
Facebook | CrunchBase
FacebookLinkedInTwitterGoogle PlusEmail1.3k9MHeadquarters:Description:Facebook is an online social networking service that enables its users to connect with friends and family as well as make new connections.Founders:, , , , Categories:, , , , , Website:CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS PROFILEFounded:February 4, 2004Employees:5k - 10k | Facebook is an online social networking service that allows its users to connect with friends and family as well as make new connections. It provides its users with the ability to create a profile, update information, add images, send friend requests, and accept requests from other users. Its features include status update, photo tagging and sharing, and more.
Facebook’s profile structure includes a timeline, information related to the user, images of the user, images added by friends of the user, notes, pages, groups, and more. It enables its users to create pages related to entertainment, sports, business, finance, preferences, hobbies, culture, religion, causes, organizations, and a number of other categories. It also enables its users to join or create groups related to a vast number of categories.
With millions of more users,
attempted to acquire the company for $10 million in mid-2004. Facebook turned down the offer and subsequently received $12.7 million in funding from
at a valuation of around $100 million. Facebook continued to grow opening up to high school students in September 2005 and adding a photo sharing feature the next month. The next spring, Facebook received $25 million in funding from
as well as previous investors
and . The pre-money valuation for this deal was about $525 million. Facebook subsequently opened up to work networks eventually amassing over 20,000 work networks. Finally in September 2006, Facebook was opened to anyone with an email address.
Facebook continued to receive funding most notably in January 2011 receiving $1.5 billion and valuing the company at $50 billion. A year later in February 2012, Facebook announced that it was filing for its long-anticipated initial public offering. The company went public on May 18, 2012 opening in
with shares trading at $42.05.
Facebook announced positive numbers in February 2012 upon filing for its IPO. As of July 2013 over 1.15 billion users have logged into Facebook every month and 669 million users daily. Mobile users now make up half of Facebook’s user base with 819 million monthly actives. Facebook is one of the most trafficked sites in the United States. Additionally, Facebook is the top photo sharing site with 250 million photos uploaded per day.
The company has strategic partnership with AXA Group to develop marketing and commercial collaboration in the digital, social, and mobile sphere.
Facebook is currently the owner of many applications and services such as Pagemodo Pagebuilder, , , and more. It is the world’s largest social network with over 1.32 billion monthly active users.
Facebook was founded by , , , , and
on February 4, 2004 in Menlo Park, California.
Medical records organizer&Invested&in&$700k&&with&Oceanshalo is a seaweed-focused food processing company.&Invested&in&$1.7M&&with&LuckyCal enables users to figure out where they will be, using information from addresses, schedules, travel plans and other sources.&Invested&in&$350k&Wildfire, a division of Google, is a provider of enterprise social media marketing software.&Invested&in&&with&Past Event Appearances (10)FacebookLinkedInTwitterGoogle PlusEmailPowered by:青少年揭秘使用Facebook原因:因为奶奶在用它
BI中文站 12月4日报道在科技博客Business Insider举行的Ignition会议上,一群纽约市青少年登上讲台,不仅讲述了他们使用社交媒体和科技产品的经历,而且还说明了他们认为哪些东西很酷,哪些东西不酷。这8名青少年,全部是来自纽约市五个行政区的高中生,他们称并没有死。他们还说他们仍在使用电子邮件,其中有些人还令人惊讶地表示他们事实上仍然会用手机拔打电话,而不是只用它来上网或发短信。市场研究公司Smarty Pants的研究主管史蒂芬妮-雷特布拉特(Stephanie Retblatt)采访了这些青少年。虽然我们知道他们的观点和看法并不能代表全部青少年群体,但是他们的某些见解还是非常有意思的。Vine、Instagram和Buzzfeed“我已完全不用Vine了。”一名女孩说,“自从Instagram推出视频后,Vine就被冷落了。”虽然她的同伴并不这样看Vine,但是他们都表示自己也很喜爱Instagram。“现在是高三了,马上就要毕业了。”另一名女孩说,“因此,我常常会找一些漂亮的地方,拍一些漂亮的照片。”当被问及这些青少年每天在Instagram上逗留多长时间时,他们有些不自然地笑了笑。“太长了。”一名18岁的男孩承认,“你在上面很容易迷失,常常就忘了时间。”另一名女孩称,当她登录像Buzzfeed这样的网站时,也常常会乐而忘返。她说这个网站的一些小提问——例如,“你是什么样的食物?”——和一些视频内容很容易让人上瘾。一名女孩承认,“我在Buzzfeed上一玩就是几个小时,有时候,我会突然抬起头,问自己:‘你干嘛老呆在这里啊?’”Facebook尚未消亡这些青少年说,Facebook并没有死。但是他们使用Facebook的方式可能会让你大吃一惊。一名男孩说,他会屏蔽掉Facebook的所有新闻动态信息,专门利用它来组织飞盘比赛。一名女孩说,她之所以注册Facebook,是因为她的“奶奶也在上面建了一个账号”。但是,她承认,她至今尚未接受她的奶奶要求加她为好友的请求!还有一些青少年说,Facebook对于他们的学业也有帮助,例如有些老师在上面建立了班级页面,并在上面发布各种动态信息、笔记和家庭作业。事实上,他们都声称,他们会使用手机、iPad和电脑来学习;而且现在有很多应用程序可以帮助他们完成作业。“你们认为,大人们在哪些方面不太理解青少年呢?”雷特布拉特在采访的最后问道。所有这些孩子明确地表示,他们并不是大人们眼中的“只会玩手机的傻孩子”。“我们希望大人们明白,我们是很聪明的,我们没有用手机做蠢事,我们仍然喜欢面对面交谈。”一名青少年解释说。“而且,我们仍在使用电子邮件。”另一名青少年插嘴说。(乐学)【美国Business Insider作品(简称“作品”)的中文翻译权及中文版版权均归腾讯公司独家所有。未经腾讯公司授权许可,任何组织、机构或个人不得对作品进行中文翻译或对作品中文版本实施转载、摘编或其他任何形式的使用行为,违者腾讯公司将追究其法律责任。】
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