I lovare you love menot for who you are, but for who I am

剧情 / 爱情
朱莉娅·罗伯茨 / 哈维尔·巴登 / 詹姆斯·弗兰科 / 比利·克鲁德普
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Copyright & 1998 - 2015 Tencent. All Rights Reserved如果您看到这个提示,说明QQ空间无法正常打开,请尝试I am 13 and i love a boy who is 21 . He also loves me very much. He is not like other boys who thinks only of........ Do you think it's wrong
I am 13 and i love a boy who is 21 . He also loves me very much. He is not like other boys who thinks only of........ Do you think it's wrong?
well that boy is WAY too old for you and are you sure he trully loves you or just trying to trick you.Cause all boys don't tell the truth when it comes to love.I have to be honost I do think is wrong.Is better to fall in love with boys within your age. Yes the heart doesnt lie but You also have to follow your head sometimes just to be on the safe side.
#2 ANSW: I have to say, first of all, I agree with the above, and would like to add a little. I want to ask you a question, it is not meant as an insult, but I am hoping that it will help you see that your boyfriend is NOT in love with you. If he REALLY loved you, he would wait until you are old enough to date him. If he doesn't really love you, he will not wait for you. My question, actually it's a two parter is, If he really loves you, can YOU prove it, not him, but YOU? and the second part of that question is, how can you prove it?
My next question for you is in regards to your statement, "He's not like other boys" How many other boys have you been with, gone out with, hung around with? How do you know he is not like other boys, if you don't give other boys a chance?
He's 21 and you are 13. I guarantee you, and my brother in law and husband are both sitting here agreeing with me, that he is JUST LIKE other boys, he's just very good at manipulating you. Have some fun with your life. Get out and live and play and experience it. Don't tie yourself down right now. If he loves you, truly loves you, you'll find each other again, when you are old enough and it's legal.
well that boy is WAY too old for you and are you sure he trully loves you or just trying to trick you.Cause all boys don't tell the truth when it comes to love.I have to be honost I do think is wrong.Is better to fall in love with boys within your age. Yes the heart doesnt lie but You also have to follow your head sometimes just to be on the safe side.
#2 ANSW: I have to say, first of all, I agree with the above, and would like to add a little. I want to ask you a question, it is not meant as an insult, but I am hoping that it will help you see that your boyfriend is NOT in love with you. If he REALLY loved you, he would wait until you are old enough to date him. If he doesn't really love you, he will not wait for you. My question, actually it's a two parter is, If he really loves you, can YOU prove it, not him, but YOU? and the second part of that question is, how can you prove it?
My next question for you is in regards to your statement, &He's not like other boys& How many other boys have you been with, gone out with, hung around with? How do you know he is not like other boys, if you don't give other boys a chance?
He's 21 and you are 13. I guarantee you, and my brother in law and husband are both sitting here agreeing with me, that he is JUST LIKE other boys, he's just very good at manipulating you. Have some fun with your life. Get out and live and play and experience it. Don't tie yourself down right now. If he loves you, truly loves you, you'll find each other again, when you are old enough and it's legal.
Minor edit?
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Do you use fiction as therapy, like Tommy does?
 Because you picked the wrong boy to be with. If that boy trully loved you,he wouldn't treat you like that. He probrally was just using you and didn't love you.Some boys &dont care about girls feelings, just their own.And they don't care if you love them or not they can treat you terrible. My advise is to just stop beign with him Your just wasting your time.
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try to talk to him . if he's interested it means he really like you. take your time with him . so that you will understand him very well. you talk with him like you do with yo&ur other friends. don't be so close to him . so that he'll get irited . if he is not your type .so keep in touch like friend. otherwise you can keep good relationship with him. it is up to your liking.
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I believe love is something you can never experience until you have lost it. Love is one of the greatest emotions (aside from pain) that one can feel. It is not a temporary fe&eling (like pleasure) but a permanent one. Everyone in the world needs to be loved by someone. It is the greatest and best emotion.
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Ballet traditionally has been seen as a more feminine art, but if you look closely, you'll see that it is filled with males who consistently bring life and balance to the stag&e. These dancers are some of the most physically fit individuals out of any art or sport, routinely performing demanding jumps, leaps, and lifts. To get to this point, they usually start in ballet classes for boys. This isn't for everyone, but more and more boys are discovering how incredible this activity is and that, if you take it seriously, it can become a legitimate, fulfilling career.Boys ballet has many of the same benefits as girls ballet. You learn to be disciplined and how to be analytical with what your body is doing. You also usually gain a greater appreciation of the arts as a whole, as ballet incorporates other elements such as music, costumes, and sets. The physical benefits of ballet, such as increased strength, balance, flexibility, and agility, are well known. In fact, the physical benefits are why many coaches get their athletes involved in ballet if they can. Performance usually gets better once you've had some ballet training. Some people point out that, in a society that usually encourages boys to be tough and brutal, ballet shows boys that there is a right and a wrong way to use strength, making them into more sensitive and conscientious citizens.Despite the numerous benefits of boys' ballet, if you're going to take it, you need to be prepared for criticisms. People don't always understand how incredibly physical and disciplined the art is, and they still have the mistaken notion that ballet is for "wussies." Some even assume that every guy who dances ballet is homosexual. You have to be willing to let your love of dance overshadow all these negative stereotypes. Another big issue is that, even though programs or classes technically might be open to both boys and girls, in many cases, the bulk of the class will be female. This is fine if you're doing basic ballet techniques, but there are things in ballet specific to boys that require a more male-oriented approach. For instance, guys who do ballet need more upper body strength, because they eventually will have to do things like lifts with partners. That means exercises like basic pushups in conjunction with regular barre activities. You might not get the gender-specific attention you need if you can't find a course that is well balanced or designed just for boys.Dancers, choreographers, and others involved in ballet agree that there is no wrong time to start boys ballet. Some people start when they're just preschoolers. Others don't take their first class until their late teens. In general, however, most boys tend to get into ballet a little later than girls do. If you have any inkling that ballet (or any professional dancing) might be something to look at as a career, experts usually recommend starting no later than around 10 or 11. You'll need several years of training before your professional auditions, and these usually happen by the time you graduate high school.Boys ballet usually requires you to wear tights, ballet slippers, and a T-shirt, dance shirt, or leotard. Exactly what you wear can vary, however. Some instructors like to have boys wear some tighter shorts rather than regular tights at first. This is true even at major ballet schools such as the Royal Ballet School. The idea is just that the teachers can see your legs a little better as you learn. Another piece of apparel you'll need when you start going through puberty is the dance belt. This is basically just supportive underwear with a thong back, which protects your genitals without creating unsightly "panty lines" under your tights. All male dancers wear this type of belt once they start to mature, just like most guys in sports wear jockstraps. Until puberty hits, you can either go with nothing under your tights (some boys are a little shy about this), or you can wear some thin briefs.Ballet is an activity that both girls and boys can do and fall in love with. Boys who take ballet gain regular advantages such as discipline, but they also are able to physically develop (helps in sports), mingle with girls, and gain a deeper understanding of the arts and how to conduct themselves. They do face challenges, however, such as strong negative stereotypes and the tendency for classes to be female heavy. Although there's no right or wrong age to start ballet as a boy, if you have dreams of maybe being a professional dancer someday, you shouldn't really start any later than around age 11. Expect to wear gear such as tights, slippers, and leotards, although the exact requirements can vary by instructor or school.If you've looked into ballet classes and know that the ones available in your area are girl heavy, ask a boy friend of yours to take the class with you. You'll feel better with a buddy regardless of their gender, and more boys enrolling sends a bigger message that ballet is okay. Most instructors are more than happy to have more boys they can partner the girls with.
One of the difficulties that parents often have with having a daughter is that many girls become boy crazy during their teenage years. Although for many young girls, this is j&ust a normal and harmless phase with which their parents must deal, other parents must handle the difficulties that come with more destructive behaviors associated with being boy crazy, such as lying, sneaking out to meet boys and ramifications of
sexual activity at a young age. Parents who are concerned that their daughter is obsessed with boys need to do several things to handle this situation responsibly.If your daughter is boy crazy, you must set limits on anything associated with boys. Although many parents set a curfew, go an extra step by limiting the use of telephones, social media websites and other outlets that allow girls to meet and associate with boys on a regular basis. If you allow your daughter to date, do not be afraid to prevent her from seeing boys that you believe are not good for her.Chances are your daughter has other interests aside from boys. Encourage her hobbies, and help her to become involved in activities at school and in the community. By filling her time with constructive and meaningful activities, she has less time for obsessing over boys, and her mind focuses on other items of interest. In addition, it is important that you spend time with your daughter by doing activities and going places she likes. Often, girls become boy crazy because they lack attention at home, and the attention they receive from boys helps to fill this need.To cope with a daughter that is boy crazy, you must first understand the nature of her interest in boys. There is a big difference between your daughter being interested in a single boy and being crazy about boys in general. If she focuses on a particular boy, she likely needs guidance on how to handle her feelings properly without obsessing. Although this form of puppy love is often an annoyance for many parents, it is usually not a cause for concern. In such cases, you need to talk to her about what is normal and acceptable about teenage relationships.Teenagers often model their behaviors after those of their parents, and your own actions have the potential to contribute to your daughter's preoccupation with boys. If you are a single parent spending a great deal of time dating many different people and obsessing over your own love interests, this behavior sends the message to your daughter that such actions are acceptable. This is especially true if you spend the night with someone. Practice the behavior you expect and want to see in your daughter. Managing the situation with a daughter who obsesses over boys takes deliberate, consistent parenting. By openly communicating your expectations for her, encouraging her other interests and modeling healthy behaviors, you help direct her interest in boys to a healthy level. Encourage your teen daughter who is boy crazy to spend more time with her girlfriends doing fun activities. Make your home a spot where teens gather to give you a chance to get to know them, including the boys. Provide consistent rules for her behavior, keep the conversational channels open and ensure she understands the potential risks to herself of being too boy crazy.
Gaming lingo deserves to be branded as a separate language on its own. Gamers, along with their myriad of short-hands and acronyms, speak in a distinctively different tone fro&m non-gamers, where certain phrases and words may be interpreted in a different manner.Life is something precious and to be treasured dearly. It is the most valuable possession one can hold. Or at least, that only applies to the mainstream community. Lives are dispensable when it comes to gamers, and it only means starting at a previous checkpoint when killed.What comes to mind when this word is mentioned in the head of a non-gamer is usually an age-old musician such as Mozart or a historical work of art. However, gamers use this word to describe games of yesteryear, such as those on Atari machines.One thing that gamers and non-gamers have in common with regards to this word would be that it is not welcomed. However, to non-gamers, dust usually refers to the grayed mess on mantelpieces and furniture pieces that have not been cleaned. In the gaming context, dust is the very reason why game cartridges malfunction halfway through an important game.Growing up, kids played in sandboxes which were literally pits of sand where they brought their toys to and let their imaginations come to life. In the gaming dictionary, the concept refers to games that allow for a character to freely roam and explore the game world.While both situations refer to the point of view, non-gamers would generally perceive the word to refer to writing or narrative styles. On the other hand, gamers see this as a gaming genre, where the action takes place from the eyes of the character.The boss in real life is the one that you have to answer to at work, the very person who is responsible for handing out your next pay check. Bosses in games refer to the most powerful of villains the gamer can face, and are often the toughest to defeat. An apt reference, given how interactions with both can be quite a struggle.In the real world, this refers to setting up two single individuals in the hopes of sparks and chemistry fluttering between them. However, in the gaming context, this refers to game servers matching up players so that a game can take place.To non-gamers this involves making impulsive decisions that have severe repercussions, usually ones that inflict plenty of damage on oneself. Yet to gamers, being reckless means laying as much waste to the surrounding environment as possible, without any serious repercussions to deal with.A demo in real life refers to mix tapes given out by musicians to promote their work and spread their name around. In the gaming world, a demo refers to a free sample of the game that almost always teases and ends at the most climatic part.Physics are a set of laws in the real world that govern almost everything we do, as they form the fundamental basis of motion. Yet in the gaming world, physics in non-existent. Almost everything they taught you in school comes to zilch in the virtual world.Grinding in the real world refers to the arguably enjoyable motion of lewd dancing at nightclubs. This is often accompanied by good music and everyone having a good time. On the other hand, grinding in games refer to the repetitive process of something extremely boring, all in the hopes of getting to a new stage in the game.Hackers in real life are stereotyped to be super-intelligent nerds that can cause huge collateral damage to organizations and governments just by typing gibberish into their laptops. Yet to gamers, a hacker is simply someone who cheats at their game.In the real world, God is an entity revered and worshipped by millions all over. God is something spiritual, deserving of the highest respect. To gamers, a god is someone who has simply acquired a cheat in the game that renders the player invincible.
Of course what every mom wants first and foremost is a healthy baby. There are definite differences, however, between having a baby boy and a baby girl, and they show up somet&imes in some unexpected ways. Here is some of what you need to know about having a boy.As most new moms discover very quickly, unwrapping a diaper often triggers a baby to pee even more, and this seems to happen especially with baby boys. The difference between girls and boys is that if a girl pees while her diaper's being changed, it just dribbles down onto the changing table. When a little boy pees, the pee shoots up into the air, even into your face, and goes everywhere. Get into the habit of tossing a diaper on top of your baby boy's penis the second you uncover it to protect yourself and the rest of the room. Also, point his penis downward when you diaper him.At a very early age, boys tend to get very active and even aggressive in their play time. Even in studies where boys were given toys that are typically seen as "girl" toys, the boys played with them in different ways. For instance, when given dolls, very young boys would treat the dolls as if they were guns. Let your son be active in his play. Do not be afraid to wrestle or get physical with him.Many mothers-to-be feel nervous when they learn they are expecting a boy. They feel that they would understand a girl better since they themselves are female and often worry about whether it is okay to cuddle and be affectionate with a boy. However, many mothers of boys find that their young sons are actually more affectionate than their daughters. Perhaps it is because of that need for physical activity. In any event, have no worries about cuddling and showering affect doing so just helps him feel secure and confident as he grows up. Do not be surprised if cuddling quickly turns into wrestling.They certainly do. A baby boy learns very early where his penis is and that it can give him pleasure. As babies turn into toddlers, they compare their penises to those of other boys and of their fathers without any encouragement to do so. If you find your son playing with his penis, do not make a big deal of it, but let him know that this is something he must do in private.Having a baby boy is a fun and challenging event. Love your baby boy, ask your pediatrician about any health-related concerns and enjoy every moment of being a mom to your son.Your baby boy is going to often respond better to men, just as a baby girl responds better to women. Do not let instead, just keep focusing on building a relationship with your son, understanding he needs you just as much as daddy.
Holiday seasons are great times to do crafts. Not only are your children learning, but also creating new and imaginative things. With craft ideas for boys, make sure you inclu&de activities to incorporate with the crafts such as worksheets with questions, word search puzzles, and follow-up exercises about the history of the holiday. You can add any of your own touches for each child's learning style that will make the craft even more entertaining.Many people think of bunny rabbits and eggs around Easter. However, you can also discuss with boys of all ages how to garden and plant, and talk to them about sowing good seeds that will bear fruit in due season. In March, spring is beginning to bloom, so you can make a tiny eggshell to grow plants in. This craft is available to view on Enchanted Learning's website. Look under the Easter holiday section and you will find detailed instructions on how to do this craft.What a great way to celebrate this day with your child. Your children will love to make something to make you smile on this special day. One great craft idea for Mother's day to do with your boys is to make a picture frame out of twigs. Let the kids enjoy the weather and pick out some twigs. The kids can use the photo of their choice. They will need twine or string, and hot glue. Tie a bundle of about three twigs together for four sides. At the corners of each side, tie twine or string around the twigs to hold them together. Glue a heavy cardboard back for picture frame and glue picture on. This craft is unique, rustic, and something the parent may keep for a lifetime.Teach your boys about the United States during this holiday. Paint a flat river rock using the United States colors, red, white, and blue. Paint the flag blue with a white star in the middle. Paint the red and white stripes along the rock. Teach the children what the flag represents and what it symbolizes. The stars represent the 50 states, and the 13 stripes represent the 13 colonies. On this day, boys can pick a craft of their choice to make Dad proud to be a father. Boys can make Dad an animal craft of their choice. Boys can make their fathers cards shaped out of animals or surprises out of shoeboxes. They can fill the shoeboxes with all the special things about their dads.In the fall, boys like to go out and dig in the leaves. Boys can have a great time making a leaf booklet. Collect all kinds of different colored leaves. You will need wax paper and an iron to press the leaves in between the two sheets. Decorate the book with a border on each page made out of construction paper. You can cut out pumpkins, black cats, ghost, and spiders, and make a collage border for each page. Thanksgiving is all about being thankful and coming together as a family. A great craft is making a hand and foot turkey out of handprints and footprints. Use the child's feet to make the body, from brown construction paper. Use the child's handprints to make the feathers, with red, orange, and yellow construction paper. Specific directions are available on enchanted learning.Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year for many families. The children can make pinecone Christmas ornaments. Use glitter, glue, red ribbon, and cotton balls. Put glue all around the tree and sprinkle glitter over it. Tie red ribbon around the tree in a circle, and place pieces of cotton on the tree and cotton balls on the bottom of it. Tie a piece of yarn around the top of the tree and loop it, so it can hang on the tree. Make as many as you want and have fun. Boys love to get dirty and imagine the world how they want. These craft ideas for boys will get messy. Let the boys add their own c nothing has to be exactly as mentioned. Add action figure cutouts or design m let their imagination come out in the craft and they will be thankful. You can also make more than one of each for a gift or present one to a friend.Be careful with young children when dealing with sharp objects. Help the children when cutting and pasting. Supervise children when handling crafts.
JanSport was the only backpack to own. Anything else made you a reject who was stuck at the outcast lunch table. You were also obligated to customize said backpack with a Shar&pie, and it was only to be worn with one strap, never two. Any deviation from these rules meant you were a poser.The 90's popularized the baggy jeans, and shows like &The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air& didn't do teenage boys any favors in this department. The baggier the better was the motto of every teenage boy during this time, and it didn't matter that the fashion trend started in prison to let other inmates know that someone was available. Boys were still determined to show their underwear.Because boys sagged their pants so low, it became incredibly important to pick out the perfect boxers. The brand of choice was Joe Boxer. Smiley faces, skull and crossbones, bowling pins, and Mario and Luigi were some favorites of the time. However, Joe Boxer had plenty to choose from, so teenage boys could find ones that fit their style and personality.Teenage boys of the 90's thought &Beavis and Butt-Head& was the funniest show ever created. Many a teacher, parent, and girlfriend were annoyed with the incessant plagiarism of their signature jokes and laugh. Lots of 90's teenager rejoiced in 2011 when the show was revived and new episodes were aired on MTV.Just about every 90's teenage boy had a thing for Pamela Anderson. She was the perfect woman, and perhaps one of the reasons most guys preferred blondes at the time. She was the only reason that boys watched &Baywatch,& and she was revered as a favorite Playboy bunny.Starter jackets weren't really all for teenage boys in the 90's. Girls jumped in on the craze too, and companies who embraced them as part of their marketing made a fortune. The NFL and NBA cashed in on Starter Jackets. Every teenage boy owned a jacket with his favorite team on it. You were automatically cool for a while when you acquired a Starter jacket.Much to parents' chagrin, teenage boys of the 90's were known to decorate their walls with the pages of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issues. They either had subscriptions, or they saved up their allowance in eager anticipation of the next issue hitting the store shelves. The true fans had the issue the same day it came out.Too many 90's teenage boys falsely believed they could pull off Clooney's Caesar cut from his ER days. Unfortunately, it always looked really bad. It usually came out like a salad bowl cut with jagged edges. The terrible 90's fashion didn't help. The Caesar look was a little too sophisticated for teenage boys from the 90's.Any fan of Mortal Kombat knows that it's pretty violent, and there was a lot of bloodshed to be had. Lots of teenage boys grew up from loving the Ninja Turtles and the Power Rangers in the early to mid 90s to eventually falling in love with the hyper-violence that was Mortal Kombat.Before cell phones became accessible to everyone, and before they were really a thing at all, there was the pager. You were considered super cool if you had a pager, and it was the best mode of communication for teenage boys. Having one clipped to pants was the goal of many 90's teenage boys.Wallet chains were like jewelry to teenage boys. It didn't matter what clique you belonged to, biker, jock, nerd, whatever, if you were a boy, you most likely owned one. It was also probably attached to a Velcro wallet, which made it all the more ridiculous, but highly desirable for boys in the 90's.Back in the 90's, if you wanted to make someone you liked a collection of meaningful songs, you did so on a cassette tape. There was a little bit of an art to it, too. You had to pause the tape when you wanted to change the song, and you had to make sure there was enough tape to cover the last song you wanted to add. Boys of the 90's became mixtape artists.Fashion in the 90's was definitely questionable. Teenage boys wore overalls with one strap undone, tie-dye shirts, and hip hop Looney Tunes t-shirts. Somehow, all of these things were considered cool. If you weren't wearing these items, looking back we can see there was something wrong with the fashion sense of the time.Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls were just about every 90's teenage boy's favorite athlete and team. Even those who didn't like the Bulls still had respect for Jordan. When his shoes came out, they became the number one highly desired fashion accessory. Tie-dye and Jordan?s shoes went well together in the heads of 90's kids. They were probably the most expensive things owned, too.
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Time heals all wound and this is when time can be a blessing. Take the time for yourself and sort out your personal feelings, keep busy as to not dwell on your sadness and let& yourself get over this as we all do. Be thankful for the time you did have with this person and take away what you have learned from this relationship. Think of it this way if we didn't feel this hurt and sadness from time to time how would we know how good it feels to be happy and in love. Things will get better.
because it's more likely a boy would like that show not a girl 
 The show was originally aimed for mainly a male audience.
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 Have you already told him the way you feel? Maybe he doesn't know. I would let him know how you really feel, maybe it will change the way he feels about that other girl.&
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well just remember to lock the door and never let him see you like that again he will forget about it sooner or later
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Not all boys are like that but if they only care about themselves, then they're selfish, careless about others, and doesn't make a good boyfriend!
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