the sprites of sports英语作文口语作文

Java 3D的动画展示图(Part1-使用JMF)
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  在Java 3D场景中插入动画片段使3D内容更加有趣充实.一段动画可以在更令人信服的背景下展示,例如飘动的云,繁忙的城市街道,或者是从窗向外看的效果.动画可以在屏幕效果和游戏效果之间任意转换.  这篇文章被分为两个部分,描写我怎样实现一个Java 3D动画屏幕效果.在这个部分,我将说明我怎样利用JMF(Java Media Framework),特别是在JMF Performance Pack for Windows v.2.1.1e情况下.我的另外两个工具是J2SE 5.0和Java 3D 1.3.2.我将讨论另外的使用Quicktime for Java的动画屏幕版本.  图1是应用JMF Movie3D在不同时间截取的两幅截屏,右边截屏是从屏幕后看的效果.     图1. Movie3D应用截屏  此应用程序中重点:  。JMF和Java 3D的集成.屏幕以任意尺寸成倍增加在一个应用程序.由于屏幕是Java3D的Shape3D类的一个子类,因此它可以很容易的统一到各种Java 3D场景中.  。程序执行使用Model-View-Controller设计模式.屏幕是一个视频元素,由JMFMovieScreen类描述.动画是一个由JMFSnapper类控制的模型部分.一个Java 3D Behavior类,TimeBehavior,控制动画定时定期更新.所有JMF编码都存放在JMFSnapper类,可以很方便的测试各种变化.这篇文章的第二部分JMFSnapper由QuickTime for Java版本中的QTSnapper取代.  。Java 3D 的使用将会使动画的播放速度毫无困难的上升到25帧/秒.  。使用JMF出现问题的讨论.问题是我首选解决方案将不会工作-JMF有可能变为一个巨大的API,但在其内部仍有一些程序没有及时运行.  事实上,我正坐在一个冰冷的办公室.我真正的意思是说这篇文章建立在大量Java 3D和JMF背景知识之上.  我将不会细致地解释Java 3D的基础知识,因为它们都可以在O‘Reilly文章Killer Game Programming in Java(以下简称KGPJ)中找到.例如,图1场景效果图是其第15章中的轻微改良Checkers3D的版本实例.我再生了这些编码以生成底版,蓝天和灯光.  假如你不想买这本书,没关系,所有篇章的初稿和所有编码都可以在此书的站点查阅.  在此文章中,我将会解释我用来从动画中抽取帧的JMF技术.我将不会讨论流媒体或者编码转换.  动画由JMFSnapper类加载播放,并且不断的循环播放直到被停止.  JMFMovieScreen生成动画屏幕,并在底版上控制Java 3D四边形.  图2显示这些类的应用(该场景图说明场景中Java 3D节点怎样连接在一起)     图2:Movie3D场景图  图2种的很多细节可以被忽略,此图KGPJ15章中的得Checkers3D实例有很多相似之处. 只有特殊动画的节点是新的.  由于节点关系,JMFMovieScreen和TimeBehavior对象以三角形表示.JMFSnapper对象不属于这张图,但由JMFMovieScreen调用.  每40毫秒,TimeBehavior对象调用JMFMovieScreen类中的nextFrame()方法.接下来调用JMFSnapper中的getFrame()方法获取动画中当前播放的帧,由JMFMovieScreen控制成像.  TimeBehavior是Java 3D的Behavior类的子类,它是Java 3D应用的计时器.它与KGPJ18章中的3D sprites实例中的TimeBehavior类十分相似.  观察应用过程的另一种方式就是察看它的UML类图表,图3给出。类中的公共方法被显示.     图3:Movie3D类图表  Movie3D的子类JFrame,WrapMovie3D是JPanel的一个子类.图2展示了WrapMovie3D如何构建场景图,和将其译成应用的JPanel.他使用CheckerFloor 和ColouredTiles类构建底版.  JMFMovieScreen创建动画屏幕,将其加入场景中,通过创建一个JMFSnapper对象开始动画.TimeBehavior每40毫秒调用JMFMovieScreen中的nextFrame()方法. nextFrame()调用JMFSnapper中的getFrame()得到当前帧.  这个例子中的所有编码,此文章的早期版本可以在KGPJ网点查询.  动画,它的屏幕和更新屏幕的TimeBehavior对象,都是由WrapMovie3D中的addMovieScreen()方法创立.  // globalsprivate BranchGroup sceneBG;private JMFMovieS  // the movie screenprivate TimeB  // to update screenprivate void addMovieScreen(String fnm){ // put the movie in fnm onto a movie screen ms = new JMFMovieScreen(    new Point3f(1.5f, 0, -1), 2.0f, fnm);  sceneBG.addChild(ms);  // set up the timer for animating the movie timer = new TimeBehavior(40, ms);  // update movie every 40ms (== 25 frames/sec) timer.setSchedulingBounds(bounds);  sceneBG.addChild(timer);}  两个Java 3D addChild()方法调用JMFMovieScreen和TimeBehavior节点间的连接.setSchedulingBounds()激活TimeBehavior节点.  JMFMovieScreen是Java 3D的Shape3D类的一个子类.所以必须仔细说明它的外形的几何形状和外观.  几何形状是指动画图像的四个边尺寸上成比例,它的最大尺寸(高 宽)必须向构造器仔细说明.这个四方形是垂直的,朝向Z轴正方向,可以在底版的任何位置被定位.  四方形外观是双面,允许从前或后观看动画.结构是用双线性插值,可以降低动画图像的像素化.  大多数的功能是从KGPJ24章中的FPS(first-person shooter)实例中的ImageCsSeries类拷贝而来. ImageCsSeries在一个区域中显示一系列的GIF图片. 为了简短起见,我仅描述了JMFMovieScreen与ImageCsSeries的不同特征.  高效显示图像  动画中的一个帧被转换结构扩大四倍;分为两个步骤:第一步 提供的BufferedImage传给Java 3D的ImageComponent2D对象,然后传给Java 3D Texture2D.  区域的图像更新非常快:每秒更新25帧,要求结构更新25次.因此结构有效率的更新非常的重要.这种高效率在利用BufferedImage和ImageComponent2D对象进行格式化的情况下是可能的.  JMFMovieScreen使用的ImageComponent2D对象以以下方式声明:  ImageComponent2D ic = new ImageComponent2D(  ImageComponent2D.FORMAT_RGB,  FORMAT_SIZE, FORMAT_SIZE, true, true);  构造器剩余两个需要说明的讨论点是它使用"by reference"和"Y-up"模式.这些模式降低了存储结构图像的内存大小,因为Java 3D避免将图像从应用空间拷贝到图形内存.  在Windows OS环境下,使用OpenGL作为Java 3D优先图像引擎,ImageComponent2D格式应是ImageComponent2D.FORMAT_RGB,BufferedImage格式应是BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR.BufferedImage格式在JMFSnapper中确定.  此项技术的更多细节可以在j3d.org中查询.  将纹理加进区域  通常在一个区域中确定一幅图像的方法是将图像的坐下角连接到区域的左下角,然后逆时针连接剩余的几个角.图4说明这种方法.     图4.图像与区域之间的标准连接  图像坐标区间在X Y轴的0 1之间,Y轴正方向.例如,图像左下点坐标为(0,0),右上点为(1,1).  当"Y-up"模式使用,图像坐标Y轴翻转,负方向.意味着(0,0)代表图像左上点,(1,1)指向右下.  当"Y-up"模式建立,图像坐标必须分配给区域中不同点以便获得图像的相同定位.图5显示了最新配置.  
  图5."Y-up"模式使用时,图像与区域之间的连接  连接区域点与图像定位的JMFMovieScreen编码是  TexCoord2f q = new TexCoord2f();  q.set(0.0f, 0.0f);  plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 3, q);  // (0,0) tex coord --> top left quad point (p3)q.set(1.0f, 0.0f);  plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 2, q);  // (1,0) --> top right (p2)q.set(1.0f, 1.0f);  plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 1, q);  // (1,1) --> bottom right (p1)q.set(0.0f, 1.0f);  plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 0, q);  // (0,1) --> bottom left (p0)  PLANE对象指代区域.  更新图像  以上所讲,TimeBehavior是被设置用来被40毫秒调用JMFMovieScreen的nextFrame()方法.nextFrame()调用JMFSnapper对象中的getFrame()方法获得被看作BufferedImage对象的当前动画帧.指派给一个mageComponent2D对象,然后传给区域图像.nextFrame()是:  // globalsprivate Texture2D  // used by the quadprivate ImageComponent2D  private JMFS  // to take snaps of the movieprivate boolean isStopped =  // is the movie stopped?public void nextFrame(){ if (isStopped)  // movie has been stopped    BufferedImage im = snapper.getFrame();  // get current frame if (im != null) { 1&&&
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中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。
You're standing with your classmates. (1) E_______
is talking except you. Perhaps you're afraid they will laugh at when you say. Maybe you just aren't (2) b_______
enough to speak.
Shyness is like a snake that crawls (爬进) into our mouth and (3) s_______ us speaking. But we shouldn'tlet it stay there.
I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes (4) v_______me. When I was in high school,
Iwas so shy that I wouldn't talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the (5) w_______to a local shop, it was as if I'd forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a (6) j_______ in arestaurant and that helped a lot.It meant I had to talk to customers (顾客). I had to tell them how (7) m_______ their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite.
This job taught me how to speak with people.
You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look for other (8) c_______ to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. (9) O_______ you can go to get a newspaperfor your family.
If you do these things for a while, the 'shyness' snake will soon begin to (10) l_______ you alone. It'll lookfor another mouth to crawl into.
You're standing with your classmates. (1) E_______
is talking except you. Perhaps you're afraid they will laugh at when you say. Maybe you just aren't (2) b_______
enough to speak.
Shyness is like a snake that crawls (爬进) into our mouth and (3) s_______ us speaking. But we shouldn'tlet it stay there.
I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes (4) v_______me. When I was in high school,
Iwas so shy that I wouldn't talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the (5) w_______to a local shop, it was as if I'd forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a (6) j_______ in arestaurant and that helped a lot.It meant I had to talk to customers (顾客). I had to tell them how (7) m_______ their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite.
This job taught me how to speak with people.
You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look for other (8) c_______ to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. (9) O_______ you can go to get a newspaperfor your family.
If you do these things for a while, the 'shyness' snake will soon begin to (10) l_______ you alone. It'll lookfor another mouth to crawl into.
You're standing with your classmates. (1) E_______
is talking except you. Perhaps you're afraid they will laugh at when you say. Maybe you just aren't (2) b_______
enough to speak.
Shyness is like a snake that crawls (爬进) into our mouth and (3) s_______ us speaking. But we shouldn'tlet it stay there.
I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes (4) v_______me. When I was in high school,
Iwas so shy that I wouldn't talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the (5) w_______to a local shop, it was as if I'd forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a (6) j_______ in arestaurant and that helped a lot.It meant I had to talk to customers (顾客). I had to tell them how (7) m_______ their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite.
This job taught me how to speak with people.
You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look for other (8) c_______ to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. (9) O_______ you can go to get a newspaperfor your family.
If you do these things for a while, the 'shyness' snake will soon begin to (10) l_______ you alone. It'll lookfor another mouth to crawl into.
科目:最佳答案见解析解析1. Everyone
5. way 6. job
8. chances
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心sprites的意思,sprites翻译,音标读音,用法例句 | sprites的意思,sprites的音标读音解释 00:42sprites翻译精灵音标读音英式:[]美式:[]基本意思n.鬼怪,小妖精,调皮鬼( sprite的名词复数 )形近的词
You've implemented sprites and sprite behaviors.您已经实现了sprite和sprite行为。
I can click on this guy to see what sprites are controlling him.我按这个按钮看下哪一个精灵控制着他。
This is where as we saw on Wednesday are sprites or our characters.我们上周三就是在这个地方,看见精灵或着说我们创建的角色了。
I got sprites of famous video game characters and re-made their personality and what they do.我从著名的电子游戏中获得小精灵的角色,然后对他们的性格和所做的事情进行加工。
We bought three sprites and then walked back to the room.我们买了三瓶雪碧就回到了房间。
This tutorial will show you how to achieve that using CSS Sprites.本教程将告诉你如何使用这个CSS组件来实现这样的效果。
This option is recommended when drawing transparent sprites of varying depths.在绘制不同深度的透明子画面时,建议使用此选项。
You can reduce image requests by using CSS sprites.可以通过使用CSSsprites减少图像请求。
We hope that it is our mistake to take you as sprites.希望把你们当成妖精是我们的错误。
With image sprites, you will have CSS selectors for each link that display only a portion of the image sprite-effectively showing just the image you need.有了图片精灵,你将要用CSS选择器对每个只显示精灵中部分图片的链接进行处理:只要你需要的那部分。
This application will generated a mask for your sprites*. very useful for game development.0这个应用程序可以为你的怪物生成一个掩码,对于游戏开发非常有用。
Now, focus on just one of these sprites.现在,把注意力集中到其中的一个小精灵。
The sprites in this example move smoothly and at a reasonable pace across the green surface.这个例子中的精灵们以一个合理的速度平滑地穿过绿色平面。
For this sprite only, means local, only this function, only this script can use this variable, make this variable for all sprites, meant it was global.对于只为一种精灵,意思是局部的,只有这个函数中,这个脚本中才可以用这个变量,这个变量为全部精灵而创建,意思是这个变量是全局的。
Sorts sprites by depth in back-to-front order prior to drawing.绘制前,按深度从后到前的顺序对子画面进行排序。
Of the sprites of fire, water, and air, I know next to nothing.我对火精、水精和气精近乎一无所知,但地精和土精我却十分熟悉。
Previously, we discussed how I used Rectangles to create logical boundaries for how the various sprites would move within the game.以前,我们讨论了如何我用矩形如何创造的各种鬼怪会在游戏中移动的逻辑边界。
For each pixel in the overlapping area, see if the corresponding pixels from both sprites are opaque. If so, there's a collision.对于重叠区域的每一个像素,检查它在每个精灵对应的像素是不是不透明的,如果的确是这样,则它们碰撞了。
Tools that generate CSS sprites are available ( see the Resources section).获得一些可以生成CSSsprites的工具(参见参考资料一节)。
CSS sprites help decrease the number of HTTP requests.CSSsprites可帮助减少HTTP请求的数量。
Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites.从前,有一个很坏的小魔鬼,他是所有妖魔中最坏的家伙。
Sprites can take the form of fast-paced balls of electricity, although they can also form streaks or tendrils.尽管精灵也可以形成条纹或卷须,精灵可以采取快节奏的电球的方式。
From "shining halo clouds" to sprites and massive light spirals, the otherworldly photos of light phenomena in this gallery are naturally-occurring or man-made illusions.从“闪亮的光环云”到精灵和大量的光螺旋。这个画廊里的这些超凡脱俗的光线照片都是大自然所产生的,或者仅是人为的幻觉。
The Ming library is a PHP library that has a set of objects that map to the data types in an SWF movie: sprites, shapes, text, bitmaps, etc.Ming库是一个PHP库,其中有一组映射到SWF动画中的数据类型的对象:子图形、图形、文本、位图等等。
Because it takes less time to check whether a sprite is exploding than it does to perform collision detection, Snail Bait disqualifies exploding sprites from collision detection.因为检查一个sprite是否在爆炸比执行碰撞检测所需的时间更少,SnailBait从碰撞检测中排除了爆炸的sprite。
Most tutorials teach you just to use CSS Sprites for navigation, where I am going to say to use it for the entire user interface of your site.许多教程只是教你如何使用CSS精灵制作导航,我要说的是使用它制作整个网站的用户界面。
Games often use sprites-they can make the animation take much less processor time because you only need to draw the sprite against a static background.游戏经常使用子图形由于您只需要在一个静态背景上绘制子图形,所以可以使动画所占用的处理器的时间大大减少。
Sprites were originally invented as a method of quickly compositing several images together in two-dimensional video games using special hardware.“精灵”起初是为了在特殊硬件环境的电子游戏中快速将若干图像混合在一起而发明的。
And if you haven't realized already, do realize per the tutorials that we've linked to online, you can do things like duplicating sprites, you don't have to re-implement the whole thing.如果你还没有意识到这一点,再想想我们制作出来的一个个在线教程,你可以像复制这些小精灵们一样完成你整个浩瀚的工作,你没有必要一个一个重复地去制作。
The treacherous sprites gradually assemble outside the headquarters, wearing jeans and holding the chains.名叫叛逆小鬼的怪人们穿着牛仔裤拿着锁链慢悠悠地聚集在总部外面。
百科解释网络意思精灵妖精精灵技术精灵闪光精灵数相关单词sprites的相关作文在西方的传说里,一直有精灵和矮人的传说,精灵族是天地灵气所生,矮人喜欢金子,善于挖掘金子。精灵族女王自然是很美很美的。他们共同的敌人就是天地间邪恶生成的半兽人。...在一座五彩缤纷的大花园里,生存着各种各样的精灵们,有温柔大方的蝴蝶精灵,有美丽高傲的玫瑰精灵,有文静害羞的含羞草精灵,有调皮可爱的蜜蜂精灵,还有蛮横霸道的蜻蜓...从遥远的地方飞过来一波又一波人字形 雁阵希望如冲天的火炬在漆黑的雨夜上空 升腾这黑色的如箭的精灵这优雅妩媚的精灵这齐心协力的精灵始终不停地拍打羽翅变化着姿态奋飞着...一学院发出来的宣传单{p}从前,有一个小岛,叫做精灵岛。岛上有许多精灵。他们叫什么名字,他们就会变出来什么。{p}一天,精灵岛突然下起了大雨,但是,伞精灵变出个大雨伞...中高口真题答案_2013美国公告牌音乐大奖获奖名单:泰勒斯威夫特独揽8奖_沪江英语
2013年度美国公告牌音乐大奖(Billboard Music Awards)已于北京时间5月20日早晨在拉斯维加斯米高梅豪华花园剧场(MGM Grand Garden Arena)举行。
此前领跑提名名单的小美女泰勒&斯威夫特成为最大赢家,她一人独揽8项大奖,其中还包括最佳艺人这一最为重量级的奖项,她的专辑《Red》收获了最佳公告牌200专辑和最佳乡村专辑2个奖项。在今年的格莱美上一无所获的泰勒终于扬眉吐气了一回。此外贾斯汀&比伯获得了最佳男艺人,他还成为了今年新增奖项&里程碑奖&的获得者。One Direction不仅获得了最佳新人奖,更力压在提名中大热的Fun.和Maroon 5获得最佳组合。
The Full List Of Winners 完整获奖名单
Top Artist 最佳艺人
Justin Bieber
Taylor Swift
One Direction
Top Hot 100 Song 最佳Hot 100歌曲
Fun., &Some Nights&
Gotye feat. Kimbra, &Somebody That I Used to Know&&
Carly Rae Jepsen, &Call Me Maybe&
Maroon 5, &One More Night&
Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa, &Payphone&
Top Billboard 200 Album 最佳公告牌200专辑
Adele, &21 &
Mumford & Sons, &Babel&
Taylor Swift, &Red&&
One Direction, &Up All Night&
One Direction, &Take Me Home&
Top Duo/Group 最佳组合
Mumford & Sons
One Direction
Top New Artist 最佳新人
Carly Rae Jepsen
One Direction
The Lumineers
Top Touring Artist 最佳巡演艺人
Bruce Springsteen
Roger Waters
Top Male Artist 最佳男艺人
Jason Aldean
Justin Bieber
Bruno Mars
Top Female Artist 最佳女艺人
Carly Rae Jepsen
Nicki Minaj
Taylor Swift
Top Hot 100 Artist 最佳Hot 100艺人
Taylor Swift
Top Billboard 200 Artist 最佳公告牌200艺人
Justin Bieber
Mumford & Sons
One Direction
Taylor Swift
Top Digital Songs Artist 最佳数字歌曲艺人
Carly Rae Jepsen
Taylor Swift
Top Radio Songs Artist 最佳广播歌曲艺人
Nicki Minaj
Top Social Artist 最佳社会艺人
Justin Bieber
One Direction
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
Top Streaming Artist 最佳流媒体艺人
Nicki Minaj
Top Pop Artist 最佳流行艺人
Justin Bieber
Bruno Mars
One Direction
Top R&B Artist 最佳R&B艺人
Chris Brown
Alicia Keys
Top Rap Artist 最佳说唱艺人
Nicki Minaj
Top Country Artist 最佳乡村艺人
Jason Aldean
Luke Bryan
Hunter Hayes
Taylor Swift
Carrie Underwood
Top Rock Artist 最佳摇滚艺人
Mumford & Sons
Bruce Springsteen
Top Latin Artist 最佳拉丁艺人
Prince Royce
Jenni Rivera
Romeo Santos
Top Dance Artist 最佳舞曲艺人
David Guetta
Calvin Harris
Swedish House Mafia
Top EDM Artist 最佳EDM艺人
David Guetta
Calvin Harris
Swedish House Mafia
Top Christian Artist 最佳福音艺人
Casting Crowns
Matt Redman
Chris Tomlin
Top Pop Album 最佳流行专辑
Adele, &21&&
Maroon 5, &Overexposed&
One Direction, &Take Me Home&
One Direction, &Up All Night&
Justin Bieber, &Believe&
Top R&B Album 最佳R&B专辑
Chris Brown, &Fortune&
Alicia Keys, &Girl on Fire&
Frank Ocean, &Channel Orange&
Rihanna, &Unapologetic&
Usher, &Looking 4 Myself&
Top Rap Album 最佳说唱专辑
2 Chainz, &Based on a T.R.U. Story&
Kendrick Lamar, &Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City&
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, &The Heist&
Nicki Minaj, &Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded&
Rick Ross, &God Forgives, I Don't&
Top Country Album 最佳乡村专辑
Jason Aldean, &Night Train&
Luke Bryan, &Tailgates & Tanlines&
Lionel Richie, &Tuskegee&
Taylor Swift, &Red&&
Carrie Underwood, &Blown Away&
Top Rock Album 最佳摇滚专辑
Fun., &Some Nights&
The Lumineers, &The Lumineers&
Mumford & Sons, &Babel&&
Of Monsters and Men, &My Head is an Animal&
Phillip Phillips, &The World From The Side Of The Moon&
Top Latin Album 最佳拉丁专辑
Prince Royce, &Phase II&
Jenni Rivera, &Joyas Prestadas: Banda&
Jenni Rivera, &Joyas Prestadas: Pop&
Jenni Rivera, &La Misma Gran Senora&
Romeo Santos, &Formula, Vol. 1&
Top Dance Album 最佳舞曲专辑
David Guetta, &Nothing But the Beat&
Deadmau5, &&Album Title Goes Here&&
LMFAO, &Sorry for Party Rocking&
Madonna, &MDNA&
Skrillex, &Bangarang&
Top EDM Album 最佳EDM专辑
David Guetta, &Nothign But the Beat&
Deadmau5, &&Album Title Goes Here&&
Skrillex, &Bangarang&
Skrillex, &Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites&
Swedish House Mafia, &Until Now&
Top Christian Album 最佳福音专辑
Casting Crowns, &Come to the Well&
Lecrae, &Gravity&
MercyMe, &The Hurt & the Healer&
tobyMac, &Eye On It&
Various Artists, &Wow Hits 2013&
Top Digital Song 最佳数字歌曲
Fun. feat. Janelle Monae, &We Are Young&
Gotye feat. Kimbra, &Somebody That I Used to Know&
Carly Rae Jepsen, &Call Me Maybe&&
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz, &Thrift Shop&
Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa, &Payphone&
Top Radio Song 最佳广播歌曲
Gotye feat. Kimbra, &Somebody That I Used to Know&&
Carly Rae Jepsen, &Call Me Maybe&
Maroon 5, &One More Night&
Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa, &Payphone&
Bruno Mars, &Locked Out of Heaven&
Top Streaming Song (Audio) 最佳流媒体歌曲(音频类)
Fun., &Some Nights&
Fun. feat. Janelle Monae, &We Are Young&
Gotye feat. Kimbra, &Somebody That I Used to Know&&
Ellie Goulding, &Lights&
Carly Rae Jepsen, &Call Me Maybe&
Top Streaming Song (Video) 最佳流媒体歌曲(录音带类)
Fun. feat. Janelle Monae, &We Are Young&
Carly Rae Jepsen, &Call Me Maybe&
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz, &Thrift Shop&
Psy, &Gangnam Style&&
Taylor Swift, &We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together&
Top Pop Song 最佳流行歌曲
Ellie Goulding, &Lights&
Carly Rae Jepsen, &Call Me Maybe&&
Maroon 5, &One More Night&
Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa, &Payphone&
Bruno Mars, &Locked Out of Heaven&
Top R&B Song 最佳R&B歌曲
Alicia Keys feat. Nicki Minaj, &Girl on Fire&
Miguel, &Adorn&
Frank Ocean, &Thinkin Bout You&
Rihanna, &Diamonds&&
Trey Songz, &Heart Attack&
Top Rap Song 最佳说唱歌曲
Flo Rida feat. Sia, &Wild One&
Flo Rida, &Whistle&
Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T, 2 Chainz, &Mercy&
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz, &Thrift Shop&
Psy, &Gangnam Style&
Top Country Song 最佳乡村歌曲
Luke Bryan, &Drunk on You&
Eric Church, &Springsteen&
Florida Georgia Line, &Cruise&
Hunter Hayes, &Wanted&
Taylor Swift, &We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together& &
Top Rock Song 最佳摇滚歌曲
Fun., &Some Nights&
Fun. feat. Janelle Monae, &We Are Young&
Gotye feat. Kimbra, &Somebody That I Used to Know&&
The Lumineers, &Ho Hey&
Phillip Phillips, &Home&
Top Latin Song 最佳拉丁歌曲
Juan Magan feat. Pitbull & El Cata, &Bailando por el Mundo&
Don Omar feat. Natty Natasha, &Dutty Love&
Don Omar, &Hasta Que Salga El Sol&
Michel Telo, &Ai Se Eu Te Pego&
Wisin & Yandel feat. Chris Brown & T-Pain, &Algo Me Gusta De Ti&
Top Dance Song 最佳舞曲
Baauer, &Harlem Shake&&
David Guetta feat. Sia, &Titanium&
Nicki Minaj, &Starships&
Psy, &Gangnam Style&
Rihanna, &Where Have You Been&
Top EDM Song 最佳EDM歌曲
Baauer, &Harlem Shake&&
David Guetta feat. Sio, &Titanium&
Calvin Harris, &Feel So Close&
Calvin Harris feat. Florence Welch, &Sweet Nothing&
Swedish Mafia House feat. John Martin, &Don't You Worry Child&
Top Christian Song 最佳福音歌曲
Big Daddy Weave, &Redeemed&
Building 429, &Where I Belong&
Newsboys, &God's Not Dead (Like a Lion)&
Matt Redman, &10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)&
tobyMac, &Me Without You&
Milestone Award 里程碑奖
Justin Bieber


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