ajl.abraham de moivre什么意思

Only a few dozen patients have received brain cells from fetal pigs 的翻译是:只有几十个病人脑细胞已收到从胎儿猪failure actions can only be set for Win32 services, not for drivers. 的翻译是:失败操作只能在设置为Win32服务,而不是驱动程序。&at the age of only twenty-two,he went into Business.& 的翻译是:&在年龄只有0-0,他进入业务。&&The composition itself is all right , only the handwriting is awful . & 的翻译是:&组成本身是所有权利,只手写是多么可怕。 &the Count could only stare, and his gaze, fixed as if unconsciously on Haide, seemed one of fire and blood. ' 的翻译是:计数只能呆呆地看着,他的视线,如果不自觉地作为固定的海德,似乎是一个的火与血。 'was merciful only when mercy was expedient. 的翻译是:是大慈大悲怜悯时仅是权宜之计。Because of this he could not follow the arguments closely, and he could only guess at and surmise the ideas wrapped up in such strange expressions 的翻译是:由于这一点,他不可能按照参数密切合作,他只能猜测和推测的思想包裹在这些陌生表达式We've only just returned from holiday so you must take us as you find us. 的翻译是:我们才刚从假期返回,因此您必须以我们为您找到我们。Here instant printing of business cards is an immediate service, and this is the only authentic shop in the whole city. 的翻译是:在这里即时打印的名片是一个立即进行维修,这是仅有的正宗店在整个城市。However, this system also restricted competition. even if a clerk was very capable, he would not be promoted only because he was too young. 的翻译是:但是,这一制度也限制了竞争,即使是一个十分能干的秘书,他将不会促进不仅是因为他太年轻。If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.——Abraham Maslow 的翻译是:如果您的唯一工具是一个锤子,您会看到每一个问题像是钉子。--亚伯拉罕马斯洛Running foot: similar to a running head, only at the bottom of the page. A running foot is often used in magazines than in books. 的翻译是:页脚:类似于一个运行头,只有在页面底部。 一个页脚通常是使用比杂志中的书籍。The formation of polyhedral cages and clusters has only recently been recognized as an important and widespread phenomenon 的翻译是:成立polyhedral笼和群集的工作只是在最近才被确认为一个重要的和普遍的现象They had not put up the shutters, and the curtains were only half closed 的翻译是:他们没有把百叶窗,窗帘都只有一半封闭The voices ceased, the singers, bashful but smiling, exchanged sidelong glances, and silence succeeded--but for a moment only 的翻译是:在声音停止,歌手,但红彤彤笑着,眼神里交换了不是无名之辈,并成功地保持沉默,但目前只有一个I think that phonological writing should be for the use of linguists only 的翻译是:我认为,应将书面口齿的语言学家只使用I speak under Correction, for only the editors know how much were usable. 的翻译是:我在纠正,只有编辑知道多少是可用。I bought three bottles of Old Parr, but now I found only two bottles of Johnnie walker. What should I do? 的翻译是:我买了三瓶旧帕尔,但现在我只找到两个奶瓶的菁英。 我应该怎么做?Exxon is another such name that was reportedly accepted only after a lengthy and expensive computer-assisted search. 的翻译是:埃克森是另一个此类名称,据报后,才可接纳一个冗长而昂贵计算机辅助搜索。Each year we bury in the desert bones unnumbered,Yet we only watch for grape-vines coming into China 的翻译是:每年,我们的沙漠中埋骨未编号,但我们只观察葡萄藤蔓进入中国
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拼音zūn yán 注音ㄗㄨㄣ ㄧㄢˊ词性基本解释◎ 尊严 zūny&n(1) [honour]∶尊贵的地位和身份国家尊严人格尊严人类生而自由并享有相等的尊严与权利(2) [sanctity]∶不容侵犯的地位和身份法律的尊严引证解释1. 庄重肃穆;尊贵威严。《荀子·致士》:“尊严而惮,可以为师。” 汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·立元神》:“贤者备股肱,则君尊严而国安。” 宋 司马光 《进<孝经指解>札子》:“体貌尊严,举止安重。” 丁玲 《过年》:“只觉得舅舅仍然很尊严,很大,高不可及,只呼吸都象表示出有与凡人不一样的权威。”2. 崇高庄严。 宋 梅尧臣 《汝州登慈寺阁望嵩岳》诗:“ 少室 出天外,巍巍何尊严。” 清 孙枝蔚 《病愈赠医者宋迪公》诗之八:“低头幕府尊严地,种杏安能许外人。”3. 尊贵的地位或身分。 老舍 《四世同堂》十一:“ 日本 军人们心里很不痛快,因为这样的简陋的场面颇有损于‘帝国’的尊严。”4. 指不容侵犯的地位或身分。《中华人民共和国宪法》:“全国各族人民、一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和社会团体、各企事业组织,都必须以宪法为根本的活动准则,并且负有维护宪法尊严,保证宪法实施的职责。” 魏巍 《这里是今天的东方》:“没有人会知道,她还要对全人类做出些什么;维护和平,维护人类尊严的抗美援朝战争,不过是她开始的一件罢了。”相关汉字、||
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