she slept poorlyin and didns catch the train翻译。。

英语翻译When i slept in the class ,i was called to go out to the office .That's all right .I don't mind it .
&2013 Baidu综合英语2翻译及部分改写答案_百度文库
他们说。”王后听说白雪公主没有死. She said,但是;Do not be afraid. II will tell you?”于是魔镜开口说道;s house:“王后是世界上最漂亮的?”王后说, she asked, &quot.&quot。”然后.But the Queen was very ill. She called:“我有一些漂亮的苹果,墙上的魔镜:“王后是世界上最漂亮的,白雪公主和七个小矮人在这座小屋里生活着.&quot,不巧一个仆人跌倒了,你会知道它味道不错. Snow-Everyone who goes by will see how beautiful she was, glass upon the wall?”这时. Every day the queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was. When they saw that Snow-white was dead. And I shall call her Snow-white,我吃苹果白的一半,跟我来. Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut,他发现白雪公主躺在里面,告诉我们你是怎么来这儿的。可怜的小矮人们全都哭了.They said。然后:“我告诉你们,王子告诉他的仆人抬起棺材, I will eat this white side of the apple: &quot. She was sitting at the window.But one Little Man said,熊会吃了我的;The Little Men said, &quot:“不要害怕, glass upon the wall, and saw the seven Little Men with their big beards standing near her bed.The Little Men came back to the hut。他回去告诉了王后;,王后生了个小孩。然后. He saw the glass box and said. One of the Queen&#39: she awoke。”小矮人们说。在小屋里:“有人正睡在我的小床上.Poor Snow-white sat at the foot of a tree and cried,她知道你没有死。他们说;Snow-white is not more beautiful than I am,她说,白雪公主长成大人了。王后拿来一个苹果. ShShe is very beautiful, &quot,坐起来说,我们是你的好朋友,我从来没有见过一位像你这么美丽的人.&quot. Then she will know that you are not dead. They took up the box。一个人去把这些消息告诉了坏王后,这样;Some days after that the Queen had a child:“我想我的孩子能够像这布一样白, and they went away,但是; All the seven Little Men came to look at Snow-white as she slept on the Little Men&#39.&The Prince said. Then she saw that night was coming, and went in。但是, & Then he saw Snow-white in the box,在父亲的王宫里有一座大厅。如果你出去了;Tell me,她打开小屋的门,她又喝了一个杯子中的一些水, she will make some other man kill you:“她太美丽了;I shall not kill you,还有一张桌子,我不能呆在这儿了, &quot,对着镜子说;When the Queen heard this:“我不哭了。”于是, and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses. The glass could speak, and put some s room.The hut was the home of seven Little Men,一个小矮人说。可是一个小矮人说, &quot. If the Queen sees you, Then she told them her story,她坐在窗户旁.&quot?&quot, and was a very happy and beautiful child, &quot,这时,穿一件小蓝上衣.&quot. But see that the door shut when we are not in the house with you,七个小矮人去睡觉,喝小杯里的水;s bed.&quot,她看到天快黑了。你就呆在森林里. Then she fell asleep on one of the seven little beds, and took his little lamp。当天黑下来的时候。”接着她就给他们讲述了自己的经历, she fell down dead. Come with me and be my Queen.&I have some pretty apples. every day the Queen looked i you eat the red side. Each Little Man came into the hut,墙上的魔镜。白雪公主活了下来, she was very angry, and a little blue coat,进了自己的房间; Then he went awaySnow-whiteOnce there was a Queen。王后去世一年以后.&quot. she looked into the glass and said,她穿上一身旧衣服。如果王后发现你,安放在那里,小路上是雪,万物一片白茫茫,一位王子从此经过。她吃了其中一块面包,说.Snow-white lived and was very happy ever after.I:“那是什么。但是. She said:“我不会杀死你的。”然后; So Snow-white lived in the hut with the seven Little MSnow-white awoke:“白雪公主没有我漂亮. The box fell,小矮人都坐下. The bit of apple fell out of her mouth:“把白雪公主带到森林中杀掉;s servants was going through the forest, &quot:“我这是在哪儿. There was snow outside in the garden-snow on the
but do not go to the King&#39,我们把玻璃棺材搬到那所漂亮的白石大厅里。可怜的白雪公主坐在一棵树底下哭了, &quot. She called one of the servants,她很害怕;What is that, &quot,开始吃面包, & some friends will help you。王后回到家,因为她太美丽太善良了. Translation for Reference(参考译文)白雪公主从前; Then each Little Man put one white flower on the box. Then they put Snow-white in a box made of glass. I never saw anyone as beautiful as you,但他没有杀死她。把棺材也摔到地上. Eat one of my pretty apples,她倒下去死了,这个孩子白得像雪一样.&quot, &quot,想雪一样白。”于是. There is a hall in the garden of my father&#39, and drank his little glass of water. Each Little Man had a big beard?&quot,并把它抬到山坡上,王后坐在床上哭了。”仆人带着白雪公主到了森林:“你跟我在一起,几天以后就去世了, and Snow-white fell with the box:“我想喝点水, and will tell someone to kill you.&quot,她是一个十分幸福和美丽的孩子.&quot, &quot?”白雪公主拿着苹果说,坏王后会发现你. In the hut she saw seven little beds, the King married another Queen. The QIWhere am I; The Queen was very angry when she heard that Snow-white was not dead,走了进去。”然后, &quot. We are your friends,白雪公主一直生活得很幸福, &quot.&quot,她成了王后, and he saw her, &quot. There is no one who is more beautiful than I am,王后照着镜子说:“瞧,他们把白雪公主放进玻璃棺材里。”另一个小矮人说, and said。他们刚刚要离开. Live here with us,王后得了重病。之后,白雪公主去了一趟花园,吃一个尝尝吧,谁是世界上最漂亮的,然后离开了,当她听到这些;The Queen is mSomeone has drunk my little glass of water,有一个王后。小矮人们回到小屋. It is all made of white stone.&quot?&Someone is sleeping on my little bed,她叫来一个仆人说?&quot. Then you will know that it is good,桌子上有七块小面包和七个小杯子;s house,这面镜子会说话.&quot. She said,会有朋友来帮助你的。每个小矮人都留着一副大胡子, and came out to her。”几天之后, &quot,你吃红的一半; And the glass spoke and said.The Queen was making a coat for a little child,他走了. Then she said,她说。”白雪公主醒了:“每位经过这里的人都会看见她是多么美丽. The Queen called her Snow-Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her, &quot,山上是雪:“这好吃吗, the poor Little Men cried. Wait here in the forest: the bears will eat me?&The servant took Snow-white to the forest. When it was night,她看到七张小床,她躺在一张小床上睡着了; Snow-Sh Then the seven Little Men went to bed。”七个小矮人都过来看睡在小矮人床上的白雪公主, and after some days she died.&quot.&quot,做我的王后吧,把一些毒的粉末放在这个洞里:“别害怕。”于是.One year after that.&quot, & The Queen said,王后知道白雪公主已经死了?”王子说。”过了数年,当粉末进入她嘴里时,墙上的魔镜。”然后; The glass said. The new Queen was very beautiful,她会看到你的;The Prince married Snow-white, and said。小矮人进了小屋;Tell me. When she heard it she was so angry that she fell down dead. I will find some house where I can sleep tonight. Just then one of the servants fell down。王后正在为小孩做一件上衣. They took the glass box to a hill and put it there, &quot, &quot. Then Take her, who is most beautiful of all, but one Little Man said,那块苹果从她嘴里掉了出来;The Queen is most beautiful of all,王后从她的房间走出来,出来见她. She ate one of the loaves,我要找所房子今晚好睡觉。一个巫师给了新王后一面镜子。”白雪公主吃了苹果红的一半:“白雪公主在森林的一座小屋里,它挂在王后房间的墙上, &quot:“屋里有人吗:“她真漂亮; but she was not a good woman。王后的一个仆人正经过这片森林;Is any one there,她会让别人杀死你的;Snow-white is most beautiful of all,然后,但是. He said。王后说, the bad Queen will find you,整个大厅都是用白石头砌成。”王子和白雪公主结婚了。当白雪公主是一个年轻姑娘时.After one hour the Queen went out of her room,王后很生气:“告诉我, who is most beautiful of all.The Queen took an apple:“白雪公主是世界上最漂亮的. Do not go out,我要叫她&#39,她说,白雪公主随同棺材跌了下来,因为, and ate his little loaf,会让人来杀死你,他发现了阿,每天王后照着镜子.Just as they were going away。这座小屋是七个小矮人的家,她在苹果红的一边挖了一个洞, because she was so beautiful and so good.A wizard had given this Queen a glass,他说, the seven Little Men came to the hut. She made a hole in the red side of the apple,然后说,发现白雪公主死了. Tell See。一小时后:“有人把我的小杯子里的水喝了, but he did not kill her. When the powder was in her mouth: &quot,千万别出去. The Little men said. The child was white as snow,你一定要关上门?&quot, &quot, a P白雪公主'You are with me. As she looked in the glass, because the Queen is angry and she will see you。他说,有一天,气得倒下死去了,没有一个人比我更漂亮:“抬走她吧,发现七个留着大胡子的小矮人正站在她床旁.&Tell me。每年小矮人们都来看她, &quot: all things were white with snow,把能把她放在这里,我们不在家的时候. She was afraid:“告诉我. We will take the glass box and put it in the hall of beautiful white stone,七个小矮人回到小屋。”她往森林深处走去; Snow-white took the apple and said,她发现了一座小屋; And the glass said,非常恼怒;Year went by,她问, &quot,王后给她取名为“白雪公主”,这时,去了小屋;Someone has eaten my little loaf, who is most beautiful of all, and said. If you go out. Snow-white grew up and became a little girl。”接着每个小矮人在棺材上放了一朵白花: but do not put her there:“告诉我。”魔镜说,谁是世界上最漂亮的, &quot. The Queen went back to her house, and she became his Queen。她手中拿着些布和一枚针;IDo not be afraid. She opened the door of the hut,树上和屋顶上也积着雪,谁是世界上最漂亮的人,她手中的不就像雪一样洁白,Then the Queen sat Snow-white ate the red side of the apple。他们抬起它时。她喊。几天以后。从那以后, &quot。当她照镜子的时候。小矮人们说. And the Little Men came to see her every year,每个人都点上他们的小灯. Then each Little MShe went far into the forest.& Then the Prince told his servants to take up the box.&quot. They said. There was a table,他看着玻璃棺材说。”白雪公主说;I wantI want my child to be white as this cloth。就在这儿和我们住在一起;Snow-white is in a hut in the forest. He went and told the Q And another Little Man said:“有人把我小面包吃了。”当王后听到这些话时,她醒了过来; Snow-white opened the door?&quot。窗外的花园里积满了雪, snow on the hunts and on the trees, white as the snow,她不是一个善良的女人.After some days Snow-white went into the garden。新王后十分漂亮?”白雪公主打开门; Then the Queen know that Snow-white was dead?”魔镜说. He said,十分恼火.&quot,你不能回王宫.A man went and told this to the bad Q So she drank some water out of one of the glasses.&quot,欣赏自己多么漂亮, &quot,国王又娶了一位王后. It was on the wall in the Queen&#39
我先给你翻译了一下中译英我也不能完全确定就是正确的希望对你有些用处 1. I will go out and find a bookstore where I can buy sevral dictionaries when the second week I entering the college.
2.Those people in the meetting
who are my
3. She供埂垛忌艹涣讹惟番隶 couldn't catch the train for she slept in yesterday morning
adjust myself to the college life very soon .
5.They had found out who is
this people.
6. When is the ship
supposed to leave?
看看吧,有些好像也会不通顺,你可以自己修改一下。英译汉 1.可以做自己、与友好的人交谈并且能够期待星期五放假,这些就是我喜欢的大学生活。
3.开学的第一天我们的数学老师介绍自己给我们班,让我们认识了原本还不认识的人。 4.上了年纪的人通常不会为做过的事后悔,而是为没做的事情遗憾。


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