cuir veritable翻译成中文这是什么意思 翻译

adj. 真正的
The public gave her a veritable ovation.
It's a veritable floating palace in the sky.
1.often used as intensifiers
a regular morass of details
a regular nincompoop
he's a veritable swine
2.not counterfeit or copied
an authentic signature
a bona fide manuscript
an unquestionable antique
photographs taken in a veritable bull ring
1.A veritable mountain of garbage
2.The public gave her a veritable ovation
3.The public gave her a veritable ovation.
4.It's a veritable floating palace in the sky.
5.We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland.
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cuir veritable翻译成中文是什么意思
cuir veritable翻译成中文是什么意思
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例句与用法1.At ten minutes past five albert entered overjoyed . the harlequin had reassumed her peasant s costume , and as she passed she raised her mask那些女丑角又换上了农家的服装,当她经过的时候,她曾抬起了她的面具。 2.And then you won t know me , and i shall not be your jane eyre any longer , but an ape in a harlequin s jacket - a jay in borrowed plumes“那你就不认识我了,先生,我不再是你的简.爱,而是穿了丑角衣装的猴子一只披了别人羽毛的八哥。 3.The women shimmered in claret - coloured velvets and harlequin headscarves , and the young men flaunted black bomber - jackets and flared jeans女人们穿着深红色天鹅绒,头戴花格头巾,神采奕奕,而穿着松紧口夹克和阔摆牛仔裤的小伙子们也很招摇。 4.On hong kong island , try the harlequin bar in the mandarin oriental , or jj s in the grand hyatt . in tsim sha tsui , drop into felix at the peninsula or the regent s lobby lounge不妨选一家酒店,窝在酒廊的角落,全情投入醉人美景和悠扬的现场音乐当中当然您也可与情人到卡拉ok ,凭歌传情。 5.When you arrive at the first step of the church of san giacomo , be sure to fasten a knot of rose - colored ribbons to the shoulder of your harlequin costume , in order that you may be recognized当您到达圣甲珂摩教堂第一级台阶的时候,务必请在您那套小丑服装的肩头绑上一绺玫瑰色缎带,以便借此辨认。 6.The survey , conducted in 16 countries by cana - dian romance publisher harlequin enterprises , asked men and women on six continents about traits they liked or disliked and how they went about trying to meet mr . or ms这项调查是加拿大言情读物出版商哈利奎公司进行的,所涉及的对象分布于世界6大洲的16个国家。 7.Pounds and his team set out to test whether fungal disease exacerbated by climate change could explain the loss of 70 or so species of harlequin frog ( atelopus ) from the highlands of central and south america庞兹和他的团队开始检验:由于气候变化而加重的真菌疾病是否能解释中南美洲高地大约70种小丑蛙的损失。 8.This belief was changed into certainty when franz saw the bouquet conspicuous by a circle of white camellias in the hand of a charming harlequin dressed in rose - colored satin . the evening was no longer joy , but delirium这种猜测不久便得到了确定,因为弗兰兹看到那个花球有一圈白色的山茶花为记已到了一个身穿玫瑰红绸衫的可爱的女丑角手里。 9.The survey , conducted in 16 countries by canadian romance publisher harlequin enterprises , asked men and women on six continents about traits they liked or disliked and how they went about trying to meet mr . or ms . right据路透社1月27日报道,加拿大言情读物出版商harlequin公司日前着手进行了此项调查,所涉及的对象分布于世界6大洲的16个国家。 10.The fetes are veritable pleasure days to the italians . the author of this history , who has resided five or six years in italy , does not recollect to have ever seen a ceremony interrupted by one of those events so common in other countries . albert was triumphant in his harlequin costume过节是意大利人真正快乐的日子,本书的作者曾在意大利住过五六年,可想不起有哪一次典礼上发生过意外事件,而那种事在我国的一些庆祝活动中却常常接二连三地发生。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
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简明英汉词典nominal[5nCminl]adj.名义上的, 有名无实的, 名字的, [语]名词性的n.名词性词美国传统词典[双解]nominalnom.i.nalAHD:[n?m“…-n…l] D.J.[6n%m*n*l]K.K.[6n$m*n*l]adj.(形容词)(1)Of, resembling, relating to, or consisting of a name or names.名字的,列名的:属于、象、关于或包含名字的(2)Assigned to or bearing a person's name:提名的,记名的:指定或带有一个人的名字的:nominal shares.记名股票(3)Existing in name only.名义上的:仅存在于名字的(4)Philosophy Of or relating to nominalism.【哲学】 唯名论的:属于或关于唯名论的(5)I trifling:微不足道的:不重要的;无足轻重的:a nominal sum.象征性的区区小数(6)Business 【贸易】 (7)Of, relating to, or being the amount or face value of a sum of money or a stock certificate, for example, and not the purchasing power or market value.面值的,非市场价值的:属于、关于或是一笔钱或者股票证券的票面价值量的,而并非购买力市场价值(8)Of, relating to, or being the rate of interest or return without adjustment for compounding or inflation.单纯利率的:属于、关于,或是末经复利计算或扣除通货膨胀因素的利率或偿还的(9)Grammar Of or relating to a noun or word group that functions as a noun.【语法】 名词性的:属于或关于名词或其作用是名词的词类的(10)Aerospace Engineering According to plan or design:【太空学】 【工程学】 按计划进行的:根据计划或设计的:a nominal flight check.例行的飞行检查n.Grammar (名词)【语法】 A word or group of words functioning as a noun.名词性的词:其作用为名词的词或一组词语源(1)Middle English nominalle [of nouns] 中古英语 nominalle [名词的] (2)from Latin n?3lis} [of names] 源自 拉丁语 n?3lis} [名字的] (3)from n?n n?min- [name] * see nò-men- 源自 n?n n?min- [名字] *参见 nò-men- 继承用法nom“inallyadv.(副词)现代英汉词典nominal[5nRmIn(E)l]adj.(1)名义上的,有名无实的the nominal leader挂名领导(2)极小的,微不足道的(金额)sold at a nominal price以象征性的价钱卖出(3)就当时行情而定的现代英汉综合大辞典nominal[5nCminl]adj.(1)名义上的; 有名无实的(2)列名的, 名字的(3)名称上的; 票面上的; 标[公]称的; 标[额]定的; 铭牌[规定]的(4)(金额)微不足道的, 微少的, 象征性的(5)【语】名词性的(6)按计划进行的; 令人满意的nominal chairman名义主席a nominal list of the children所有孩子的名单a nominal par票面价格nominal horse power标称[公称, 额定]马力a nominal register名册a nominal compound predicate名词性合成谓语nominal substitution名词性替代a nominal sum极少的数目nominal damages【律】象征性赔偿Food is supplied at a nominal cost.廉价供应食物。Everything was nominal during the test.试验中一切进行顺利。词性变化nominal[5nCminl]n.名词性的词(指名词、形容词、代词)继承用法nominalism[5nRmInElIz(E)m]n.【哲】唯名论nominalist[`nCmInElIst]n.【哲】唯名论者nominalistic[9nCmInE`lIstIk]adj.【哲】唯名论(者)的nominally[`nCmInElI]adv.空有其名英文相关词典nominalpractical&&&&real&&&&veritable&&&&[七国语言]英汉地质大词典nominal命名的[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典nominal标称的, 额定的[七国语言]英汉公共大词典nominal名义的[七国语言]英汉矿业大词典nominal公称的, 标称的美国传统词典nominalnom.i.nalAHD:[n?m“…-n…l] D.J.[6n%m*n*l]K.K.[6n$m*n*l]adj.(1)Of, resembling, relating to, or consisting of a name or names.(2)Assigned to or bearing a person's name:nominal shares.(3)Existing in name only.(4)Philosophy Of or relating to nominalism.(5)I trifling:a nominal sum.(6)Business (7)Of, relating to, or being the amount or face value of a sum of money or a stock certificate, for example, and not the purchasing power or market value.(8)Of, relating to, or being the rate of interest or return without adjustment for compounding or inflation.(9)Grammar Of or relating to a noun or word group that functions as a noun.(10)Aerospace Engineering According to plan or design:a nominal flight check.n.Grammar A word or group of words functioning as a noun.语源(1)Middle English nominalle [of nouns] (2)from Latin n?3lis} [of names] (3)from n?n n?min- [name] * see nò-men- 继承用法nom“inallyadv.英汉船舶大词典nominal n.标称的,额定,公称的 英汉电力大词典nominal n.额定的,标称的,名义上的 朗文英汉综合电脑词典nominal 【修】标称,额定,指定 英汉电信大词典nominal n.标称的 英汉地质大词典nominal n.公称的,标称的,额定的 英汉法学大词典nominal 名义上 ,有名无实 ;adj.名义 ,票面 英汉纺织大词典nominal n.标称的,额定的,公称的 英汉广播大词典nominal n.标称的,额定的 英汉航海大词典nominal n.名义的 英汉航空大词典nominal n.标称的,名义的;n.标称的,名义上的 英汉化学大词典nominal adj.标称的,名义上的,极小的 英汉海运大词典nominal 公称的,标称的,额定的名义的 基本词义nominal 公称的,标定的,额定的,名义的 基本词义nominal 公称的,标称的,名义的,额定的 基本词义nominal 标称的,公称的,标定的,额定的,名义的 英汉经贸大词典nominal n.名义的 英汉计算机大词典nominal adj.标称的(名义上的,极小的) 英汉机械大词典nominal n.标称的,公称的 英汉建筑大词典nominal adj.额定的 英汉汽车大词典nominal n.额定的,标准的 英汉水利大词典nominal n.标称的,名义上的,铭牌的 英汉心理学大词典nominal 名义的 英汉冶金大词典nominal n.标称的,额定的 英汉造纸大词典nominal n.额定,公称,标称
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