Wall of Deathwall是什么意思思

the jaws of death
鬼门关; 死地
the jaws of death是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
the jaws of death的用法和样例:
An Atherton snake expert believes Khan escape death because the snake was not able to inject a large amount of venom.
This evidence would have been death for him.
The terrorists want to kill the songbird.
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相关词典网站:Wall of Death Indian Motorcycle Lucky T Poster WOW | eBay
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abolition of the death penalty是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
abolition of the death penalty的用法和样例:
Nevertheless, it is a claim that can be sustained and if compassion animates those who urge the abolition of the death penalty .
The paper put forwards that people are so fond of a heated argument on the existence or abolition of the death penalty because they have different views about the "human nature about punishment".
To campaign for the abolition of the death penalty
Fallacies in the Theory of the Abolition of the Death Penalty
It has been two years since the abolition of the custom.
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