问问首页大家the Italians对吗?国人前面能加the嘛,或在什么情况下能加the?谢谢啦!

要加, the用于世界上独一无二的事物前。
外研社必修四Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges单元学案
Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges课标定位·高效导学类别课程标准要求掌握的项目重点单词peak
adv. 向下游;随波逐流goods
n.码头 vi.驶入码头hilly
adj.狭窄的 vi.变狭窄legend
ad.自然地,天然地重点短语at least
至少make a detour 绕道而行go through经受,经历;用完,检查come out 出版,显露,泄露;宣称be used to do sth. 被用来做某事take advantage of利用in the distance在远处,远方的find one's way out of设法走出,摆脱take photos of拍照,照相more than多于,不仅仅be far away离得远,远离......all the way一路上,自始至终rip off撕掉never mind没关系,不要记在心上get a kick out of因某事感到愉快stick on把......粘贴在......上be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事describe...as...把......描述成......at the edge of在......边缘make a predication about就......作出预测功能交际What do you know about the Yangtze River?That sounds fine to me.At Wushan we made a detour up the Daning River to see some of the smaller gorges.Swimming from the boat is forbidden.You are allowed to smoke.Passengers are required to take their passports with them.All tourists are ripped off.I get a kick out of travelling.语法Revision of modal verbsBoats can't reach the upper part of the Yangtze River. It's too dangerous.The children couldn't find their way out of the woods. They were lost.-Should we visit the Three Gorges?-Yes, you should. They're beautiful.Section Ⅰ Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary & Function知识整合·能力聚焦考点搜索1:go through的用法We ___________ a period in which communications were very difficult in the rural areas.A. got through
B. went through
C. look through
D. live through解析:本题目考查动词短语辨析:get through通过,完成,接通;go through检查,经历,经受;look through浏览;live through度过,经受住。句意:我们经历了一个乡村地区通讯难的时期。依据句意理解,则选项B符合题意。答案:B名师点金:go through/get through的用法⑴go through常见意义如下:①仔细检查,看一遍They went through our luggage at the customs.海关人员仔细检查了我们的行李。②经受, 经历(坏事、苦事);We can't really imagine what they're going through.我们真的无法想象他们现在所经受的痛苦。③用完(光);He'd gone through all his money by the end of the first week of his holiday.他度假才一周就花光了所有的钱。⑵get through常见意义如下:①度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间);②通过(考试、议案等);③(用电话)接通某人④用完,耗尽The refugees will need help to get through the winter.难民们需要得到帮助才能熬过这个冬天。The passage is too narrow for cars to get through.通道太窄, 汽车过不去。I rang you several times but wasn't able to get through.我几次打电话给你, 都没有打通。He has got through all the money I lent him.我借给他的钱他已花光了。原文对照:The next day we went through the big gorges on the Yangtze River.考点搜索2:require的用法【例2】Look at your suit! It requires ___________.A. washing
C. to wash
D. being washed解析:本题目考查require的用法,当主语是动作的承受者时,表示"某事需要做某事",可用如下结构:sth. requires doing sth.(用动名词主动形式表示被动意义)或sth. requires to be done(用不定式被动式表示被动意义)。句意:看看你的西装。他需要被洗一下了。依据句意理解,则选项A符合题意。答案:A名师点金:require的用法⑴require作动词,意为"需要,要求,命令";①require sb. to do sth.要求某人来做某事;②require doing sth. = require to be done sth. (某事)需要......③require sth. of sb. 对某人有......的要求④require that sb.(should)+ 动词原形⑵requirement作名词,意为"要求,需要";Working with these children requires a great deal of patience.和这些孩子打交道需要极大的耐心。The director required that we work all night.主管要求我们通宵工作。He has achieved all the requirements for graduation.他已经达到了可以毕业的所有要求。原文对照:Passengers are required to take their passports with them.考点搜索3:point的用法【例3】I like Mr. Miner' it was clear and __________ the point.A. at
D. of解析:本题目考查介词搭配:to the point意为"切题";句意:我喜欢Miner的演讲,比较清楚、中肯。答案:C名师点金:point的用法⑴point作动词,意为"指出,指明";⑵point作名词,意为"要点,得分,尖端,点";⑶常见point的短语汇总:①point at指向②point out指出,指明③There is no point
doing sth.做某事没有意义④to the point切题⑤be on the point of doing sth. when... 正要去做......突然(发生)......Could you point me in the direction of the exit? 您能指给我出口的方向吗?We were on the point of leaving when the phone rang. 我们正要离开时电话铃响了。Our team is two points behind. 我们队落后两分。We're just trying to reach a point where both sides will sit down together and talk.现阶段我们只想让双方坐下来谈谈。There is no point in discussing this any further.这件事没有必要再讨论下去。Which one is Jane's brother? Can you point him out to me?哪一位是简的哥哥?你能把他指给我看吗?He pointed out the best beaches on the map. 他在地图上指出了最好的海滩的位置。We stood downstairs and he pointed out his windows.我们站在楼下,他给我们指出哪儿是他家的窗户。His comments are quite to the point. 他的评论很中肯。原文对照:We took pictures and pointed at the site, but we weren't allowed to get off the boat.点金测评·创新训练【基础巩固 全面训练】Ⅰ.单词拼写1.The gorge n_____________ to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountain.2.On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot _____________ (汉字).3.They're just beginning to e_____________ the country's natural resources.4.We sailed into the c_____________ site of the dam.5.And everywhere he goes, he sends himself a _____________ (明信片).6.At least the Italians _____________ (敲诈)you off with a smile.7.We just had to show our _____________ (护照)and they let us get on the boat.8.Men rode _____________ (竹)rafts along the river's edge and coal boats went past.9.He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view and s_____________ on an interesting _____________ (邮票).10.The guard allowed the visitor to stay for the night, though it was _____________ (禁止).11.Tom, who is my c_____________, works in the same office with me.12. He was a _____________(传奇人物)in his own lifetime for his scientific discoveries.13. He dreamed of traveling to _____________ (偏远的) places of China.14.The cliff is so _____________ (陡峭) that none of us can climb up.15.Crops can grow better in the _____________ (肥沃的) land.Ⅱ.短语翻译16.at least
__________________________17.make a detour
__________________________18.go through
__________________________<e out
__________________________20.be used to do sth.
__________________________21.take advantage of
__________________________22.in the distance
__________________________23.find one's way out of
__________________________24.take photos of
__________________________25.more than
__________________________Ⅲ.单项选择35.I'd like to bring up my child in healthy___________.A. surround
B. surrounds
C. surrounding
D. surroundings36.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see___________ the next year.A. carry out
B. carrying out
C. carried out
D. to carry out37.Their parents___________ them to drink.A. prohibit
D. block38.He narrowed his eyes___________ her.A. into
D. for39. In ancient times, people used to trade copper___________ corn.A. in
D. to40. Please___________ the mistakes in my composition.A. point to
B. point out
C. point at
D. to the point41. Last Sunday we saw a temple___________when we went hiking.A. at a distance  B. in the distance
C. at the distance
D. in a distance42.We forbid___________ here. Who has permitted you___________ here?A. smoking  B. smoking
C. smoking
D. to smoke43.When the thief found the police had already___________ him, he ran away quickly.A. realized  B. known
C. spotted
D. stared44.When I came in, I saw him sitting___________ the edge of the bed, reading a book.A. of   B. on
D. from45. The natural resources, such as mine, forest, and hydropower (水电) in that area have been ___________.A. developed
B. exploited
C. improved
D. expanded46. Fresh air and exercise are___________ the health.A. good to
B. kind to
C. fit for
D. good at47.I may be no good, but___________ let me have a try.A. at last
B. at most
C. at least
D. at firstⅣ.选词填空be distant towards
at the edge of
take advantage ofbe heavy with
on the spot
distance48.The factory stands______________________ the city.49.The girl______________________ all the people present.50.He was hit by a falling tree and killed______________________.51.These orange trees______________________ fruits this year because of the fine weather.52.Peter______________________his visit to Paris to improve his French.53.The Arctic has a___________ climate, while the Antarctic climate varies little.54.The neighbors seem very___________, although I try to be friendly.55.Switzerland is one of the most___________ countries in the world.【综合应用 提高训练】Ⅰ.根据汉语意思完成句子1.站在山顶,我们能看到周围的小山。.Standing on the top of the mountain, we can see ____________ ____________ ____________.2.禁止学生进网吧玩游戏。Students ____________ ____________ ____________enter the net bar to play games.3.他指着那张画说那是一件稀有的艺术珍品。He ____________ ____________ the picture and said that was a rare art treasure.4.警方已经缩小了嫌疑犯的范围。The police have ____________ down their list of suspects.5.不要站在水边,那儿很危险。Don't stand ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ water. It's very dangerous.6.到那里你至少要花20分钟。It will take you ____________ ____________ 20 minutes to get there.7.这里的一草一木都有着许多动人的故事。Even a flower or a tree here ____________ ____________ ____________ moving stories.8.现在中国与世界上大多数国家进行贸易。China is now ____________ ____________ most countries in the world.9.火车将于下午1点到达上海。The train____________ ____________ ____________ in Shanghai at 1:00 p.m.10.你能看到一些美丽的鸟儿在空中飞翔吗?Can you see some beautiful birds____________ ____________ ____________ ____________?11.那所学校离市镇3英里远。The school is three miles____________ ____________ the town.12.我的车在那条孤零零的公路上没了汽油时,我的处境很难。I was ____________ ____________ ___________ when my car ran out of gas on that lonely road.Ⅱ.单句改错13. China is third largest country in area in the world.14. Bamboo is a plant which is used to make furnitures.15. At the foot of the mountain, I had my picture take.16. We are going on a trip across the Three Gorges.17. The population of Japan is fewer than that of China.18. Dick's still in the office. He must be busy for some important work.19. It was on Saturday when he reached this city.20. Shanghai is off the coast, at the mouth of the Yangtze River.21. He mustn't be in his office now, for it is very late.22. Passengers are requiring to take their passports with them.Ⅲ.完形填空I met Mrs. Neil in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. She had an Unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking,
she was encouraging and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me.Mrs. Neil would ask me for my
. She wanted to know how I thought we should
things. At first I had no idea how to answer because I knew
about stage design! But I slowly began to respond to her
. It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to
them. She trusted me to complete things, so I completed them perfectly. She loved how
I was, so I began to show up to paint more and more. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself.Mrs. Neil's
that year was, "Try it. We can always paint over it
!" I began to take
. I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing-only things to be
upon. I learned to dip my brush into the paint and
create something.The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was
in the program as "Student Art Assistant" because of the time and effort I'd put in. It was that year that I
I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.Being on that stage-design team
Mrs. Neil changed me completely. Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought, but I also
a strong interest and a world I hadn't known existed. She taught me not to
what people think I should do: She taught me to take chances and not be
. Mrs. Neil was my comforter when I was upset. Her
in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined
.23. A. and
D. for24. A. opinion
B. impression
C. information
D. intention25. A. make
D. change26. A. anything
B. something
C. everything
D. nothing27. A. questions
B. comments
C. explanations
D. remarks28. A. hold
C. evaluate
D. form29. A. happy
C. reliable
D. punctual30. A. message
D. suggestion31. A. again
C. instead
D. later32. A. steps
B. control
D. risks33. A. improved
D. reflected34. A. easily
B. carefully
C. confidently
D. proudly35. A. introduced
B. recognized
C. identified
D. considered36. A. confirmed
B. decided
C. realized
D. acknowledged37. A. with
D. by38. A. developed
B. discovered
D. fostered39. A. accept
D. wonder40. A. bored
D. afraid41. A. trust
B. patience
C. curiosity
Do interest42. A. accessible
B. enjoyable
C. possible
D. favorableⅣ.阅读理解AMy favorite city in the United States is Las Vegas. It's in Nevada, near California. It's a very exciting city with great hotels, fine restaurants, and even casinos(娱乐场).First of all,it is exciting to see the many beautiful hotels, exciting shows, and exhibits. You can spend a lot of time taking pictures in front of the great hotels, and you can also see a lot of wonderful shows at some of them. If you want to see a really good show, you should see the magic show of David Copperfield at the Mirage Hotel. You can also visit an exhibit about the life of Elvis Presley.It is also fun to eat in restaurants there. Las Vegas has wonderful restaurants where you can eat many different kinds of food. For example, you can eat delicious French food at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant.Of course, you can also gamble in this city. Many people love to go to Las Vegas because they can gamble. There are lots of casinos in this city, and many people come for that reason. But you have to be careful. You might win big money, but most people lose a lot of money!This city never sleeps. There are always lots of people in the street, and there is always something to see or do. You should visit Las Vegas. It is really an exciting place.43.The passage is mainly to ________.A. introduce the daily life in Las Vegas
B. give information about American citiesC. let us learn about excitement in Las Vegas  D. tell us what to visit in Las Vegas44. What can you enjoy in Las Vegas?
________A. The experience of the life of Elvis Presley.B. The delicious Chinese food at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant.C. The experience of never losing money in gambling.D. David Copper field's show about gambling.45.Which of the following shows the right structure of the passage?
(①=Para. 1...⑤=Para. 5) ________46.The underlined sentence "This city never sleeps." in the last paragraph means ________.A. Las Vegas is an exciting place
 B. Las Vegas is a tiring cityC. Las Vegas isn't fit for people to live
  D. Las Vegas is a busy cityBFifty years ago, most people lived in rural areas, but the world has changed. It is estimated that by some point next year, more than half of all, people will live in cities.City life is not always a bad thing. However, many experts are worried about this process of urbanization(都市化). It is having a huge effect on human health and the quality of the environment.According to a report released by an environmental research group in Washington, of the three billion people who live in cities now, about one billion live in unplanned settlements. These are areas of poverty that generally lack basic services like clean water, or permanent housing.Molly Sheehan led the report. She says that the international community has been too slow to recognize the growth of urban poverty. Policymakers need to increase investments in education, health care and other areas.Olav Jorgen heads the Environment and Energy Group at the United Nations Development Program. He agrees that the link between urban poverty and the environment is serious, but governments also need to consider why people are moving out of rural areas. Climate change, drought, floods - there are many reasons _________________.He says the two issues of poverty reduction and the environment have existed side by side, but rarely have they connected until now. Governments are starting to understand that environmental collapse is not a natural cost of economic development. Instead, it is hurting the possibility for growth.47. What's the best title for this passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)_______________________________________________________________________________48. Please fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.)_______________________________________________________________________________49. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________50. Which sentences in the passage can be replaced by the following ones?Urbanization has become a social concern. An increasing number of people moving to cities is leading to an increased impact on the environment and people's health.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________51. List some results of urbanization besides what is mentioned in the passage. (Please answer within 30 words.)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Section Ⅱ Grammar & Writing考点搜索1:must的用法【例1】(2010北京)-Good morning. I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel
Department.-Ah, good morning. You__________ be Mrs. Peters.A. might
D. can解析:本题目考查情态动词表示"推测"的用法。句意:早上好,我和人事部的史密斯小姐有约。哦,早上好。那您一定是彼得斯女士吧。依据题干与语境判断,选项A符合题意。答案:A名师点金:must的用法⑴禁止做某事,用"mustn't";⑵表示推测:①对现在事实推测"must +动词原形";②对过去事实的推测"must have +过去分词";③对正在进行的事实推测"must be +现在分词";(表示推测时,肯定句常用must;否定句或疑问句常用can/could;)⑶①must必须(主观情况);②have to必须,不得不(客观情况)⑷对must一般疑问句的回答:①肯定句:must / have to;②否定句:needn't / don't have to;You must stop at the red light. 遇到红灯必须停下。We must all obey the law. 我们都必须遵守法律。You mustn't speak to him like that again. 你一定不要再那样和他说话了。You must be thirsty after doing exercises. 运动后你一定渴了。You must be tired after your long journey. 长途劳顿,你一定累了。原文对照:There must be any other foreigners.考点搜索2:should的用法【例2】(2010山东)I_______ have watched that movie -it'll give me horrible dreams.A. shouldn't
B. needn't
C. couldn't
D. mustn't解析:考查情态动词:shouldn't have done本不该做某事(实际上已经做了);needn't have done本没有必要做某事;couldn't have done本不可能做某事;无mustn't have done这一结构。句意:我真不应该去看那部电影-它会使我做噩梦的。依据题干与句意理解,则选项A符合题意。答案:A名师点金:should的用法⑴should "应该,应当"(表示义务、责任、劝告、建议等);⑵should 是情态动词shall的过去式,表示"将要,会";⑶should的特殊用法:①(表示可能性、推测、推论或期待等)"该、可能";②(用于表示必要、适当、惊奇、遗憾等)"应该、竟然会";③(用于表示建议、命令、要求、决定等)"应该、必须";④(用于问句中,表示征求同意、征询情况等)"可以,该";⑷should = ought to + 动词原形;两词都可用于虚拟语气中;⑸①should have + 过去分词,表示"本应该做某事(实际没有做某事)";②should not have + 过去分词,表示"本不应该做某事(实际已经做了某事)";③ought to have+过去分词,表示"本应该做某事(实际没有做某事)";④oughtn't to have + 过去分词,表示"本不应该做某事(实际已经做了某事)";Students should do as the teacher says. 学生应当按照老师说的去做。I suggest that he should come to Beijing to pursue his studies. 我建议他来北京求学。You should eat more fresh fruit. 你应该多吃新鲜水果。You should/ought to tell your mother about it at once.你应该立即把此事告诉你妈妈。I should have gone home last Sunday.
我理应上周日到家。原文对照:You should visit the Three Gorges. They're beautiful.点金测评·创新训练【基础巩固 全面训练】Ⅰ.单项选择1.Liza ________well not want to go on the trip-she hates traveling.A. will
D. may2.Swinging from the boat is forbidden. Which sentence has the similar meaning? ________A. You can swing from the boat.
B. You must swing from the boat.C. You mustn't swing from the boat.
D. You may swing from the boat.3.Peter________be really difficult at times even though he's a nice person in general.A. shall
D. must4. When he was trying to break into the bank, the thief was caught ________.A. in a spot
B. on the spot
C. on this spot
D. in the spot5. -Lucy doesn't mind lending you her dictionary.-She________. I've already borrowed one.A. can't
B. mustn't
C. needn't
D. shouldn't6. Children under 12 years old in that country________ be under adult supervision (监管) when in a public library.A. must
D. need7. Tom, you________ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!A. wouldn't
B. mustn't
C. needn't
D. may not8.Denis,who is 78,has made it known that much of his collection ________to the nation.A. has left
B. is to leave
D. is to be left9.It was disappointing to see him ________by his counterpart at tennis.A. beaten   B. beating
C. to have been beaten
D. to be beating10.________both sides accept these terms will everlasting peace be established in this region.A. Unless      B. As long as
C. If only
D. Only if11.-Do you believe Cecilia has good table manners?-Oh, no. As is known to us all, she________ comb her hair at table,even though she knows we don't like it.A. will      B. may
C. has got to
D. shall12.-"Crash diets" make us lose weight fast and I am all into that.-But it________ better to work out.A. had
B. would be
C. wouldn't have been
D. must have been13.Since you have finished your work,there is no point i you________ as well go home.A. will
D. must14.We played really poorly in the first half. We________, however, feel that we were very lucky indeed. After all, the score is tied.A. would
D. might15. You don't have to know the name of the author to find a book.You________find the book by the title.A. must
D. would16.-I feel bored with nothing interesting to do.-You________ watch TV. There will be a very good Hollywood film on this evening.A. need
D. shall17.I really________ thank you enough. It's been an amazing day.A. needn't
D. can't18. Belinda________ be allowed to play with that toy all the time just because she's the eldest.A. wouldn't
B. needn't
C. mustn't
D. daren'tⅡ.完成句子19. 那些孩子找不到出山的路了。The children couldn't find their________ ________ ________the mountain.20.只要你按时还书,我就把书借给你。I will lend some books to you________ ________ you return them on time.21. 到长江游泳怎么样?________ ________ swimming in the Yangtze River?22. 不要紧!没关系!________ ________!23. 这个主意听起来不错。The idea ________ ________ to me.24. 这座寺庙已存在6,000年了。The temple________ ________ ________for six thousand years.25. 我听到他正在他的房间唱歌。I________ ________ ________ in his room.26.我到家时,发现窗户被打破了。When I got home, I________ ________ ________ ________.27.只有得到老师的允许,学生才可以进入这间屋子。is a student allowedOnly if a teacher has given permission________ ________ ________ ________ to enter the room.Ⅲ.完成对话A. get a kick out of
B. That's all right
C. That sounds fineD. make a plan
E. Oh, well
F. What do you think
G. has been aroundA: Good news! Our class is going to have an outing this weekend!B:
___28__. But where to go?A: To an old temple which ___29___ for a thousand of years.B: I know that temple, but it is quite a distance from our school.A: ___30___. We'll go there by bus.B: That will be fine. And we can ____31_
talking with the monks there.A: Yes. Shall we __32____?A: Certainly. Let's start!【综合应用 提高训练】Ⅰ.选词填空indicate
immense1.Early _____________ of a price rising began to look increasingly unlikely.2.At the end of the garden there is a steep _____________.3.All these evidences _____________ that he was totally innocent.4.You are not allowed to camp here without _____________.5.Can you tell me your _____________
address?6.I hope the divorce(离婚)won't have a _____________
effect on the children.7.He spoke in French, but his message was _____________
enough.8.The sun's power here is _____________.9.Qingdao is a famous Chinese _____________
city.10.At the southern tip of Hainan Province, China, the special _____________ location.Ⅱ.句型转换11.We decided to buy some birthday gifts for my son .→We _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ to buy some birthday gifts for my son .12.For the first time I have been to Shanghai.→_____________ _____________ the first time _____________ I have been to Shanghai.13.I can really get some pleasure from swimming.→I really ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ swimming.14.As the proverb says, end is well, and all is well.→___________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ end is well, and all is well.15.As far as I am concerned, computer is the greatest invention.→_____________ _____________ _____________, computer is the greatest invention.Ⅲ.书面表达  实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于言表,更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为"Being a Good Listener"的英文演讲稿。为何倾听表示尊重,增进理解,建立良好的人际关系谁来倾听家长倾听孩子理解孩子,消除代沟,......老师倾听学生了解学生,满足需求,......同学相互倾听增进友谊,互帮互学,......怎样倾听(联系自己拟定内容,列举两至三点)注意:1.对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。   2.词数150左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。   3.演讲稿中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。  Good afternoon, everyone!  The topic of my speech today is "Being a Good Listener".___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  Thank you for your listening!Section Ⅲ Cultural Corner知识整合·能力聚焦考点搜索1:except的用法【例1】-How about your journey to Mount Emei ?-Everything was wonderful ___________ our car broke down twice on the way.A. except for
B. except that
C. besides
D. apart from解析:考查连词用法。except for除了......,只是......(不用来引导句子);except that除了......,只是......(用来引导句子);besides除了......之外(还有),此外;apart from除了......之外(还有),除了......之外(不再有)。句意:-去峨眉山旅游玩得怎么样?-其他都好,就是我的车在路上抛锚了两次。依据句意理解,则选项B符合题意。答案:B名师点金:as well as / except / besides / apart from / aside from的用法⑴用于否定句时,but, except与besides可以互换;No other pupils could pass the exam but / except / besides Tom.除了汤姆,没有别的学生能够通过这次考试。⑵用于肯定句时的区别:①except意为"除了......之外(不再有)";②besides意为"除了......之外(还有......)";【注意比较】(a) besides在句中的位置很灵活,可放句首,亦可以放句中;(b) except多放于句中,若放于句首,则其后多接介词for;(c) except前多有all, any, every, no及其复合词等,而besides前可有可无,依句意而定;③except for意为"除了......",表示除去整体中的一部分,它所叙述的事实或细节部分用来修正句子的主要意思;⑶except与but/other than其后都可以接名词、代词、动名词或动词原形,可以互换;但except后接副词、介词短语、when从句等时,but/other than不可与except互换;⑷but, except后可接that从句,but与except可以互换;⑸①besides = as well as = in addition to = aside from = apart from除了......之外(还有);②except = but = aside from = apart from = other than除了......之外(不再有);⑹besides作副词,意为"而且,此外";【注意比较】①moreover作副词,意为"而且,此外";②furthermore作副词,"此外,而且";③in addition意为"此外";④what's more意为"此外,而且,更重要的是,更有甚者";⑺①have no choice but to do sth.除了......别无选择;②do nothing but do sth. 只能做......;③can not but do sth. = can not help but do sth.不得不,只好做......;原文对照:In 50 years of travelling Colin McCorquodale has visited every country in the world, except three.考点搜索2:influence的用法【例2】The growing speed of a plant is _________ by a number of factors, most of which are beyond our control.A. influenced
B. affects
D. impressed解析:本题考查词语辨析:influence意为"影响",既是动词,又是名词;affect作为动词,意为"影响";effect作为名词,意为"影响";impress作为动词,意为"留印象,压印";句意:植物的生长受诸多因素的影响,其中大多数因素都是我们无法控制的。答案:A名师点金:influence/affect/effect的用法⑴influence 作动词或名词,意为"影响"①influence sb. to do sth. 影响某人来做某事②under the influence of 在......的影响下③have an influence / effect on 对......有影响⑵affect作动词,意为"影响,使......感动"⑶effect 作名词,意为"影响"①have an effect on 对......有影响,对......起作用②in effect = in fact = as a matter of fact 实际上,事实上③take effect = come into effect开始生效,开始起作用What influenced you to take the job? 是什么影响你接受了这份工作?We were all deeply affected by the news of her death. 她去世的消息,使我们都深感悲痛。Research has shown that the weather can influence people's behavior.研究显示天气能影响人们的行为。His words had little effect on his son. 他的话对他儿子不起作用。I was deeply affected by the movie. 我被这部电影深深打动了。原文对照:There is no European influence.点金测评·创新训练【基础巩固 全面训练】Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Can you i_______________ life without hot water?2.We had a wonderful sea v_______________ from the hotel window.3.I think we should s_______________ to our original plan.4.In the weeks that _______________(跟从,随后)the situation was very tense.5.She felt as if she had been k_______________(踢)in the stomach.Ⅱ.单项选择6.If you want to get a good__________, you'd better stand on the top of the hill.A. sight
D. look7.I have never seen such a kind of man as you __________.A. said
D. described8.The tourists often complained of being __________ by the local peddlers when they buy some souvenirs.A. ripped off
B. ripped out
C. ripped up
D. ripped way9.-What's your favorite sport?-Skiing. __________.A. I get a kick out of it
B. I prefer it
C.I choose it
D. I'm used to it10.When I passed the house,I saw him__________ and didn't disturb him.A. read
B. to read
C. reading
D. to be reading11.Seeing the road__________ with snow, we had to spend the holiday at home, watching TV.A. blocking
B. to block
C. blocked
D. to be blocked12.When he was a little boy, he used to go there and watch__________.A. to repair trucks
B. trucks to repair
C. trucks being repaired
D. trucks repairing【综合应用 提高训练】Ⅰ.根据汉语提示完成句子1.从山顶上我们清楚地看到了全城的景色。We __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ the town from the top of the hill.2.我从集邮中享受到了很多乐趣。He __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ playing football.3.你要当心不要被一些骗子所诈骗。You must be careful not to __________ __________ __________ by some cheats.4.从他的情况来看,我认为我不该去。__________ __________ __________ his condition, I do not think that he should go.5.她受母亲的影响成了一名教师。She __________ __________ __________ her mother to become a teacher.Ⅱ.选词填空get a kick out of
rip offdescribe
except6. I didn't know the accident at all. You should ______________________ tell me.7. Some of the local shopkeepers were all trying to______________________ the tourists.8. The______________________ from the top of the hill was superb.9. The wheels of the car got______________________ in the mud and we could not go on.10. My brother likes collecting stamps and he ______________________ it.11. I like Coco Cola and it s my______________________ drink.12. We can't______________________ a torch as a kind of electric machine.13. Please______________________ the instructions on the bottle when you take the medicine.14. Whom shall we______________________ for our school football team leader?15. I would buy the handbag, ______________________ that it costs too much.Ⅲ.短文改错Christie was one of my best friend at high school
16. __________________At that time, we often spend time together.
17. __________________Thank to her help, I made great progress in my
18. __________________study. Last year, she decided to study abroad. In
19. __________________other words, we would be separated for long time.
20. __________________Before her leaving off, I prepared a gift to show
21. __________________my best whishes to him. She said it was the best
22. __________________gift she has ever had. From then on, we've
23. __________________kept touch with another through e-mails. I
24. __________________look forward to see her again in the near future.
25. __________________Ⅳ.对话填空Jane: Mum, What will the weather be like tomorrow? Have you heard the weather report today?Mum: Yes, why do you pay much more a
to something about the weather??Jane: Oh, we've planned to go for a p
.Mum: The radio gives us the i
that there'll be rain..Jane: What a s
! Our plan can't be c
out.Mum: You know sometimes the w
makes mistakes.Jane: I hope he's made a mistake again this time.Mum: Why not play computer g
at home if it rains?Jane: I'm afraid I p
to go to the m
rather than do that.Mum: OK. It's good to see an interesting film on r
days.Module 5 A Trip Along the Three GorgesSection Ⅰ Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary & Function点金测评·创新训练【基础巩固 全面训练】Ⅰ.单词拼写1.narrows2. characters3. Exploit4. construction5. postcard6. rip7. passports8. bamboo9. stamp10. forbidden11. colleague12. legends13. remote14. steep15. fertileⅡ.短语翻译16.至少17.绕道而行18.经受,经历;用完,检查19.出版,显露,泄露;宣称20.被用来做某事21.利用22.在远处,远方的23.设法走出,摆脱24.拍照,照相25.多于,不仅仅26.all the way27.rip off28.never mind29.get a kick out of30.stick on31.be allowed to do sth.32.describe...as...33.at the edge of34.make a predication aboutⅢ.单项选择35. D
句意:我想在一个健康的环境中把孩子抚养成人。surroundings作"环境"讲,要用复数形式。36. C
此处考查see sth.done结构,过去分词短语carried out在句中作宾语补足语。37. B
句意:他们的双亲禁止他们酗酒。forbid下令禁止某人做某事,一般指非法定的,是普通用语,通常为个人行为,常用作forbid sb. to do;prohibit是正式的或法律上的用语,指制定正式规章或从法律上采取强制手段禁止,常用作prohibit sb. from doing;本句中指父母禁止他们酗酒,并非正式法定的,因此从结构上或词义上看不用prohibit;ignore不理,不顾,忽视;block阻碍、停止或阻挡一个运动或动作的发生。38. B
句意:他眯起眼看她。此处考查narrow作动词,意为"使眼睛变窄,即眯起眼",故答案是B。39. C
考查trade ...for ... 意为"用......换"。40. B
从句子结构看,选项在句中作谓语,故排除D项;依据句意判断,应该使用表示"指出"的短语,point out符合句意。41. C
句意:上个星期天我们远足时看到远处有一座寺庙。in the distance在远处,符合题意。at a distance相距,相隔;其他两项搭配不正确。42. D
句意:我们这儿禁止吸烟,谁允许你在这儿吸烟的?考查:forbid doing sth.禁止做某事;permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事。43. C
句意:当发觉警察已认出他时,这个贼迅速逃走了。spot在此意为"认出",符合句意。realize意识到;know认识,知道;stare凝视。44. B
on the edge of the bed指"在床边",edge属于床的一部分。45. B
本题考查在语境中使用动词的能力。四个选项中只有exploit (开发)能够与mine, forest, hydropower共同搭配使用。46. C
句意:新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。47. C
句意:我可能不行,但起码让我试一试。at last最后;at most至多;at least起码;at first起初。Ⅳ.选词填空48. at the edge of49. was distant towards50. on the spot51. are heavy with52. took advantage of53. varied54. distant55. mountainous【综合应用 提高训练】Ⅰ.根据汉语意思完成句子1. the surrounding hills2. are forbidden to3. pointed at4. narrowed5. at the edge of6. at least7. is heavy with8. trading with9. is to arrive10. flying in the sky11. distant from12. in a spotⅡ.单句改错13. third前加the
14. furnitures→furniture
15. take→taken16. across→through
17. fewer→smaller
18. for→with19. when→that
20. off→on
21. mustn't→can't22. requiring →requiredⅢ.完形填空23.B
考察连词及句子理解。前面unpleasant voice 和 direct way of speaking是消极意向,后面encouraging 和 inspiring是积极意向,因此需填转折连词,四个选项中A表并列、C表结果、D表原因,只有B选项yet表转折。24.A
考察名词及篇章理解。第二段第二句话"她想知道我认为我们该怎样处理事情"直接提示了这个空应该选观点opinion这个词. 第二段倒数第四句话中也出现了这个词从而验证了其正确性。impression 印象;information 信息;intention 意图,均不符合题意。25.C
考察动词及篇章理解。根据文章主线选择"处理"事情。考纲要求考生掌握handle 的两种意思,名词是"柄、把",动词是"处理",这里考察后者。26.D
考察代词及句子理解。开始我不知如何回答是因为我对舞台设计"一无所知"。 know nothing about sth. 对某事一无所知。27.A
考察名词及篇章理解。解题关键词是本句的 "respond 回答、响应", 线索是第二段第一句中的 "ask 提问"及第四句中的"answer 回答", 因此这里填 "question 问题"这个词。BD选项是评论,C是解释,不符题意。28.D
考察动词及篇章理解。本句的them指代opinions 。form opinion形成观点 。hold opinion持有某种观点,form 是个变化的状态,hold是个持续的状态,根据文意推断作者开始并没有观点,由于她相信我有观点所以我形成了观点,强调形成这个过程,另外begin to后接有变化感的词,故选form不选hold;follow 遵照;evaluate评估与题意差别较大。29.C
考察形容词及句子理解。解题线索在后半句 "so I began to show up to paint more and more " 作者做的事情变多是Mrs. Neil信任的结果,说明我是个可信赖(reliable)的人,C选项符合题意。其他三个选项happy 高兴的 lively活泼的和 punctual 准时的都不能表达出这种合理的因果关系。另外迷惑性较大的lively通常用来形容物。30.B
考察名词及句子理解。引号里是一句鼓励性质的话,而且前面"that year"也是线索,说明这话是她的motto座右铭。迷惑性较大的C选项saying是谚语的意思,往往是人们长期形成的对生活及经验的总结,强调群体性及时间性,故不合适,message 信息,suggestion 建议,不合题意。31.D
考察副词及篇章理解。本题难度较大,解题关键词是介词"over",表覆盖。选择later 可以理解为"如果没有画好,稍后可以再画一次覆盖在之前的画上。" more更多,instead 代替,不合题意。迷惑性最大的是again表示"再一次、又一次"但是放在这里与over意思重复,paint over it later相当于 paint it again,故不选A。32.D
考察名词及篇章理解。take risks 固定搭配,冒险。通读全文发现作者是开始很不自信,第四段开头也提示了作者"shy" ,"quiet",因此动笔画画对他来说是个冒险,是自我突破的过程,文章最后一段也提到了take chances冒险,因此选D。take steps是采取措施、步骤的意思,与文章主题不搭,control 和 charge 都有控制的意思,不合题意。33.A
考察动词及句子理解。improve upon 改进。线索是本段开头的座右铭"试试吧,我们永远可以重画一次。"因此不存在失败,只存在改进。act upon按照、对...起作用,look upon 看待、考虑,reflect upon
考察副词及篇章理解。本段主要描写了作者从不敢做到敢做的过程,根据前文提示作者曾很不自信,后来在Mrs. Neil的鼓励下自信地拿起了画笔,因此选confidently;easily 容易的。作者超越自我的过程并不容易。carefully 小心地。创作并不是个小心翼翼的过程。proudly 骄傲地。文章中没有任何体现。35.B 考察动词。be recognized as"被公认为、被承认"。 introduce 介绍、引入,be identified as" 被确定是",有验证身份的意思,be considered as "被认为、被当作"。其中 be recognize as 有"被大家承认、被普遍接受"的意思,表意更准确。36.C 考察动词。解题关键词是"want "。作者意识到自己想要的是什么,所以用realized迷惑项是decided 决定。可以说决定要什么,但不可以说决定想什么,因为想法是不可控制的。confirm 证实 acknowledge 承认,与题意差别较大。37.A
考察介词。being with sb 与某人在一起。这里不能选of是因为全文第一句话,Mrs. Neil是"one of the directors",所以不能说是她的团队。below 和 by 搭配错误。38.B
考察动词。发现了一项爱好和一个未知的世界,选discovered. 迷惑项是developed , 这个词可以与interest 连用表示形成了某种爱好,但是不可以与world连用表示"形成一个未知世界,"故排除。take interest 取利,foster 培养,均不合适。39.B
考察动词及篇章理解。"她教会我不要去在乎别人认为我该怎么做",care 在乎,符合文意。accept 接受;judge 判断 ;wonder 怀疑 均不合文意。40.D
考察形容词及句意理解。be afraid害怕。前面说take chance 冒险,后面理所当然说不要怕(失败),而且前文反复出现了afraid 这个词,是全篇的关键词。bored 无聊的,lazy 懒惰的,sad 伤心的,在文中均无体现。41.A
考察名词及篇章理解。trust 信任。通读全文会发现文中多次提到Mrs. Neil对作者的信任,并在第三段明确使用了trust这个词,因此推断出答案。patience 耐心,curiosity好奇心,interest兴趣,文中均无体现。42.C
考察形容词及篇章理解。"她对我的信任激励我完成以前认为不可能的事情", "never imagined possible" 等于 "imagined impossible." 认为不可能的,贴合文意。accessible 容易取得的 enjoyable 有趣的 favorable 有利的赞同的 均不合文意。Ⅳ.阅读理解43. C
推理判断题。本文第一段就指出"It's a very exciting city with great hotels, fine restaurants, and even casinos",即介绍了旅店、饭店和娱乐场所带给人们的刺激。44. A
细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,David Copperfield的表演是关于魔术的,而你可以参观关于Elvis Presley的生活展览;根据文章第三段可知,在"the Eiffel Tower Restaurant",你可以吃到美味的法国菜,但是对于中国菜却很难说;根据文章第四段可知,C项是不对的,故答案选A。45. A
推理判断题。考查文章结构。本文第一段总述拉斯维加斯在旅店、饭店和娱乐方面很吸引人,第二、三、四段对这三个方面分别进行了叙述,最后一段作者又进行了总结。46. D
句义判断题。根据文章最后一段内容可知,这句话的意思是"这个城市从来不睡觉",言外之意就是,该城市是一个不夜城,"街道上总有很多人,总有可看的东西或可做的事情",故答案选D。47. Urbanization Puts Pressure on Cities48. forcing people to leave49. 政府开始意识到环境质量的恶化并不是经济增长的自然代价。相反,环境退化大大挫伤了经济发展的可能性。50. However, many experts worry about this process of urbanization. It is having a huge effect on human health and the quality of the environment.51. It leads to fewer workers in rural areas and an excess of workers in cities. Therefore, the production of food is decreasing, while crime and unemployment is becoming more common.Section Ⅱ Grammar & Writing点金测评·创新训练【基础巩固 全面训练】Ⅰ.单项选择1. D
本题考查情态动词。句意为:莉莎完全可能不想去旅游-她不喜欢旅行。破折号后的部分表明对前句的推测是有充分理由的,may与well连用表示有充分理由。will表推测意为:可能,该是;can表推测常用于疑问句和否定句中;must表推测常用于肯定句中。2. C
句意:"在船上摇晃是不允许的。"3. C
句意:尽管彼得一般情况下是个很友好的人,但有时候他也可能会变得难以共处。考查情态动词表推测,注意题干中at times表示"有时候",是信息提示,与后面的in general(通常,一般情况下)形成对比,can用于肯定陈述句表示一时的可能性。A、B、D三项均无此用法。4. B
考查on the spot意为"当场,立即"。5. C 本题考查情态动词的用法。由下文I've already borrowed one.可知,Lucy不需要这样做了。故选C。6. A
句意:78岁的丹尼斯已宣布他的多数收藏品要留给国家。此处要用be to do表示将来的计划和安排,又因his collection和leave之间是被动关系,故D项符合。9. A
句意:只有双方都接受了这些条款,这个地区才能建立永久的和平。题干是部分倒装结构,而选项中只有only if位于句首时,才可用部分倒装结构。11. A
考查情态动词will的用法。句意:-你认为塞西莉亚在餐桌上讲究礼仪吗?-哦,没有。我们都知道,她会在就餐时梳头,即使她知道我们不喜欢。will表示某事时常发生,某人有做某事的习惯,某事自然如何或在预料之中,表示过去时间用would。12. B
考查情态动词would的用法。句意:-速成食疗"能减肥,我全力以赴。-但是运动会更好。It would be better to do sth.做某事将会更好,委婉地提出建议。13. C
考查情态动词may的用法。句意:既然你的工作干完了,再待下去毫无意义,你还是回去的好。may as well还不如,不妨......,还是......的好。14. C
本题考查情态动词。句意:贝琳达不能仅仅因为自己老大就独占那个玩具。mustn't do一定不要做某事;wouldn't不想,不愿;needn't不必;daren't不敢。Ⅱ.完成句子19.way out of20. only if21. What about22.Never mind23. sounds fine24. have been around25. heard him singing26. found the window broken27. is a student allowedⅢ.完成对话28.C
32.D【综合应用 提高训练】Ⅰ.选词填空1. prediction2. slope3. indicated4. permission5. present6. negative7. plain8. immense9. coastal10. geographicalⅡ.句型转换11.made up my mind12.I that13. get a kick out of14.There is a saying that15.In my viewⅢ.书面表达  Good afternoon, everyone!  The topic of my speech today is "Being a Good Listener".Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narro teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed.  What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stop others till th show you are interested by a supportive silenc be open-minded to different opinions even though you don't like them. In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.  Thank you for your listening!Section Ⅲ Cultural Corner点金测评·创新训练【基础巩固 全面训练】Ⅰ.单词拼写1.imagine2. view3. stick4. followed5. kickedⅡ.单项选择6.C
句意为"我从来没见过你说的那种人"。本句中汉语中的"说",其实是"用语言描述"的意思"。8. A
rip off表示"敲诈",符合句意。这句话的意思是"旅客们常抱怨在买纪念品时经常被当地的小贩们敲诈"。9.A
get a kick out of it表示"从中获得很大的乐趣"。10.C 考查"感官动词+宾语+宾补"结构。see sb.doing sth. 强调动作正在进行。根据句意要选C项。11.C
句意:当他还是个孩子的时候,他经常到那里去看修车。truck作watch的宾语,只有车"正在被修理"时才能看到,故用being repaired作宾补。【综合应用 提高训练】Ⅰ.根据汉语提示完成句子1.have a good view of2.gets a kick out of3. be ripped off4.In view of5. was influenced byⅡ. 选词填空6. at least
10. gets a kick out of11. favorite
12. describe
13. follow
14. choose
15. exceptⅢ. 短文改错16. friend→friends
17. spend→spent
18. Thank→Thanks
19. √20. for后接 a
21. 去掉off
22. him→her
23. has→had.24. kept 后接in
25. see→seeingⅣ. 对话填空26.attention


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