
【求助】跪求英语专业翻译学考博试题 - 考博 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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英语专业资料少的原因为啥知道不?英语专业都不在国内读博了,希望楼主好运 Originally posted by nancychen923 at
欲求翻译学考博试题,各个学校的都可以啊,包括翻译史,翻译理论,语言学理论等方面的,不知各位有谁有或是可以获得类似的试题,先谢谢了!若没有可否帮忙打听一下呢?非常非常感谢了~~论坛里那么多那么多试题,唯 ... 那岂不是悲哉~出国这专业咋样啊,总觉得就不是专业了呢~~:tiger19: Originally posted by slash423 at
英语专业资料少的原因为啥知道不?英语专业都不在国内读博了,希望楼主好运 那岂不是悲哉!出国这专业咋样啊,总觉得就不是专业了呢:tiger19: Originally posted by nancychen923 at
那岂不是悲哉!出国这专业咋样啊,总觉得就不是专业了呢:tiger19: 恩,一般国内本科英语专业的出去读也极少选择英美文学类的专业,都是以英语为基础跨其他专业读个会计或商科或教育什么的,至于读到博,也就是PHD,文科类的在国外很难拿全奖啊。。。。。。
GOOD LUCK! Originally posted by slash423 at
关于楼主你 ... 首先非常感谢您的回复!
对了,我主要是翻译方向的,在我们学校从属英语语言文学专业:) 有道理估计都出去了 英语博士不好毕业啊。 同求交大英语专业考博真题~~~!急~!麻烦热心人发邮箱吧,俺邮箱是: 。。。。万分感激呀~!呵呵。 : Originally posted by slash423 at
英语专业资料少的原因为啥知道不?英语专业都不在国内读博了,希望楼主好运 这个说法貌似不合理啊,呵呵,英语专业还真没有几个出去读博的,据我所知。 : Originally posted by nancychen923 at
欲求翻译学考博试题,各个学校的都可以啊,包括翻译史,翻译理论,语言学理论等方面的,不知各位有谁有或是可以获得类似的试题,先谢谢了!若没有可否帮忙打听一下呢?非常非常感谢了~~论坛里那么多那么多试题,唯 ... 看来你跟我完全是同行啊,英语语言文学下的翻译专业,我给你想想看了,能不能回忆几道题。 楼上的能否交流一下啊?我也想考,我的QQ是: 怎么会英语专业博士都出国了,那每年英语专业的博士岂不是都没人念,那那些博导都干嘛?:tiger20: : Originally posted by wjpning at
看来你跟我完全是同行啊,英语语言文学下的翻译专业,我给你想想看了,能不能回忆几道题。... 大侠/侠女能否给个联系方式哦,俺qq:。万分感激,知情后感 救思救思,可怜的孩纸
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100请英语好的帮帮帮,求英语日常用语,带翻译,谢谢
英语日常交际用语 1.问候 Greetings (1)Good morning(afternoon,evening)早上好(或:下午、晚上)好 Hello.你好(或:喂) Hi.你好(或:嗨) --How are you?你好吗 --Fine,thank you,and you?(very well,thank you.)好,谢谢,你也好吧?或:很好,谢谢你 (2)Best wishes(regards) to sb.问候汤姆好 Please give my regards(best wishes,love) to Tom.请代我向汤姆致以问候 Please remember me to Tom.请代我向汤姆问候 Say hello to Tom.向汤姆问好 (3)Glad(Pleased) to meet you here(again).很高兴在这里(或:又)见到你 2.介绍 Introductions (1)This is Mr(Mrs,Miss,Ms) Green.这位是格林先生(或:夫人、小姐、女士) This is Comrade Li Ning. 这位是李宁同志 May I introduce you to my friends?我来把您介绍给我的好朋友好吗? I'd like you to meet Mr Green.我想请您见见格林先生 (2)--How do you do?(初次见面时用)您好 --How do you do?您好 Nice(Glad,Pleased) to meet(see) you.见到您我很高兴 Nice meeting you,Mr Green.(多用于分手时)格林先生,我真高兴能认识您 (3)My name is Li Ning.我名叫李宁 I'm a teacher.我是老师 I'm Chinese.我是中国人 Excuse me,what's your (full) name,please?请问你贵姓(您尊姓大名) (4)I have often heard about you.我常常听人谈起你 I have often wanted to meet you.我一直想认识你 Excuse my introducting myself.恕我冒昧地自我介绍一下 Do you know my father?你认识我父亲吗? I don't think you have met my father.我想你还没有见过我父亲吧 Allow(let) me introduce Mr Green to you.请允许(或让)我给你介绍一下格林先生 3.告别 Farewells (1)I'm afraid I must be leaving(must be off,have to go) now.恐怕我得走了 I think it's time for us to leave now.我想我们该走了 It's time I met Tom(did my homework). I have to go now.(注意从句要用虚拟语气)我该去见汤姆(或:去做作业了).现在我得走了 (2)Good-bye!/Bye-bye!/Bye!再见! See you later(tomorrow).回头见(或:明天见) See you.回见 Good night.晚安.再见 4.感谢和应答 Thanks and responses (1)Thank you (very much).(非常)感谢 Thanks a lot.多谢 Many thanks.多谢 Thanks(Thank you) for listenting.谢谢(收听) It's very kind of you (to help me).您真是太好了(帮了我的忙) (2)Not at all.不用谢.不客气 It's(That's) all right.没关系 You are wellcome.不用谢 (3)It's most thoughtful of you.你真是想得太周到了 I don't know how I can thank you enough.我不知怎样谢你才好 I don't knoe what I should have done without your help.没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办 Thank you all the same.仍然要谢谢你 5.祝愿、祝贺和应答 Good wishes,congratulations and responese (1)Good luck!祝你好运 I wish you good luck(success)!祝你好运(或:成功) Good journey (to you)!旅途愉快 Have a good trip.旅途愉快 Have a nice(good) time.祝你玩得高兴 I'd like to congratulate you on your success.祝贺你的成功 (2)Thank you.谢谢 The same to you.也祝贺你 (3)Happy New Year!新年好!新年快乐 Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐 Happy birthday to you.祝你生日快乐 Congratulations!祝贺你 6.道歉、遗憾和应答 Apologies,regrets,sympathies and responses (1)Pardon.(这里应读降调,若读升调表示因没听清楚对方的话而希望对方重复一遍)请原谅 Sorry(I'm sorry).对不起 I'm sorry for(about) that.我为此感到抱歉(或:难过、遗憾等) I'm sorry to hear that.听到这个我很难过(遗憾等) I'm sorry to have(I'm sorry that I have) kept you waiting fou a long time.抱歉让你久等了 (2)Excuse me(for having kept you waiting fou a long time).请原谅(让你久等了) I'm afraid (that) I'll be late.恐怕我要迟到了 What a pity!真可惜!真是遗憾 What a shame!真丢脸 It's a pity that you can't come.你不能来真是遗憾 (3)That's all right.没关系 It doesn't matter.不要紧 That's nothing.没有什么 (4)It was most thoughtless of me.我太卤莽了 I must apologize.我得向你道歉 I really didn't mean that at all.我真的完全没有那个意思 (5)Don't worry about that.不要为那事觉得不安 It really isn't worth mentioning.那真是不值得一提的 Don't think any more about it.别再去想它了 I quite understand.我完全理解 7.邀请和应答 Invitations and responses (1)Will you come to my birthday party?您能来参加我的生日聚会吗 Would you like to come to my birthday party?您愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗 I'd like to invite you to come to my birthday party.我想邀请你来参加我的生日聚会 (2)Yes,I'd love to (go to your birthday party).好吗,我非常愿意(去参加你的生日聚会) Yes,I'd love to,but I'm too busy to go.是的,我非常想参加,但是我太忙了,去不了 Yes,i's very kind(nice) of you.愿意.承蒙你的好意.或:你真是太好了 (3)I'd very much like you to join us.我非常希望您能加入我们之中 Shall we have a drink?我们喝点东西好吗 (4)That would be very nice.那太好了 With pleasure.好的 8.提供(帮助等)和应答 Offers and responses (1)Can(Could,Shall) I help you?我来帮你好吗?或:你要买什么 Would you like me to help you with your lessons?我来帮你做功课好吗 Is there anything (else) I can do for you?有什么(别的)事我能帮你做吗 Do you want me to help you?你想要我帮你吗 What can I do for you?我能为你做什么呢 Let me do it(carry it)(for you).让我来(替你)做(或:搬)吧 Would you like some tea?你想来些茶吗 (2)Thanks.That would be nice(fine).谢谢.太好了 That's very kind of you.你真好 Thank you for your help.感谢你的帮助 Yes,please.好的,请(干)吧 Here,take this(my) bag.给,请帮忙拿这个(或:我的)包好吗 (3)No,thanks(thank you).I can manage it myself.不必了,谢谢.我自己能应付 Thank you all the same.(尽管无需你帮忙,但)还是要谢谢你 That's very kind of you,but I can manage it myself.你真好,但我自己能应付 (4)What a hand (to carry it)?要帮忙(拿)吗 (5)Just what I needed!我正需要呢! That's be a big help.Thanks a lot.那真帮了大忙了,多谢 9.约会 Making appointments (1)Are you(Will you be,Do you happen to be) free this afternoon(tomorrow)?今天下午(或:明天)你有空吗 How about tomorrow morning(afternoon,evening)?明天早上(或:下午、晚上)怎么样 Shall we meet at 4:30 at the school gate?我们4:30在校门口见好吗 (2)Yes,that's all right.行,可以 Yes,I'll be free then.行,到时候我有空 All right,see you then.好吧,到时候见 (3)No,I won't be free then.But I'll be free the next day.不行,那会儿我没空,但是第二天我有空 (4)Have you got anything to do tomorrow?你明天有事吗? (At) what time can I see you?我什么时候可以看你 May I expect you at four?我四点钟等你好吗 Up to what time shall you be free?那什么时候你才有空 Shall I call for you or will you come for me?是我来叫你呢?还是你来约我 Wouldn't it be better to come a little later?晚一点儿来不是更好吗 Shall I let you know later?我以后告诉你好吗 LI'you drop me a card this evening and tell me exactly what you've made up your mind to do.听着;就这么办吧;今天晚上你送一张卡片给我,告诉我你到底决定怎么做 (5)Try to come earlier,if you can.如果能够的话,尽量早一些来 I'll look out for you (at) about three.我三点钟左右等你 If you are prevented from coming,will you let me know?如果你不能来,请告诉我一声好吗 Do try to come.一定想办法来吧 Let's make it 8 o'clock.我们约定八点吧 Let's meet at the school gate.我们在校门口见面吧 That'll be fine.Thank you.那好,谢谢 10.意愿和希望 Intentions and wishes (1)I'm going to start next week.我打算下周出发 I inten(mean,plan) to start next week.我意欲(或:想要、计划)下周出发 I will do it myself.我要亲自干 I feel like going out for a walk.我想要出去散散步 I'd like to go out for a walk.我想要出去散散步 I (don't) want(hope) to go with you.我(不)愿意(或:希望)和你一起去 I'm ready to go with you.我愿意同你一起去 I would rather not tell you.我真不愿意告诉你 (2)I want(hope,wish) to go with you.我想要(或:希望)和你一起去 I wish that you would go with me.(从句要用虚拟语气)我希望你和我一起去 I would do it if I should have the chance.我若有机会,一定不放过 I would like to go with you.我想和你一块儿去 If only I could see him.(要用虚拟语气)要是我能见上他就好了 11.请求、允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses (1)May I use your bike?我可以用用你的自行车吗 Can(Could) I use your bike?我能用用你的自行车吗 I wonder if I could use your bike?不知道我能否用用你的自行车 Would(Do) you mind if I open the window?如果我打开窗户,你是否介意(注意答语:"同意打开"用"No"或"Not at all"等,表示不介意;"不同意打开"用"Yes",表示介意) (2)Yes(Sure,Certainly).可以(或:当然可以) Yes,(do) please.可以,请(便)吧 Of course (you may).当然(可以) Go ahead,please.干吧.(或:说吧.走吧.) That's OK(All right).那行 Not at all.一点儿也不 (3)I'm sorry,you can't.抱歉,不行 I'm sorry,but you can use my bike tomorrow.抱歉,但明天你可以用我的自行车 You'd better not.你最好别这样 (4)You can take that,if you like.可以给你那个,如果你想要的话 Take it,by all means.拿去吧,完全没有问题 Take it,do.拿吧,拿去吧 12.同意和不同意 Agreement and disagreement (1)Certainly(Sure,Of course).当然可以 No problem.没问题 Yes,please.可以,请(干)吧 Yes,I think so.对,我认为是这样 That's ture.是真的.或:确实是这样 All right(OK).行,可以 That's a good idea.是个好主意(区别:That's the idea."是这个意思!"或"对啦!") It's a good idea to swim in summer.夏天游泳是个好主意 It's a good idea that we start at once.我们马上出发是个好主意 I(We) agree (with you).我(或:我们)同意(你的意见) I agree to your plan.我同意你的计划 (区别:"同意某人"用"同意某物"用agree to) I agree to help you.我答应帮你 I agree that this is a good plan.我赞同这是个好计划 (2)No.I don't think so.不,我认为不是这样的 I'm afraid not.恐怕不是的 I'm afraid I (really) can't agree with you.恐怕我(实在)不能同意你的看法 (3)Yes,just so.是的,正是这样 If you say so.如果你这么说的话,(那我也同意) Yes.That's just what I think(was going to say).对,那正是我所认为的(或:那正是我想说的话) I believe(guess,hope) so.我相信(或:猜想、希望)是这样的 There's no doubt about it.那是毫无疑问的 (4)I really don't think so.我真的认为不是这样的 I think(believe,hope) not.我认为(或:相信、希望)不是这样的 I don't think you are right there.我认为在这点上你错了 I'm afraid you are mistaken there.恐怕你在这点上弄错了 13.喜好和厌恶 Likes and dislikes (1)I like(love) English (very much).我(非常)喜欢英语 I like(love) singing.我喜欢(或:热爱唱歌) I like(love) to sleep late on Sundays.星期天我喜欢睡懒觉 (2)I don't like(I hate) that man.我不喜欢那人 I don't like(I hate) to trouble you.我不愿打扰你 I don't like asking for help.我不愿求人帮助 (3)It's really wonderful.真是太好了 I've enjoyed it so much.我非常欣赏它 It's too lovely for words.这太可爱了,无法用言语来形容 (4)I can't stand(bear) that woman.我受不了那个女人 He may be all right but I don't like him. 他也许不错,但是我不喜欢他 14.决断和坚持 Determination,decision and insistence (1)I will go there myself.我要亲自去那儿 I have decided to go there myself.我已决定要亲自去那里 I have decided that I will go there myself.我已决定我将亲自去那 I have decided where to place my new desk.我已决定了安置新写字台的地方 I have decided where I should place my new desk.我已决定了我该把新写字台安放到哪里 (2)I insist on our starting at once.我坚持主张我们应该马上出发 I insist that we (should) start at once.我坚持主张我们应马上出发(表示"坚持一个主张"时,要用虚拟语气(should)+动词原形) I insist that I had not received his letter.我坚持说我没有收到他的来信(表示"坚持一个事实"时,用陈述语气)&&
外语领域专家当前位置: &
Thank you for your reply, we wait for your good news, just if disturbed, very sorry.
[object Object]
Thanks your reply, we waited for your good news, like had the disturbance a moment ago, was sorry extremely.
Thank you for your replies, we wait for you, good news, if disturbed, so sorry.
Thank you for your replies, we wait for you, good news, if disturbed, so sorry.
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1.I had a nightmare last night,and my roomate said i talked in the dream.2.The weather is getting colder and it feels like late autumn now.The land is so quiet that it just wants a deep sleep,afraid of being disturbed.3.With this fluky psychology
1.I had a nightmare last night and roommate said that I said some dream words.2.The weather is colder and colder,it is late autumn,the land is so quiet.the land want to sleep and fear disturbed .3. have the chance of psychological
1 I had a nightmare last night,roommates said i said some flapdoodle.2 the weather get more and more colder,it just like in late autumn,what quier mother earth, it want to fall sleep,but it scare interrupting by others.3 having fluky mind.
1. Had a nightmare last night, and my roommate said I was talking during my sleep.2. Whether is getting cold, it gives the feeling of late autumn.
The earth seems so peachful, wanting to have a nice sleep and afraid of being disturbed.3. having the feeling of chance ..
1.Ysterday I had a nightmare,and the roomate said that I talked in my sleep.2.The weather is becoming colder and colder,which makes people feel in late autumn. The mother earth is in her sweet dream,not wishing to be disturded.3. have fluke mind.
软件开发事业部“办公自动化系统”以下简称OA系统,是记录公司日常运营中的某些活动,集中管理部门的各种信息,同时能够方便、快速的得到所需要的信息,提高软件开发事业部的办公质量和办公效率,降低办公成本,节省资源的有效途径。 The &Office Automatization System& (thereafter called the OA System) used by the Software Development department is an effective approach to record daily operations of the corporation and centralize and manage all sorts of information at the same time, the software allows a more convenient and speedy way to receive needed information, and hence lift the quality and efficiency of work of the Software Development department, as well as lowering administration costs and save on resources.本系统采用JSP语言开发,主要采用Struts框架技术,实现了一个基于web的B/S模式的OA系统。其主要功能包括权限管理、人员管理、培训管理、项目管理、办公用品管理、会议室管理、加班管理、订餐管理和图书管理等等。The system is developed based on the JSP it mainly adopts the Struts framework technology, and hence an OA system based on the web model of B/S was realised. The main functions include user authority management, personnel management, training management, project management, office products management, meeting room management, overtime management, meal order management and books management etc. 另外,本系统权限角色分配比较复杂,系统采用严格的权限管理机制,只能对权限内的业务进行受理或操作。系统界面简洁,操作简单,输入方式为键盘或鼠标操作,运行稳定,如果发现运行异常现象,应当具有报警信息提示,方便使用,提供了一个较好的公司、企业日常工作和生活管理模式。Furthermore, the system is comparably complicated on au the system adopts a strict management mechanism on authority, and operation and management is only possible within the authority. The system interface is clear a the input methods a the system is stable, and any abnormity would be hinted by warning messages. The system is easy to use, and provided a better daily work and live management model for companies and corporations.由于系统是团队合作开发,本人负责办公用品管理中的设备管理,主要描述针对办公设备管理的问题。实现了设备类型管理、设备信息管理、设备使用情况管理等功能,在4、5、6章节中会重点介绍这部分。Because the system was developed cooperatively by our team, I was responsible for the device management part in office products management, and my main focus was on issues of office facility management. The system has realised functions of facility type management, facility information management, and facility usage status management etc. More will be discussed in chapters 4, 5 and 6 based on this function.
软件开发事业部“办公自动化系统”以下简称OA系统,是记录公司日常运营中的某些活动,集中管理部门的各种信息,同时能够方便、快速的得到所需要的信息,提高软件开发事业部的办公质量和办公效率,降低办公成本,节省资源的有效途径。The &office automation system& (hereafter refered to as OA system) in the Software Development Department is an effective means of recording certain activities in the company's daily operations and focusing on the management of various information of the department while obtaining the information needed conveniently and rapidly, improving the quality and efficiency of office work of the department, reducing its costs and saving the resources.本系统采用JSP语言开发,主要采用Struts框架技术,实现了一个基于web的B/S模式的OA系统。其主要功能包括权限管理、人员管理、培训管理、项目管理、办公用品管理、会议室管理、加班管理、订餐管理和图书管理等等。The system achieves a web-based B/S OA system with the use of the JSP language mainly in a Struts framework. Its main functions include the management of rights, personnel, training, projects, office supplies, conference rooms, overtime work, food reservations and books. 另外,本系统权限角色分配比较复杂,系统采用严格的权限管理机制,只能对权限内的业务进行受理或操作。系统界面简洁,操作简单,输入方式为键盘或鼠标操作,运行稳定,如果发现运行异常现象,应当具有报警信息提示,方便使用,提供了一个较好的公司、企业日常工作和生活管理模式。 In addition, the system's distribution of the authorised rights is very complicated, so the system adopts the strict management of rights and only the business with the entrusted rights can be handled or operated. The system's interface is simple and easy to operate with the keyboard or mouse as the means of input, which is quite stable. If anything goes wrong, there will be prompt alarms. Therefore it is user-friendly and provides a good management of the daily work and life in the companies and the enterprises. 由于系统是团队合作开发,本人负责办公用品管理中的设备管理,主要描述针对办公设备管理的问题。实现了设备类型管理、设备信息管理、设备使用情况管理等功能,在4、5、6章节中会重点介绍这部分。As the system is the product of the teamwork, I am responsible for the management of office supplies and will concentrate on the dscription of the office equipment management. Some functions such as the management of equipment types, equipment information and equipment uses, etc. have been achieved and will be focused upon in Chapter 4, 5 and 6.
等等啊 我要一点时间翻译~~第一段The &Office Automatization System& ( abbr.the OA System)is used to record some activities of department and to collect various information of the management department.At the same time,you can also get convinent and speedy information ,which is needed.
the quality and efficiency of work of the Software Development department, as well as lowering administration costs and save
resources.第二段The system is developed based on the JSP it mainly adopts the Struts framework technology, and realises an OA system based on the web model of B/S .
The main functions include user authority management, personnel management, training management, project management, office products management, meeting- room management, overtime management, meal ordering management and books management etc.第三段Furthermore, the system is much more complicated on au the system adopts a strict management mechanism on authority, and operation and management is only possible within the authority. The system interface is clear a the input methods a the system is stable, and any abnormity would be alarmed by messages warned by the certain set. The system is easy to use, and provided a better daily work and live management model for companies and corporations.第四段As the system is the product of the teamwork, I am responsible for the management of office supplies and will concentrate on the dscription of the office equipment management. Some functions such as the management of equipment types, equipment information and equipment uses, etc. have been achieved and will be focused upon in Chapter 4, 5 and 6.
软件开发事业部“办公自动化系统”以下简称OA系统,是记录公司日常运营中的某些活动,集中管理部门的各种信息,同时能够方便、快速的得到所需要的信息,提高软件开发事业部的办公质量和办公效率,降低办公成本,节省资源的有效途径。 本系统采用JSP语言开发,主要采用Struts框架技术,实现了一个基于web的B/S模式的OA系统。其主要功能包括权限管理、人员管理、培训管理、项目管理、办公用品管理、会议室管理、加班管理、订餐管理和图书管理等等。另外,本系统权限角色分配比较复杂,系统采用严格的权限管理机制,只能对权限内的业务进行受理或操作。系统界面简洁,操作简单,输入方式为键盘或鼠标操作,运行稳定,如果发现运行异常现象,应当具有报警信息提示,方便使用,提供了一个较好的公司、企业日常工作和生活管理模式。 由于系统是团队合作开发,本人负责办公用品管理中的设备管理,主要描述针对办公设备管理的问题。实现了设备类型管理、设备信息管理、设备使用情况管理等功能,在4、5、6章节中会重点介绍这部分。Software Development Division, &office automation system& hereinafter referred to OA system, the record company is day-to-day operations of certain activities, focus on management of information, and to facilitate the rapid get the information they need to improve software development business The quality of the office and office efficiency and reduce office costs, an effective way to save resources. The system uses JSP language development, mainly in a Struts framework, to achieve a web-based B / S-OA system. Its main functions include rights management, personnel management, training management, project management, office supplies management, conference room management, overtime management, management and reservations, please book management. In addition, the role of authority distribution system more complicated, the system uses strictly the competence of management mechanism, can only be within the competence of the admissibility or operate a business. System interface is simple and easy to operate, enter the way for the keyboard or mouse operation, stable operation, if found running anomalies, should have prompted alarm information, user-friendly and provide a better companies and enterprises daily work and life management. As system is the development team, I responsible for the management of office supplies equipment management, the main description for office equipment management. To achieve the type of equipment management, information management equipment, equipment use and management functions, in sections 4, 5 and 6 will focus on this part.
Software Development Division, &office automation system& hereinafter referred to OA system, the record company is day-to-day operations of certain activities, focus on management of information, and to facilitate the rapid get the information they need to improve software development business The quality of the office and office efficiency and reduce office costs, an effective way to save resources. The system uses JSP language development, mainly in a Struts framework, to achieve a web-based B / S-OA system. Its main functions include rights management, personnel management, training management, project management, office supplies management, conference room management, overtime management, management and reservations, please book management. In addition, the role of authority distribution system more complicated, the system uses strictly the competence of management mechanism, can only be within the competence of the admissibility or operate a business. System interface is simple and easy to operate, enter the way for the keyboard or mouse operation, stable operation, if found running anomalies, should have prompted alarm information, user-friendly and provide a better companies and enterprises daily work and life management. As system is the development team, I responsible for the management of office supplies equipment management, the main description for office equipment management. To achieve the type of equipment management, information management equipment, equipment use and management functions, in sections 4, 5 and 6 will focus on this part.


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