word 2010 mail splitmailmerge word怎么用

英使用word 的 mail merge(邮件合并)功能实现批文档邮件通知的生成 2007-11-...特别适用于通知、群发邮 件、证书的生成。这个数据源可以是 excel,可以是 .........
英2010版word群发邮件,添加附件_电脑基础知识_it计算机_专业资料。一、创建类似下面...smaillist = docsource.mailmerge.datasource.name 检查 outlook 是不是打开了.........
英使用word 的 mail merge(邮件合并)功能实现批文档邮件通知的生成 2007-11-...特别适用于通知、群发邮 件、证书的生成。这个数据源可以是 excel,可以是 .........
英mail merge使用方法_计算机软件及应用_it计算机_专业资料。 文档贡献者 pc...新邮件使用方法 10页 免费
统一邮件安装使用方法 7页 免费
oe-mail .........
英群发分别对象正文、抬头、附件的邮件秘笈_自我管理与提升_求职职场_实用文档。...mailmerge document,
extracting the information to be included in each .........
英mailmerge使用方法_经管营销_专业资料。如何做邮件合并 tutorial how to use mail merge function in microsoft word january 2007 copyright by illidan shen from .........
英高效邮件群发操作 隐藏>> 给有折腾精神的人。看一遍,再自己练一遍就会玩啦~ ...在 mailings ribbon 里选择 start mail merge -> e-mail messages(如图) .........
英如下图: 2 邮件合并日期格式问题,需要按照按年-月-日显示 邮件合并后希望日期格式显示为:年-月-日,如:。不能按 word 的日期显示, 用{merge.........
英mail merge 2007 word_经管营销_专业资料。word mail merge function helps to ...word 2007邮件合并 5页 1下载券喜欢此文档的还喜欢 office2007邮件合并方法 ........
英邮件合并小数点问题 在使用 word 的邮件合并功能过程中,发现一些有小数点的字段...①在主文档内按 alt+f9 快捷键若干次,直到主文档内显示出{ mergefield 抵押.........
英word 邮件合并群发邮件一、安装 outlook 二、outlook 设置方法 http:www.cugb...word-tutorial-mail-merge#more-203) 来源于 邮件合并是.........
英1、邮件合并 2、文件撰写完成后 按alt+f11 3、右击thisdocumnent选插入模块 4、输入以下代码,修改文件名和保存路径 5、运行宏或按f5 sub mymailmerge() dim.........
英excel 中已设定小数位数为两位~ excel 中是 30,发邮件时却变成 07 右击域名在弹出菜单中选择切换域代码,将会显示{mergefied 域名 }, 在.........
英合并邮件的宏代码_计算机软件及应用_it计算机_专业资料。合并邮件的宏代码sub emailmergewithattachments() dim docsource as document, docmaillist as document di.........
英word邮件合并中日期电话号码金额字段的格式_电脑基础知识_it计算机_专业资料。邮件合并mergefeild 数字 货币 日期 百分数 格式 很长久的一段时间,hrjj经常被word中.........
英邮件合并 mergefeild 数字 货币 日期 百分数 格式
修改插入域的格式: 在域代码编辑状态下,修改域代码的字体大小等格式,之后在域代码中写入{mergefield name.........
英会话就完成邮件发送; 6、 还有一个特性就是可以使用 w3 jmail3 组件的集群发送功能一次发送成千上万个邮件,还可以 通过邮件合并(mailmerge)对象来个性化邮件。 .........
英sub mailmerge() dim str as string static startc application.screenupdating = false 关闭 excel 屏幕更新,加快程序运行速度 myname = 邮件合并 save.........
英高效邮件群发操作 14页 1财富值 mail_merge_tutorial 15页 5财富值 mail merge tool 10页 8财富值如要投诉违规内容,请到百度文库投诉中心;如要提出功能问题或意.........
英以上这些组成 incredi mail 个性化邮件的要素都 可以...撰写“个性化”电子邮件软件———worldmerge 5 撰写...可使用一般的 邮件群发软件,客户收到的都是千篇.........
■ 24小时热门信息
如下图: 2 邮件合并日期格式问题,需要按照按年-月-日显示 邮件合并后希望日期格式显示为:年-月-日,如:。不能按 word 的日期显示, 用{merge.........
mail_merge_tutorial_it计算机_专业资料。ms office2007 word mail merge的详细使用说明,商务办公人士必修!今日推荐 89份文档 爆笑大撞脸 .........
群发分别对象正文、抬头、附件的邮件秘笈_自我管理与提升_求职职场_实用文档。...mailmerge document,
extracting the information to be included in each .........
邮件合并小数点问题 在使用 word 的邮件合并功能过程中,发现一些有小数点的字段...①在主文档内按 alt+f9 快捷键若干次,直到主文档内显示出{ mergefield 抵押.........
■ 相关热门内容
使用word的mail merge_计算机软件及应用_it计算机_专业资料。使用 word 的 mail merge(邮件合并)功能实现批文档邮件通知的生成
10:46 常常会用.........
mail merge使用方法_计算机软件及应用_it计算机_专业资料。 文档贡献者 pc...新邮件使用方法 10页 免费
统一邮件安装使用方法 7页 免费
oe-mail .........
使用word的mail merge_电子电路_工程科技_专业资料。使用 word 的 mail merge(邮件合并)功能实现批文档邮件通知的生成
10:46 常常会用到一个.........
mailmerge使用方法_经管营销_专业资料。如何做邮件合并 tutorial how to use mail merge function in microsoft word january 2007 copyright by illidan shen from .........
邮件合并操作步骤 10页 免费 mail merge 2007 word 14页 免费 mailmerge使用方法...合并文档,及分别发送出邮件.........
mail merge 2007 word_经管营销_专业资料。word mail merge function helps to ...word 2007邮件合并 5页 1下载券喜欢此文档的还喜欢 office2007邮件合并方法 ........
我们要按这个成绩单分别发电子邮件给每个考生通知他自己的成绩 可以这样操作 打开 word 程序,在 mailings ribbon 里选择 start mail merge -> e-mail messages(如.........
2010 office mail merge steps_计算机软件及应用_it计算机_专业资料。mail ...在office2003中邮件合并... 22页 2下载券
如何设置office outlook... 2页 .........
■ 热门推荐【图文】Mail merge使用方法_百度文库
Mail merge使用方法
& &&巧用 Mail Merge 定制个性化群发邮件
巧用 Mail Merge 定制个性化群发邮件天极网软件频道 08:55
  试想一下:(1)你打算在你家举行一个派对,现在你要通过电子邮件发送邀请给所有的朋友;(2)你的公司将推出新产品,你要将这个消息告诉媒体和消费者。那么,在以上两个例子中,你的邮件内容相差无几,不同之处无非就是收件人的姓名之类的小细节。比如说,当收件人为熟人,你可能就会简单的说 “hi”,并后面加上朋友的昵称;但是当你与客户交流时,则使用正式的问候和称呼会更合适。
&&& 一、启用Mail Merge的三种方法
  如何才能摆脱大量毫无意义的重复性操作呢? Mail Merge 可以帮你做到这一点。它可以帮你同时向不同的用户发送个性化的邮件来节省你的时间。但目前,这项功能在 和 Apps 里并没有,如果想使用它,通常可以采用以下三个方法:
&&& 你可以将 Outlook设 为你的 Gmail 的邮件客户端,然后使用 Office Word 中的 Mail Merge 功能,缺点是你要在本机发送大量的电子邮件。
&&& 借助例如 MailChimp、Constant Contact、Campaign Monitor等基于网络的邮件服务来发送大量的个性化邮件,但它们可不是免费的。
&&& 方法三:
  如果以上两个选择都无法令你满意,这里还有一个更好的方法:你可以通过 Google Docs 账户设置 Mail Merge 到你的 Gmail 中。这种方法不但免费而且也很容易设置。
图为:利用Gmail和Google Docs创建Mail Merge
1分页导航1.启用Mail Merge的三种方法2.3.
(作者:谷奥 Tony责任编辑:王健)
* 网友发言均非本站立场,本站不在评论栏推荐任何网店、经销商,谨防上当受骗!
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Mail merge with Word
Those who struggled to adapt from the relatively straightforward merge process in Word 2000
to the apparent complexity of& Word 2002/3 now have an all new set of dialogs to achieve
the same ends. However the old Word 2000 Mail Merge Helper is still buried in the application
code and can be added to the QAT (Quick Access Toolbar) to provide the old familiar dialog
for those Luddites not yet ready to move on.
In fairness to Microsoft, the new ribbon commands do tend to make the merge process simpler,
so while you can still use old and familiar tools, you may as well get used to learning the new
methods of working and move on to the merge process.
Create the merge layout document
Although this page is primarily concerned with label merges, there is no essential difference
between the different types of merge available from Word. Labels were chosen as an example
simply because they are the most complex. Word also provides form letter, directory
(called catalog in some earlier versions), e-mail and envelope merges.
Letters& - a new page is created for each record
E-Mail messages- merge to e-mail?
Envelope - a form letter type of merge, that additionally allows envelope document
selection. You could instead use a form letter merge with a document created from
an envelope template (samples available from the
Labels - the main topic of this page
Directory(Catalog) - a new line is created for each record
Normal Word Document - removes any attached data file.
On the Mailings tab of the ribbon select the Start Mail Merge icon to choose the document
type - here labels. From that same function, you can select the Mail Merge Wizard from
which the process is pretty much the same as it was when using the wizard in
illustration if from Word 2007, but the process is virtually
identical in Word 2010 onwards.
This labels selection provides the opportunity to pick the label type that matches
your label stock, or even to create your own layout for some obscure label variety that does
not match one of the many pre-configured types. The dialog below shows a custom label,
but there are hundreds of standard labels from which to choose.
Assenting to the label choice produces a page comprising an empty table ready to receive your layout.
If you wish to start instead from a label template or a previously
created table document that will represent the finished labels, click 'Cancel' at the
above dialog. This will set the current document as the label merge document.
If that label template is one of the label template formats that you can download
from the Microsoft web site eg
as shown in the next illustration, you will see that the table cells are
filled with text entries denoting Name, Address, City, State & Zip.
These are NOT merge fields but simple text entries. Replace the text in the first cell
with the fields from your data source as described later on this page and update
(propagate) the labels to replace the text in the other cells.
Choose the data source
Word can use a wide variety of data sources. The 'Select Recipients' icon offers the
option to type a new list, to use an existing list or to select from Outlook Contacts.
(Outlook 2007 still provides the option to start the merge from Outlook for even greater
flexibility - the procedure is essentially the same as that for Outlook 2003).
If you chose to use an existing data source, by default Word 2007 will try and connect
to a data source in the 'My Data Sources' folder. This will not help much
if the data source is a Word or Excel document, for example, in some other folder.
Don't be thrown by the two default entries shown in the illustration below,
simply move to the folder that contains your data file and select it.
There is no mechanism included by which the My Data Sources folder can be set
however, you can set the data source folder to a path on the
same drive as the My Documents folder by means of a registry hack. The folder is defined at:
or in Word 2010 at
or in Word 2013 at
and in Word 2016 at
These keys are created the first time you attempt to access a data source for a merge.
If the relevant key is not present at the time you edit the registry you can add it.
Edit the 'MyData' sub key to the required folder name (without quotes). The start point
for the path is My Documents and the entry in the data key would be a sub folder of
My Documents, which by default is the My Data Sources sub folder. If the DataServices
key has no entry the default setting is used. To move up to My Documents enter .
(a period/full stop). To move up two folders enter .. (two periods/full stops).
Although I have not tested it, the convention is one period/full stop for each
level, so if your My Documents folder is buried deeper, in theory at least you should
be able to add extra periods/full stops to take you back to the root level of the drive.
I regret I have not found a way to change drives within this mechanism.
This method allow you to move the folder to a different path location. e.g., here
I have My Documents as a sub folder of the D: drive i.e. &D:\My Documents&
thus the default setting for the data folder would be& &D:\My Documents\My Data Sources& .
To move that data folder to &D:\My Documents& you would
change the default My Data Sources entry for a period/full stop to move up a level.
To move to another sub folder of My Documents eg &D:\My Documents\Merge&
simply change the default &My Data Sources& to &Merge&
and to move to
a different branch of the folder structure eg to &D:\Merge&, add the period/full stop to the path as below:
Word XP introduced further complications for those merging from Excel data, retained in Word .
In earlier versions of Word connection to the data file was by DDE. Microsoft has replaced this
default setting by a new OLEDB connection method. This has benefits and drawback.
The benefits are that Word can now connect to client/server databases such as SQL or Oracle
without resorting to an intervening interface such as MSQuery.
One downside is that OLEDB provides direct access to the data and thus Word is expected
to provide the formatting. You can often work round this by
in Word. or you can revert to the earlier DDE connection method.
In order to do this, you need to make a change to one of the Word Options settings.
Click the 'Pizza Button'
then select Word Options.
In Word 2010 it would be File & Options
This provides the opportunity, when connecting to an Excel data file, to select the type of
connection, from which you can select DDE, whereupon the connection should behave as it had in Word 2000.
Outlook Contacts
The following assumes that an Outlook Contacts list is selected.
Click OK and the next dialog provides options to filter the data etc.
In the above illustration the Edit button is not available. To edit the
contacts data, you must do so from Outlook. However, with other data sources, particularly
those created from the Select Recipients button, you can edit the data source by selecting
the data source name in the lower window. See below ...
In either case, you can return to the above dialog by clicking the 'Edit Recipient List' button.
Insert the fields Having picked the address book or data file you wish to use, Word will
verify the data file, read the field names and insert 'Next Record' fields in all
the cells except the first (if you start from an existing document, the next record fields are added later).
You can ignore all the cells, except the first, for that is where we are going to build our label.
You can either insert an address block field from the Address Block button on the ribbon,
which produces the next dialog. This function is much improved from Office 2002/3, and will
probably provide the layout you require wi however if you wish to
include conditional fields or cannot achieve the layout you require then you will need to
insert the individual fields that make up the address separately, and this is shown in the following illustrations:
Don't worry too much about field placement initially. You will probably produce something
like something like that shown in the left illustration below. You can then move the
fields around to give you the required spacing and position as in the illustration on the right.
Microsoft appears to have retained the default use of the 'normal'
paragraph st however, in Word , the normal paragraph style
has added spacing. This will result in extra spacing between the lines of text in tables.
Word uses tab however when those labels are created using the label
tool the process is supposed to remove that extra spacing. In practice I find that it
is not 100% reliable, but that is what is supposed to happen.
The default style set also includes a standard 'No spacing' style which is what
long standing Word users would have expected to have been the Normal style. Why Microsoft
swapped these styles around I cannot say, but .....
You can edit the Normal paragraph style to remove that spacing, just as you can
edit any other style, and this will fix the issue for labels you create from the
label tool (I would also rename the No Spacing style to Normal Spaced and add to
it the spacing you have removed from the normal style); however ......
Even more complicating is the fact that when& mail merging labels, although
the Normal style is used, extra padding is inserted as direct formatting, by the
merge process, before each paragraph. This conspires to screw up the spacing of the
paragraphs on your merged labels (see the right hand illustration immediately below this note).
You must take this into consideration when adding merge fields and apply whatever
formatting you need to give the presentation you require. One method would be to apply
a non-spaced style to the first label before updating the labels. If you have modified
the Normal style as mentioned above, you can simply re-apply that Normal style,
which has the effect of removing the padding.
The bottom line here is that if your labels have unwanted space,
correction is a question of applying the correct formatting.
If you want to add graphics to the label, then see
If you want serial numbers, then see .
All that remains, is to reproduce the finished layout in the other cells.
The highlighted icon in the toolbar below, will 'propagate' the data
into the remaining labels with the correct insertion of the 'Next Record' field at the start of the subsequent labels.
If the update button in the illustration above is 'greyed'
out and thus unavailable, it is likely that you have not set the merge type to 'Labels'
Merge the data
Merge to a new document to check the results, or, if confident of those results, merge directly to the printer.
The data shown in the example is taken from an old sample database
and may not reflect the current addresses of the companies shown.
If you print and produce only
one page of labels, when you think
you should have more, please go back and re-read the instructions, for you have not
completed the merge, but have printed the merge layout document. This is particularly relevant if you follow the merge wizard.
The merge layout document is now complete and can be saved for next time.
When merging from Outlook, the Outlook data is converted to a temporary file.
This file will no longer be available next time you come to use the merge document. There are two
suggested solutions. One is to detach the data source before finally saving, then re-attach it
the other is to begin the merge process from within Outlook itself, as that not only
provides access to& all the fields, and enables you to be selective about which records
to merge, but allows you to save the data set as a file.
Initial field when merging from Outlook Contacts
When merging from Outlook& data, one field you will not find is a field that contains
the initial letter of the contact's forename, which can be very useful when addressing
envelopes and more formal letters etc. Sadly it is not yet possible to use only part of a
field, however Outlook has four pre-configured user text fields. You can use one of these
fields to hold the initial for use in merges.
To make this function more convenient to use, the following Outlook macro will
extract the initial from the FirstName field and write it to the User4 field and
you can then use it in a merge from Outlook as shown in the illustrations below.
Word 2007 also makes the four user fields available to a merge starting from Word,
as opposed to starting the merge from Outlook as above. This enables you not only
to use an initial as shown above, but to create a merge using the Categories field,
which is not normally available from Word, by copying the content of the categories
field to one of the other user fields (here User3) and using that as an alias for the Categories field.
Some of the Outlook field names are changed
when the merge is started from Word as opposed to starting from
for providing the germ of an idea to enable me to produce this code.
Public Sub AddIntialToUser4()
'Create this macro in OUTLOOK!
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objContactFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objContact As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim objItems As Outlook.Items
Dim obj As Object
Dim strInitial As String
On Error Resume Next
Set objOL = CreateObject(&Outlook.Application&)
Set objNS = objOL.GetNamespace(&MAPI&)
'Set the default contacts folder
Set objContactFolder = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
'or select the folder
'Set objContactFolder = objNS.PickFolder
Set objItems = objContactFolder.Items
For Each obj In objItems
'Test for contact and not distribution list
If obj.Class = olContact Then
Set objContact = obj
With objContact
strInitial = Left(.FirstName, 1)
.User4 = strInitial
'Copy initial to User4
.User3 = .Categories 'Copy the categories field content to User3
Set objOL = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set obj = Nothing
Set objContactFolder = Nothing
Set objContact = Nothing
Mail merge
Those who struggled to adapt from the relatively straightforward
merge process in Word 2000 to the apparent complexity of Word 2002/3
now have an all new set of dialogs to achieve the same ends.
Although this page is primarily concerned with label merges,
there is no essential difference between the different types of merge available from Word.


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