i am the mountainkaty b 5am 歌词翻译译

I Am The Mountain 歌词_百度知道
I Am The Mountain 歌词
pornographic priestess, dripping from a dead dogs eye://music,Boy.Mister City Policeman sittingPretty little policemen in a row, they are the eggmen.Im crying:On My Way to AbsenceI am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.Semolina pilchard, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.Yellow matter custard.I am the walrus, you get a tanFrom standing in the English rain?See how they smile like pigs in /song/" target="_blank">http:I Am The Mountain歌手.baidu.I am the walrus.See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.Man, goo goo gjoob://music.Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun,Dont you thing the joker laughs at you.I am the eggman.If the sun dont come, goo goo gjoob.Man,See how they snied.<a href="http, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.Corporation tee-shirt, Im crying.Im crying, see how they fly, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe.Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.Crabalocker fishwife, Im crying.Expert textpert choking smokers, they are the eggmen, waiting for the van to come, see how they run, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.I am the walrus, you let your face grow long.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.Sitting on a cornflake.I am the eggman, you been a naughty boy.Im crying.baidu.I am the eggman, stupid bloody Tuesday.See how they run like pigs from a gun:Damien Jurado专辑歌曲名.Im crying
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我结合了四个版本,包括楼上的两个,整理出个人觉得比较满意的版本。&br&&br&答案在风中飘扬&br&鲍勃·迪伦&br&&br&一个人要经历多长的旅途&br&才能长大成人&br&白鸽要飞越几重大海&br&才能在沙滩上安眠&br&炮火要多少次掠过天空&br&才能换来永远的和平&br&答案啊,我的朋友,在风中飘扬&br&答案在风中飘扬&br&&br&一座山要屹立多久&br&才能历经沧海桑田&br&人们要等待多久&br&才能获得自由&br&一个人要几度回首&br&才能假装视而不见&br&答案啊,我的朋友,在风中飘扬&br&答案在风中飘扬&br&&br&一个人要仰望多少次 &br&才能再见苍穹&br&一个人要多么善听&br&才能听见他人的哭喊&br&多少生命的陨落&br&才能知道太多的人已经死去&br&答案啊,我的朋友,在风中飘扬&br&答案在风中飘扬&br&&br&&br&Blowing in the wind&br&Bob Dylan&br&&br&How many roads must a man walk down&br&Before they call him a man&br&How many seas must a white dove sail&br&Before she sleeps in the sand&br&How many times must the cannon balls fly&br&Before they're forever banned&br&The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind&br&The answer is blowing in the wind&br&How many years must a mountain exist&br&&br&Before it is washed to the sea&br&How many years can some people exist&br&Before they're allowed to be free&br&How many times can a man turn his head&br&And pretend that he just doesn't see&br&The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind&br&The answer is blowing in the wind&br&How many times must a man look up&br&&br&Before he can see the sky&br&How many ears must one man have&br&Before he can hear people cry&br&How many deaths will it take&br&'Till he knows that too many people have died&br&The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind&br&The answer is blowing in the wind
Forever Young &br&&br&May God bless and keep you always, &br&May your wishes all come true, &br&May you always do for others &br&And let others do for you. &br&May you build a ladder to the stars &br&And climb on every rung, &br&May you stay forever young, &br&Forever young, forever young, &br&May you stay forever young. &br&愿上帝与你同在,&br&愿你美梦成真,&br&愿你为人为善,同人共舞。&br&愿你平步青云,步步为营,&br&愿你初心不忘,&br&初心不忘,初心不忘,&br&愿你青春不老,&br&&br&&br&May you grow up to be righteous, &br&May you grow up to be true, &br&May you always know the truth &br&And see the lights surrounding you. &br&May you always be courageous, &br&Stand upright and be strong, &br&May you stay forever young, &br&Forever young, forever young, &br&May you stay forever young. &br&望你正直无私, &br&望你真诚无害, &br&望你世事洞明,人情练达, &br&不弃磊落; &br&望你后生可畏,笃定坚持; &br&望你青春不老,&br&青春不老,青春不老。&br&祝你老兵不死,&br&&br&May your hands always be busy, &br&May your feet always be swift, &br&May you have a strong foundation &br&When the winds of changes shift. &br&May your heart always be joyful, &br&May your song always be sung, &br&May you stay forever young, &br&Forever young, forever young, &br&May you stay forever young. &br&祝你有事可做&br&祝你有所期待 &br&祝你有所依靠,不畏时光,&br&祝你幸福快乐 &br&祝你被人传唱 &br&祝你老兵不死&br&老兵不死,老兵不死&br&祝你老兵不死,
Forever Young May God bless and keep you always, May your wishes all come true, May you always do for others And let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung, May you stay forever young, Forever young…
&/p&&p&凯风. 《诗·邶风·凯风》:“凯风自南” 毛 传:“南风谓之凯风.”&/p&
我们困坐在这儿,尽管我们竭力否认&br&&p& 露易丝捧着一掌雨水,引诱你去蔑视它&/p&&p& 灯光摇曳在对面的阁楼&/p&&p& 这间屋子里,暖气管轻声咳嗽&/p&&p& 乡村音乐台正轻柔的放着&/p&&p& 但在这儿,没有任何东西,真实的任何东西可以被关掉&/p&&p& 只有露易丝和她的情人交织,缠绕&/p&&p& 而乔安娜的幻象,挟持着我的思维&/p&&p&
在空地上,女人们用一串钥匙玩着捉迷藏&/p&&p& 还有,整夜未归的女孩轻声说着“逃离D站台”&/p&&p& 我们听见夜间看守开开关关他的手电&/p&&p& 问着自己,他或他们是否真的疯了&/p&&p& 露易丝,她安好在我身边&/p&&p& 娇柔,像面镜子&/p&&p& 只是她将一切变得太清晰可循&/p&&p& 乔安娜不在这儿&/p&&p& 电气的鬼魂嚎叫,在她的颊骨里&/p&&p& 在这里,乔安娜的幻象已经代替了我&/p&&p& 此时,小男孩迷失了,他太当真了&/p&&p& 吹嘘着自己的悲催,享受着不安的生存&/p&&p& 提起她的名字&/p&&p& 他说,曾有一个吻别&/p&&p& 他有那么点胆量,却是一无是处&/p&&p& 轻声在墙边碎语,而我在门厅&/p&&p& 我该怎样解释这一切&/p&&p& 凹,这难以继续&/p&&p& 乔安娜的幻象,助我清醒,度过黎明&/p&&p& 在博物馆,永恒轮流被审判&/p&&p& 声音回荡着:救赎,就该是这样,过不了多久 &/p&&p& 蒙娜丽莎应该聆听过公路蓝调&/p&&p& 你可以从她的笑容分辨&/p&&p& 看见原始,羞涩的人纷纷冻结&/p&&p& 果冻脸的女人们连连喷嚏&/p&&p& 听见一个八字胡说“上帝”&/p&&p& 我找不到我的膝盖&/p&&p& 珠宝和双筒望远镜悬挂在驴子的头颅&/p&&p& 正是乔安娜的幻象让一些看起来如此残酷&/p&&p& 毒贩念叨着,与假装关心他的伯爵夫人说&/p&&p& 告诉我谁不是寄生虫,我会出去为他祈祷。”&/p&&p& 但就像露易丝一直说的那样&/p&&p& 你看不出太多,不是吗?&/p&&p& 这时,她亲自为他准备&/p&&p& 圣母,她依旧没有降临&/p&&p& 我们看见空空的牢笼已然朽坏&/p&&p& 披肩曾经飘拂,在她的舞台&/p&&p&
提琴手,他正上路&/p&&br&&p& 写到:曾经拖欠的东西,已被尽数归还&/p&&p& 在装载鱼的火车后座&/p&&p& 我的良知爆炸开来&/p&&p& 口琴手吹奏着残骸的调子和雨水&/p&&p& 而乔安娜的幻象是残留的全部
这不就像是一个与你玩把戏的夜晚吗,当你试图平静。 我们困坐在这儿,尽管我们竭力否认 露易丝捧着一掌雨水,引诱你去蔑视它 灯光摇曳在对面的阁楼 这间屋子里,暖气管轻声咳嗽 乡村音乐台正轻柔的放着 但在这儿,没有任何东西,真实的任何东西可以被关掉 …
我认为诸君的回答有欠尊重原文,如下是我的译文,请指教。&br&One more cup of coffee&br&再饮一杯咖啡&br&Bob Dylan&br&&br&Your breath is sweet&br&你的喘息甜蜜&br&Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky&br&双目似天边两只明晰可人的珠宝&br&Your back is straight your hair is smooth。&br&你的背部顺直,头发顺滑&br&On the pillow where you lie&br&就如此卧在枕边&br&But I don't sense affection&br&但我并不为此心动&br&No gratitude or love&br&没有丝毫谢意或爱慕&br&Your loyalty is not to me&br&且你的忠诚并非于我&br&But to the stars above&br&而于那深夜头顶繁星点点&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&再饮下一杯咖啡,为了这路途漫漫&br&One more cup of coffee 'fore I go&br&再饮下一杯咖啡,为了我去到那-----&br&To the valley below.&br&山谷底处&br&&br&Your daddy he's an outlaw&br&你的父亲是一个法外之徒&br&And a wanderer by trade&br&做着流浪汉的贸易&br&He'll teach you how to pick and choose&br&他教会了你如何在茫茫之中挑选价值&br&And how to throw the blade&br&舍弃伤己之物&br&He oversees his kingdom&br&他监视着自己领地&br&So no stranger does intrude&br&所以没有陌生人敢私闯&br&His voice it trembles as he calls out&br&他呼唤的声音颤抖而无力&br&For another plate of food.&br&就为了不致挨饿&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&再饮下一杯咖啡,为了这路途漫漫&br&One more cup of coffee 'fore I go&br&再饮下一杯咖啡,为了我去到那-----&br&To the valley below.&br&山谷底处&br&Your sister sees the future &br&你的姐姐能看见未来,&br&Like your mama and yourself&br&正如你和你的母亲,&br&You've never learned to read or write&br&你从未学习如何读书写字&br&There's no books upon your shelf&br&书架上也因此空无一物&br&And your pleasure knows no limits&br&而你也乐于接受无底线的生活&br&Your voice is like a meadowlark&br&声音像一只草地鹨&br&But your heart is like an ocean&br&但你的内心像海洋&br&Mysterious and dark.&br&神秘而黑暗&br&&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&再饮下一杯咖啡,为了这路途漫漫&br&One more cup of coffee 'fore I go&br&再饮下一杯咖啡,为了我去到那-----&br&To the valley below.&br&山谷底处&br&&br&拖拽至此处上传
我认为诸君的回答有欠尊重原文,如下是我的译文,请指教。One more cup of coffee再饮一杯咖啡Bob DylanYour breath is sweet你的喘息甜蜜Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky双目似天边两只明晰可人的珠宝Your back is straight your hair is smooth…
&p&&b&Mr. Tambourine Man&/b&&/p&&p&&b&铃鼓先生&/b&&/p&&p&Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me&/p&&p&Hey!铃鼓先生,请为我弹奏一曲&/p&&p&I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m
going to&/p&&p&我毫无倦意,也无处可去&/p&&p&Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me&/p&&p&Hey!铃鼓先生,请为我弹奏一曲&/p&&p&In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come
following you&/p&&p&明天早晨我将在那叮当的铃鼓声中随你而去&/p&&p&Though I know that evening’s empire has
returned into sand&/p&&p&我知道黑夜的帝国已经回归尘土&/p&&p&Vanished from my hand&/p&&p&从我指缝间流逝&/p&&p&Left me blindly here to stand but still not
sleeping&/p&&p&留我茫然伫立,了无困意&/p&&p&My weariness amazes me, I’m branded on my
feet&/p&&p&疲惫却令我诧异,双足也僵硬于地&/p&&p&I have no one to meet&/p&&p&此处无人可遇,却也无处可去&/p&&p&And the ancient empty street is too dead
for dreaming&/p&&p&空荡的老街一片死寂,吞噬着梦境&/p&&p&Take me on a trip upon your magic swirling
ship&/p&&p&让我登上那神奇的魔船随你远行吧&/p&&p&My senses have been stripped, my hands
can’t feel to grip&/p&&p&我早已麻木不仁,筋疲力尽&/p&&p&My toes too numb to step, wait only for my
boot heels&/p&&p&我双脚疲惫,只有依靠我的靴子&/p&&p&To be wandering&/p&&p&引领我去彷徨&/p&&p&I’m ready to go anywhere, I’m ready for to
fade&/p&&p&我愿去往任何地方,愿意在流浪中消亡&/p&&p&Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell
my way&/p&&p&请赐予我那舞蹈的魔咒吧
&/p&&p&I promise to go under it&/p&&p&我会尽情地跳跃旋转&/p&&p&Though you might hear laughing, spinning,
swinging madly across the sun&/p&&p&你或许听见我癫狂地笑,在烈日下不停地舞蹈&/p&&p&It’s not aimed at anyone, it’s just
escaping on the run&/p&&p&那其实没有什么,我只是在一直奔跑&/p&&p&And but for the sky there are no fences
facing&/p&&p&但是对于天空,那儿没有围栏阻挡&/p&&p&And if you hear vague traces of skipping
reels of rhyme&/p&&p&若你听见那旋转跳跃的模糊节奏&/p&&p&To your tambourine in time, it’s just a
ragged clown behind&/p&&p&与你的鼓声交相应和,那只是个衣衫褴褛的小丑&/p&&p&I wouldn’t pay it any mind, it’s just a
shadow you’re&/p&&p&我毫不在意,你所见的只是&/p&&p&Seeing that he’s chasing &/p&&p&他在追寻的一个影子&/p&&p&Then take me disappearing through the smoke
rings of my mind&/p&&p&请带领我消逝于烟雾般的意识里&/p&&p&Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the
frozen leaves &/p&&p&穿过时间模糊的废墟,经过凝固静止的叶子&/p&&p&The haunted, frightened trees, out to the
windy beach &/p&&p&越过神秘惊恐的树木,来到阵阵风吟的海岸&/p&&p&Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow &/p&&p&让那些着魔的忧伤都离我远去&/p&&p&Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with
one hand waxing free &/p&&p&来吧,在钻石般璀璨的天空下舞蹈,自由地挥舞&/p&&p&Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the
circus sands &/p&&p&让身影嵌入大海,让心灵被沙堡环绕&/p&&p&With all memory and fate driven deep
beneath the waves &/p&&p&让所有的记忆和命运都淹没于浪底&/p&&p&Let me forget about today until tomorrow&/p&&p&让我忘记今天,直到明天来临&/p&
Mr. Tambourine Man铃鼓先生Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for meHey!铃鼓先生,请为我弹奏一曲I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m
going to我毫无倦意,也无处可去Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for meHey!铃鼓先生,请为我弹…
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?&br&Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?&br&I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains&br&I’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highways&br&I’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad forests&br&I’ve been out in front of a dozen dead oceans&br&I’ve been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard&br&And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, and it’s a hard&br&And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall&br&&br&啊,你去了哪儿,蓝眼睛的孩子&br&啊,你去了哪儿,亲爱的宝贝&br&我曾攀登十二座迷雾重重的山峰&br&我曾走过六条弯曲迂回的大道&br&我曾踏进七片悲伤欲绝的森林&br&我曾游历无数死寂宁静的海洋&br&我曾深入千里毛骨悚然的墓地&br&那猛烈的,呼啸的,急骤的,疯狂的&br&那瓢泼的大雨即将来临&br&&br&Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?&br&Oh, what did you see, my darling young one?&br&I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it&br&I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it&br&I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin’&br&I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin’&br&I saw a white ladder all covered with water&br&I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken&br&I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children&br&And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard&br&And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall&br&&br&啊,你看见了什么,蓝眼睛的孩子&br&啊,你看见了什么,亲爱的宝贝&br&我看见新生的孩子被群狼环绕&br&我看见一路的珠宝却无人在意&br&我看见焦黑的树枝有血滴坠落&br&我看见流血的锤子和他们主人&br&我看见洁白的梯子被洪水浸泡&br&我看见数万位话者被阉割语言&br&我看见稚气的孩童持枪炮利剑&br&那猛烈的,呼啸的,急骤的,疯狂的&br&那瓢泼的大雨即将来临&br&&br&And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?&br&And what did you hear, my darling young one?&br&I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin’&br&Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world&br&Heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin’&br&Heard ten thousand whisperin’ and nobody listenin’&br&Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin’&br&Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter&br&Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley&br&And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard&br&And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall&br&&br&啊,你听见了什么,蓝眼睛的孩子&br&啊,你听见了什么,亲爱的宝贝&br&我听见万钧的雷霆咆哮着警告&br&我听见嘶吼的巨浪淹没了世界&br&我听见一百位鼓手狂热般击鼓&br&我听见数万人低语却无人聆听&br&我听见某人忍受饥饿也听见许多人放声大笑&br&我听见颂歌的诗人在路边过世&br&我听见悲伤的小丑于小巷哭泣&br&那猛烈的,呼啸的,急骤的,疯狂的&br&那瓢泼的大雨即将来临&br&&br&Oh, who did you meet, my blue-eyed son?&br&Who did you meet, my darling young one?&br&I met a young child beside a dead pony&br&I met a white man who walked a black dog&br&I met a young woman whose body was burning&br&I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow&br&I met one man who was wounded in love&br&I met another man who was wounded with hatred&br&And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard&br&It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall&br&&br&啊,你遇见了谁,蓝眼睛的孩子&br&啊,你遇见了谁,亲爱的宝贝&br&我遇见陪着死马的孩子&br&我遇见遛着黑狗的白人&br&我遇见身体燃烧的少妇&br&我遇见赠予彩虹的少女&br&我遇见因爱受伤的男人&br&和另一位仇恨折磨的男人&br&那猛烈的,呼啸的,急骤的,疯狂的&br&那瓢泼的大雨即将来临&br&&br&Oh, what’ll you do now, my blue-eyed son?&br&Oh, what’ll you do now, my darling young one?&br&I’m a-goin’ back out ’fore the rain starts a-fallin’&br&I’ll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest&br&Where the people are many and their hands are all empty&br&Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters&br&Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison&br&Where the executioner’s face is always well hidden&br&Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten&br&Where black is the color, where none is the number&br&And I’ll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it&br&And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it&br&Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’&br&But I’ll know my song well before I start singin’&br&And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard&br&It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall&br&&br&啊,你要做什么,蓝眼睛的孩子&br&啊,你要做什么,亲爱的宝贝&br&我要逃离此处在暴雨降临前&br&我要走进幽暗森林的最深处&br&那儿人头攒动却两手空空&br&那儿水流潺潺却剧毒无比&br&那儿山中小屋贴着脏污牢房&br&那儿刽子手们隐藏于暗处&br&那儿饥饿是丑陋,灵魂却被遗忘&br&那儿黑色是唯一的颜色,零是唯一的数字&br&我要讲述这一切,揣摩这一切,感受这一切&br&我要在山顶反省这一切,普世众生方能看清真相&br&我要站在海面上,直到开始下沉&br&我会铭记自己的歌,在开口演唱之前&br&那猛烈的,呼啸的,急骤的,疯狂的&br&那瓢泼的大雨即将来临
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountainsI’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highwaysI’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad for…
飘荡在风中&br&&br&一个人究竟要走过多少路 &br&才能够长大成人? &br&一只白鸽究竟要飞过几重大海 &br&才可以安眠在温暖的沙滩? &br&炮弹究竟要飞多久 &br&才能换来永久的和平? &br&那答案,我的朋友,就在风中飘荡 &br&答案在风中飘荡&br&&br&一座山要屹立多久 &br&才能历经沧海桑田? &br&人究竟要过多少年 &br&才能被永久许以自由? &br&人究竟要多少次转过头去 &br&才能假装视而不见? &br&那答案,我的朋友,就在风中飘荡 &br&答案在风中飘荡&br&&br&一个人究竟要抬几次头&br&才能够见苍穹? &br&一个人究竟得有几只耳朵 &br&才可以听到人民的哭喊? &br&究竟要多少人死去&br&他们才知道世上早已生灵涂炭? &br&那答案,我的朋友,就在风中飘荡 &br&答案在风中飘荡
飘荡在风中一个人究竟要走过多少路 才能够长大成人? 一只白鸽究竟要飞过几重大海 才可以安眠在温暖的沙滩? 炮弹究竟要飞多久 才能换来永久的和平? 那答案,我的朋友,就在风中飘荡 答案在风中飘荡一座山要屹立多久 才能历经沧海桑田? 人究竟要过多少年 …
&p&Don't Think Twice, It's All Right &br&
Bob Dylan &br&&br&
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe &br&亲爱的,坐于顽石,纠缠于心没太大用 &br&&br&
Even you don't know by now &br&也许你尚未明了 &br&&br&
And it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe &br&亲爱的,坐于顽石,纠缠于心没太大用 &br&&br&
It'll never do somehow. &br&这些终归无济于事&br&
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn &br&当鸡鸣裹挟着破晓&/p&&br&
Look out your window and I'll be gone &br&窗外我的剪影,应该早已消失&br&&br&
You're the reason I'm traveling on &br&知道吗,因为你,我背井离乡&br&&br&
Don't think twice, it's all right &br&往昔不忆,如此尚佳&br&&br&&br&
It ain't no use in turning on your light, babe &br&亲爱的,点亮家中的孤灯,没太大用&br&
That light I never knowed &br&至少我从未知晓&br&&br&
And it ain't no use in turning on your light, babe &br&亲爱的,点亮家中的孤灯,没太大用&br&&br&
I'm on the dark side of the road &br&我已经没入阴影的路旁&br&&br&
but I wish there was something you would do or say &br&我多幻想你有些言行啊 &br&&br&
To try and make me change my mind and stay &br&你开口,也许我会不忍离开&br&&br&
We never did too much talking anyway &br&最后我们也只有寥寥几语&br&
So don't think twice, it's all right &br&往昔不忆,如此尚佳&br&&br&&br&
It ain't no use in calling out my name, gal &br&亲爱的,呼唤我的名字也许没用了&br&
Like you never done before &br&之前为何不曾想过&br&
It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal &br&亲爱的,呼唤我的名字也许没用了&br&&br&
I can't hear you any more &br&我将它们揉入喧嚣和沉默 &br&&br&
I'm a-thinkin' and a-wond'rin' walkin’ down the road &br&我走走停停,再三思量 &br&&br&
I once loved a woman, a child I'm told &br&我曾爱过你,最纯真的模样&br&&br&
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul &br&当我为她动心,她却要我魂灵 &br&&br&
But don't think twice, it's all right &br&往昔不忆,如此尚佳&br&&br&&br&
So long, Honey Babe &br&时光漫长啊,亲爱的&br&&br&
Where I'm bound, I can't tell &br&何处将往,我自己也还没主意 &br&&br&
But Goodbye's too good a word, babe &br&再会是个美好的幻想&br&&br&
So I'll just say fare thee well &br&我也许该说,后会无期 &br&&br&
I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind &br&并不是说,你待我太薄 &br&&br&
You could have done better but I don't mind &br&你本可以珍惜,但我已不在乎 &br&&br&
You just kinda wasted my precious time &br&那不过是段无谓的时光 &br&&br&
But don't think twice, it's all right &br&往昔不忆,如此尚佳
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe 亲爱的,坐于顽石,纠缠于心没太大用
Even you don't know by now 也许你尚未明了
And it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, ba…
豆瓣上看到的:&a href=&///?target=http%3A///group/topic//& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&歌詞翻譯: Workingman's Blues #2 勞工悲歌&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&br&There's an evenin' haze settlin' over the town &br&Starlight by the edge of the creek &br&The buyin' power of the proletariat's gone down &br&Money's gettin' shallow and weak &br&The place I love best is a sweet memory &br&It's a new path that we trod 1 &br&They say low wages are a reality &br&If we want to compete abroad &br&&br&向晚的城鎮,含煙籠霧 &br&溪流邊星光閃爍 &br&普羅大眾越來越無力購買 &br&錢是越來越薄俗 &br&我最鍾愛的地方是那甜美的回憶 &br&我們共同踏過,歷久彌新 &br&人家說工資微薄要向現實低頭 &br&如果我們想與海外拼搏 &br&&br&My cruel weapons have been put on the shelf 2 &br&Come sit down on my knee &br&You are dearer to me than myself &br&As you yourself can see &br&I'm listenin' to the steel rails hum &br&Got both eyes tight shut &br&Just sitting here trying to keep the hunger from &br&Creeping its way into my gut 3 &br&&br&我冷酷無情的武裝防備,全已收起 &br&過來坐在我的膝上 &br&我疼惜你勝過愛自己 &br&這點你自己也明白 &br&我正聽著鋼軌嗡嗡鳴 &br&雙目緊閉 &br&只是坐在這兒,不想讓飢渴 &br&偷偷襲上心頭 &br&&br&Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind &br&Bring me my boots and shoes &br&You can hang back or fight your best on the front line 4 &br&Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues 5 &br&&br&&br&與我在最底層相會,別落在後頭 &br&帶上我的靴與鞋 &br&你可以選擇畏縮不前,也可以選擇盡其在我,衝鋒陷陣 &br&就唱些勞工的心酸悲歌吧! &br&&br&Now, I'm sailin' on back, ready for the long haul &br&Tossed by the winds and the seas &br&I'll drag ‘em all down to hell and I'll stand ‘em at the wall &br&I'll sell ‘em to their enemies &br&I'm tryin' to feed my soul with thought &br&Gonna sleep off the rest of the day &br&Sometimes no one wants what we got &br&Sometimes you can't give it away 6 &br&&br&如今,我正起身歸航,歷經歲月風浪的洗禮,我已準備好 &br&我會拖他們到地獄,讓他們靠牆站 &br&我會把它們出賣給敵人 &br&我正設法讓思緒餵養我的靈魂 &br&好好地睡上一覺,忘卻一切 &br&有時候,誰也不想要過我們的生活 &br&有時候,你卻也無法割捨 &br&&br&Now the place is ringed with countless foes 7 &br&Some of them may be deaf and dumb &br&No man, no woman knows &br&The hour that sorrow will come &br&In the dark I hear the night birds call &br&I can hear a lover's breath &br&I sleep in the kitchen with my feet in the hall &br&Sleep is like a temporary death &br&&br&此時此刻無數的仇敵環伺 &br&當中有些可能又聾又啞 &br&沒有哪個男人,也沒有哪個女人知道 &br&悲傷何時即將降臨 &br&幽暗之中,我聽到了夜鷹的啼叫 &br&我能聽到愛人的氣息 &br&我睡在廚房,雙腳伸到廳堂 &br&睡眠如同短暫的死亡 &br&&br&Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind &br&Bring me my boots and shoes &br&You can hang back or fight your best on the front line &br&Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues &br&&br&與我在最底層相會,別落在後頭 &br&帶上我的靴與鞋 &br&你可以選擇畏縮不前,也可以選擇盡其在我,衝鋒陷陣 &br&就唱些勞工的心酸悲歌吧! &br&&br&Well, they burned my barn, they stole my horse &br&I can't save a dime &br&I got to be careful, I don't want to be forced &br&Into a life of continual crime &br&I can see for myself that the sun is sinking &br&How I wish you were here to see &br&Tell me now, am I wrong in thinking &br&That you have forgotten me? &br&&br&他們燒了我的穀倉,偷了我的馬 &br&我身無分文 &br&我得小心翼翼,我可不想被迫 &br&過著不斷為非作歹的生活 &br&我親眼看見日暮西山 &br&多希望你也在場,親眼看見 &br&現在告訴我,你是否已經忘了我 &br&我這樣想是不是錯了? &br&&br&Now they worry and they hurry and they fuss and they fret &br&They waste your nights and days &br&Them I will forget &br&But you I'll remember always &br&Old memories of you to me have clung &br&You've wounded me with your words &br&Gonna have to straighten out your tongue &br&It's all true, everything you have heard &br&&br&他們擔心,他們匆忙,他們囉哩囉唆,他們愁眉不展 &br&他們日日夜夜地浪費你的生命 &br&他們,我會忘記 &br&而你,我會永遠記得 &br&對你舊時的記憶如影隨形 &br&你的話語刺傷了我 &br&得好好管管你的舌 &br&你聽到的一切都是真的 &br&&br&Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind &br&Bring me my boots and shoes &br&You can hang back or fight your best on the front line &br&Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues &br&&br&與我在最底層相會,別落在後頭 &br&帶上我的靴與鞋 &br&你可以選擇畏縮不前,也可以選擇盡其在我,衝鋒陷陣 &br&就唱些勞工的心酸悲歌吧! &br&&br&In you, my friend, I find no blame &br&Wanna look in my eyes, please do &br&No one can ever claim &br&That I took up arms against you &br&All across the peaceful sacred fields &br&They will lay you low &br&They'll break your horns and slash you with steel 8 &br&I say it so it must be so &br&&br&我的朋友,我不怪你 &br&想正視我的眼,就請盡量看吧 &br&沒人能這樣說 &br&我曾與你為敵 &br&橫跨安詳神聖的土地 &br&他們會讓你一蹶不振 &br&他們會挫你的銳氣,用鋼鐵揮砍你 &br&我說這樣就一定是這樣 &br&&br&Now I'm down on my luck and I'm black and blue &br&Gonna give you another chance &br&I'm all alone and I'm expecting you &br&To lead me off in a cheerful dance &br&Got a brand new suit and a brand new wife &br&I can live on rice and beans &br&Some people never worked a day in their life &br&Don't know what work even means &br&&br&如今我走霉運,傷痕累累 &br&我再給你一次機會 &br&我孤家寡人,正期待著你 &br&帶領我跳支歡樂的舞 &br&(可以)穿著全新的西裝,娶個新嫁娘 &br&我的生活可以粗茶淡飯 &br&有些人一輩子沒幹過一天活 &br&根本不知道幹活是啥玩意 &br&&br&Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind &br&Bring me my boots and shoes &br&You can hang back or fight your best on the front line &br&Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues &br&&br&與我在最底層相會,別落在後頭 &br&帶上我的靴與鞋 &br&你可以選擇畏縮不前,也可以選擇盡其在我,衝鋒陷陣 &br&就唱些勞工的心酸悲歌吧! &br&&br&&br&Notes &br&&br&1 It's a new path that we trod: 這句話應該是承接上面的sweet memory來的。對於過去的美好回憶,現在對敘述者而言,這些回憶是兩人共同走過的,每回憶一次都像是走了一條全新的路徑。所以我把這句譯成 &歷久彌新&。 &br&&br&2. weapons 這裡我的解讀是把它當作敘述者的自我武裝,網路上很多人把它讀成武器,但是私以為作武器解的話,與上下情境有點牛頭不對馬嘴。 &br&&br&&br&3. hunger 這裡我覺得除了表面意義的飢餓之外,還隱含了深層情感的渴望,對逝去的回憶,與這段歌詞裡敘述者談到的那個比自己生命更重要的 '你',有著失落的渴望。所以我用 '飢渴' 綜譯了兩種含意。 &br&&br&4. front line 請讀連結的 2. &br&&br&5. blues: 藍調,定義上是緩慢憂傷的曲調,這裡我取其意指涉心酸悲哀那部份。 &br&&br&6. 請參照連結 phrasal verb 的部份。 &br&&br&7. be ringed with: 指的是包圍住。注意到這裡的動詞是 ring,但它的分詞是ringed, 不是 rung, 所以不是充滿聲音的意思。 &br&&br&8. horn 在希臘神話裡有豐饒的象徵或強大男性性徵(masculinity),結合上句的lay you low, 我的解讀是 '折斷了角' 意味著催殘削弱了人的意氣風發。可以參考有關 horn 的片語例如 blow one's own horn (吹牛),draw / pull in one's horns (收斂氣焰/ 打退堂鼓)。
豆瓣上看到的:There's an evenin' haze settlin' over the town Starlight by the edge of the creek The buyin' power of the proletariat's gone down Money's gettin' shallow and weak The place I love best…
如果追求信达雅,give you shelter from the storm后面的直接宾语shelter from the storm 翻译成暴风暴中的避风港真的好吗?至少我认为不够“达”。shelter如果作避难所解,作为一个具像可数的事物,显然前面应该加a或或者the,这里不适用零冠词。即使不考虑冠词,为了翻译成“暴风雨中的”,介词应该由from改为in,a shelter in the storm才是暴风雨中的避风港。为什么用from呢,查下词典我们知道shelter还作及物动词和不及物动词使用,意思较为抽象,为“保护庇护掩蔽避难躲避”,那么用from作介词顺利顺理成章,shelter sbody from sth。由此,我们有理由相信它可以直接作动名词使用或者是具有跟动词意义的普通名词,那么原介词短语某种程度上可视为动名词短语。后面原句因此可翻译成,我会给予你避开暴风雨的保护(庇护),当然这样翻译不好听,那就翻译成:&br&我会助你避开暴风雨,我会庇护你避开暴风雨…&br&&br&重要的是,shelter这个动作是我作出的…是我要保护你
如果追求信达雅,give you shelter from the storm后面的直接宾语shelter from the storm 翻译成暴风暴中的避风港真的好吗?至少我认为不够“达”。shelter如果作避难所解,作为一个具像可数的事物,显然前面应该加a或或者the,这里不适用零冠词。即使不考…
&p&&b&北国姑娘&/b&&/p&&p&原:Bob Dylan / 译:黑旗枪骑兵&/p&&p&Well, if you're traveling to the north country fair&br&The winds hit heavy on the borderline&br&Remember me to one who lives there&br&She once was a true love of mine&br&&/p&&p&如果你正在北国的集市旅行,&/p&&p&狂风肆虐的边陲之地,&/p&&p&替我去看望那里的一个人吧,&/p&&p&她是我曾经的真心爱人。&/p&&p&&br&Well, if you going down to snowflakes storm&br&The rivers freeze and summers end&br&You see if she's wearing a coat so warm&br&To keep her from the howling winds&br&&/p&&p&如果你去的时候正当风雪交加,&/p&&p&夏日远逝、河流冰封,&/p&&p&去替我看一眼吧,&/p&&p&她穿的外套是否厚实,&/p&&p&能否让她安然度过这呼啸的寒风。&/p&&br&&p&You see for me if her hair hangs long&br&It rolls and falls all down her breast&br&Will you see for me the hair's hanging long&br&That's the way I remember best&br&&/p&&p&帮我看看她的长发是不是还在,&/p&&p&是否依然蜷曲垂散在胸前。&/p&&p&替我去看一眼她的长发,&/p&&p&那是我关于她最深刻的记忆。&/p&&p&&br&I'm a-wondering if she remembers me at all&br&Many times I've often prayed&br&In the darkness of my night&br&In the brightness of my day&br&&/p&&p&总是怀疑她已经彻底忘了我,&/p&&p&一遍又一遍地祈祷,&/p&&p&在我深夜的黑暗中,&/p&&p&在我白昼的光明里。&/p&&p&&br&If you're traveling to the north country fair&br&Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline&br&Remember me to one who lives there&br&She once was a true love of mine&br&&/p&&p&如果你正在北国的集市旅行,&/p&&p&狂风肆虐的边陲之地,&/p&&p&替我去看望那里的一个人吧,&/p&&p&她是我曾经的真心爱人。&/p&&br&&p&&b&来源请见我的微信公众号『西歌诗译』,是原创精译,不是歌词大意:)&/b&&/p&&p&&a href=&///?target=http%3A//mp./s%3F__biz%3DMzI1NjAyMDk3OQ%3D%3D%26mid%3Didx%3D1%26sn%3D4c718ba3cbfac683d3b79e%23rd& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&北国姑娘 | Girl from the North Country&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&/p&
北国姑娘原:Bob Dylan / 译:黑旗枪骑兵Well, if you're traveling to the north country fairThe winds hit heavy on the borderlineRemember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mine如果你正在北国的集市旅行,狂风肆虐的边陲之地,替…
今天下午试着翻译的,因为太喜欢了~有不妥之处请指教&br&《Workingman's blues #2》&br&There's an evening haze settling over town&br&夜晚的薄雾笼罩着小镇&br&Starlight by the edge of the creek&br&星光在溪边闪烁&br&The buying power of the proletariat's gone down&br&底层人民的购买力已经降低&br&Money's getting shallow and weak&br&钱币正在渐渐衰微&br&&br&The place I love best is a sweet memory&br&我最爱的地方是一段甜蜜的回忆&br&It's a new path that we trod&br&这是我们踏过的一条新的路途&br&They say low wages are a reality&br&他们说低工资是一种现实&br&If we want to compete abroad&br&如果我们想和外国竞争的话&br&&br&My cruel weapons have been put on the shelf&br&我锋利的武器已被束之高阁&br&Come sit down on my knee&br&来坐在我的膝上吧&br&You are dearer to me than myself&br&你对我来说比我自己还要珍贵&br&As you yourself can see&br&正如你所见到的那样&br&&br&While I'm listening to the steel rails hum&br&我正听着铁轨发出的嗡嗡声&br&Got both eyes tight shut&br&让双眼紧闭&br&Just sitting here trying to keep the hunger from&br&只是坐在那儿极力阻止饥饿&br&Creeping its way into my gut&br&悄悄爬进我的肠胃里&br&&br&Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind&br&在尽头与我会合,不要落后&br&Bring me my boots and shoes&br&把我的靴子和鞋拿给我&br&You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline&br&你可以选择畏缩不前或是在前线奋斗&br&Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues&br&并唱上一小段这首劳动者的布鲁斯&br&&br&I'm sailing on back, ready for the long haul&br&现在我将扬帆归来,准备开始漫长的拖着鱼网的航行&br&Tossed by the winds and the seas&br&颠簸于风中海里&br&I'll drag them all down to hell and I'll stand them at the wall&br&我要把它们全都拖进地狱,让它们靠墙站立&br&I'll sell them to their enemies&br&并将其卖给它们的仇敌&br&&br&I'm trying to feed my soul with thought&br&我努力让思想来壮大我的灵魂&br&Going to sleep off the rest of the day&br&然后用睡眠来消磨一天中剩下的时间&br&Sometimes no one wants what we got&br&有时没人想要我们拥有的东西&br&Sometimes you can't give it away&br&有时你却无法将它放弃&br&&br&Now the place is ringed with countless foes&br&现在这里已被无数敌人包围&br&Some of them may be deaf and dumb&br&他们中的某些或许又聋又哑&br&No man, no woman knows&br&男人,女人,他们都不知道&br&The hour that sorrow will come&br&悲伤的时刻就要来临&br&&br&In the dark I hear the night birds call&br&黑暗中我听到夜鸟的叫鸣&br&I can feel a lover's breath&br&我能感觉到一种爱人的气息&br&I sleep in the kitchen with my feet in the hall&br&我把脚放在大厅,睡在厨房里&br&Sleep is like a temporary death&br&睡眠就像是暂时的死去&br&&br&Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind&br&在尽头与我会合,不要落后&br&Bring me my boots and shoes&br&把我的靴子和鞋拿给我&br&You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline&br&你可以选择畏缩不前或是在前线奋斗&br&Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues&br&并唱上一小段这首劳动者的布鲁斯&br&&br&They burned my barn, and they stole my horse &br&他们烧毁我的谷仓,他们偷走我的马&br&I can't save a dime &br&我一角钱也没剩下&br&I got to be careful, I don't want to be forced &br&我得当心,我不愿让自己被强迫&br&Into a life of continual crime &br&陷入无尽的犯罪生涯&br&&br&I can see for myself that the sun is sinking &br&我能看见太阳正在下山&br&How I wish you were here to see &br&我多么希望你也能在这里观看&br&Tell me now, am I wrong in thinking &br&告诉我,我的考虑是否多余&br&That you have forgotten me? &br&关于你已经把我忘记&br&&br&Now they worry and they hurry and they fuss and they fret &br&现在,他们烦恼,他们心急,他们焦躁并忧虑&br&They waste your nights and days &br&他们浪费着你的日日夜夜&br&Them I will forget &br&对于他们,我会忘记&br&But you I'll remember always &br&但是你,我将总是想起&br&&br&Old memories of you to me have clung &br&关于你的旧日回忆缠绕着我&br&You've wounded me with your words &br&你已用你的话伤害了我&br&Gonna have to straighten out your tongue &br&纠正一下你的语言吧&br&It's all true, everything you've heard &br&这些都是真的,你所听到的每件事&br&&br&Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind &br&在尽头与我会合,不要落后&br&Bring me my boots and shoes&br&把我的靴子和鞋拿给我&br&You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline&br&你可以选择畏缩不前或是在前线奋斗&br&Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues &br&并唱上一小段这首劳动者的布鲁斯&br&&br&In you, my friend, I find no blame &br&对于你,我的朋友,我无法加以指责&br&Wanna look in my eyes, please do &br&如果你想注视我的眼睛,就请这样做&br&No one can ever claim &br&永远没人能够提出要求&br&That I took up arms against you &br&让我拿武器对着你&br&&br&All across the peaceful sacred fields &br&穿过和平而神圣的土地时&br&They will lay you low &br&他们会让你倒下&br&They'll break your horns and slash you with steel &br&他们会打破你的号角,用钢鞭抽打你&br&I say it so it must be so &br&我说是这样,它就定会如此&br&&br&Now I'm down on my luck and I'm black and blue &br&现在我正载倒在背运上,我遍体鳞伤&br&Gonna give you another chance &br&再给你一次机会吧&br&I'm all alone and I'm expecting you &br&我孤单一人,我正期盼着你&br&To lead me off in a cheerful dance &br&来与我开始一支欢快的舞&br&&br&I got a brand new suit and a brand new wife &br&我有了一套崭新的衣服和一个妻子&br&I can live on rice and beans &br&我可以靠稻米和大豆生存&br&Some people never worked a day in their life &br&有些人一生也不曾有过一天的劳作&br&Don't know what work even means.&br&不知道劳作究竟意味着什么&br&&br&Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind &br&在尽头与我会合,不要落后&br&Bring me my boots and shoes&br&把我的靴子和鞋拿给我&br&You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline&br&你可以选择畏缩不前或是在前线奋斗&br&Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues &br&并唱上一小段这首劳动者的布鲁斯
今天下午试着翻译的,因为太喜欢了~有不妥之处请指教《Workingman's blues #2》There's an evening haze settling over town夜晚的薄雾笼罩着小镇Starlight by the edge of the creek星光在溪边闪烁The buying power of the proletariat's gone down底层人…
首先得把握好主题:Just Louise (realism) and her lover (idealism) so entwined
首先得把握好主题:Just Louise (realism) and her lover (idealism) so entwined
谢邀。&br&我不经常谢邀,但这个邀,要谢。&br&&br&这是我非常爱的一首歌,爱,深爱,挚爱,钟爱。所以做这个翻译,是每个字都有斟酌,每个字,都带着感情去做。&br&&br&才疏学浅,不是尽善尽美,&br&若有不当之处,感谢指正。&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&Your breath is sweet&br&Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky&br&Your back is straight, your hair is smooth&br&On the pillow where you lie&br&But I don’t sense affection&br&No gratitude or love&br&Your loyalty is not to me&br&But to the stars above&br&&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&One more cup of coffee ’fore I go&br&To the valley below&br&&br&你的呼吸,有清香的气味,&br&而你的双眼,也如同两颗珍奇的宝石——&br&来自于苍穹。&br&你躺着,后背俊挺,&br&轻柔的发丝,自枕面滑下。&br&但我,我却感觉不到爱——&br&无论是感激,还是爱情,我都全然不觉。&br&因你的钟情,从未付给过我,&br&你只将它付给,那高阔的星空。&br&&br&再喝一杯咖啡吧,我就要启程了,&br&这是最后一杯了,我就真的要走了——&br&走了,走去那谷底的尽头。&br&&br&&br&Your daddy he’s an outlaw&br&And a wanderer by trade&br&He’ll teach you how to pick and choose&br&And how to throw the blade&br&He oversees his kingdom&br&So no stranger does intrude&br&His voice it trembles as he calls out&br&For another plate of food&br&&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&One more cup of coffee ’fore I go&br&To the valley below&br&&br&你的父亲,是个亡命之徒,&br&为生计而漂泊游荡,&br&他将教你如何抉择取舍,&br&教你掷出手中的锋刃。&br&他监视着自己的领地,&br&无人可以肆意闯入,&br&他颤抖着声气吆喝,&br&只是为了下一顿饱饭。&br&&br&再喝一杯咖啡吧,我就要启程了,&br&最后一杯了,我真的要走了——&br&走了,走去那谷底的尽头。&br&&br&Your sister sees the future&br&Like your mama and yourself&br&You’ve never learned to read or write&br&There’s no books upon your shelf&br&And your pleasure knows no limits&br&Your voice is like a meadowlark&br&But your heart is like an ocean&br&Mysterious and dark&br&&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&One more cup of coffee ’fore I go&br&To the valley below&br&&br&你的姐妹们都有看清未来的本事,&br&就像你的母亲和你一样。&br&你从未学过阅读写字,&br&货架上也没有什么书,&br&无穷尽的快乐不知收敛,&br&声音也如草地鷚的清鸣,&br&可你的心啊——&br&你的心,却像海洋一般神秘,&br&神秘,而又深沉无尽。&br&&br&再喝一杯咖啡吧,我就要启程了,&br&最后一杯,真的走了——&br&走了。&br&走到那谷底的尽头。&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&-&br&&br&爱而不得,即使清楚她所有的老底和创伤,却依然觉得她好,是美丽的,珍奇的。&br&她那么好,可是又怎样,她的感情不付给你。她所有的天真与深沉,明朗与隐秘,都离你很远。&br&怨吗,怨的。&br&恨吗,心急起来有时候的。&br&怨毒地咒骂吗——舍不得吧。&br&&br&扪心自问,说过几次要走,每一次都以斩钉截铁开头,以犹豫妥协收尾。&br&走了吗,再折回来,说,最后一次。&br&最后一杯咖啡,当着她的面,是喝干了,只是走后,你这心里,只怕是还有一杯吧。&br&&br&心里端着这一杯的人,写得出这样的歌。&br&而这一杯已然泼尽了的人,心都干了,对这首歌,还是沉默比较好。&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&-
谢邀。我不经常谢邀,但这个邀,要谢。这是我非常爱的一首歌,爱,深爱,挚爱,钟爱。所以做这个翻译,是每个字都有斟酌,每个字,都带着感情去做。才疏学浅,不是尽善尽美,若有不当之处,感谢指正。Your breath is sweetYour eyes are like two jewels in…
One more cup of coffee&br&咖啡再来碗&br&Bob Dylan,1976&br&&br&Your breath is sweet&br&小嘴儿还挺甜,&br&Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky&br&小眼儿也挺亮,&br&Your back is straight your hair is smooth&br&小腰儿还挺直,头发也挺软。&br&On the pillow where you lie&br&梦里都扯谎,&br&But I don't sense affection&br&你让我无感,&br&No gratitude or love&br&给脸不要脸&br&Your loyalty is not to me&br&私生活太乱&br&But to the stars above&br&(情绪沉重地)漫天闪绿光。&br&&br&&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&再来碗咖啡,我特么就闪,&br&One more cup of coffee 'fore I go&br&我特么闪前,咖啡再来碗,&br&To the valley below.&br&滚你妈的蛋。&br&&br&&br&Your daddy he's an outlaw&br&你爹犯过事儿,&br&And a wanderer by trade&br&装成臭要饭,&br&He'll teach you how to pick and choose&br&教你耍手段,&br&And how to throw the blade&br&带你逞流氓,&br&He oversees his kingdom&br&守着一条街,&br&So no stranger does intrude&br&护着穷家当,&br&His voice it trembles as he calls out&br&吼成破锣嗓,&br&For another plate of food.&br&(情绪沉重地)就为混口饭。&br&&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&再来碗咖啡,我特么就闪,&br&One more cup of coffee 'fore I go&br&我特么闪前,咖啡再来碗,&br&To the valley below.&br&滚你妈的蛋。&br&&br&&br&Your sister sees the future &br&你妹开天眼,&br&Like your mama and yourself&br&娘仨都是骗,&br&You've never learned to read or write&br&从来不识字,&br&There's no books upon your shelf&br&也不把书看。&br&And your pleasure knows no limits&br&就只知道爽,&br&Your voice is like a meadowlark&br&数你声音浪,&br&But your heart is like an ocean&br&祖传坏心肠,&br&Mysterious and dark.&br&(情绪沉重地)真特么黑暗。&br&&br&One more cup of coffee for the road&br&再来碗咖啡,我特么就闪,&br&One more cup of coffee 'fore I go&br&我特么闪前,咖啡再来碗,&br&To the valley below.&br&滚你妈的蛋。
One more cup of coffee咖啡再来碗Bob Dylan,1976Your breath is sweet小嘴儿还挺甜,Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky小眼儿也挺亮,Your back is straight your hair is smooth小腰儿还挺直,头发也挺软。On the pillow where you lie梦里都扯…


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