
用咖啡作画 中国咖啡师拉花夺冠(视频)
编辑点评:一场咖啡艺术大赛当地时间3月11日在美国纽约举行,来自世界各地的64位咖啡师在比赛中一较高下。 所谓咖啡艺术大赛,其实考验的是咖啡师的拉花水平。最终,一位来自中国香港的咖啡师赢得了冠军。他将获得2500美元的奖金。
A Latte Art
in New York recently attracted the world's finest coffee pouring professionals. After
competition, a barista from Hong Kong won the top prize.
It was a tall order for the sixty-four coffee professionals.
The tournament demanded each contestant pour attractively decorated lattes within a three-minute time limit.
Each cup was judged on five categories:
beauty, definition, colour infusion, degree of difficulty and creativity, and lastly speed.
Decorations ranged from hearts, , to rosettes, and leaves. With no object allowed to help create the pattern, baristas must rely only on their skills in pouring the milk and froth over the coffee.
29-year-old Nicholas Van Slett who scooped third place explained the of the patterns.
Nicholas Van Slett said, &The multiple layered tulip, that's actually concentric hearts, with the rosette base, is very, very difficult. The one that I used for taking third place was something that I practiced for about two months before it actually came together. It really depends on the person's pour flow and how shaky their hand is and what compensations they need to do in order to pour well.&
But it was Yeung Yiu Fai from Hong Kong who took the winning title. His multiple layered tulip pattern had the definition and colour density to wow the judges. And this was his debut show.
Yeung Yiu Fai said, &I was very nervous because this is my first time to come to an international competition... Luckily, under my company's support and my teacher's support, I can come down here and do my best, try my best.&
The 24-year-old barista will receive 2,500 U.S. dollars for the first place prize.
一场咖啡艺术大赛当地时间3月11日在美国纽约举行,来自世界各地的64位咖啡师在比赛中一较高下。 所谓咖啡艺术大赛,其实考验的是咖啡师的拉花水平。最终,一位来自中国香港的咖啡师赢得了冠军。他将获得2500美
原文:?? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ????.意思:刚才男主角从大厦跳下来的场面真的棒极了。备注:??【副词】刚才
??【名词】大厦   ?????【动词】跳下
????【形容词】厉害其他例句:?? ??? ??? ??? ??.     离别的场面令人感伤。回复数字68【6.8韩语每日一词听力】??MP3听力 
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?????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??. 83第四期 ??? ??(下定决心)原文:??: ???? ???? ??? ?? ? ? ???????: ?提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网 5?
??? ???? ????????:?????. ??提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网 第三期 ?? ?? (眼光高)
??: ?? ? 提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网 《?? ???? ??》是韩国MBC的广播节目,主持人是 ??提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网 看到这么多人在学韩语,我心里很高兴,因为这让我觉得我当初的选择提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网 第二期 ?? ???(嘴严)原文:??: ??? ?, ?? 提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网 ? ?? ????? ‘??? ???? ?? ?? ????提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网 4.活用特点(??? ??)  韩国语的主语、宾语等成分经常省提示:点击上方↑↑↑蓝色字一键关注韩语学习网
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