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Delphi XE7,Rad Studio XE7 官方下载(附Delphi XE7破解),更新Update1
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What's new in RAD Studio XE7
RAD Studio XE7 is a must-have upgrade for all developers and is the newest version of the award winning, multi-device app development solution for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, gadgets, and wearables. There are great Windows and VCL features, a new Parallel Programming Library, significant FireMonkey enhancements for building multi-device apps, new Enterprise Mobility Services, and enhancements for connecting with gadgets and wearables, thanks to the new Bluetooth support.
Key New Features
Multi-Device Designer
RAD Studio XE7 delivers the only true single source solution for natively compiled applications on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.
A revolutionary new way to build a single user interface based on visual form designer that scales and adjust to different types of devices, form factors, and operating systems
Develop your UI once and then view and adjust or customize it for each device type (mobile, iOS, Android, Windows and Mac)
Make changes on the main user interface that are propagated to other device spec fine tune a device specific form factor without affecting the other views
Customize layouts and styles for each device as desired or easily utilize the inherited style
Predefined views including size and layout standards are included for many popular mobile device, tablet and desktop form factors. You can also add your own.
Only one "form class" is required across all of the form factors allowing the developer to create a single source file managing all of the common user interface events in one shared source file.
FireMonkey Behavior service
A new service API that allows the framework and developer to query information about the device the app is running on to dynamically adjust itself for the form factor and platform
UI element locations are automatically adjusted for each type of target device (for example, the position of tabs on different mobile platforms)
MultiView component
The MultiView component is brand new unique FireMonkey component that utilizes the behavior services to dynamically displays itself depending on the form factor and desired platform behavior.
The multi-view lays outs menus appropriately for a phone as a drawer and for a tablet as popup or docked menu
Enterprise Mobility Services
Enterprise Mobility Services is a turnkey REST based MEAP (Mobile Enterprise Application Platform) middleware stack that includes API hosting, data access, and SQL Database access and deployment, serving mobile, desktop and web application clients
Data management across tiers through middleware that is stateless, restful, and scalable
Create custom APIs for your business functionality
High-performance enterprise database access for Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server Informix, SQL Server, and many more from a mobile application through the middleware
Custom Mobile API management with REST/JSON through loadable modules
Data access components for multi-tier data access through standard REST/JSON
User, session, and API calls analytics and reporting using a web based interface
Secure Data Storage Service on both servers and mobile devices
Rapidly connect your apps to your enterprise APIs and databases and services on-premises or in a private cloud
Flexible deployment license options. Purchase deployment licenses based on the numbers of users that access the Enterprise Mobility Services
App Connectivity with App Tethering, REST and Bluetooth
With App Tethering, RAD Studio makes it extremely easy for apps to broadcast and find other apps to tether with over local WiFi or Bluetooth
Extend existing VCL Windows apps with mobile companion apps or Bluetooth devices by simply adding a few components to each app
Connect with Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE enabled gadgets like healthcare sensors and wearables to build unique and domain specific solutions
Easily connect to REST APIs on any near field device to interact with that gadget
Specific Bluetooth LE component to connect with power sipping micro gadgets
Parallel Computing Library
The Parallel Computing library helps you exponentially increases performance making it easier to write multi-threaded applications that take advantage of multi-core CPUs
Boost the performance of your existing VCL and FireMonkey applications, with a self-tuning thread pool
Include the new System.Threading unit in your apps and you can do the following:
Parallel 'for' loops
Scheduling of tasks
Joining of multiple tasks and waiting for all to complete
Easy integration for a significant performance boost
IDE and Development Tools Enhancements
The new PAServer Manager is a Mac OS X tray app that allows you to start and manage multiple instances of PAServer (the Platform Assistant app for developing iOS and Mac OS X apps)
Improved Subversion version control support with new Git version control support
New integrated multi-device designer
IDE support for adding Java classes to an Android apk
IDE Guided Tours to help learn about RAD Studio features
New Java2Delphi native bridge file generator for Android
RTL and VCL Enhancements
New OmniXML library for faster performance, particularly on mobile platforms and easier selection of default XML engine
Improved JSON low level processing
Updated C++ STL library for iOS and new versions of Boost and Dinkumware Libraries for Win64
Enhancements to the taskbar component introduced in XE6 to support with a new TJumpLists VCL component for Windows Taskbar Jump Lists
New unit for Web encoding and decoding
Hundreds of quality and performance improvements
Object Pascal Language Enhancements
Improved initialization for dynamic arrays
Mix and match constant and dynamic arrays
String-like operations on dynamic arrays including + operator concatenation, Insert and Delete
An array constructor can be used to specify an initial value of a global dynamic array variable
Also, generics containers optimizations
Database and FireDAC Enhancements
IBLite embeddable database now available for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS
FireDAC streaming support for blob fields and support for MSSQL file streams
Support for DBMS API command native timeouts
FireDAC connection parameters are now displayed in the Object Inspector as a record
Data Explorer enhancements (primary keys and fields are displayed, foreign keys and fields are displayed, sequences/generators are now displayed)
Other FireDAC enhancements including a new IBLite driver for desktop and mobile
FireMonkey Enhancements
TEdit and TCalendar controls haves been rewritten to supportutilize a new presentation architecture: you choose whether you want the control to use the standard styled presentation or a platform native control presentation on iOS dynamically
Multi monitor support on desktop platforms
The TBannerAd component now usessupports the Google Mobile Ads API from Google Play Services
Immersive full screen mode on Android KitKat
TListView pull to refresh on iOS and Android
What can you do with RAD Studio XE7?
Develop connected apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and gadgets and wearables using the tools and language you know and trust (Object Pascal or Standard C++), and keep building Windows applications using the updated VCL library.
Develop connected apps with AppTethering, Bluetooth, and REST calls to devices and gadgets.
Get FireDAC high performance enterprise database connectivity and make database app development fun again.
Connect with popular cloud services with REST as well as BaaS providers for push notifications, authentication, storage and more!
Bind any UI control to other objects or datasets. With LiveBindings, every component is data aware.
Develop multi-tier, enterprise applications with DataSnap SDK or easily create server packages and client app modules for the new, turnkey Enterprise Mobility Services
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