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to him (将letter当名词用,不是加for这么用的)4.write letters .
(gave sb a hand 帮助某人)2..,letter做动词时;easeburden on sb 减轻某人的负担)3..I want to give a person a hand..1.of应改为on (reduce&#47..effort我个人认为没有错
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刚刚收到拒信,呜呜把编辑的回信贴出来,大家帮帮忙看看,是文章的内容有问题?还是什么别的原因?是不是直接被拒了?我还能不能修改后继续投这个杂志?因为连修改重新可以投都没有说啊~~直接就说不能接收了~~Developmental & Comparative ImmunologyI now have in hand the comments of two reviewers of your above-referenced manuscript. These comments are appended at the bottom of this Email, and you will see that while both reviewers felt that the area of your study was of some potential interest to the readership of DCI, both reviewers raised numerous concerns.Collectively, these reviews leave me with no alternative but to conclude, unfortunately, that your manuscript will not be acceptable for publication.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work, and I hope that this decision will not discourage you from making future submission to DCIw谢谢大家了!
vicky_0930 谢谢楼上的回复~~我知道是被拒了,我的意思是,大家能不能帮忙看看编辑的语气之类的,对这篇文章是不是有兴趣,我能不能改好了重新投这个杂志~~因为实验室相关内容之前在这个杂志发表过,这个相当于后续实验,觉得还是这个希望更大一点~~谢谢大家啦可以argue一下试试看。
恩,还是先问问老板的意见~~还有,今天又仔细的看了reviewer的意见,发现确实有问题,这个问题当时也发现了,但是确实没有办法解决,所以只能那样了,把评审意见发出来,大家帮忙看看吧,再次感谢,谢谢啦Reviewers' comments:General commentsThe novelty aspect of the study and its findings is highly questionable. As authors have also cited, it is widely known that treatment of embryos with an antigen could result in induction of tolerance to that antigen after birth (or hatching). Given that, this manuscript does not contribute much to further our understanding of the phenomenon of immunological tolerance.Based on the results presented here, I am not convinced at all that authors were fully successful in inducting tolerance! For example, in the experiment in which chick embryos were injected with cells, in groups 1 & 2, there were only two tolerant and two partially tolerant chickens respectively, based on ELISA data. Also, based on cell proliferation data, in group 2, 12 out of 16 chickens were not tolerized and 3 chickens only showed partial tolerance. One of the major elements missing in this study is the fact that the birds were not MHC haplotyped. Without this information, it is very difficult (or perhaps impossible) to make conclusions with regards to the observations presented here. In other words, is it possible that the determining factor for the ability to induce complete, partial or no tolerance in chickens was their MHC compatibility, partial compatibility or incompatibility with DT40 cells? In my opinion, this study should have been done using MHC-defined congenic lines of chickens.The Discussion section needs a considerable amount of work to make it more focused and streamlined.
Reviewer #2: I have several concerns regarding the techniques. I am unsure whether the randomness of the results is due to real biological variation, or simply technical issues. To be convincing, several experiments need repetition and demonstrated validation of the assays is required. 1. I am unfamiliar with the use of a layer of cells as an ELISA substrate. The cells are not adherent, so it is not clear to me how this is can work. I would like to see a reference for this technique, or validation of the assay's reproducibility. I cannot understand the results presented in Fig 2, when GFP is a cytoplasmic protein, unless ruptured cells are releasing proteins that are bound by the plates. This seems prone to poor reproducibility. It also seems invalid to compare data between ELISA plates. Is this result obtained reproducibly with different plates?2. There is insufficient detail describing how the ELISA assays in figure 2, 4 and 6 were done.
It is not clear whether individual samples were run in duplicate (or triplicate). In Fig.2 were serum samples pooled from individual chickens for each time point? Was the experiment done more than once? In Fig. 4 and 6, were serum samples from 'tolerant' animals repeatedly negative? Is there evidence that the injection of cells was successful in these embryos?3. The proliferation data contains several unexpected results. The interpretation of these results as tolerance to some antigens, and not others is unlikely. Were results with each animal reproducible?5. p.16 GFP was used alone as a stimulus for cell proliferation of isolated leukocytes. Is this proliferation due to contaminating endotoxin? 6. p17 There is a lack of correlation between the assay results. The authors speculate that there is a T cell tolerance in animals that showed a humoral response. Given that T cell help is required to initiate the humoral response, this seems unlikely. 谢谢大家啦~~ 评审的意见还是很好的,就是太打击人了,我现在只觉得实验不行,文章不行~~
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