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eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. ,扫描下载客户端扫描下载客户端单词:sugar         
['ʃugə]n.糖 v.使甜, 在...上撒糖
I bought him a packet of sugar.
She put the sugar into the coffee and mixed them up with a spoon.
The pill is sugared.
He put some sugar into his coffee.
英英解释:名词 sugar:
a white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and preservative
an essential structural component of living cells and source o includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macro are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain
informal terms for money
动词 sugar:
sweeten with sugar
sugarsugarD.J.:[&#712&#643u&#609&#601]K.K.:[&#712&#643&#650&#609?]n.1.■糖Do you have sugar in your tea?你茶里放糖吗?2.■一块[茶匙等]糖Three sugars in my coffee, please!请在我的咖啡里放三块糖!She put two spoonfuls of sugar in her tea.她在茶里放了两匙糖。vt.1.■在…加糖Did you sugar my tea?你在我茶里加糖了吗?2.■给…裹上(糖衣或类糖物)They sugared trees to catch moths.他们在树上撒糖捕蛾。The roads had been cleaned of snow, but the roof tops, grass and trees were still sugared white.道路上已无积雪, 但屋顶、草地和树上依然披着银装。
sugar 在牛津词典中的解释
sugarnoun[mass noun]a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink食糖■[count noun]a lump or teaspoonful of this, used to sweeten tea or coffee一块糖;一茶匙糖■(informal, chiefly US)used as a term of endearment or an affectionate form of address(非正式,主美)[爱称]亲爱的,宝贝what's wrong, sugar?.怎么了,亲爱的?。■[as exclamation](informal)used as a euphemism for ‘shit’(非正式,婉)。 同shit■(informal)a narcotic drug, especially heroin or LSD(非正式)毒品(尤指海洛因或二乙基麦角酰胺)(Biochemistry)any of the class of soluble, crystalline, typically sweet-tasting carbohydrates found in living tissues and exemplified by glucose and sucrose(生化)糖verb[with obj.]sweeten, sprinkle, or coat with sugar往…中加糖;往…上撒糖;往…外裹糖衣Mother absent-mindedly sugared her tea.母亲心不在焉地往她的茶里加糖。[as adj. sugared]sugared almonds.糖衣杏仁。■(figurative)make more agreeable or palatable(喻)使变得讨人喜欢,使宜人,使受欢迎the novel was preachy but sugared heavily with jokes.这部小说虽然说教,但却搀有大量笑话,使人易于接受。■[no obj.][usu. as noun sugaring](Entomology)spread a mixture of sugar, treacle, beer, etc., on a tree trunk in order to catch moths(昆)以糖、糖浆、啤酒等的混合物作蛾饵常用词组sugar the pill见 pill派生sugarlessadjective语源Middle English: from Old French sukere, from Italian zucchero, probably via medieval Latin from Arabic sukkar
sugar 在给力大辞典中的解释
sugarn.1. (食用)糖[U]2. 方糖[C]3. 【化】糖(如葡萄糖、乳糖等)[U][C]4. 糖罐[C]5. 甜言蜜语6. 【美】【俚】钱7. 【美】【口】(表示亲热的称呼)亲爱的; 宝贝8. 【俚】毒品vt.1. 加糖于; 使甜Did you sugar my coffee?你在我的咖啡里放过糖了吗?2. 使容易被接受; 粉饰[(+up/over)]His talk was sugared with funny jokes.他的讲话中搀进了一些有趣的笑话。vi.1. 制成槭糖; 形成糖2. 【英】【俚】偷懒
词义辨析:同义:n.糖, 蔗糖, 葡萄糖, 未经加工的糖, 粒状的糖, 精糖sucrosesaccharoseglucosedextrosefructoselevuloselactosemaltosecastor sugarraw sugarbrown sugarconfectioners' sugargranulated sugarrefined sugarsweetenercane sugarmaple sugarsaccharinesweet and how
sugar 在现代词典中的解释
sugarsugar[&#712&#643u&#609&#601]n.1.■糖; 似糖物2.■甜言蜜语3.■(有盖, 有柄的)糖缸4.■[俚]钱, 赌金5.■[美俚]麻醉品, 心爱的人a lump of sugar一块方糖powdered sugar糖粉, 绵白糖词性变化sugar[&#712&#643u&#609&#601]vt.1.■加糖于, 包糖衣于;使甜2.■粉饰, 美化(up, over), 使用甜言蜜语哄骗3.■[美俚]用钱收买4.■[俚][用被动语态](=damn)该死sugared almonds糖衣杏仁sugar up reality粉饰现实sugar[&#712&#643u&#609&#601]vi.1.■糖化, 变成糖状颗粒2.■[美俚](工人)偷懒继承用法sugarbirdn.1.■吸花蜜的鸟sugarbush[&#712&#643&#650&#609&#601b&#650&#643]n.1.■糖枫丛林sugarcandyn.1.■冰糖, 甜的、悦人的东西词性变化sugar[&#712&#643u&#609&#601]adj.1.■甜的; 愉快的sugarcane[&#712&#643&#650&#609&#601ke&#618n]n.1.■甘蔗sugarcoat[&#712&#643&#650&#609&#601k&#601&#650t]vt.1.■包糖衣于...; 使甜; 使有吸引力n.1.■糖衣sugar-curedadj.1.■用糖、盐和硝加工过的sugar-fedadj.1.■加糖的sugar-freeadj.1.■不含糖的, 提去糖分的sugarhouse[&#712&#643&#650&#609&#601ha&#650s]n.1.■糖厂; [英俚]厕所sugar-loafadj.1.■圆锥形的n.1.■圆锥形糖块sugarplum[&#712&#643&#650&#609&#601pl&#652m]n.1.■糖李子; 小糖球; 甜言蜜语; 甜头, 贿赂sugar-saltedadj.1.■加糖腌的sugar-titn.1.■糖奶头sugarworks[&#712&#643&#650&#609&#601w&#604:ks]n.1.■糖厂sugaredadj.1.■加糖的, 糖饯[腌]的, 甜蜜甘美的sugarern.1.■工作偷懒的人sugarless[&#712&#643&#650&#609&#601l&#618s]adj.1.■无糖的, 不含糖的sugarlikeadj.习惯用语all sugar and honey1.■甜言蜜语be neither sugar nor salt.1.■[口]不是糖捏塑的; 不是雨水淋得化的bring sugar in one's spade1.■[英]准备行贿, 过分 献殷勤heavy sugar1.■[美俚]大笔金钱; 富翁; 珍贵的东西(如珠宝等)sugar off1.■[美俚]偷偷跑掉, 溜掉特殊用法acetone sugar1.■丙酮糖acorn sugar1.■橡实醇, 栎醇, 五羟基环己烷address sugar1.■单糖affination sugar1.■洗炼糖amino sugar1.■氨基糖amorphus sugar1.■非晶形糖(未离心分蜜含微粒的糖膏)anhydro sugar1.■脱水糖available sugar1.■可收回糖分, 有效糖分bagged sugar1.■袋装糖bamboo sugar (=tabasheer)1.■竹黄barley sugar1.■(蔗糖熔后冷却时结晶成的)粗粒糖beet sugar1.■甜菜糖berry sugar1.■细(白)砂糖blood sugar1.■血糖blued sugar1.■加海外蓝漂白糖[增白糖]bottler's sugar1.■瓶装饮料商用糖brewing sugar1.■酿造啤酒用砂糖brick sugar1.■方糖brown sugar1.■黄糖, 粗糖, 软湿糖brown sugar in pieces1.■黄[土]冰糖brown granulated sugar1.■赤砂糖brown powdered sugar1.■红糖粉bulk handling sugar1.■散装(运输)砂糖burned sugar1.■焦糖caked sugar1.■结块(的)蔗糖cane sugar1.■(甘)蔗糖castor sugar1.■小粒结晶砂糖clayed sugar1.■(白土脱色的)漂白蔗糖coarse powdered sugar1.■粗磨糖粉collagen sugar1.■甘氨酸, 氨基醋酸colonial sugar1.■(甘)蔗糖completely inverted liquid sugar1.■全转化糖浆confectioner's sugar1.■特细精糖粉; 特粗粒砂糖corn sugar1.■玉米葡糖crude sugar1.■粗制砂糖crushed grain sugar1.■磨成粉的砂糖crystallized sugar1.■结晶砂糖Cuban sugar1.■古巴糖cured sugar1.■净制糖cut sugar1.■碎块糖damaged sugar1.■结晶不好的糖, 等外糖Demerara sugar1.■含6sugar9%1.■蔗糖浆的蔗糖desoxy sugar1.■脱氧糖dessert sugar1.■甜食用糖(细砂糖)dextrorotatory sugar1.■右旋糖direct consumption sugar1.■(不精制而食用的)原糖dissolved sugar1.■溶解糖fermentable sugars1.■可发酵糖fermented-out sugar1.■发酵过的糖fine regular granulated sugar1.■标准的小晶粒砂糖first sugar1.■一级糖fruit sugar1.■果糖gel grain sugar1.■结块砂糖golden brown sugar1.■金黄褐色绵糖grape sugar1.■葡萄糖green sugar1.■(离心机中分蜜不够的)青糖gum sugar1.■阿拉伯糖, 胶糖hard sugar1.■(带大晶粒的)硬糖, 粗晶粒硬糖heart sugar (=inositol)1.■环己六醇icing sugar1.■糕点装饰用糖料; 糖粉intermediate sugar1.■粗制砂糖invert sugar1.■转化糖lawn sugar1.■糖粉left-hand[levorotatory] sugar1.■左旋糖liquid sugar1.■离心水溶糖, 糖浆, 液(态)糖lisbon sugar1.■漂白砂糖liver sugar1.■肝糖loaf [lump] sugar1.■块糖loose sugar1.■散装糖low-grade sugar1.■低级糖manufacturer's sugar1.■特粗粒砂糖maple sugar1.■槭糖melted sugar1.■精制糖mineral water grade sugar1.■[美]细菌污染率低的糖molasses sugar1.■桔糖; 水糖non-caking sugar1.■不结块砂糖non-centrifugal sugar1.■未分蜜糖non-reducing sugar1.■非还原糖oats hull sugars1.■燕麦糠壳糖partially inverted liquid sugar1.■部分转化糖浆pectin sugar1.■果胶糖perilla sugar1.■紫苏糖; 紫苏醛piping sugar1.■(糕点上的)装饰糖衣pressed refined sugar1.■压块精制糖, 方糖priming sugar1.■加啤酒用的葡萄糖pulverized sugar1.■糖粉, 粉碎的糖raw sugar1.■原糖, 粗糖reducing sugar1.■还原(性)糖refined soft white sugar1.■精绵白糖refined starch sugar1.■精制淀粉糖, 右旋糖, 葡萄糖remelt sugar1.■再熔糖residual sugar1.■残糖, 残余糖分right-hand sugar1.■右旋糖rock sugar1.■冰糖sand sugar1.■砂糖simple sugar1.■单糖soft sugar1.■绵白糖starch sugar1.■淀粉糖, 葡萄糖table sugar1.■【有化】蔗糖ultra-fine powdered sugar1.■微细糖粉unfermentable sugar1.■不能发酵的糖uninverted liquid sugar1.■非转化糖浆unrefined sugar1.■非精制糖vanillin sugar1.■香草糖white granulated sugar1.■白砂糖
sugar 在21世纪词典中的解释
sugar['&#643u&#609&#601]n.1.■食糖2.■【化学】糖(碳水化合物)3.■一块糖;一匙糖4.■糖缸5.■糖料作物6.■似糖状的东西,味道像糖的东西7.■[口语]心爱的人,心肝,宝贝8.■甜言蜜语;阿谀奉承9.■[口语] = sugar diabetes10.■[俚语]毒品11.■[美国俚语]钞票;贿赂金vt.1.■加糖于,撒糖于,给…裹上糖衣,使甜:Don't sugar your coffee,dear.亲爱的,别往你的咖啡中放糖。2.■(似撒糖般地)撒满;使裹满糖似的东西:She picked up all the pearls that had been sugared over the floor.她把撒了一地的珍珠全都拾了起来。3.■使变得甜蜜,使变得讨人喜欢,使变得容易接受:Then his voice was sugared.后来,他的语调变得温和了。a revised film sugared with love加上爱情故事的一部重拍的影片4.■阿谀奉承:He hates to sugar others nor be sugared.他不喜欢吹捧别人,也不喜欢被别人奉承。5.■[俚语]用钱收买,贿赂vi.1.■糖化,形成糖;转化为糖:Amylum can sugar.淀粉能转化成糖。2.■制成槭糖(浆)3.■变成颗粒状:Snow sugars if the weather becomes warm and the cold again there after.下雪之后天气转暖又变冷,雪就变成了颗粒状。be neither sugar nor salt[口语]不是糖捏盐塑的,不怕雨淋的sugar the pill见pill?
友情链接:Nature 039 s Care Gluco Balance 90 Cap General Wellbeing Healthly Blood Sugar Level | eBay
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