法比奥派姆-卡纳瓦罗的弟弟保罗-卡纳瓦罗是不是球员 有没有资料

保罗·卡纳瓦罗Paolo Cannavaro &&&&NBA联盟超级群:&&&&【恒大、亚洲红魔】球迷群:&&【詹姆斯、球皇无双】2000人群:
&&&&出生城市:那不勒斯 出生日期:
&&& 保罗·卡纳瓦罗,意大利国家队队长著名后卫法比奥-卡纳瓦罗的弟弟,身体条件更为出色。上赛季是小卡纳瓦罗发挥最为出色的一个赛季,率领那不勒斯取得不俗战绩。现效力于意甲升班马萨索罗足球俱乐部。
&看着保罗身穿其他球队的球衣确实很奇怪。&这位前意大利国家队队长在接受意大利媒体Sport Mediaset采访时说道。
畅所欲言吧~ 更多精彩,尽在掌中!
米兰俱乐部官网声称,他们青年队的一个黑人球员遭到了种族歧视。法比奥-卡纳瓦罗的弟弟保罗-卡纳瓦罗是不是球员 有没有资料_百度知道
法比奥-卡纳瓦罗的弟弟保罗-卡纳瓦罗是不是球员 有没有资料
后卫 场上编号:80kg 场上位置:帕尔马 曾效力团队,是法比奥卡纳瓦罗的弟弟:维罗纳 那不勒斯 日出生在意大利的那不勒斯 保罗卡纳瓦罗首次代表帕尔马队出场意甲联赛:意大利 出生城市:185cm 体重。1999年10月正式转会加盟帕尔马队保罗·卡纳瓦罗 Paolo Cannavaro 英文名:日 身高: 出生日期:男 国籍:Paolo Cannavaro 性别:28 所属团队,此前在1998-99赛季曾代表那不勒斯队出场过两场意大利乙级联赛
  几天不见,咋这么胖了  胖起来也像迪卡普里奥        
        胖得真是让人不忍卒目啊  最后一张眼神挺销魂的
    一年半载前的俏模样  果然臃肿是帅哥杀手啊  赶快滚回足球场,清减胖脸蛋、粗腰围呀
  Cosmin backs Cannavaro  DUBAI — Fabio Cannavaro has been tipped to replicate his sterling success as a player in coaching circles by the man who will oversee his initial steps towards football management.   The 39-year-old Italian won domestic and European honours, as well as a host of individual accolades and the 2006 World Cup, representing Juventus, Parma, Real Madrid and his native country during his illustrious career prior to joining Al Ahli in June 2010.  He played only one season however in UAE football as a serious knee injury led to an enforced retirement 13 months later. Cannavaro has since taken up a dual representative role behind the scenes at Rashid Stadium, where he has acted as both the Red Knight’s global brand ambassador and technical consultant from August 2011 onwards.  He will now though be Cosmin Olaroiu’s assistant following Ahli’s managerial shake-up this summer and the Romanian expects the transition to be smooth with someone he regards highly on a personal and professional level. “It’s easy because we’ve known each other from before we came to the UAE,” the 44-year-old explained.  “This is not the first time that we’ve met. When I was a coach (back in Romania with Steaua Bucharest), we played against him when he was a player at Juventus and Real Madrid.  “I’ve known him for a long time and he’s a great person. He was a very big player and character and, now he’s finished at the coaching school, he wants to start to be a coach.   “I think we’ll soon be regarding him as one of the biggest coaches – the same as he was as a player.
He has to start and it’s a pleasure for me to have him with us. I’ve talked with him many times during this period. He knows exactly what he has to do. We know exactly how we’ll work together and what we’re going to do.   “For example, when it comes to working with defenders, who can teach them better than Cannavaro? I don’t know!  “For me, it’s better to have Cannavaro on the field than in the stadium.”  — Alex Leach
  @随便穿件衣 6911楼
12:48:45  楼主~~~~~粗来~~~帮我鉴定一下,这萌娃是不是卡纳瓦罗小正太时期。  -----------------------------  可不是这娃么  放张无水印大图吧  
  据说,对于意大利人,17是个不吉利的数字。但很早就发现,卡纳瓦罗非常地偏爱17号。不仅在帕尔马,国米等队,而且很多慈善友谊赛,都选择17号战袍。而且他最先的推特账号,也带一个17。  一直以为,那是因为他忘不了在帕尔马的岁月,前两天才知道,17号是他爱妻达尼埃尔的生日——他有多爱他的达尼埃尔呀!他背负着的17号,其实是他心上的她的17号,时时在陪伴着他,守护着他。。。。。。    She is one lucky woman to be married to a handsome and talented football player, and he is one lucky man to have such a beautiful and supportive wife. Enviable relationship right here!  她是一个幸运的女人,嫁给了一个英俊的忠诚于爱情忠实于家庭的天才球员;他是一个幸运的男人,有这样一个美丽和全心全意支持他的妻子。令人羡慕又向往的罗曼蒂克就在于此  
    有消息说,卡纳瓦罗将于8月21日和22日访问中国。在此前后,也将对东亚、东南亚做一系列访问——将于8月17-18日造访马来西亚,24日在菲律宾有个比赛。9月7-8日访问蒙古。此外还将访问新加坡和越南。  The best defender and 2006 FIFA World Player of the Year, Italian Fabio Cannavaro, is to visit Mongolia as a representative of the annual Asian “Tiger Street Football” festival on September 7 and 8. He was previously a player of Italian teams such as Napoli, Parma, Inter Milan, and Juventus before joining Spain’s Real Madrid and also United Arab Emirates’ Al Ahli. He is currently working as a coach.  Fabio Cannavaro will meet his fans in Malaysia on August 17 and 18, and in the People Republic of China on August 21 and 22. He will also visit Singapore and Vietnam.  鉴于8月24日他确定会在菲律宾打一个比赛,如果来中国,日程安排得过来吗?对此存疑
  A Radio Crc nella trasmissione “Si gonfia la rete” di Raffaele Auriemma è intervenuto Fabio Cannavaro, campione del mondo:  “Ho un altro anno di contratto a
Dubai ed il nuovo allenatore ha deciso di farmi entrare nello staff, inizierò a fare l’allenatore qui, farò esperienza e inizierò il mio nuovo percorso.  Quando si inizia una nuova avventura si punta ad arrivare più in alto possibile, il fatto di avere un passato importante può essere un’arma a doppio taglio, è sempre più difficile affermarsi coma allenatore perché in tanti non si avvicinano. Mi rendo disponibile per allenare qualsiasi club, sta iniziando a piacermi questo nuovo mestiere perchè spero di trasmettere la mia esperienza ai giovani.  Era nel 2005 alla Juventus che portavo Ibrahimovic in giro in vespa. Zlatan è un giocatore straordinario ma non so se sia alla portata del Napoli. Ibrahimovic è un calciatore diverso da tutti gli altri e se arrivasse a Napoli renderebbe contenti tutti. Zlatan sposta gi equilibri, dovunque sia andato ha vinto. Guadagna forse il doppio di Cavani e per comprarlo occorrono bei soldi, è una operazione complicata. Il Napoli al momento ha soldi da investire e tutto può succedere.  Conosco bene anche Higuain, è un grande giocatore che molti sottovalutano. A Madrid ha fatto il titolare ed ha fatto al differenza, se vestisse la maglia azzurra sarebbe un grande colpo di mercato.  C’è ancora amarezza tra i tifosi per la partenza di Cavani, la squadra azzurra è in rivoluzione, c’è un progetto nuovo e forse proprio l’internazionalità mancava al Napoli negli ultimi anni. Bisogna abbreviare i tempo e cercare di creare una squadra pronta.  Britos e Gamberini sono giocatori importanti ma l’allenatore dovrà scegliere la coppia centrale più amalgamata. Quando si gioca con la difesa a quattro c’è bisogno di affiatamento e complicità.  Paolo Cannavaro ha lavorato tanto per affermarsi e va gratificato, mi dispiace quando viene messo in discussione. Hamsik è un grande giocatore ma non è Maradona e dargli la fascia da capitano mi sembra ingiusto nei confronti di Paolo che ha Napoli nel cuore ed è napoletano.  Quest’anno verrò a vedere qualche partita de Napoli al San Paolo perché è sempre una esperienza esaltante. In ogni caso seguirò la squadra anche dall’estero e supporterò i tifosi napoletani che vogliono vincere.  Con la mia Fondazione ho sempre cercato di stare vicino alla mia città anche se vivo all’estero, i miei figli sono innamorati di Napoli e conto di ritornarci”.
  ==试着编译了一下上面那篇访谈==  法比奥卡纳瓦罗:“哈姆西克队长吗?这对保罗卡纳瓦罗不公平”  (喔唷,哥哥卫护起自己弟弟来毫不含糊呢)  在迪拜我有又一年的合同,因为新教练决定让我加入教练组。我要在迪拜开始做教练的经历,开启人生新路径了。  当开始一个新冒险时,总是期望获得尽可能高的成就。但事实是,过去会是一把双刃剑,作为教练越来越难成功,因为很多人不是你过去的做法。  我可以在任何俱乐部执教。我喜欢这份新工作。我希望向年轻人传授我的经验。  2005年,我跟伊布到了尤文图斯。伊布是个了不起的球员,但我不知道他是否会到那不勒斯,伊布不同于其它任何一名球员。如果他来那不勒斯,会让每个人都快乐。伊布多次转会,无论他到哪里,都赢得了胜利,买他需要很多的钱,也许可以买两个卡瓦尼。这是个复杂的操作。那不勒斯现在有钱投资,任何事情都可能发生。  我坚信,伊瓜因是个被低估的伟大的球员。在马德里,有他没他是不一样的。如果他穿那不勒斯球衣,将对市场是个很大的冲击。  仍有球迷为卡瓦尼的离开感到怨恨。那不勒斯有新的变革,但是最近几年缺乏国际化。必须抓紧时间准备好尝试创建新的团队。  布里斯托和甘贝里尼是重要球员,对不同的中卫搭档,教练将会有更多的选择。踢四后卫,我们需要配合和默契。  保罗卡纳瓦罗取得那么多成就,他应该感到欣慰,对他的质疑让人遗憾。哈姆西克是个伟大的球员,但他不是马拉多纳,给他队长的袖标,对那不勒斯队的核心那不勒斯人保罗不公平。  今年我在圣保罗球场看了几场那不勒斯的比赛,那始终是令人振奋的体验。在任何情况下,无论在国内国外,我都是那不勒斯的球迷,追随那不勒斯,支持那不勒斯赢得胜利。  通过我的基金会,我希望能跟我的家乡靠得更近,哪怕我住在国外。我的孩子们爱那不勒斯,我们会回来的。
    卡纳瓦罗家的小姑娘马丁娜都长这么大啦!  卡纳瓦罗在instagram上发图时写道:with my love  乍一眼看去,差点都要让人误会啦  不过呢,在他的语汇里,世界杯跟宝贝女儿一样,是daughter,是my love(无可替代的珍宝啊  很好玩的是,卡纳瓦罗发了这个炫女图,引来他老板催他赶紧回迪拜去上工 Come back there r a lot of work hhhh
  7月20日,卡纳瓦罗在INS上发了个度假图,引来老板留言催他回去上班Come back there r a lot of work hhhh,卡纳瓦罗回答道i know boss.7月21日,他真的就到了迪拜上岗  这是教练先生卡纳瓦罗执教生涯的第一天  他特在推特和Instagram上发图留念      并对俱乐部主席asalnaboodah表示感谢    
  ??? ???????? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????.  ???? ???????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ????????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ??? 2011? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????.  ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ????? 2006 ?? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ???????.  ?????? ??????? ???????? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ???????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ?????????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???????? ???????? ???? ????? ???????? ????????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ??????.  ?????? ???????? ??? ???? ????????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??? 2006  7月21日,卡纳瓦罗作为罗马尼亚籍教练Olaroiu的助教,在阿赫利开始了他的执教生涯        
        Buona fortuna Fabio!   dietro un grande allenatore c' e un grande secondo!!! (massimo oddo ?)
  改变了职业生涯角色,卡纳瓦罗在推特上也改变了头像  不过这头像早在7月17日就改了。那时尚在度假的他已准备好以新的面目示人啦  
  我找到了这张图的原图及其组照  是日所摄    breathtaking beauty ......
    1990年以来金球奖得主海报  在球迷一家整理资料,发了专帖  /post-fans-.shtm  自己这里竟然忘了贴一份
      官方宣布,伊瓜因从皇马转会那不勒斯  卡纳瓦罗祝福前队友好运
    卡纳瓦罗他们考的欧足联教练执照,原来长的是这样子  上面的文字  federazione italiana  giuoco calcio   settore tecnico   attestato di abilitazione   allenatore professionista 1a categoria   diploma pro uefa  意大利足协技术部门/资质证书/欧足联一类专业教练职业证书
    又是新的一个月  每个月总有那么几个让人特别钟爱的可爱日子
      昨天,Mister Fabio 的第一场比赛
  回复第6936楼(作者:@SymphonieNo5 于
16:33)  昨天,Mister Fabio 的第一场比赛  ==========  现在他长这样呢。。。  
    NAPOLI - Un tuffo nei ricordi e un omaggio alla sua squadra del cuore. Il capitano della Nazionale Campione del Mondo 2006, Fabio Cannavaro, napoletano di Fuorigrotta, ha pubblicato sul suo profilo Twitter un'immagine profilo che lo ritrae giovanissimo con la maglia del Napoli. Come immagine di sfondo sempre un Cannavaro ai tempi del Napoli in azione al San Paolo.  他今天将推特的头像换成了年轻时身穿那不勒斯球衣图片    forever young,Youth's like diamonds in the sun
    Ne vogliamo parlare???let's not talk about it.Omg hahahah delpieroale10 marcodelvecchio fabiogalante…   德尔皮耶罗,德尔维奇奥,加兰特
  前两天有个网友在INS上贴了一张卡西和卡纳瓦罗的图    日,卡西在facebook上发表对卡纳瓦罗的感言时,贴的就是这张图  当时,卡西写的感言非常真挚感人——  Eres grande amigo! Profesional como la copa de un pino,noble,educado y encima guapo! Jejeje!! Lo tienes todo crack! Una pena que dejes este deporte y gracias por ense?arme a ser mejor persona!  您是一位伟大的朋友!作为一位顶级防守球员专家,您将高贵、英俊、有教养和可爱集于一身!呵呵呵!!您拥有一切,巨星!很遗憾您离开了足球这项运动,感谢您教我如何去成为一个更好的人!  这张图可能勾起了卡西的无限感慨吧,身在洛杉矶打国际冠军赛的他忙里偷闲在INS上发了一张图传情达意    6 years ago with @fabiocannavaroofficial  1.27 pm 8/3/2013  卡纳瓦罗给这张图点赞后,礼尚往来也回PO了一张图    You were more relaxed with me in fr-) @fabiocannavaroofficial @Ikercasillasoficial #realmadrid #halamadrid #italy #players #legends #good #memories 当我在你身前站着的时候你更放松啊哈哈哈  5.25 pm 8/3/2013
        于是不愿走的你  要告别已不见的我  至今世间仍有隐约的耳语  跟随我俩的传说  
  在足坛和球迷中有句广为流传的话:“世界上有两种门将,一种是布冯,一种是其他。”很多人传播这种说词的时候,可能并不知道,这句话是卡纳瓦罗的原创。  卡纳瓦罗说此话的背景是,2009年3月,《足球先生》杂志采访他,让他对卡西和布冯进行比较。  两人都是卡纳瓦罗的好朋友好搭档,让卡纳瓦罗公开表态谁更优秀谁稍逊一筹,是比较缺德的,卡纳瓦罗完全可以不理会这种惹事生非的话题,说些诸如“两人都是当今最好的门将、也注定是名垂青史的最传奇门将,能跟他们一起战斗是我的荣幸”之类场面话搪塞之,但是卡纳瓦罗却无所顾忌,毫不避讳地明确说出了他的答案——  《足球先生》: 如果卡西利亚斯站在身后,是否后卫会感觉到更加安全?  卡纳瓦罗: 卡西利亚斯是世界上最好的门将之一。  《足球先生》: 是否比布冯更加出色?  卡纳瓦罗: 不。布冯就像是门将中的马拉多纳。如果我们谈论门将,那必须要分成两个部分:一个是布冯,一个是其他的门将。  卡纳瓦罗私下里说说,倒也没啥,但是公开对好朋友好搭档这么粗暴而夸张地分类归档,简直太伤人,太让人难堪了。本来卡西布冯两人天赋实力在伯仲之间,一句偏心眼的话,让天下人因此都知道被朋友这样看轻,卡西该有多丢面子,多伤感情,这事谁遇到,心里都不会好受的,即使没有反目成仇,在面子上勉强撑得住,心理上对轻视自己的朋友多多少少也会产生隔阂和疏远感吧。  但是卡西和卡纳瓦罗之间交情却并未受此影响。  随后4月的一次访谈中,被问到皇马续约球员一事时,卡西当着媒体面对卡纳瓦罗说: 大哥你别走!我愿意为你做任何事……【恶寒啊,这肉麻的!但是说明他对之前卡纳瓦罗的“两种门将论”毫不介意  接下来的训练和比赛,卡西毫不掩饰对卡纳瓦罗的恋恋不舍之情。“两种门将论”对他们最后的合作并没有增添一点嫌隙。  后来卡纳瓦罗回到了意大利,在采访中透露,两人经常有短信联系。南非世界杯决赛前,卡纳瓦罗还发短信给卡西鼓劲加油。  除了外人不可见的短信互动,近年来两人也经常在社交网络上交流,相互点赞。卡纳瓦罗退役时,卡西在FACEBOOK上写了非常动情的话。  对于明显主观而偏颇的“两种门将论”,卡西一直都若无其事,毫无芥蒂,和卡纳瓦罗友好如初。毋庸置疑,他是个宽宏大度的人,但暗地里他真的就服气卡纳瓦罗所说的他和别人跟布冯不是一个档次的门将吗?他对卡纳瓦罗看轻他从来就没有一丝不快过吗?他个人到底会怎么看自己跟布冯的类同与差异?  2011年7月初,卡纳瓦罗退役前夕,卡西碰巧来华作客天下足球栏目,天下足球栏目征集球迷提问,我曾问了一个问题——  我们认为卡纳瓦罗是你很好的朋友和兄弟。可是对于门将,他说世界的门将分两种,一种是布冯,一种是其他门将。(我们对他这种说法不太苟同,为你抱不平)请问你对他这种说法怎么看?他这个说法影响你们的友谊吗?  但是天下足球并没有看中这个问题,非常可惜失去了听卡西亲口评价卡纳瓦罗“两种门将论”,以及包括他自己在内三位传奇球员的机会。哎。。。。。。
    这两天卡纳发布了好几张老照片  这个总是往前看的人,好像突然变得恋旧起来  是因为卡西的这张图,激起了他时光易逝人易老的惆怅吗
    昨天,阿赫利第二场热身赛胜利  手握纸笔的助教卡纳瓦罗,神情严峻而专注地观察着什么  几天不见新照片,他的脸上似乎一下平添了许多沧桑。做教练果然是个操心淘神催老的工作
      C.I.C Champions soccer campus Seattle (Bremerton) thank you guys .....  3.26 am 8/7/2013
    Italian legend Cannavaro goes camping in Bremerton  More than 70 youth soccer players filled the grandstands with anticipation at Bremerton Memorial Stadium as they awaited their once-in-a-lifetime chance to take the field with Italian soccer legend Fabio Cannavaro.
  8月5日起,在西雅图布雷默顿参加冠军训练营Champions soccer campus活动          
  孩子们翘首期盼他的到来。对孩子们来说,跟传奇巨星接触,是千载难逢的机会      在孩子们面前的他,很亲切,很随和,没有丝毫巨星的架子      
  enjoying the world together       
    邂逅卡纳瓦罗,大男孩竭力摆酷,但还是有点不淡定  Just me chilling with Fabio Cannavaro who won the 2006 world cup with Italy and also won the FIFA world player of the year "balloon d'or" award the same year. No biggie #cannavaro #italians #soccer #autograph #sostoked still shocked I met him this guys a legit #LEGEND    可爱的小男孩毫不掩饰激动之情,小小地语无伦次了  Omg I met fabio at a soccer I look really bad...... :-P that was yesterday after a 6 hour long camp it was really fun but who cares!!! I met fabio cannavaro!!!
  昨天,卡纳瓦罗在INS上发了一张图    Voglio sapere cosa vedete in questa foto...???what do you see in this picture???  1.29 am 8/9/2013  从这张图中你看到了什么?  我昨天第一眼看到这张图,不由得目瞪口呆,只溜了一眼,就吓得赶紧关了页面。怎么也想不通他这样的阳光偶像为嘛突然发一张看上去很色情的图。当时真的备受打击的感觉。。。。  但是怎么想,都觉得他应该不是那种人呐,不死心再打开看,可瞟上一眼就心惊肉跳,看不下去了。就自我解释,他会不会是被盗号了?但是这个理由无论如何也无法说服自己。  觉得这张图里必藏有玄机,便硬着头皮再看,一看便觉得头部异样,再看,分明看到了三条海豚,然后其他的海豚接连全都凸现了。不由得捧腹大笑。  一下就想起了钱钟书——他女儿侄子一串孩子挨肩儿都相差两岁,常在一起玩,有些语言在不文明和臭的别缘,孩子们都很懂事地注意避讳。钱钟书就故意逗弄他们,或作手势,或用切口,诱他们说出来,然后赖他们说“坏话”。。。。  卡纳瓦罗这个童心未泯又蔫坏蔫坏的“精致的淘气劲儿”,很像钱钟书呐。存心拿这个图,故意戏弄大家思想不太纯洁?  观察此图时视点的聚焦,最先是黑色部分,还是白色部分,最终会得出迥然不同的印象。卡纳瓦罗是不是通过这张图,别具深意地想告诉大家:人对事物观察视点和视角的不同,会决定完全不同的认知和结论?
    今天是国米队长萨内蒂的生日  国外的国际米兰球迷为向萨内蒂致敬,疯狂地转发此图,以及据说是卡纳瓦罗说过的一句话“萨内蒂教我怎么做队长”
    在卡利亚里机场和球迷合影  他的祖母刚刚过世了。他这是赶回去奔丧。这个球迷还不知道他家发生变故,他正经历着丧亲之痛
    再来张大图  看他们的衣着,此时的塞费尔德不只是凉爽,好像还有点冷
    推特的头像今天又换了,撤下了穿那不勒斯球衣的图片  不知道是对近来那不勒斯俱乐部设置障碍、阻挠他弟弟终老那不勒斯表示不满  还是因为今天对他而言是个特别的纪念日。。。
  4年前的今天,日,在瑞士VS意大利的友谊赛中,他打破了马尔蒂尼保持多年的国家队出场记录    Never forget 8/13/2009,you break the appearance record for ITALY!you created history when you played in the Azzurri colors for the 127th time! It’s a great honor to wear this shirt just once, and it's a dream for everyone!
  4年前,我为这场比赛写的文字  ===========================  【127】刷新的是数字,传递的是精神  八月的天气是火热的,但是一天一天却过得挺平淡无味,没有什么重要比赛,也就没有什么盼头,能让人牵肠挂肚,魂不守舍,让人揣着一颗激动的心引颈拭目以待。  波澜不惊,虽然这个国际比赛日对瑞士的这场A级友谊赛,即可产生意大利国家队 历史上的出场次数第一人,但是意迷们都显得心平如水。也许,对于大家来说,这样一个位次的更迭,这样一个数字的刷新,这样一个里程碑的树立,是厚积薄发,是水到渠成,是新桃换旧符,所以不在话下。  不在话下,并不等于历史被改写就此黯然失去了非凡的意义,并不意味完成历史跨越的人不值得人们为此献上磅礴的敬意。毕竟,曾经站在制高点的,是十数年来,一直被无数人圣化神话的偶像,被公认为震古烁今不可超越的马尔蒂尼。而今,能跃然站在那样领袖群伦的伟大球员前面,须付出怎样的艰辛努力,又是何等的无上荣耀!  遥想交接班当年,卡纳瓦罗承袭马尔蒂尼的蓝色队长袖标时,多少意迷分外挑剔的光,冷冷审鉴着卡纳瓦罗除却现役出场数的“勉强优势”,何德何能可接替被推崇为完美得不可一世的马队。  接任队长以后很长时间,卡纳瓦罗领衔的意大利,让人都特陌生,巨星隐没,战绩萧条。而卡纳瓦罗自己,日子过得也很不顺遂,在俱乐部颠沛流离,艰难磨合,伤患重荷,前路迷惘,完全比不得马队雄霸一方呼风唤雨、冠军不断加冕的荣华岁月,直教人疑虑愁闷他这位被指斥处处不如高贵马队的平民化新队长,会不会带领沦为平庸的意大利走向没落。  幸好卡纳瓦罗天赋异禀,伤痛,失意,挑衅,责难,风风雨雨,浮浮沉沉,从来都不曾磨灭他灿烂夺目的笑容,更不能摧毁他顽强的信念和不屈的斗志。电话门的狂烈风暴之下,通向世界杯的荆棘丛生之路上,他始终坚如磐石,笑容满面,带领着明显不如以往华丽风光的蓝色军团所向披靡,终于重演了跨越24年的壮丽伟绩。  黄沙百战穿金甲,世界杯在握,金球在握,功成名就之后,面对意大利显著的颓势,严重的青黄不接,卡纳瓦罗要是自私自利一点的话,识时务看穿大多数队友资质平庸闹腾不出什么大气候,以年事身体不适繁密比赛为由而拒绝征召,及早抽身而退,在国家队队友们卖命却倒霉的时候,完全可保其威名不减,甚而愈发被神话,被瞻仰,被膜拜!  但是,这个对AZUURI一往情深的家伙,明知国家队后继乏人,明知国家队一旦沉沦溃败自己必定会陪着身败名裂,在国家队最困难的时候,不是果断退出让人空怀念,而是不计个人得失,义无反顾留了下来继续战斗,倾其所能,拼尽全力,和队友们苦苦支撑着风雨飘摇中将倾的大厦。  可很多意迷并不领情,全然不顾球员断档的现实,猛烈抨击他的坚守妨害了意大利的换血,强烈指责他征召必应,不过是为了狂刷出场次数好赶超马尔蒂尼的纪录。而与此说相映成趣的是,对付鱼腩之师,布冯皮尔洛等老大不小的巨星非伤一场不落,从来没人飞短流长、冷嘲热讽,但卡纳瓦罗一旦亲自披挂上阵,那必遭无数人痛心疾首谴责,仿佛共同参赛,别人都是尽义务,出场是不算数的,就他卡纳瓦罗一人是在处心积虑刷数据,沽名钓誉地拖了意大利新陈代谢后腿。  旁人再多谩骂和攻击,从来不能动摇这个阳光男人效忠蓝衣的狂热。连媒体都意味深长揶揄他是不是把赶超马尔蒂尼的数据作为孜孜以求的目标,他也只是淡然剖白自己的心迹,他并不觊觎他人的辉煌数字,在乎的只是“任何意大利的球员都想为自己的国家队做更多的贡献”: “对于我来说,每一次代表意大利国家队出场比赛都是一种荣耀,也是重大的责任。”他的话简洁而平静,但充满力量。  虚荣自负的人,计较的是争名夺利,紧张的是脚踩别人和不被别人踩在脚下,而不肯也不会理喻“国家”、“贡献”、“荣耀”、“责任”在卡纳瓦罗这样铁骨铮铮的球员心底沉甸甸的分量,就像他们从来就熟视无睹卡纳瓦罗联赛欧冠魔鬼赛程中哪怕体力透支也从不愿错过国家队的训练比赛,无动于衷卡纳瓦罗受伤退赛已无数据可刷也要拖着伤腿颠簸着给队友鼓劲捡球,以及他痛丧亲人后不惮失利将被问罪仍留队打生死战。。。。。。当然,他们也永远无法理解,这个忠贞于蓝、执著于蓝的男人,为什么会被教练举为所有年轻人的榜样,会被国人尊为意大利国家的象征。  在意大利,卡纳瓦罗长期是人气最高的球员之一,但是他一直都很谦逊,哪怕是他加冕意大利出场第一人,意大利各大媒体都为此疯狂的时候, 他也只是很低调地表示:“我并不认为与瑞士之战有什么特别之处,这和其他的比赛没什么区别。”把每一次代表国家队出场比赛都当作一种荣耀和幸福的人,大概才会像卡纳瓦罗这样,对国家队的比赛,既狂热,又淡定。因为鞭策他勇往直前的,不是征服别人纪录的志满意得,而是他要亲自为那抹骄傲的蓝增添亮丽和传奇的无限自豪。  原帖及这场比赛一些图片  /p/?pn=1
    今天是七夕  在INS上我给卡纳瓦罗PO了这张图,并留言:Today is Chinese Valentine's Day (Double_seventh Day),Happy Festival to you there &3  刚刚我在贴上面那篇文字时,他给我这张图点了赞
    此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君。。。。。。  前两天偶然读到这两句诗,不禁怦然心动  试着P了一张图,光抠图就抠到大半夜,今天给他发了,他如我所愿点赞了,我没白辛苦一场  本来想写“愿逐月华流照君”抒抒情的,但想想,写了他也看不懂,英语我也不知道怎么更熨帖地表达,就这样了
    Catch Cannavaro LIVE in Kuala Lumpur  Aug 14, :00 PM  The Italian legend, Fabio Cannavaro, is the Tiger Street Football ambassador and he will be in Kuala Lumpur this weekend for some non-stop football action  Ambassador for Tiger Street Football Fabio Cannavaro will be in Malaysia this weekend at 1 Utama for the Malaysian leg of the competition.  Having graced the festivities in Cambodia and Australia, the Italian legend will take his roots of playing street football to Kuala Lumpur.  “Having started out playing football on the streets of Napoli, it is a great honour for me to be this year’s Tiger Street Football Ambassador,” Cannavaro said.  With teams from all over the world coming together for the games in Kuala Lumpur, fans can expect a varied style of play in the unique Tiger Cage.  Cannavaro added: “There is so much football talent in the region, and I look forward to contributing to this tournament that enables both world-class and aspiring players to showcase and develop their skills, while at the same time creating an unforgettable experience for fans.”  Apart from the non-stop, smash-mouth football action, Cannavaro will be making time to meet the fans and even sign some autographs on your favourite memorabilia.  So don’t forget to make a date this weekend and come down to 1 Utama to catch Cannovaro live in person togerther with all the fun-filled football action.  本周末将参加吉隆坡老虎街头足球赛马来西亚站的系列活动
  虎牌街头足球赛中国区比赛的海报和邀请函      原定于10月12-13日的世界总决赛,改成了9月20-21日的中国总决赛
  ti odio, e ti amo。。。。。
    经过慕尼黑-迪拜-吉隆坡的长途跋涉,今天凌晨到达酒店    Questa è la mia cena dopo 20 ore di viaggio...after a long trip this is my dinner Kuala Lumpur (Malesia)  经过20个小时的长途旅行,这是我在吉隆坡的晚餐  0.45 am 8/17/2013
    Hello Malaysia! I'm in KL for Tiger Street Football. See you at the Old Wing, 1 Utama
  Published: Saturday August 17, 2013 MYT 8:08:00 PM   Updated: Saturday August 17, 2013 MYT 8:52:12 PM  Fabio Cannavaro says Tiger Street Football is the best platform to showcase young talent  BY T. AVINESHWARAN    KUALA LUMPUR: Fabio Cannavaro or fondly known as 'Muro di Berlino' (The Berlin Wall) certainly warmed up to the atmosphere in Malaysia when the Tiger Street Football ambassador made an appearance at One Utama to commemorate the start of the two-day Tiger Street Football Tournament.  The 2006 world player of the year met reporters during an exclusive interview at the shopping outlet.  Having featured with top clubs like Real Madrid, Juventus and Inter Milan, Cannavaro retired last year due to a knee injury but he stuck to his football roots.  "After retirement, I became the sports adviser for Dubai based club, Al Ahli and this year, I became the assistant coach for the club,"  Cannavaro said coaching was a different ball game.  "As a player, you think of yourself, about your life and your career.  "When you're a coach, you need to prepare lots of things, like the training and the tactical aspects for your team. It's totally different, it's a life changer for me," said the 39-year-old  Whether it's in Europe or Asia, the coaching methods are the same and is it important to be professional when it comes to coaching, he said.  "We face the same pressure like any European team. As coaches we have to be professional and make sure we can handle things well," said Cannavaro  When asked to compare between the 2006 World Cup squad and the current Italian squad, this is what he had to say,  "When we won the World Cup in 2006, we had a good set of players like (Francesco) Totti, (Alessandro) Del Piero, (Luca) Toni, (Alessandro) Nesta, (Gianluigi) Buffon, (Andrea) Pirlo and (Gennaro) Gattuso.  "We all had a good connection and now in Italy, we've got young interesting players who've made Italy a stronger side,"  However, he said it's difficult to compare the two sides as they have their own strengths and they come from two different generations.  "It's a generational change and I wish to see this team win the World Cup.  "However, we can't compare the 2006 side and the current side because it's two different generations," he said  According to Cannavaro, the toughest player he faced in his entire career was former Brazilian striker Ronaldo.  "In my generation, he was the best player I faced. He was a menace!"  Players like Cannavaro, Paulo Maldini, Alessandro Del Piero and Alessandro Costacurta have played football at an age where most professional footballers retire.  Cannavaro said their professionalism was the secret to their longevity  "Training is always important and off-the-pitch, we have to carry ourselves well,"
  When asked whether he would like to come out of retirement and play football again, he said he would love to and said he would like to try out the Barclays Premier League.  "The football there is brilliant and unlike in Italy and Spain, the players there don't face much pressure and they can go around freely,"  Winning the World Cup was his greatest achievement and he said that winning the trophy catapulted him to legendary status.  "When lifting the trophy, I thought about my family. It was a surreal feeling!"    Being the ambassador of Tiger Street Football, Cannavaro said it's the best platform for youngsters to showcase their talent and gain some experience.  "I've met lots of friendly people and I can also see lots of potential from this tournament.  "Hopefully in the near future, Tiger Street Football will go to Europe," he said  Formerly one of the best defenders in the world, Cannavaro rated Thiago Silva from Brazil and Paris St Germain to be the best centre-back in the world.  As for the Italians, he rated Giorgio Chiellini and Andrea Barzagli as the best defenders in the country and between the two, Barzagli aces it!  He also jokingly said that his brother, Paulo Cannavaro, who currently plays for Napoli should be in the group too.  When it comes to Asia, he says Australia is toughest team to beat as they have strong players with good mentality.  To improve Asian football, Cannavaro said that Asian sides need good coaches to improve their standards in world football.  "Coaches with good mentality and experience will be good for these sides,"  Mario Balotelli has hogged the headlines many times for his dodgy behaviour and recently, he announced that he purchased a pet pig.  When asked about Balotelli, Cannavaro only said, "He is a good player and a good person,"  Throughout his career, many ladies have casted an eye due to his good looks and when asked how he handles that pressure, he says it's part and parcel of a footballer's life.  "When you're famous, people look up to you. We have to be generous towards them because without them, we wouldn't be famous.  "In my career, I've met lots of players but one player who stood out was David Beckham. David was unbelievable! He knows how to handle the fans," said Cannavaro  When asked what should the Malaysian national football team do to improve their ranking and performance, he simply said,  "You need a good coach to improve the players and I think Malaysia needs to bring in a foreign coach because they have better mentality,"  When asked about the future of world football, he said he hopes to see more Asian teams doing well in international tournaments.  "In the near future, I hope to see an Asian side winning the World Cup," he said  He also advised youngsters to follow their dream and make sure they have the right guidance when taking up football.
  17 August
MYT, Last updated at 17 August
MYT  Cannavaro: Maradona better than Messi    ITALIAN football legend Fabio Cannavaro is in town to promote the Tiger Street Football Tournament in his ambassadorial role with the Asian brewery company.  The former defender, who captained his country to World Cup glory in 2006 in Germany, today sat down with sports247.my editor Nicolas Anil at 1 Utama Shopping Centre, the venue of tournament and shared his knowledge and experience of the game for the readers of Malaysia’s
No.1 sports portal.  Below is the full transcript of our chat with the footballer once nicknamed the ‘Berlin Wall’ for his world class defensive abilities:  Sports247: How is life after retiring from football?  Cannavaro: I did a lot of things. I got involved with Al-Ahli, I was their sports advisor for three years and I am now the coach of the club.  s247: How was the transition from being a player to being a coach?  It was difficult at first. When you are a footballer, you just think about yourself. But when you are in charge of an entire team, there are so many things to do. You need to be in the stadium three hours before a match, you need to take charge of training and motivate your team to give their best.  s247: Who was your toughest opponent as a player?  Ronaldo (Luis Nazario).You know, in my generation he was the best player I came up against, after (Diego) Maradona.  s247: What do you think about a tournament such as Tiger Street Football ?  I think it’s a very good opportunity for the young players, they can gain some good experience, plus they have the media such as you guys to give them the coverage they deserve.  s247: You have played beyond the average span of a footballer. What does it take to perform at the highest level?  You always have to be professional. You have to constantly take care of your physical condition, as well as have the competitive mentality to play at the highest level.
For me, it was always about giving a 100 percent, be it in training or on and off the pitch.  s247: If given a chance to come out of retirement, would you do so?  (Laughs)….Yes.
  s247: You have won almost everything football has to offer. What would you consider as your greatest achievement?  Winning the World Cup. When you play in the World Cup, you are not playing against just ordinary players, but you’re up against legends in their own rights.  s247: You were rated as one of the best defenders in the world. Which defender in your opinion, is the best currently?  Thiago Silva. We also have some exceptional Italian defenders such as Giorgio Chiellini and Andrea Barzagli, who is like my brother.  s247: Having coached in Asia, which Asian team have impressed you the most?  The Australian teams. I was very impressed with their performance and mentality. We played them at the World Cup (2006), and only won because of a last minute penalty.  s247: Diego Maradona played for your hometown club Napoli. Do you think he is better than Lionel Messi?  (Laughs)….Yes, yes.  s247: If you were to come out of retirement, which league would you want to play in?  The English Premier League. I think they have a good mentality about football, it’s not like Italy or Spain where the media is ever present. In Spain especially, you can’t just walk around freely without the paparazzi constantly following you around.  s247: You have had your fair share of ardent female fans during your playing days. How did you deal with that?  (Laughs)… When you are famous, you are constantly under the spotlight, so you need to always be gentle with the fans. One role model I looked up to was David Beckham. He was always so polite and engaging with the media, and also the fans.  s247: What do you think a country like Malaysia has to do to improve its football?  You have to have a good coach. Look at Brazil and Argentina, they are very successful because they have a coach with the right mentality, the winning mentality. That is vital for every team.
  &&&&& Throughout his career, many ladies have casted an eye due to his good looks and when asked how he handles that pressure, he says it's part and parcel of a footballer's life.  &&&&& "When you're famous, people look up to you. We have to be generous towards them because without them, we wouldn't be famous.  "In my career, I've met lots of players but one player who stood out was David Beckham. David was unbelievable! He knows how to handle the fans,"   &&&&& You have had your fair share of ardent female fans during your playing days. How did you deal with that?  &&&&& (Laughs)… When you are famous, you are constantly under the spotlight, so you need to always be gentle with the fans. One role model I looked up to was David Beckham. He was always so polite and engaging with the media, and also the fans.  在谈到青睐他的英俊而追捧他的女球迷,他回答要永远温柔地对待球迷,让人忍俊不禁,又心生感动          
    We have been planning his visit for a year and now, Fabio Cannavaro is really here. You can never get a bad angle of him. Perfection.  记者不禁感叹这就是传说中的360度无死角的大帅哥呀
    Mr Fabio Cannavaro, friendly charming and such a bloody handsome man that I myself developed an immediate man crush on him.. now my fiancee and I are fighting to get him... hehe.. by the way my bro Daniel skilled pass Fabio and Fabio gave the 'im impressed look'....but of course we all know he was just having fun.. Fabio took turns to play for both teams team blue and red. Team red (us) won 11-2 or 3 cant recall.. wooohooo!!! What an honour... #handsome #fabiocannavaro #italian #stallion #football @fabiocannavaroofficial @dannyboyryan @ladybossviv and my macha Burn @burnarena thanx for inviting us to play man..  笑死我了,卡纳瓦罗的魅力男女通杀呀  我留言“男女通杀”,作者不解是什么意思,我只好用蹩脚的英文勉强解释:I meant, Mr.Fabio Cannavaro is so GORGEOUS and so CHARMING,also always be gentle with the fans......his good looks and gentility, will kill all men and women (Whatever men, or women,they 're all attracted by his perfection,can't help falling in love with him ) #^_^#


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