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talking heads是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释脸部特写合唱团头部特写/传声头像:&&&&adj. (会)说话的;多嘴的;富于表情的(眼睛等)。 ...:&&&&n. 1.头,头部,首。 2.头脑,才能;智力,想像力, ...
例句与用法1.He moved a little to the side of m coy s talking head . getting up in a minute他把头略微偏过去一点,好躲开麦科伊那张谈兴正浓的脸。 2.It ' s not just talking heads babbling at each other in ready - rooms anymore . you ' re really immersed in the tension and the drama and the story of it all再也没有以前的准备室中一堆头像跳出来说话的事情了。你会更加陷入故事的张力和戏剧性,以及一切的一切。 3.Ds : we wanted to avoid making a typical historical doc - the kind that features talking head academics and long moves across still photographs我们刻意避免将此片做成那种典型的历史题材影片? ?即由那些教授在前面长篇大论,然后镜头在一张张照片上移来移去的表现形式。 4.Last - ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the new york post to close down today for good after187 year工会与资方的最后谈判行将终结,双方努力争取在限期前达成协议。否则,发行187年的《纽约邮报》将被迫永远停刊。 5.Last - ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the new york post to close down today for good after187year工会与资方的最后谈判行将终结,双方努力争取在限期前达成协议。否则,发行187年的《纽约邮报》将被迫永远停刊。 6.The sophisticated settings and elegant costume design are also notable . it is very different from what you get from a typical hong kong love film in which the focus is always the talking heads while settings and costumes are not stressed at all尾段的古堡救美高潮戏更是和此片风格十分不符,感觉完全像是在看另外一电影,不明为什么鬼差会是法国古代武士,离奇古怪非常。 7.This dichotomy misses the fact that ai has quietly been lending its more modest achievements to real - world computing for quite some time . every other movie and sci - fi tv series features the omnipotent space ship computer with the personable talking head ; in the real world , computer programs with connections to sensors and tools , using very mundane input and output , make many tasks in space possible that would be beyond the accuracy and processing power of humans一半以上的科幻电影和科幻电视连续剧里面都有一台无所不知的宇宙飞船电脑,它拥有一个谈吐文雅的脑袋;在现实世界里,电脑的计算机程序总是和很多的传感器以及各种工具连在一起,使用一些非常普通的方式进行输入输出,尽可能快速及时地完成很多任务,这些任务对人类来说是过于精确和难以控制好的。 8.Quietly observant as the director tracks the residents along this yunnan border , even the ubiquitous " talking heads " in documentaries are sumptuously rendered , as each recounts their own touching tales of life within this remote corner . awarded the best director prize by the china film directors association , a peer - based review group consisting of the most distinguished helmers within the country摄影机一面随马帮走了一回古道,一面追溯一个个怒江居民的传奇:女人话事的十五口之家,竟融和了六个民族的家庭成员;上百岁的老婆婆,忆述赶走懒丈夫改嫁好男儿的经过;视牲口如家人的赶马人,伤心超度给滚石砸死的骡子
相邻词汇热门词汇你是说章子怡租房时那个练毛笔字的小女孩吗?姜斯琪。作品:电影《云的童话》电影《爱你输给了谁》电视剧《》网络剧《》单元《love of my life》饰演蓓蓓


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