌肉唤醒练习深层肌肉是维持身体平衡和稳定的重要人体因素,肌肉记忆。周六上午:关于Mysore180精修(180分钟)90分钟Mysore180精修体系第7套Flow2主题序列串接练习90分钟Mysore180精修体系Partner墙壁根基(搭档)习练环节周六下午:Mysore180精修体系倒立序列主题序列练习如何通过肌肉控制来做到安全调控身体、如何通过对抗肌训练保障自我练习和瑜伽教学中学员的安全有效的瑜伽行修。贯穿于倒立序列整个练习的瑜伽辅助手法和安全措施。
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