kind和kind kindlyy

of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.
having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence: kind words.
indulgent, considerate, humane (often followed by to): to be kind to animals.
clement: kind weather.
British Dialect.
before 900; Middle English kind(e) natural, well-disposed, Old English gecynde natural, 1. See 2
1. mild, benign, benignant, gentle, tender, compassionate. Kind, gracious, kindhearted, kindly imply a sympathetic attitude toward others, and a willingness to do good or give pleasure. Kind implies a deep-seated characteristic shown either habitually or on occasion by considerate behavior: a kind father. Gracious often refers to kindness from a superior or older person to a subordinate, an inferior, a child, etc.: a gracious monarch. Kindhearted implies an emotionally sympathetic nature, sometimes easily imposed upon: a kindhearted old woman. Kindly, a mild word, refers usually to general disposition, appearance, manner, etc.: a kindly face.
a class or group of individual objects, people, animals, etc., of the same nature or character, or classified together because they h category: Our dog is the same kind as theirs.
nature or character as determining likeness or difference between things: These differ in degree rather than in kind.
a person or thing as being of a particular character or class: He is a strange kind of hero.
a more or less adequate or inadequate
sort: The vines formed a kind of roof.
the nature, or natural disposition or character.
in something of the same kind or in the same way as that received or borne: They will be repaid in kind for their rudeness.
in goods, commodities, or services rather than money: In colonial times, payment was often made in kind.
kind of, Informal.
rather: The room was kind of dark.
of a kind, of the same class, nature, character, etc.: They are two of a kind.
before 900; Middle English kinde, Old English gecynd nature, race, cognate with Old Norse kyndi, Old High German kikunt, Latin gēns (genitive gentis); see
(see usage note
see usage note at )
1. order, genus, set.
The phrase these (or those) kind of, followed by a plural noun (t those kind of shoes) is frequently condemned as ungrammatical because it is said to combine a plural demonstrative ( those) with a singular noun, kind. Historically, kind is an unchanged or unmarked plural noun like deer, folk, sheep, and swine, and the construction these kind of is an old one, occurring in the writings of Shakespeare, Swift, Jane Austen, and, in modern times, Jimmy Carter and Winston Churchill. Kind has also developed the plural kinds, evidently because of the feeling that the old pattern was incorrect. These kind of nevertheless persists in use, especially in less formal speech and writing. In edited, more formal prose, this kind of and these kinds of are more common. Sort of has been influenced by the use of kind as an unchanged plural: these sort of books. This construction too is often considered incorrect and appears mainly in less formal speech and writing.
Kind (or sort) of as an adverbial modifier meaning “somewhat” occurs in informal speech and writing: Sales have been kind (or sort) of slow these last few weeks.
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2015.
Examples from the web for
The type of map you make will depend on the kind of information you want to share.
Fortune cookies offer advice of a different kind.
Alex had the great experience of tickling one of these dolphins and then just kind of looking him straight in the eyes.
Many of the residents' families go back generations, and it's the kind of town in which our children grow up together.
They will not accept the same kind of pseudo-democracy.
Paul is a light- hearted, carefree kind of guy.
I'm sick of people with your kind of attitude.
He's not the kind of person that you feel very at ease with.
Though he never performed the kind of miracle needed to be officially canonised, his power was close to unearthly.
It is the interaction between a company's principles and its commercial competence that shapes the kind of business it will be.
British Dictionary definitions for
having a friendly or generous nature or attitude
helpful to others or to another: a kind deed
considerate or humane
courteous (esp in the phrase kind regards)
mild: a kind climate
(informal) beneficial or not harmful: a detergent that is kind to the hands
(archaic) loving
Old English gecynde natural, see kind?
a class or group having chara type: two of a kind, what kind of creature?
an instance or example of a class or group, esp a rudimentary one: heating of a kind
essential nature or character: the difference is one of kind rather than degree
(archaic) gender or sex
(archaic) the natural order
(of payment) in goods or produce rather than in money
with something of the same sort: to return an insult in kind
(informal) kind of
(adverb) rather: kind of tired
(sentence substitute) used to express reservation or qualified assent: I figured it out. Kind of
The mixture of plural and singular constructions, although often used informally with kind and sort, should be avoided in serious writing: children enjoy those kinds (not those kind)
these sorts (not these sort) of distinctions are becoming blurred
Old English gecynd compare Old English cynkin, Gothic kuni race, Old High German kikunt, Latin gens
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition (C) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
(C) HarperCollinsPublishers , , ,
Word Origin and History for
"class, sort, variety," from Old English gecynd "kind, nature, race," related to cynn "family" (see ), from Proto-Germanic *gakundjaz "family, race" (see
(adj.)). AElfric's rendition of "the Book of Genesis" into Old English came out gecyndboc. The prefix disappeared . No exact cognates beyond English, but it corresponds to adjective endings such as Goth -kunds, Old High German -kund. Also in English as a suffix (, etc.). Other earlier, now obsolete, senses in English included "character, quality derived from birth" and "manner or way natural or proper to anyone." Use in phrase a kind of (1590s) led to colloquial extension as adverb (1804) in phrases such as kind of stupid ("a kind of stupid (person)").
"friendly, deliberately doing good to others," from Old English gecynde "natural, native, innate," originally "with the feeling of relatives for each other," from Proto-Germanic *gakundiz "natural, native," from *kunjam (see ), with collective prefix *ga- and abstract suffix *-iz. Sense development from "with natural feelings," to "well-disposed" (c.1300), "benign, compassionate" (c.1300).
Online Etymology Dictionary, (C) 2010 Douglas Harper
Idioms and Phrases with
In addition to the idiom beginning with
The American Heritage(R) Idioms DictionaryCopyright (C) , 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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kind 与 kindly 都是形容词时的区别kindness 与 kindliness
n. 时的区别
adj. 仁慈的; 和蔼的; 友好的, 体贴的 (气候等)宜人的; 温和的 [古]自然的; 天然的; 合法的 (土壤对作物)有利的 土生土长的 a kindly face 从意思上区别kindness 仁慈kindliness亲切和善的面孔 a kindly heart 慈悲的心肠 a kindly weather 宜人的气候 kindly soil for crops 适于耕作的土壤
adj. 仁慈的; 和蔼的; 友爱的 亲切的 善良的, 好心的 容易处理的 (毛)柔软的; (矿石)易采的 a kind heart 仁慈的心 be kind to 对...慈爱, 对...厚道 be so kind as to do (=be kind enough to do) 请; 承蒙...不胜感激 It's very kind of you to help us. 承蒙惠助, 不胜感激。 Will you be kind enough to open the door? 请您把门打开, 好吗? Give my kind regards to .... 请代我向...问好。
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