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Excelsior JET
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excelsior jet 8.0 Maintenance Pack 1 增加企业版对 Equinox OSGi 3.9 和 Eclipse RCP 4.3 的支持。修复了一些 bug,改进了内存管理和垃圾收集器,收集了日志信息和诊断信息。
excelsior jet是一款有提前编译技术的Java虚拟机增强工具(非开源)。提前编译器可以将您的类文件和jars文件转化成高度优化的二进制可执行文件,能够在 Intel x86平台的Microsoft Windows和 Linux系统中运行。同传统 JVM(Java虚拟机)中运行的原始类文...
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是一个SQL基本语法查询手册,还收入了一些常用函数的用法,表达式,保留字速查,数据类型,ODBC标量函数,等效的ANSI sql 数据类型,字符串比较通配符。。。
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北京皓辰网域网络信息技术有限公司. 版权所有
ITPUB推荐文章解答你所有技术难题Excelsior JET - Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Native Code Compiler
AOT Compilation Is Coming to Java 8. .
Excelsior JET enables you to distribute and&deploy your Java& applications
as&optimized native executables that&start and&work faster, do&not&depend on&the&JRE,
and&are as&difficult to&reverse engineer as&if&they were written in&C++.
What Is It?
Excelsior JET is a complete implementation of the Java SE 7 technology for Microsoft&Windows, Apple&OS&X, and&Linux. It&includes:
Java SE 7 compatible JVM
Ahead‑Of‑Time (AOT)Java to&native code compiler
Standard Java&SE&7 library, licensed&from&Oracle
Deployment toolkit
Version 11, available for ,
will ship in&September&2015 with Java&SE&8 and&JavaFX&8 support.
Excelsior JET has passed the official compliance tests (JCK) and is certified Java&Compatible.
How It Works
First, the AOT compiler turns your jar and class files into&a&conventional
binary executable. That executable is fully interoperable with our JVM,
which includes a&JIT compiler to&handle any classes that were not
Second, the deployment toolkit helps you create
an installer containing the application executable, necessary runtime files,
and&the auxiliary files of&your choice & data files,
documentation, license, etc.
You may be wondering what it takes to get this little
Java Compatible logo and, more importantly,
what benefits it delivers to you as a user of our product.
These are the key points:
Excelsior JET has
passed the Java&SE&7 Technology Compatibility Kit (JCK) test suite.
The JCK comprises over 200,000 individual
test cases verifying compliance with all aspects of the Java
specification. Technically, this means that any program coded
in accordance with the Java specification must produce the same
result on the
and when natively compiled with Excelsior JET.
The standard
Java SE class library included in Excelsior JET
is built from the same source code as the one included in the Oracle JRE.
The reuse of the reference implementation source code
not only has helped our product pass the JCK tests.
It also makes Excelsior JET replicate any loosely specified or
implementation-defined behavior of the standard Java library
classes as implemented in the Oracle JRE automatically.
The JCK is not a stress test.
It does not benchmark the implementation's performance or throughput.
Protection Against Java Decompilers Peace of mind
Java class files are easy to reverse-engineer. The very properties
that enable Java applications to run anywhere make reverse translation
straightforward. There are a number of Java decompilers on the market
that produce amazingly readable source code.
In contrast, reverse translation of optimized native code is
a&hard engineering task that cannot be automated like Java bytecode
can make the decompiled code less comprehensible.
However, name obfuscation may cause reflection and JNI failures,
whereas extensive control flow obfuscation negatively impacts performance
and may provoke a VerifyError. To make things worse,
these problems only manifest themselves when the respective
class is actually loaded at application run time, and thus may slip through
the QA process.
And reverse engineering of an equivalent C++ program passed through an
optimizing compiler would still be more difficult.
Excelsior JET gives you the best of both worlds. With it,
you reduce the set of class and jar files comprising your Java application
to a solid binary executable before shipping it to customers or
delpoying it to production servers.
You avoid the obfuscation trade-offs: reduced performance
and increased risk of run-time errors.
You may continue using tools that encrypt strings and resources,
and you may pass classes not accessed via
JNI or reflection through a name obfuscator
if you know what you are doing.
Improved User Experience Faster startup, smaller footprint, no dependencies
All charts represent data gathered by running particular applications in&specific environments.
Your mileage will&vary.
Natively precompiled Java code runs directly on hardware right from the start.
The absence of the warm-up cycle and JIT compilation overhead
results in faster application startup and optimal code performance.
Excelsior JET keeps the size of the Java SE runtime as small as possible,
reducing the download size and disk footprint of Java applications.
The unique
feature enables you to selectively omit
parts of the Java SE standard library that are not used by your application.
The run time memory footprint is also somewhat smaller because
the Excelsior JET JVM is leaner compared to traditional implementations.
Finally, the applications precompiled with Excelsior JET
do&not require the&JRE, and the included deployment tools
help you package your optimized application together with&the necessary
runtime files into a naitve installer.
Featured Success Story
or go see for yourself.
Excelsior JET is available in three editions. Licenses for each platform are
discounts apply to&multiplatform bundles. The licenses are perpetual
and come with one year of&support and&upgrades.
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Excelsior JET,
with 1 Year of
New License
Price is per developer, no runtime royalties*
Includes one year of support and&upgrades
Perpetual license, support renewal optional
Support Renewal
New support period begins where&the&previous one left&off.
The Excelsior JET Runtime License prohibits deployment to embedded systems.
If you are targeting devices with dedicated functionality, check out
You can test Excelsior JET thoroughly prior to purchase.
Microbusiness Licensing Program
MicroISVs, early stage startups,
and other very small businesses
employing just a&few software engineers may purchase Excelsior&JET
at&reduced prices.
Charity Bundles
From March 19 to August 31, 2015, pay what you can for Excelsior&JET, Standard Edition
and&we'll donate the&net proceeds to&a&good cause.
Non-Commercial Use
We gladly provide Excelsior JET licenses at no cost to authors
of free, non-commercial Java applications that meet a few
simple qualification criteria.
Academic Use
Temporarily unavailable.
Notice Only 64‑bit Professional and Enterprise Editions are available for&OS&X.
Capability &
Editions &
✔✔✔✔✔✔Generates 64-bit (x64) native executables✔✔✔✔✔ new✔ ✔✔Protects plain Java SE applications from decompilers✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔
Refer to the
for details.
A collection of technical articles: troubleshooting, FAQs, HOWTOs, etc.
Available support levels and&renewal&principles
Detailed, step-by-step instructions on&particular usage scenarios
Ask questions and share your knowledge in&peer-to-peer forums
Download maintenance releases and&patches
Read product manuals on-line or&download to&your computer
You can test drive our support for up to 90 days. Just
and fill in a short questionnaire.
Any technical questions or issues
Pricing, licensing, support renewals, etc.
All other issues.
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Novosibirsk 630090 Russia
Dmitry Leskov
Director of Marketing
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Excelsior JET软件介绍
【Excelsior JET概括介绍】
【Excelsior JET基本介绍】
  Excelsior JET是一款有提前编译技术的Java虚拟机增强工具。提前编译器可以将您的类文件和jars文件转化成高度优化的二进制可执行文件,能够在Intel x86平台的Microsoft Windows和 Linux系统中运行。同传统 JVM(Java虚拟机)中运行的原始类文件相比,这些经过优化的可执行文件具有更快的运行速度。另外,您的应用程序将会得到更
Excelsior JET下载地址
资源统计:无插件软件:93293个 无病毒软件:93583个 昨日已处理127个带插件、病毒的软件
本站总软件:93583个 软件总下载次数:22.836亿次
软件教程文章:86633篇 总浏览次数:2.694亿次i tried Excelsior as an alternative to obfuscation i'm realy happy with the results but still i'm not sure if the company i work for would be interrested in Buying the product , so i'm wondering if there's a similar tool i can use for my Java EE web application .
DISCLAIMER: I work for the company that makes Excelsior JET.
I maintain a
as part of my article on that topic.
To the best of my knowledge, the only other ahead-of-time Java to native code compiler is , which is open source. I have no idea if it is capable of compiling Java EE apps, though.
targets in particular Java Web applications. It does not do native compilation, but has other interesting features such as tamper detection.
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