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&【阅读理解&】& && 对中学电脑教育的看法& 命题:佳中
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&
&&&& &Is this happening in your neighborhood? Children, notebook computers stuck under their arms,
await the yellow bus for the trip to middle school. On the surface, the question of computers in
schools is a no-brainer. It would be strange to insist that today’s technology shouldn’t be used to
make the classroom experience more individualized, more effective, more immediate, and more
exciting. Computers have been in schools more than 20 years — and indeed done some good.
&&& However, determining the proper role of computers in schools is too important be left to educators.
Educators forever seem to seek the ultimate in curricular or teaching tools. They are always
preoccupied with innovation — new math, whole language, open classrooms and mastery learning,
to name a few. Some ideas turned out well and over time have earned permanent positions in our
education systems. Others reflected change for change’s sake and wound up in the trash bin. So an
educated public with clear and realistic expectations needs to help determine the right track for t
&& & Exactly what is to be solved with computers in schools? How can we improve instructional&capacity&and flexibility? How can we make teachers more productive by letting students take&advantage of&programmed learning tools? These are the problems educators must be confronted&with, despite the&fact much has been accomplished with computer assisted instruction.
&&& That is not the same as making the computer a symbol of well-established educational policy.
There is danger in the message that a child is not fully educated if he or she can’t surf the World
Wide Web skillfully, move around in Windows or the Finder, or use program in Logo or basic. These
skills can be learned outside the classroom. Worse, the time it takes students to acquire them is
time stolen from the legitimate teaching schedule — and that is a bad trade. On the other hand, most
schools don't have the money to replace PC on the two- to three-year cycle that shifting technologies
demand. And who teaches the teachers? These are the really tough issues — the ones that more
hardware won’t solve.
& && Children are best served when schools contribute to shaping the solid foundations on which their
future will be built. The student who can read with curiosity and understanding, who has mastered
basic mathematical concepts, who can evaluate ideas critically, is the one schools should aim to
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &(395 words)
36. A “no-brainer” in the first paragraph probably means
&&& & [A] something that is taken for granted..
&&& & [B] an idea that is brainless and foolish.
& & & [C] a technique that makes students use their brains less.
&& && [D] a problem that is not worthy of serious consideration.
37. In the author’s opinion, the teachers in schools
&& && [A] are wrong in seeking innovations with computer for the change.
&& && [B] fail to utilize computers properly in classroom.
&&& & [C] teach students with computers in a unrealistic way.
&&&& &[D] depend upon computers too much in teaching.
38. Teaching computer skills in classroom is a bad practice mainly because
&& && [A] students can learn very little in computer-assisted courses.
&& && [B] most schools’ computers are too obsolete to meet the needs of teaching.
&& && [C] the teachers’ computer skills are inadequate for their teaching work.
&& && [D] it takes up too much time which might have been spent on regular courses.
39. Which of the following statements does the author agree with?
&& && [A] There is no need to teach students computer skills in classroom.
&& && [B] It is a danger for a student not to be able to surf the World Wide Web skillfully.
&& && [C] The present way of teaching computers in schools leaves much to be desired.
&& && [D] Computer teaching is not an indispensable part of a well-established educational policy.&
40. In the last paragraph the author implies that
&& && [A] computers have nothing to do with shaping the solid foundations for students.&
&&& & [B] schools should aim at teaching basic concepts without using computers.
&&&&& [C] the fundamental purpose of an education is being ignored.
&& && [D] students can master knowledge without computers
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
&&&&& & 电脑已广泛应用于中学教学,虽然电脑技术在中学教学中起到一定的作用,当仍存在不少问题,&作者在本文中谈论了自己对电脑应用于中学教学的看法。
&&&& 第一段: 肯定电脑已广泛应用于中学并起到一些好的作用。
&&&& 第二段: 指出电脑在中学教学中还没有走上正轨。
&&&& 第三段: 中学电脑教学中有待解决的几个问题。
&&&& 第四段: 在电脑应用课堂教学中的错误观点和做法。
&&&& 第五段: 不能忽视中学教育的根本宗旨。
答案解析& &
31.【答案】& A
&&&& & 【解析】& 这是一道词语题,针对第一段命题。要理解“no-brainer”的含义,关键是要理解下& & & & 一句的意思。“如果坚持认为今天的电脑技术不应当用来使课堂教学变得更个性化、更有效、& & & & 更直接和更激动人心那就奇怪了。”从这句话可以推断电脑应用于学校是理所当然的事,这& & & & 是不加思索就可以回答的问题。英语中的“no-brainer”是“不加思索”的意思,因此A项是本题& & & & 的正确答案。
32 【答案】& B&&&&&
&& && 【解析】& 这是一道观点题,针对第二段命题。作者在第二段开头说,决定电脑在课堂教学的& & & & 作用太重要,不能留给教育者来决定。接着作者对老师在课堂应用电脑的情况作了描述。虽& & & & 然有些老师应用电脑的想法在教学起了好的作用,但是许多老师只是把电脑看作课程的工具,& & & &不断地尝试各种想法,结果都扔进垃圾桶。所以,社会上的有识之士应该帮助他们走上电脑& & & & 技术的正确轨道。换言之。作者认为老师在课堂上没有能适当应用电脑,B项是本题的正确& & & & 答案。
& & & & & & & 本题易错选A项,应用电脑求教学上的改革本身没有错,文中是说为求变化而变化& & & &(change for&change’s sake)不好。
33.【答案】& D
& & & 【解析】& 这是一道细节题。本题比较容易,实际上针对第四段第3句命题。作者说,更糟糕& & & &的是,学生学会这些电脑技术所花的时间是从正规教学计划那里偷来的,这是一笔坏交易。& & & &所谓“偷”指的就是占用正常的教学时间,因此D项是本题的正确答案。
34.【答案】& C
&&&& & 【解析】& 这是一道推理题。电脑用于中学课堂教学有许多问题有待解决,但作者并没有前& & & &盘否定课&堂教学中应用电脑,只是认为没有走上正轨,因此可以推断作者认为“目前在中学& & & &应用电脑的方法有待于改进”,C项是本题的正确答案。C项中的“leave much to desired”是固& & & &定短语,意为& “有待于改进”。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & 本题易错选B项和D项。B项的意思是“学生不能熟练上网冲浪是危险的”,这与第四段第2& & & &句的意思不符,文中是说认为学生不能上网冲浪的说法(message)是危险的。第四段第1句& & & & 的意思是这(指电脑教学存在问题)与把电脑作为良好教育方针的标志不是一回事,而D项的& & & & 意思是电脑不是教育方针中的重要组成部分,意义上反了。
35.【答案】& C
& & & 【解析】& 这是一道推理题,针对最后一段命题。作者在最后一指出:学校要为学生的未来打& & & &下坚实的基础,培养学生阅读理解能力,掌握数学基本概念和独立评价事物的能力。如果学& & & & 校做到这些,那么学生就得到最好的服务。联系上一段中讲到学校为教学生电脑技术占用不& & & & 少正常的教学时间,可以推断作者写最后一段的目的上想说教育的根本宗旨被忽视了,C项& & & & 是本题的正确答案。
blogTitle:'阅读理解 A(039)对中学电脑教育的看法',
&【阅读理解&】& && 对中学电脑教育的看法& 命题:佳中
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CNN Student News Transcript: December 2
源 稿 窗在文章中双击或划词查词典字号 +
(CNN Student News) -- December 2, 2014Free Speech or Call to V World AIDS Day Raises A Visiting Town Abandoned After C Abandoned F Getting Up Early Is Good for YouTHIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.***CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Where to draw the line when protecting free speech on social media? That`s what leads off this Tuesday edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS. The case is Elonis versus United States. The Supreme Court started hearing arguments yesterday. It involves a man named Anthony Elonis.After his wife left him in 2010 and he lost his job, Elonis started putting violent posts on Facebook. There`s a federal law that says whoever transmits communication threatening to injure someone, shall be fined or imprisoned. Elonis was convicted of threatening his wife and law enforcement officials and he was imprisoned for several years.Elonis says he was just writing rap lyrics, that his rants were therapeutic, that he never meant to seriously threaten anyone. His lawyer says that justices should consider that, whether Elonis intended his posts to be taken literally.A lawyer for the government says what matters here isn`t intent. It`s whether a reasonable person would feel threaten by Elonis` posts.So, what exactly did he post?Teachers, you may want to preview this first segment. It contains some of the violent phrases that are central with these cases.(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)PAMELA BROWN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We are going to talk a little bit about your client in this case, because this really centers on what he posted on social media.JOHN P. ELLWOOD, ATTORNEY FOR ANTHONY D. ELONIS: What matters legally is what a reasonable person would think of it. Or what he intended by it. One of them said, essentially, you know, if I knew then what I know now, I would have killed you and dumped you in toad creek.They were styled as raps.The government`s reasonable person standard would make you criminally liable. It would make you a felon, would disentitle you from voting, would disentitle you from owning a firearm.Anytime you fail to anticipate that what you say is going to be interpreted as a threat.BROWN: He`s being very clear. What did he expect to accomplish with these comments?ELLWOOD: Then he said, you know, this is therapeutic for me. This is just for me, it`s not for anybody else.And there`s a reason why all these graphic songs are written, and that they are cathartic, they work through experiences. When, M&M wrote these things, that he`s been prosecuted for a felony for writing this songs. Which are virtually indistinguishable.It was the government position that they said again and again. And their argument to the jury it doesn`t matter what he thinks, and in the United States, I don`t think you can say it doesn`t matter what the defendant thinks, in the speech prosecution.(END VIDEOTAPE)AZUZ: Yesterday was World AIDS Day. An international event that goes back to 1988. It`s held every year on December 1. And it`s aimed to raise awareness about AIDS, a quiet immune deficiency syndrome, an HIV, human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS.Organizers of World AIDS Day estimate that 34 million people worldwide are living with HIV and that 35 million people have died from it.AZUZ: World AIDS day raises money to fight the disease and to educate people about it. Medical treatments have come a long way since the 1980s, allowing people to survive indefinitely with HIV, still it hasn`t gone away, and symbolic red ribbons are worn as reminders and in remembrance of AIDS victims.UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just the facts: on April 26, 1986, there was an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in what was then the Soviet Union. About 30 people were killed in the blast, and the nuclear radiation spread across borders. Hundreds of thousands had to be evacuated, forests and farms were contaminated. People and animals became sick or contracted cancer in the years that followed. It was the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power.AZUZ: A nearby town in what is now part of Ukraine was abandoned. Just under 50,000 people had to evacuate their homes. 30 years later, it`s a ghost town, with rotting Soviet-era houses, factories, parks and gyms.There`s another place like it. Fukushima, Japan where an earthquake and tsunami in 2011 caused the world second worst nuclear disaster. It left a more modern town completely empty, but quick visits are giving glimpses of the past.(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The first thing people ask about, is the radiation. Is it even safe to go in when most are kept out?Our local government tour guide says contamination levels are low. Allowing quick trips into the safer parts of Fukushima prefecture, still empty from the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.Nearly four years later, outsiders were getting a rare look at this desolate, abandoned place. Damage from the 2011 earthquake and tsunami sits untouched.Crumbling buildings are falling further into disrepair. Weeds are slowly taken over.(on camera): What do they say when they see it for the first time?YUSUKE KATO, TOUR ORGANIZER, BRIDGE FOR FUKUSHIMA: At first they say, of the bubble.RIPLEY (voice over): Nobody can leave here, not yet. Fear lingers about the invisible threat from radiation released by the damage reactors. Soil and groundwater is contaminated.(on camera): Agriculture gone.KENICHI BAMBA, TOUR ORGANIZER, BRIDGE FOR Fukushima: GoneRIPLEY: Business is closed.KENICHI BAMBA: Absolutely.RIPLEY: So, what`s left?KENICHI BAMBA: Nothing.RIPLEY (voice over): Kenichi Bamba says these tours are part of a longterm plan to rebuild Fukushima prefecture. For him, a painful, personal task.(voice over): You are from Fukushima?BAMBA: Yes, absolutely.RIPLEY: What do you think when you look around it all these damage?BAMBA: I came here several time, that`s still I cannot say anything.RIPLEY: The nuclear plant is being taken apart, it will take decades and billions of dollars to make it safe. I was there a few months ago, forced to wear protective gear. It`s one of the most dangerous places on earth. And it`s visible in the distance. Far too close for many to ever feel safe here again. Survey show only about a fifth of former residents even want to come back. For many, moving on is easier than facing this.RIPLEY: We are standing two kilometers, more than a mile from the coast. Yet here seats a boat that was picked up and dumbed by the tsunami. Boats and cars are all over this field, reminders of all the people who died here.Fukushima tour guides hope by sharing the plight of these people, others will be inspired to calm here and rebuild.BAMBA: We want to encourage local people for revitalization of Fukushima.RIPLEY: They hope this school gym, graduation banner still hanging, will have students again. This dusty piano will have someone to play it. And this nuclear ghost town will someday be brought back to live. Will Ripley, CNN, Fukushima, Japan.(END VIDEOTAPE)AZUZ: Glasgow, Columbia and Abuja are the three cities featured on today`s "Roll Call." We`ll start in Kentucky. That`s where we heard from Barren County High School. The Trogents are watching in Glasgow. To the northeast, they load everyone at Eastconn EVC. They are located in Columbia, Connecticut, and across the Atlantic Ocean, great to see you in Abuja, Nigeria. Our viewers at the American International School of Abuja.Get out and exercise, drink more water, eat a tomato, floss your teeth. It`s not hard to find healthy habits or the studies behind them, that prove they help you stay healthier, feel better and leave longer. But what does it take to be awesome besides being a Friday. It seems U.S. founding father Ben Franklin was onto something.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)DHANI JONES: Early to bed, early to rise, Ben Franklin says, makes a man and a woman healthy, wealthy and wise.I didn`t want to wake up early. It`s just so difficult. But then I read some studies, if I wake up late, I`ll eat more fast food, and I`ll gain more wait. I don`t want to be that guy. No. I want to be healthy. I`m a healthy kind of guy. If I wake up early, I`m going to have a better GPA, I`m going to graduate at higher level, get a better job. It all makes a lot of sense. It`s a little bit difficult at first, but here is a couple of tips. Before you walk into the bedroom, set the time at which you are going to plan on waking up. Don`t give me five different times that you can set the snooze. Pick one time you are going to wake up. And you know what? When the alarm clock goes up. Get up!Also, go to bed a little bit earlier, then you can wake up a little bit earlier, and don`t spend time on your phone going through Instagram, going through your Facebook, going through your Twitter and going through (INAUDIBLE). Breeze. And go to sleep.(END VIDEOTAPE)AZUZ: Gallier Hall, a building in New Orleans dates back to 1853. It stands about three stories high. It was once city hall, but it`s never been lit up like this. A French company that brings together light and art has set up free nightly shows, showing off the lighter side, get it, of Gallier Hall. Organizers are hoping to spark interest among local artists, so they can learn the craft and use it throughout New Orleans. Crowds would call it delightful. It sheds light at the new type of art, brings people together in the lighthearted randez with you all. That was big, it won`t be easy to illuminate the Big Easy, but it`s certainly a bright idea. CNN STUDENT NEWS has more enlightening stories coming at you tomorrow.END


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