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申请美国大学用common app的一些问题
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出门在外也不愁Words of wisdom from Caroline: "Hugs not drugs."
Financial Aid
FAFSA or The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a form used in the United States to determine the eligibility for student financial aid.
Words of wisdom from Bill: "Don't eat too much ramen."
What FAFSA Can Provide
Eligibility and Requirements
Nearly everybody is eligible depending on their financial need. To be eligible you must:
Be registered for Selective Service (only applies towards males)
Be US Citizen/resident
Have High school diploma or GED
Have valid SSN
For a list of requirements click
Signing Up
Signing up for FAFSA can be a long and tedious process but in the end its really rewarding! For help signing up refer to this
To be considered for federal student aid
you can complete a free application for
between January 1st - March 2nd of every year.
For any help in any type of problem including error codes please refer
Words of wisdom from Thomas: "Fill out the FAFSA!"
Common Issues
On this page you will find quick tips when it comes to applying for any and all things. The process can be overwhelming if you do not know a few pointers, but these will help.
Lie. If you feel like you need to lie when applying for anything, it's best to simply not apply in the first place.
Give up. If you feel your energy waning or are getting frustrated, stop for awhile and then come back to finish. A 20 minute break will enable you to return refreshed and ready to complete your application.
Forget deadlines. Always write deadlines down immediately after acquiring them, so you don't risk missing an important date.
Procrastinate. Easier said than done, but by no means impossible. Check
for quick tips on how to prevent procrastination.
Rely on one scholarship. It could be an amazing one, a free ride to college, but what happens if you don't receive it? It never hurts to have a backup, especially when that backup comes in the form of more money.
Wait until the last minute. Your senior year is not the time to begin worrying about becoming eligible for scholarships and not having enough community service. Go with what you have, and search for the hundreds of scholarships that are out there. Write and amazing essay, or learn to juggle, be taller than 6'2; you can get a scholarships for all of that.
Make sure to apply for all the scholarships or services you are eligible for.
Create a system of organization that will allow you to remember all the deadlines and requirements
Be proactive and productive. Set aside time so that you are able to explore the numerous scholarships out there and begin the process.
Help others during this process. For example, if you come across a scholarship that does not apply to you, but applies to a person you know, then let them know!
Most importantly begin this scholarship application process early! The more time you have, the better your chances at completing the most applications.
FAFSA Issues
The FASFA application is a long process that requires specific information about your family's economic situation. That is why sometimes it is easy to make mistakes when filling out the application. FASFA will notify you if your application was "rejected", but do not worry! This "rejection" just means that you have to correct some information on your application. Below are some phrases that mean that you need to correct information.
Reject Codes: There was a problem processing your aid.
Signature Missing
Discrepancies in tax information
Not registered with selective services
Verification: Schools must verify info for some students by having them send proof of:
Family Size
Tax Information
Extra Documentation
Signed Statement of Eligibility
Student Surveys
Copies of ID
To correct this information you just need to log back into your FASFA account, make the correction, and resubmit.
Scholarships are really handy in the fact that they provide you with free money! Some ranging from $50 to paying your entire time in college such as the
Written Essays
Random Talents
Being a Minority
Religious Affiliation
Scholarship FAQs
Scholarships are free money that you can obtain privately from organizations. This money does not need to be payed back and can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands. Some can even pay for most, if not all, your college education.
These websites give you and idea of who qualifies for the scholarships and how to apply.Examples of some scholarship websites are FastWeb, Zinch, .
Your school guidance counsler would be the best person to ask about local scholarships.
Volunteering. This simple kind act can boost one's likelihood of getting a scholarship.
Signing Up
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) helps students with their financial problems as they transfer to college. College unfortunately is expensive, and everyone should have the chance to experience what colleges has to offer. This is made possible under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 where certain programs provide financial aid such as loans, grants, and work studies to students to make college more accessible to everyone. This page will demonstrate the simple steps that will guide you through the application process when applying for financial aid.
1. Fill Out Log-In Information
Enter your first and last names into the indicated areas as well as your social security number and date of birth.
2.Attendance Year and Password
In filling out the FAFSA you're required to write your date of birth as well as your high school status. You will also need to select the school year and create a password for your log-in account.
<plete Demographic Information
Next, you will need to put down your address as well as your parents PIN. If you do not have a PIN, the FAFSA website provides the option to create your own. After filling out your phone number and email, the last thing is to put down your gender and then you can move onto the next step.
4.Student Eligibility
Now you will need to address what degree you wish to pursue. You will also be asked whether you are interested in a federal work study program, which is a connection to the college campus that will set up a job for you to work there.
5.Select Housing Plan
For entering your housing plan, you will need to decide whether or not you will be applying for the dorms or be living outside of campus. For those living on their own, the financial situation is relatively cheaper than living on the campus but then again this is often circumstantial depending on the college cost.
6.Report Parent & Financial Information
For this step all you need is your parents social security numbers, their names and birth dates, and the number of people living in your household. If parents are separated, be sure to clarify that.
7.Review, Print & Submit
Before submitting, it is wise to go back and not only review what you have checked off but look for places you may have forgotten vital information or signatures. After you have looked back, you are now ready to submit your FAFSA application. This will not only help plan your living situation once you have graduated to college, but will increase the chances of winning scholarships, grants, and loans significantly than everyone applying for college deserves.
You may apply through phone as well at : 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243)
FAFSA Requirements
FAFSA is very useful and can help you pay most, if not all, of your college expenses. Filling out the application could become very confusing and stressful. To make this process easier and more organized, here is all the paperwork you need to fill out the application and get help paying for a brighter future!
Federal Income Tax Forms and Schedule K-1 (form 1065)
To find this paperwork use your personal records or go online and visit
You will need the previous year's paperwork. To find this paperwork use your personal records or contact your employer or visit /transcript
Current cash and checking/savings account balance
Current Investment Values
This paperwork should include any stocks, savings bonds, mutual funds, CD's. This should also exclude parent's home and retirement plans.
Current Business Value
To obtain this paperwork contact your accountant.
Current Investment Farm Value
To obtain this paperwork contact your accountant.
Child Support Paid or Received
You need the previous year's paperwork. In order to obtain this paperwork you can contact the Nebraska Payment Center at (877)631-9973. You can also go online
Worker's Compensation Benefits
You will need the previous year's paperwork. To obtain the paperwork contact your employer
Housing/food/living allowance
This is should only be provided if you are a military or clergy member. Please provide amount of money or reference Leave and Earnings Statement (military) or for Clergy provide W-2 forms.
Student Documents
Student drivers license number
To get this check your license or personal records
Social security numbers
If you don't know your social security number Call the Social Security Administration at 800-722-1213
Student Alien registration number/USCIS Number
To get these go to Immigration services at
Personal Forms
Use your W-2 Form from the previous year. Find it in your personal records, contact your employer, or visit the
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs)
If you lost your PIN, you may apply for one or request a duplicate
Your email address
Your and your parents' birthdays
Date of your parents' marriage/separation/divorce/widowing
Veteran's non-education benefits
For info, contact the Department of Veterans Affairs toll free at 800-827-1000 or visit
When you apply for college or a university you will need to pay in order to get in but don't worry there are many ways to acquire financial help. Don't wait until the last minute to apply.Grants are given to you by the government and sometimes the universities just by filling out the FAFSA. Depending on which grants you are eligible for, they will give them to you to help with your expenses.
Types of Grants
The Pell Grant
The Cal Grant
Blue and Gold Opportunity
Frequently Asked Questions
A grant is free money given to you with no obligation to repay it.
The Pell Grant is a type of grant that pays up to $5,730 and is needs based.
The Cal Grant System allows students from CSUs, UCs, and private colleges to obtain money.
To obtain a grant, one must fill out a FAFSA application.
Families who make under $80,000 per year qualify for the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan, which ensures that one's tuition is covered after other grants and scholarships have taken effect.
Student Loans
Student Loans
In order to get a student loan, you must fill out FAFSA. Loans are issued by the federal government, but the loan amount is determined by the financial aid. Your loan must be repaid within the amount of 10 years after getting your loan. The down side to having a student loan is that you will have to keep paying it and it will never go away.
An Unsubsidized loan will give you money, and will start collecting interest right after you have gotten the loan. Instead of collecting interest within a year of you receiving the loan like the unsubsidized loan will, Subsidized loans will start collecting interest once you finish college.
To receive your loan money must complete a MPN (Master Promisery Note) and complete the pre-disbursement counselling and sign the note. To pay your loans, there will be a small monthly payment made with your monthly earnings.
A loan is money issued to you by the Federal Government, and unlike grants, it must be repayed.
To obtain a loan, one must fill out a FAFSA application.
Unsubsidized loans are available regardless of individual need. They have an interest rate of 6.8% and you accrue debt as soon as you receive it.
Subsidized loans are meant for low income students and have a much lower interest rate than unsubsidized loans. They also do not accrue debt until after a student graduates.
You have 10 years to pay off a student loan.
Work Study
Work Study
Work studies are another great way to get some financial aid. Work studies are basically jobs you can do that will help you pay off any loans that you have. By working around the school or in places around that area, the government will pay you half the wage while the other half goes to your school expenses. Jobs like working in the library, administration, and the careerer center, you can get the financial help you need!
Process and Requirements
Students can apply for the Federal Work Study Program if they have financial need. The students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualify.
You must be one of the following to receive federal student aid:
U.S. citizen (includes natives of American Samoa or Swains Island)
U.S. permanent resident who has an I-151, I-551, or I-551C (Permanent Resident Card).
Make sure to select the option "yes" when filling FAFSA if your interested in work study
Work Study
Work Study is a government is a college program that allows students to work and pay off their loan debt at the same time.
To be involved in Work Study, one must fill out a FAFSA application.
No, the money you recieve from Work Study does not affect your financial aid ability or financial need.
Like any other job, students who have Work Study jobs can not make below minimum wage, which in California is $9.00.
Here you will find some answers to questions concerning the PSAT/PACT, which is strongly recommended that everyone take at least once. The earlier you take these exams, the more time you have to prepare.
A PSAT(Practice Standardized Test) is a practice exam that gets you ready for the real SAT exam. You can either take the written version at your school and receive a fee waiver or you can do the online version which you can also access for free.To receive a fee waiver make sure to reach out your counsellor.
The SAT will give the college you are planning to attend a sense to where your writing and math skills are, keep in mind that the SAT will also be used for your college admission. It is advised that you do not take either of these exams more than 3 times. It will not show that your growing academically.
A PACT(Practice American College Testing) is a practice exam that gets you ready for the real ACT exam. You can either take the written version at your school and receive a fee waiver or you can do the online version keep in mind that you can also access it for free. Make sure to contact your counsellor for a fee waiver.
The ACT exam is more of what you have learned through out high school in courses such as English, Math ,reading and science. For the ACT it is also advised that you do not take either of these exams more than 3 times. It will not look good on you application.
Fee Waivers
Fee waivers can be a great way to save money, if eligible! You can receive these waivers for the ACT/SAT exams, AP exams,and for college applications. Ask your counselor if you meet the requirements.
Words of wisdom from Gabe: "Don't stare at the clock, it'll make time go slower."
College Comparisons
Main Focus
The main focus behind a UC is that it has independent studying opportunities that in a way help you along the lines of many research oriented classes. This of course is great preparation for graduate programs. Talk to your class's TA because it helps with the load. UC's were the only public higher education system that could grant students with a Doctorate degree.
Cost to Attend for 1 Year
(Total: books, living expenses, etc.)
Tuition: $13,200
On-campus: $31,200
Off-campus: $28,400
Admission Requirements
At least 3.0 GPA
Online Application
A-G Courses
Personal Statement
Application fee of $60 per campus (fee waivers are available)
Main Focus
Teacher to student type classes pushing for fundamentals of the classroom. Instructors are not required to do research helping that they can focus on their students more. CSU's mission is to supply undergraduate students through the masters level of insdtruction and is very different from the UC's education system.
Cost to Attend for 1 Year
(Total: books, living expenses, etc.)
Tuition: $6,489
On-campus: $22,577
Off-campus: $23,561
Admission Requirements
GPA depends on campus
Online Application
A-G Courses
No Personal Statement
Application fee of $55 per campus (fee waivers are available)
Main Focus
It's all teaching oriented with no research focus that make students prepare for transfer or employment. Community college is not only a great institution by itself but it can also be a good alternative for anyone who isn't ready to go straight to a 4 year university. Transferring can save you money but can also be tricky, so here is some information to help you along, on community college and the transferring process.
Cost to Attend for 1 Year
(Total: books, living expenses, etc.)
Tuition: $865
On-campus: $13,416
Off-campus: $17,442
Admission Requirements
Open to all California high school graduates and GED holder
Main Focus
Here they might be research or teaching focused, religious or non-religious and could be coed or single sex. There are various options and environments engineered for specific types of people.
Cost to Attend for 1 Year
(Total: books, living expenses, etc.)
Tuition: $30,000+
On-campus: $58,000+
Off-campus: $50,000+
Admission Requirements
Can have admissions requirements similar to UC's or CSU's.
May have very specific requirements depending on the type of school
Personal Statements
The personal statement essay is the way one presents themselves to colleges. It is story that tells one's dreams, background, and highlights one's qualities that are not seen through test scores. This essay is crucial to the application process because it can define one's acceptance or rejection to a college.
What is a personal statement?
A personal statement is a the writing that you submit when applying to colleges, so that they get to know you. This is the portion of the college application where you are able to show who you are and make yourself stand out from the rest of applicants.
The personal statement can the colleges' system of filtering prospective students from newly admitted students.
How Many Should I Write?
Many colleges such as UCs require two answer two prompts. You are given two prompts with a word count requirement that are designed so that you are able to illustrate the community you come from and how that has influenced your dreams/ aspirations. Also, private colleges may have different requirements so make sure to check because they can have ore than 2 prompts to answer. They may also ask for supplemental writing.
What are the prompts?
The prompts differ for each type of colleges. The UCs for example have two prompts that you can see
While private colleges have specific prompts to answer, so you should check the college's prompts. When you begin applying on the Common App, there you will find the prompts to the colleges of your interest.
What do I write about?
It's called a personal statement, so it should be personal. Meaning it should be unique and reflective. It is not just an essay, but the essay should reflect your character. Colleges want to get to know the applicant that they know only by numbers, so make yourself open and make the writing more than just words. Make them speak for you.
How to get the creative juices flowing...
Although this is a personal essay, speaking to other about it is
very important. It is recommended that you speak to other about possible subjects, such as teachers and counselors. They can advice you on what to write about and help you revise your essay once you have a draft of it. By allowing others, they can advise you on "stuff" to write about because they can provide a different perspective. Also remember that you do not have to write a "sobb story" in order for it to be compelling an do not just talk about your achievements all over again because the essay should highlight what the rest of the application can't.
Quality vs Quantity
Many students believe that the more writing the better, but that is incorrect. Writing is not about length but depth. So remember to make your writing rich and clear rather than long and repetitive.
Words of wisdom from Erick: "You can do you how you wanna do you, while I'ma do me how I wanna do me."
In this page you will see links that will guide you through all four academic years of high school. You will be able to to see tips and and advice so that you are more prepared for college application process. This timeline serves as a reference tool to guide you through the steps in order to fulfill all the a-g requirements in order to graduate high school.
You will be awkward. Freshman year is the baby year. Everything
will seem easy and you'll think "this'll be a breeze!", but it gets harder. But that's what you're here for! On this page, you will find everything you need to know about how to make the most out of your Freshman year. Freshman year is the first academic year that you will be able to branch out and develop yourself as a student. It is time where new opportunities flourish both in and outside school.
A-G Requirements
A-G requirements are the credits that you must acquire to graduate high school as well as to be able to enter college. In order to fulfill these requirements during freshman year, you must complete:
1 year of English
1 year of Mathematics
1 year Science
1 year of Elective/Foreign Language(Recommended)
Extracurriculars are a way to show your capabilities in a non-academic environment. While considering extracurriculars, it is important to choose a wide variety of areas to explore so that your interests can blossom. Extracurriculars range from a variety of activities, here are examples:
College Club
Mock Trial
Student Government
It is also recommended to apply for various summer programs that you can participate in, particularly programs that will provide you with knowledge about college. Some examples are:
Words of wisdom from Diego: "Are you gonna join a club, or nah?"
Community Service
Community service is typically a requirement to graduate from high school, with each high school having a different standard.
It is best to take this standard and divide it by four years, doing a small chunk of hours every year.
It is recommended that you go above and beyond, acquiring around 200 hours of community service, as this looks incredibly good on a college application.
This may sound daunting at first, but it is a lot easier than you think!
Try and find a way to get community service that you genuinely enjoy doing, then it won't seem like much work, with the added bonus of it looking nice to colleges.
You still have a lot of time until you take these standardized tests
but it is never to early to prep for them! These tests are called the SAT and ACT. The ACT and SAT are built to measure the material you are able to answer correctly too. They are coachable so do not worry about not knowing the content the you will be tested on. To get ahead of the game you can start by registering for the PSAT; this practice test will break down the areas you need to review before taking the official SAT/ACT.
As mentioned before you should start early developing study habits that in the long term will help you. The sooner you learn what skills work for you, the more prepared you will be. For example taking the time to take good notes is something that will not only help you study but can also be used as a reference tool. This kind of system is very useful because it caters to one's specific learning skills.
Over all the stress of the years to come find a group that supports you. At your local school look for a college club or talk to counselors. People want you to succeed but finding people to rely on is a different story. Find people that will influence
you in a good way developing skills that will further your education.
Sophomore year is the time to shake off bad habits acquired from Freshmen year. The transition will be rough none the less but a very necessary one as well. More responsibilities will be enforced so that sophomores will be better prepared for the upcoming junior and senior years of high school. The following information will help guide you through the steps needed to expand exponentially in your academic career as well as give you specific classes that follow the "a-g" requirements.
Words of wisdom from Eli: "You will try to overcome your freshmen ways, but life will smack you in the face."
These are classes that most sophomores take during their school year.
By the time of your second year of high school, you must have had completed English 1 of your Freshmen year. Now, English 2 must be taken as an a-g requirement. English honors is another option that may earn you more credits but as long as you are in English 2 you are on the right track.
World History
World History is a mandatory course that must be taken in order to complete the a-g requirements. If you are not in World History by the time of your sophomore year of high school then it may be a problem that you would have to deal with later which can become a hassle. Especially since the year to make up for classes you have not taken is senior year. Make sure this class is taken your Sophomore year and the a-g requirement spectrum is already well on its way to being completed.
Geometry is the class that must be taken your sophomore year of high school in order to be on the right path to completing the "a-g" requirements in time for graduation. Of course this is assuming no summer classes will be taken in order to get ahead in the following years. If that is your choice to do so then great. If you are an incoming Sophomore who has already exceeded past Geometry then obviously you are already ahead and in good shape. Again this is assuming that you do not fail any of your math classes in the following years. As long as you are in Geometry or higher coming into your Sophomore year you are on the path for completing the math part in the a-g requirements.
Depending on your schools criteria, Biology may be taken either freshmen or sophmore year. Bottom line is that this course must be taken in order to complete the a-g requirements.
Foreign Language
A foreign language class must be taken for the a-g requirements schedule. Two years is mandatory for college, but three to four is recommended. You also have to be sure that however many years you take the language class, it must be the same language. Once you have established which language you will be persuing, you will have set your goals on the right path to finishing the a-g requirements.
A PSAT(Practice SAT) is a practice exam that gets you ready for the real SAT exam. You can either take the written version at your school and receive a fee waiver or you can do the online version which you can also access for free.The SAT will give the college you are planning to attend a sense to where your writing and math skills are, it will also be used for your college admission.
A PACT(Practice ACT) is a practice exam that gets you ready for the real ACT exam. You can either take the written version at your school and receive a fee waiver or you can do the online version keep in mind that you can also access it for free. The ACT exam is more of what you have learned through out high school in courses such as English,Math ,reading and science.
Junior year means you're finally an upper-classmen. After two years of hard work at the sophomore and freshman ranks things are only getting harder. You
still have another year of hard work and various responsibilities that you need to take into account. Junior year only gets more and more challenging by the day and it marks the beginning of the second half of your high school career. The beginning for many into a transition to adulthood as more and more responsibilities are put upon you.
Stay on track with your classes and grades.
Meet with your counselor to see what you still need to take. Check on your class rank and your GPA. Even if your grades havent been that good so far, its never too late to improve. Colleges like to see an upward trend.
Passing the CAHSEE is required to graduate high school.
The SAT is required by most four year universities for admission. It also had optional subject tests of your choosing to enhance testing portion of your application.
The ACT is also a national college admissions exam.
Community Hours
The minimum hours to graduate high school is 40 hours. Its recommended to have
more community hours then needed as it can look better in your resume. Consult your counselor for help.
Don't procrastinate
Do your best
Join clubs and sports
Never give up!
Don't be afraid to ask your teacher questions if you need help
Ask for information packets in interested collages
Visit Colleges
Senior Year
Senior year may be "the end", but it is also the start of new beginnings. Most people may think that senior year is all about making memories, and having fun, but it is important to have a healthy balance between work and pleasure. Taking the right steps toward what comes after high school should be the real priority.
If you're planning on going to a community college, you don't need to worry about the SATs, however to most four-year universities, SATs play a critical role in determining whether you get accepted or not. It is also optional, but important to take the SAT subject tests of your choosing to enhance your college application.
To better your chances of getting a higher SAT score, you have a couple of options:
Study using sources like textbooks and online sites.
You could retake the SAT in the Fall, before worrying about college applications.
You could retake the SAT in the Spring, and resend your scores.
A-G refers to high school courses required to not only graduate, but also admission to the University of California and California State University systems.
Each subject is labeled with a letter to easily identify the different course requirements.
A is History
B is English
C is Mathematics
D is Science
E is Foreign Language
G is College Preperatoty Electives
Make sure you complete all the A-G requirements.
For more information on them, refer to the
General Advice
Work hard, play hard.
Pay attention to ALL your deadlines!
Don't catch "Senioritis".
Do research on all colleges you are planning to apply for.
Apply to any possible scholarships available!
Stay on track because colleges can and will revoke your admission if grades drop or misconduct occurs.
Finish off strong!
Senior Year Fun
Positive memories are how you should remember high school. Stay on track and have fun at the same time!
High schools do different senior events but here are some of them you could miss if not on track.
Senior Prank
Senior Night
Your future and college!
Colleges can also revoke admission if grades and conduct are not maintained throughout your entire senior year.
Helpful Links & Information:
Your counselors can help you on your search for the right college and getting in to the college. You can go ask them about the different types of schools that would fit what you want to do for a career.Your counselors can help you on your search for the right college and getting in to the college. You can go ask them about the different types of schools that would fit what you want to do for a career. They are trustworthy and their advice is very valuable. Your counselor is your mentor and your guide through the complicated process of choosing, applying to, and preparing for the right college for you.
Health Center
Provides services for students to maintain emotional, physical, and mental well-being with a purchased insurance plan.
Student health promotion
Sexual education, STD testing, and support for student's sexual well-being.
Support groups and information on alcohol and drugs.
Career Center
Aids students in finding job/work opportunities and helps alumni connect with the universities. Holds lectures, job fairs, and resume workshops for students.
Student Union Assembly
The student government that distributes funding to clubs and programs. They are the link between administration and students.
Ethnic resource centers
Resources and services for minority groups.
LGBTQ centers
Services and resources for students who identify with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer community.
Residential living offices
Assigns housing, roommates, and deals with on-campus housing/roommate concerns.
Counseling and psychological services
A resource for students who need extra emotional support or someone to talk to. Also offers group counseling and off-campus referrals.
Disability Resource Center
Resources and services for students with mental or physical disabilities. Provides more testing times, notetakers, and transportation for those who qualify.
Equal Opportunity program
Services and resources for first-generation college students. Help students from disadvantaged and low-income backgrounds as they transition to college.
Peer Tutoring
Students helping other students with learning the material for classes.
Department adviser
Offers guidance on students' chosen majors and graduating requirements.
Finances and billing offices
Source of info on bills and expenses you owe the university.
Service learning/Volunteer Center
Provides students with opportunites to serve and help their community by volunteering.
Campus safety officers
Ensures the evening safety of the campus by assisting the police.
Groups of people with similar interests that get together to do what they enjoy. (Includes academics, volunteer, Greek life, theater, etc.)
Education Abroad Programs
Provides services and resources for students who want to study abroad.
Family Student Housing
On-campus housing for students who are in commited relationships or have families.
Online Student Portal
Online HUB for students to check their grades, communicate with professors, keep track of schedules, sign up for classes, and submit work.
Transfer and reentry students housing and resources
Aids with the specific challenges nontraditional students face - such as adjusting to college life and housing.
Activities Office
Responsible for planning programs fo such as dances, guest speakers, festivals, charity drives, etc.
A-G Requirements
The A-G requirements are mandatory in order to be accepted to any college/university. Beginning from the start of high school as a freshman, it is essential to follow these guidelines throughout your 4 years.
A: History
1 Year of World History/Cultures/Geography
1 Year of U.S. History
Alternative: Half a year of U.S. History and half a year of Government
AP European History
World History
World History Bilingual
World History SDAIE
AP US History
US History
US History SDAIE
AP US Government and Politics
US Government
World History
AP European History
United States History
AP United States History
United States Government
AP United States Government
B: English4 Years of CP English including
Classic/Modern reading
Frequent and improving writing
Practice listening and speaking
English 1 (and accelerated)
English 1 SDAIE
English 2 (and accelerated)
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
Creative Writing
English 1 Accelerated
English 3 - American Literature
AP English and Composition
English 4 - World Literature
The Art of Writing
AP English Literature and Composition
C: Mathematics
3 Years Required, (4 Years Recommended) of
Elementary Review
Advanced Algebra
2D/3D Geometry
Integrated Algebra/Geometry
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
Pre-Calc Honors
AP Calculus AB
Applied Algebra A
Applied Algebra B
Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry
AP Statistics
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
D: Science
2 Years required - 2 of the 3 following:
Biology SDAIE
Chemistry Honors
AP Biology
AP Physics B
Agricultural Engineering/Applied Physics 1/2
Anatomy and Physiology
Biological Concepts in Renewable Energy
Advnaced Marine Biology
Anatomy and Physiology
AP Biology
AP Environmental Science
W.A.T.C.H. Coast (pending UC Approval)
Chemistry Honors
Earth and Space Science
AP Physics C Mechanics
E: Foreign Language
2 Years of
One language other than English
French 1-3
Spanish 1-3
Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1-2
AP Spanish
AP Spasinsh Literature
French 1-4
Spanish 1-4
Spanish for Spanish Speakers
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Literature
F: Visual and Performing Arts
1 Year Required of one of the following
Visual Arts
Adv. Digital Photo
Computer Graphics 1-2
Video Production
3-D Design
Theater Arts 1-2
Visual Arts
French 1-4
Spanish 1-4
Spanish for Spanish Speakers
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Literature
G: Electives
1 Year Required of
Any classes of A-F after fulfilling the requirement in that letter or an approved G class.
Integrated Science
Integrated Science SDAIE
Intro to Engineering Design
Environmental Horticulture
Veterinary Science (ROP)
Medical Technology
Marine Biology
Marine Biology Watch
Principals of Engineering
International Business and trade (ROP) Economics
Econ Honors
AP Economics
This app was created over the course of a six-day intensive summer camp called the Youth Empowerment Institute (YEI) which taught the students to create apps while also learning about college.
The purpose of this app is to help all high school kids stay on the right track in preparing for college. It includes everything one needs to know on what to do to be ready for college, while still in high school.
App Inventors
These organizations made the camp and this camp possible
The Youth Empowerment Institute is an ongoing project designed, staffed, and implemented by students of the , which is an honors program at UCSC. YEI is free of charge and open to students at
YEI is a six-day and night summer camp held at the UCSC campus. Our campers stay in dorms and eat in the dining halls. We work on two things:
College Workshops
Campers learn about the ins how to apply, what to look for, and how to get financial aid.
Mobile App Programming
We teach the creation of mobile apps using HTML and jQuery Mobile. These sound very complicated but are actually very simple. Students come in with zero knowledge of coding and leave producing apps like the one you are using now.We want to make clear that anyone can learn to do this and in a very short period of time.
Visit the YEI website for even more links and college info!
Everett Program
Everett is a special program unique to UC Santa Cruz. It combines the passion that students have for issues such as education, water rights, women's rights, sustainable coffee farming, and homelessnes, and teaches them to create projects that will adress these issues in a managable and fundable manner.
Everett students work locally and across the globe. Here is just a sample of what Everett students have done in the past:
Training business women in Oaxaca how to use computer technology to enhance their businesses
Computer and English courses for representatives of over 60 non-profits in Ghana
Islamic family law and womens rights under sharia law in Malaysia
Mobile health reporting and election monitoring in Ghana
Integral work on establishing the Watsonville Film Festival
Film classes with Watsonville youth
Computer classes at the Santa Cruz Homeless Services Center
Providing technology support for the I Have a Dream Foundation
Summer college/mobile app camp for Watsonville students
Everett is a truly unique program and is always looking for motivated students who want to learn. We're always extremely happy to see Pajaro Valley locals, so if you decide to attend UCSC, please consider joining!
Visit the Everett Website
Watsonville Teconologia-Educaci&n-Comunidad
Tecnolog&a-Educaci&n-Comunidad (TEC) builds on ETR's Girl Game Company project to create a career pathway program for students in the P&jaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD).
The project's goal is to provide the instructional, recreational, academic, familial and other psycho-social supports necessary to encourage predominantly Latino, largely Spanish-speaking students to pursue higher education and careers in IT, where they are vastly underrepresented.
Visit TEC on Facebook and ask about joining!
Gabriel Gonzalez
School: Watsonville High
Year: Senior
Milan S.W.
Crescenta Valley High School
I live to Travel. I Travel to write. I write to change the world.
To make world peace.
Instagram: @milansw
Gabriel Firpo-Triplett
San Lorenzo Valley High-School
I love Mountain Biking
I want to go into Computer Science or Engineering
Photography is fun
Love you Mommy (If you read this)
Scuba Diving is incredibly fun
To live life to the fullest
Instagram: @gabeft256
Dulce Sixtos
CEIBA College Prep Academy
Senior, Class of 2015
Aliyah McGuire
Watsonville High School
Junior, Class of 2016
Watsonville High School
I love cats!:D Just thought you should know that!^_^ You can always find me listening to my music. I love to skateboard and playing video games! Pokemon and anime are also big interests of mine as well as film!
I hope to one day be able to time travel to the past to enter in combat with a dinosaur!
Diego Martin
Hey, my name is Diego and I don't know what to write. I'm pretty tired right now so this might be the most boring bio ever. I love computers, pizza, video games, and and especially music. My musical tastes vary from Lil B the most Based of Gods, to Prog Rock and Jazz. I also like me some of dat dere anime. If I could choose to fight between 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck, I'd choose to fight against
the horse sized duck so that I could tame it and ride it. Overall, I like learning new things and having fun.
Caroline Bejikian
Soquel High School
Senior Year
Facts about me:
I'm American, Lebanese, and Armenian.
I occasionally stalk people on social media.
Tina from Bob's Burgers is my role model.
Snapchat is love, snapchat is life.
My mom is the real MVP.
I speak three and a half languages.
I like to draw palm trees.
Instagram: bejikian
Become rich and make it rain.
Hey my name is Marcos Perez and I want to make my community a better place. I enjoy
using technology and you will usually see me listening to music. Activism is what defines
my mentality. I am in a day dream that ends when I think. Enjoy.
Jesus Melgoza
Pajaro Valley High School
During YEI program I discovered my love for Almond vanilla milk. I like coding playing video games and just having fun.\[^_^]/ Enjoy the App...
Antonio Hernandez
Pajaro Valley High School
I'd rather be in school than bored at home. My biggest interest is listening to rap music even though many consider it takes no effort to create.
Erick Brigham
Erick Brigham
I was born in Watsonville California and this area really isn't a tech area. I grew
up wanting to be a lawyer but then I joined the YEI program and it completely changed what I wanted to do. Now I make videos (or films to be technical) and code just like the app we're making and it's really what I'm into now. Let's go Lakers!
Immanuel Steinberg
Pacific Coast Charter School, 11th Grade
If by some miracle you opened this paragraph without telling yourself "what the hell? This isn't about FAFSA",
then welcome to this biography that you will forget in a very short amount of time.
I'm Immanuel (if you didn't gather that from the huge header just above) and I was born in that
"oh yeah I've heard of it" country known as the Philippines in Southeast Asia. At the age of six, I made my way over to California and started a whole new life. Jump ahead 10 years and now we're all caught up more or less.
I like eating. And sleeping. And telling myself I can play guitar.
I like reading (not a lie for my teachers), playing videogames (Xbox. Come at me, haters), and playing/watching basketball (Lakers. Come at me, haters part two).
But above all, writing and filmmaking are my passions. Despite what you hear from people, I am not a prick about movies. I am an EXTREME prick about movies.
My life goals aren't very clear right now, because I'm still struggling figuring out my weekly goals. I just hope to experience more things that I've never seen before, meet some incredible people (which I have both done while working on this app.), and just love life no matter what happens. It's not a luxury to live and love, it's a privilege.
Oh and nom some awesome chow in-between.
Andrea Martinez
Senior at Watsonville High School
Some of my interests are drawing/painting, music/singing, video games, and spending time with my friends and family.
Currently a Watsonville High School Senior. I am excited to see where I will be this time next year. Attending this camp was a great learning experience. Hope you find this app useful.


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