
& 浅谈中学生如何记单词
摘 要:摘 要:词汇是学好英语的关键,但是多数学生都说记单词很难。他们花了大量时间还是记不住。所以老师在这方面要正确引导,利用各种方法让学生记单词。只有掌握了正确的记忆方法,才能使学生在记忆单词的方面达到事半功倍的效果,才能让学生轻松的记单词。本文就主要讲述了几种有效的记单词方法。
1. 根据音标记单词
&&&&& 单词就是字母组合,发音要准确。所以老师要让学生熟练掌握26个英语字母及字母组合的正确发音。在此基础上,教学生识别和识记音标。英语的音标规则就是按照单个元音字母、元音字母组合、单个辅音字母及辅音字母组合在开音节和闭音节的读音规律记忆。例如:ee, i, e, ea 分别发[i:][e]。还有些固定的字母组合,例如:ly发[li],ty发[ti]等。老师要引导学生系统归纳音标规律,从而根据音标记单词。
2. 字母变换记忆法
&&&&& 英语单词就是有一个一个的字母组合而成的。一个单词中的字母加、减、调、换就会产生另一个新的单词。其中具体方法如下:
&&&&& 2.1前面加字母。例如:eat heat, it hit, come become
&&&&& 2.2后面加字母。例如:tear teary, hear heart, plane planet
&&&&& 2.3中间加字母。例如:fat fact, met meat, wet west
&&&&& 2.4减去字母。例如:took too, know now, next net, good god
&&&&& 2.5换字母。例如:good wood/ mood, fool pool, like bike/ hike, but bus/bud
&&&&& 2.6调换字母顺序。例如:board broad, male meal, mate meat
&&&&& 映像法就是将所学的单词同其相应的意象结合起来可以减少母语的干扰,有助于目的语思维养成的习惯。中学里的实物教学和图片教学特别有利于映像记忆技巧的培养。这种方法要求学生将单词与物体、单词与动作、单词与声音、单词与人物直接联系。
&&&&& 3.1 运用实物和图片呈现新单词
&&&&& 老师在教单词时为了吸引和调动学生积极性可以带一些实物。例如,教水果类单词,老师分别拿苹果、梨子,并且举左手教学生读“apple, it is an apple”,举右手读“pear, p-e-a-r”。如果实物不易携带,老师可以展示图片。例如:教家庭成员的单词,老师展示 “ father, mother, brother, sister ”的相应图片,并教他们发音。这种实物与图片相结合的记忆法,可以让学生更形象、直观地记单词。
4. 分类记忆法
&&&&& 分类是一种有效的记忆手段,即将同类的词按其意思、用法、构成、搭配、类别等进行分类组合。这种分类记忆的方式符合人们的记忆习惯,也因此是教师经常教学生记忆单词的方法。
&&&&& 4.1 按单词的类别分类
&&&&& 颜色:blue, brown, green, red,水果:apple, pear, banana,天气:cloudy, sunny, windy, snowy
&&&&& 4.2 按语义分类
&&&&& 4.2.1 按同意词分类
&&&&& 表示看:look, see, watch, 表示同意:agree, approve, 表示导致: lead to, result in, cause, bring about
&&&&& 4.2.2 按反义词分类:good - bad, full C empty, long / tallC short, big C small
&&&&& 4.2.3 按多义词分类:China(中国), china(瓷器);Turkey(土耳其), turkey(火鸡)
&&&&& 构词法可以是一个单词和另一个单词而组合成新的单词,也可以加后缀或前缀变换词性。这种方法可以让学生扩大词汇量。英语的构词法主要有下面三种:
&&&&& 5.1 转化法。
&&&&& 这种方法就是不改变拼写形式,由一种词性转化为另一种词性,主要是名词转化为动词、动词转化为名词、形容词转化为动词或者名词等。例如:answer(n.答案),answer(v.回答);cover(v.覆盖),cover(n.盖子);dry(adj.干的), dry(n. 干燥);last(adj. 过去的),last(v. 持续)等。
&&&&& 5.2 合成法。
&&&&& 这种方法就是两个或两个以上的单词组合成一个新的单词,由此构成的单词叫合成词或复合词。例如:class(班)+ room(房间)= classroom(教室),no(没有)+ body(人,身体) = nobody(没有人),bed(床) + room(房间)= bedroom(卧室)等。
&&&&& 在英
外语 > 外语 >
《剑南文学》国家新闻出版总署批准,中共绵阳市委宣传部主管,四川绵阳市文联主办的省一级期刊。周期:上半月《剑南文学.经典阅读》下半月《剑南文学.经典教苑》 国内统一刊号:CN51-1114/I
国际标准刊号:ISSNX 邮发代号:62-123
1. 如果您没有,还要评定职称,需要,请联系我们,或填写上面的表单,客服人员会及时处理;
2. 教授、博士等专业人员,专业的高品质把控;
3. 合作期刊,全国最全,与杂志社关系稳定,保证刊期。小学英语词汇教学-安庆师院教授王平
&“If you spend most of
your time&
studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will
see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You
can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything
with words&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Dellar H and Hocking D
About Vocabulary
Pre-instruction of words gave students 33 percent greater
contextual understanding (Jenkins, Stein, &
Wysocki, 1984)
word is decoded and pronounced but the meaning is not recognized,
comprehension will be impaired.
word is not recognized automatically and efficiently (fluently),
comprehension, may also be affected.
If you want to comprehend a text, at 95% of the words in the text
should be familiar, 98% is better. (Laufer, Nation,1997)
1.The width of vocabulary
1. Form---spoken and written, that is
pronunciation and spelling.
structure---the basic free morpheme (or bound root morpheme) and
the common derivations of the words and its inflections.
Syntactic---pattern of the word in a phrase and
Meaning---referential, affective, and pragmatic
Lexical---relation of the word with other words, such as synonymy,
antonymy, hyponymy.
Laufer (1997)
Richards in 1976 listed& criteria as
the degree of probability often encountering that word in speech or
the limitations imposed on the use of the word according to
variations of function and situation&&&&&
the syntactic behavior associated with that word
the underlying form of a word and the derivations that can be made
the network of associations between that word and other words in
the language
the semantic value of a word
many of the different meanings associated with the word
Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS)
by Paribakht and Wesche
is not familiar to me.
is familiar but the meaning is unknown.
synonym or translation is given.
is used with semantic appropriateness in a sentence.
is used with semantic appropriateness and grammatical accuracy in a
Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other
day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him, he was in a
brown study. I hope he will soon be in the pink again.&
&Dual Coding
description, explanation or example of the new term
restate the explanation of the new term in their own
create a nonlinguistic representation of the term
periodically do activities that help them add to their knowledge of
vocabulary terms
Classifying Terms
Initial Descriptions or
Nonlinguistic Representations
Understanding the roots and affixes
Periodically ask students to discuss the terms with one
occur as a regular part of SS instruction
questions to stimulate discussion
questions and issues about terms
Periodically engage students in games that allow them to
play with the terms
Examples: Word Splash, Flash Cards,
Loop Cards, etc.
Resources Available:&
&Three& stages& of
&Two categories of
mechanical drillsmeaningful drillscommunicative drillsdrilling stage, practice
T:& I come by bus.
Repeat, class!
Ss: I come by bus.
T:& I come
by bus. SA.
SA: I come by bus.
2(Chain work)
:& L1: What’s he
L2: He’s swimming.)&&
What’s he doing?
L3: He’s dancing. ()&&&
What’s she doing?
L4: She’s running. ()&&
What’s she doing?
L5: She’s riding bicycle.
A(simple substitution)
T: I come by
Ss: I come by train.
Ss: I come by car.
Bvariable substitution
&T: The film was awful yesterday.&& The
Ss: The weather was awful yesterday.
Ss: The weather was bad yesterday.
T: Last week.
Ss: The weather was bad last week
Cprogressive substitution
T: I come by
Ss: She comes by bus.
Ss: She comes on foot.
4(question and answer)
T: Are there many
there are not many.
there any milk?
there is not much.
& :& T: They go to the
Ss: They go to the park.
T: On Sundays.
Ss: They go to the park on Sundays.
T: Always.
Ss: They always go to the park on&
T:& Sam wanted to do it
but he didn’t do it.
Sam must have done it.
Ss: Sam must have done it.
wanted to see the film but she didn’t see it.
Ss: Mary must have seen the film.
wanted to attend the lesson but I didn’t attend it.
Ss: You must have attended the lesson.
T: It may rain. He’ll
stay at home.
Ss: If it rains, he’ll stay at home.
T: It may be sunny, we’ll go to the
Ss: If it’s sunny, we’ll go to the park…
8(Sentence Making)
I love / don’t love …
because …
T:& I love
spring. SA, please.
SA: I love spring because it’s not too hot.
SB: I love spring because I like swimming.
love winter. SC, please.
SC: I don’t love winter because it’s too cold.
Meaningful practice
What did I do?
You closed the
door. You opened the window……
student The whole class , Part
APart B, Group A
Group B, Row
1Row 2, Boys Girls……& What is he/she doing? He/she is
T: Can you
speak English, Tom?
Ss: Yes, I
Can you swim, Hart?
about you, King?
semi-controlled practice
( Substitution
: JEFC Book 1 Lesson
Excuse me. I can’t find the clock. Can you see it?
SB: Yes, I
can. It’s on the wall. I can’t find the book. Can you see it,
SC: Yes, I
can. It’s on the desk.
JEFC Book 2 Lesson
A: Where does …sit in the classroom?
at the front / back of the classroom.
in the middle of the classroom.
B: He / she sits&& in
the front/back row.
someone’s right/left.
JEFC Book 1
Do you like bread?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t
like it/them a little/a lot/very much.
don’t/like it/them at all.
TPR-say and
read and touch/connect, bingo,
finding twin brotherslisten and draw, labeling, Tongue twist, guessing,
odd words out, loud and low, matchingassociationSing and chant
meaningful practice
(Information gap, i.e. One person has
which another does not have, so
there is a need to communicate.)
1(Real purpose in asking
questions)(a& reason for asking the
questions)( a need to communicate).
3(idea)(experience)(imagined situation)
A: I have a good
friend. Can you guess who is my good friend?
does your friend do?
B: Is your
friend a boy or a girl?
does he/she live?
T: (Have a soft bag
ready. Place an object in the bag. then get students to feel the
bag and try to guess what the object is.)
SA: Is it an apple?
T: No, it isn’t.
SB: Is it an orange?
T: No, it isn’t.
SC: Is it a pear?
T: Yes, it is.
to be going to
do What are you going to do next Sunday morning (Afternoon,
Inquiring about
situation, : Suppose you’re
the members of your family. Today is Friday. Now you `re talking
about plan for this weekend. But there are different opinions among
you. Make up the story and have a role-play, please.
JEFC Book 2 Lesson 71 Ann’s
BirthdayJEFC Book 3 Lesson 22 The lost
&JEFC Book 3 Lesson 62 The English Language
“The interview with professor Wang
The English Language
learning strategy
--- Better
learning takes place when a deeper level of semantic processing is
required because the words are encoded with elaboration&&&&&&&&&
Craik & Lockhart (1972)&
students are asked to manipulate words, relate them to other words
and to their own experiences, and then justify their choices, these
words associations are reinforced.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Prefixes: re, pre, under, over, mini, bi, tri
Suffixes: ment, tion, sion, s, er, est, ed, able
Compounds: catfish, daylight, rainwater, frogman
Abbreviations, P.O., Mr., IL, Attn., Prof., doc
Acronyms: Radar, ATM, GOP, GPA, ESL
blends: smog, motel, transfer+ resist=transistor&&&
* Johnson,
D. D. (2001). Vocabulary in the elementary and middle school.
Boston, MA: Allyn andBacon.
Utility Prefixes
il-, ir- (not)&&&&
Utility Suffixes
tion, -ation, ition&&
Feature Analysis
one, that,
onethatit thatit
find my hat. I think I must buy one. ()
you bought is bigger than that I bought. ()
find my hat. I don’ t know where I put it. ()
Lexico-semantic theory
a net work of associations, a web-like structure of interconnected
links (Aitchison, 1987)
Connect the word with already known words, the links is created,
the learning takes place (Sŏkmen )
(syntagmatic )(paradigmatic )
and repeat”
eatice-cream, read, sea
ea please.& speak,&
long sentence
&Activate vocabulary,
exercise memory, have fun
Think of a
base sentence to the working on topic.
sentence and drill it.
&Ask students to
suggest ways of finishing the sentence.
Ex: I went
to the market and I bought one apple, two oranges, three
Ex: I went
for a walk and I saw….(animals)
concepts of categories and criteria
cat, fish, flower, dog
cat, dog, hat, fat
Grammatical: jump, think, swim, fast
Shape/size: mouse, ant, frog, elephant
strawberry, apple, cabbage, banana
pairs or groups, exchange ideas
Games& (forming a
height or age
random groups to music
2:triangle, rectanglesquarecircleoval1)(2)
Teacher: How many
triangles? Students: Five.
2schoolplaygroundclassroomofficeart roommusic roommultimedia roomlibrarylanguage lab2cmx3cm()
3:schoolplaygroundclassroomoffice, art room,
music roommultimedia roomlibrarylanguage lab1)(2)
(:This is the playground.)It is smallbut I like it.
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