象say you believee ,say ,hear ,kown 这样的词叫什么词

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06:53 在大作中提到:好多,眼睛都看花了。谢谢~
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贵高谭老师 于
14:53 在大作中提到:非常感谢版主清风
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[quote title=清风拂面 于
19:14 在大作中提到
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(1)English is so important that we have to learn it well.
(2)I don't know what I shall do.
(3)It seemed that the bat was a friend of birds.
(4)I didn't know where I shall sit.
(5)I am excited that I can talk with you.
(6)It happened that he was sleeping when I went to see him.
(7)He pretended that he had seen the film.
(8)It is said that our school will build a new library.
& &Our school_________________________________.
(9)It is well known that the moon goes around the earth.
& &The moon_____________________________________.
(10)It seemed that she had succeeded in drawing that portrait.
& &She seemed________________________________.
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(1)English is so important to have to learn&&well.
(2)I don't know what to do.
(3)The bat seemed to be a friend of birds.
(4)I didn't know where to sit.
(5)I am excited to talk with you.
(6)He happened to be sleeping when I went to see him.
(7)He pretended to have seen the film.
(8)Our school is said to build a new library.
Our school_________________________________.
(9)It is well known that the moon goes around the earth.
The moon____is well known to go around the earth_____________________________.
(10)It seemed that she had succeeded in drawing that portrait.
She seemed&&to have succeeded in drawing that portrait.
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It seemed that sb did sth=Sb seemed to do sth.
It happened that sb did sth=Sb happened to do sth .
It is well known that sth. do sth=Sth. is well kown to do sth.
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& &&&我是一名初中英语教师,上师专时学的本是英语系。现在很想提高自己的口语水平,我该怎么做呢?请指教。
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。名词性从句很少用which,有which 时肯定是表示“那一个”。而定语从句不用what引导。that在定语从句里当宾语,主语。& &
二.状语从句:修饰整句话,用when,until,as soon as ,because,if之类表示主句的时间.原因,条件,方式,让步等从句。状语从句用现在时表示将来时,现在完成时表示将来完成时。
& && && && && && && && &定语从句解释
& &关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词有when, where, why等。
& && & 关系词通常有下列三个作用:A、引导定语从句;B、代替先行词;C、在定语从句中担当一个成分。关系代词在充当从句的宾语时可以省略,其它都不能省略。例如:
& &The man who&&is shaking hands with my father& &is a policeman.&&该句中,who is&&shaking hands with my father 是定语从句,who不能省略。
I am a girl who likes singing.
This is a school& &which/that is large.
The school&&which/that is large. is my mother school.修饰先行词the man, “who”是引导定语从句的关系词,代替先行词the man,在定语从句中作主语。
The boys who are playing football are from Class One.& & 正在踢足球的男孩是一班的。
Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning.& &想去博物馆的人必须在明晨7点到大门口集合。
& &&&Yesterday I helped an old man& &who had lost his way.& && &昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。
& &&&That is the teacher& &who teaches us physics.& && &&&那就是教我们物理的老师。
坐在后面的男孩是我们的班长。The boy ——is our monitor。
我讨厌那个在上课时说话的女孩。I hate the girl-----------。
& &&&Mr Liu is the person ( whom ) you talked about on the bus.& && &刘先生就是你们在公共汽车上谈论的那个人。
Li Ming is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see.& && &李明正是我想要见的男孩。
& &The professor ( whom ) you are waiting for has come.& && &你正在等的教授已经来了。
& &The girl ( whom ) the teacher often praises is our monitor.& & 老师经常表扬的那个女孩是我们的班长。
& &注意:关系代词whom 在口语或非正式文体中常可用who 来代替,也可省略。
& && & The man ( whom / who )you met just now is my old friend.
3.Which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。
Football is a game which is liked by most boys.& &足球是大多数男孩所喜欢的运动。
The factory which makes computers is far away from here.& &制造计算机的那家公司离这儿很远。
He likes to read books which are written by foreign writers.& &他喜欢外国作家写的书。
The house which is by the lake looks nice.& &湖边的那幢房子看上去很漂亮。
This is the pen ( which ) he bought yesterday.& && &&&这是他昨天买的钢笔。
The film ( which ) they went to see last night was not interesting at all.& &他们昨晚看的电影一点意思也没有。
4.That 指人时,相当于who 或whom;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。
The number of people that / who come to visit this city each year reaches one million.& &每年来参观这座城市的人数达一百万。
Where is the man that / whom I saw this morning?& &我今天早上看到的那个人在哪儿?
The person that /whom you introduced to me is very kind.& &你介绍给我的那个人很友好。
The season that / which comes after spring is summer.& &春天以后的季节是夏季。
Yesterday I received a letter that / which came from Australia.& &昨天我收到了一封来自澳大利亚的信。
只能用that三种情况:1.不定代词后all that,sth .that2.最高级后3.序数后
只能用which: 1.在介词后2.在逗号后的非限制定从.
I visited& &a scientist whose name is known all over the country.& &我拜访了一个全国知名的科学家。
He has a friend&&whose father is a doctor.& &他有一个爸爸当医生的朋友。
I once lived in the house&&whose roof has fallen in.
I have a book_whose__ cover is red& &我曾经住在那幢屋顶已经倒塌了的房子里。
The classroom& &whose door is broken will soon be repaired.
The classroom& &the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.
Do you like the book& &whose cover is yellow?
Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow?&&
The school (which / that/x) he once studied&&in is very famous.
The school&&in which he once studied is very famous.&&他曾经就读过的学校很出名。
Tomorrow I'll bring here the magazine (which / that) you asked for.
Tomorrow I’ll bring here the magazine&&for which you asked.明天我将把你要的杂志带来。
This is the boy (whom / who / that) I played tennis with yesterday.
This is the boy with whom I played tennis&&yesterday. 这是我昨天跟他打台球的男孩。
We'll go to hear the famous singer (whom / who / that) we have often talked about.
We’ll go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often talked.我们将去听那位我们经常谈论的著名歌唱家演唱。
The man with whom I talked just now is a doctor.
The man x /who/whom/that I talked with just now is a doctor.
The manager whose company I work in pays much attention to improving our working conditions.
The manager in whose company I work pays much attention to improving our working conditions.
注意:1. 含有介词的转义短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如:look for, look after,(这两个“look”都不是“看”了,词义转化了。 take care of “care”不是“细心”了。
This is the watch (which / that) I am looking for.& & (正)& &&&这是我正在找的手表。
This is the watch for which I am looking .& & (误)
The babies (whom / who / that) the nurse is looking after are very healthy.& & (正)&&那个保姆照看的小宝宝们都很健康。
The babies after whom the nurse is looking are very healthy.& &(误)
2.若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时只可用whom,不可用who, that;关系代词指物时只可用which,不可用that。关系代词是所有格时用whose。
The man&&with whom you talked just now is my neighbour.& & (正)&&你刚才跟他谈话的那个人是我的邻居。
The man with that / who you talked just now is my neighbour.& & (误)
The plane&&in which we flew to Canada was really comfortable.& & (正)我们去加拿大所乘坐的飞机实在很舒服。
The plane& &in that we flew to Canada was really comfortable.& & (误)
3.“介词+关系代词”前还可有some, any, none, all, both, neither, many, most, each, few等代词或者数词。可以是介词短语如:
This is our classroom, in front&&of& &which there is a tree.
The students , 25 of&&whom are girls,& && && & like watching TV.
He loves his parents deeply,&&both of whom are very kind to him.& &他深深地爱着他的父母,他们俩待他都很好。
In the basket there are quite many apples,&&some of which have gone bad.& & 篮子里有好些苹果,有些已经坏了。
There are forty students in our class in all,&&most of whom are from big cities.& && & 我们班总共有40个学生,大多数来自大城市。
Up to now, he has written ten stories,&&three of which are about country life.& && & 迄今为止,他写了10部小说,其中3部是关于农村生活的。
& &&&I still remember&&the day when I first came to this school.& && & 我仍然记得我第一次来到这所学校的那一天。
In&&This year when I was born&&,there is a flood
& &&&The time when we got together finally arrived.& && & 我们团聚的时刻终于到了。
& &&&October 1, 1949 was the day when the People’s Republic of China was founded.& && & 日是中华人民共和国成立的日子。
& &&&Do you remember the years when he lived in the countryside with his grandparents.& && & 你还记得在农村和你祖父母一起生活的那些年吗?
Shanghai is the city where I was born.&&上海是我出生的城市。
The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.&&我十年前住的房子已经被拆掉了。
I visited the farm where a lot of cows were raised .&&我参观了那个饲养了许多奶牛的农场。
Is this the place where they fought the enemy?&&这是他们当初打敌人的地方吗?
Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane.&&请告诉我你误机的原因。
The reason why he was punished is unknown to us.&&他受惩罚的原因我们都不知道。
I don’t know the reason why he looks unhappy today.&&我不知道他今天为什么看上去不愉快。
& &&&注意:关系副词引导的定语从句经常可以用“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句来表示。如:
& &&&From the years when / in which he was going to primary school in the country he had known what he wanted to be when he grew up.& && & 自从他在农村读小学时,他就已经知道长大后要做什么。
& &&&Great changes are taking place in the city where / in which they live.& && & 他们生活的城市正发生巨大的变化。
& &&&The reason&&why / for which he refused the invitation is quite clear.& && & 他为什么拒绝接受邀请的原因是十分明了的。
The student who is tall is named Li Ping.
Li Ping, who is very tall, is dressed in red.
The students who arrived yesterday began to be trained.
The students who arrived yesterday began to be trained.
The students who arrived yesterday began to be trained.昨天来的学生已开始军训.(其它的末开始)
The students&&, who arrived yesterday.began to be trained学生们已开始军训,他们是昨天来的.
His house,which he bought last year,is burned.
The house&&限制性定从是句子中不可缺少的组成部分,不可删除,删除后句子意思不完整..
限制性常译成:先行词的定语:“...的+先行词+主句其它部分”The boy who was dressed in white is named Tom.
非限制性通常译成主句的并列句,即两句各自独立的句子。Tom,who is dressed in white,is good at English .
C.可用who 代替whom
C.不可用who 代替whom
The teacher told me that Tom was the only person that I could depend on.&&老师告诉我说汤姆是我唯一的可以依靠的人。
China is a country which has a long history.&&中国是一个历史悠久的国家。
In the street I saw a man who was from Africa.&&在街上我看到一个来自非洲的人。
非限制性定语从句举例 :
His mother, who loves him very much, is strict with him.&&他妈妈十分地爱他,对他要求很严格。
China, which was founded in 1949, is becoming more and more powerful.&&中国是1949年成立的, 现在正变得越来越强大。
Last summer I visited the People’s Great Hall, in which many important meetings are held every year.&&去年夏天,我参观了人民大会堂,在那儿每年都要举行许多重要会议。
1.&&The brother who is now a soldier always encourages her to go to college.
& & 她那当兵的哥哥总是鼓励她上大学。(意含: 她还有其他哥哥。)
& &Her brother, who is now a soldier, always encourages her to go to college.
& &她哥哥是当兵的,他总是鼓励她上大学。(意含: 她只有一个哥哥。)
2.&&All the books that have pictures in them are well written.
& & 所有里面带插图的书都写得很好。(意含: 不带插图的书则不一定写得好。)
All the books, which have pictures in them, are well written.
& &所有的书都带插图,这些书都写得很好。(意含: 没有不带插图的书。)
(一)限制性定语从句中只能用that 引导定语从句的情况
1.当先行词是everything, anything, nothing (something 除外), all, none, few, little, some等代词时,或当先行词受every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等代词修饰时。如:
Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li said?&&李老师讲的你都记下来了吗?
There seems to be nothing that is impossible to him in the world.&&对他来说似乎世界上没有什么不可能的事。
All that can be done has been done.&&所有能做的都做好了。
There is little that I can do for you.&&我不能为你干什么。
He stayed in the library and looked up any information that they needed.&&他呆在图书馆查找所需的资料。
Any man that / who has a sense of duty won’t do such a thing.&&任何有责任感的人都不会做这样的事。
All the guests that / who were invited to her wedding were important people.&&所有应邀来参加她婚礼的客人都是重要人物。
The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben.&&在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。
This is the best film that I have ever seen.&&这是我看过的最好的电影。
4.当先行词被the very, the only修饰时。如:
This is the very dictionary that I want to buy.&&这正是我要买的词典。
After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owns.&&家里发生了火灾过后,那辆旧车成了他的唯一拥有。
Wang Hua is the only person in our school who will attend the meeting.&&王华是我校唯一出席会议的人。
5.当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时。如:
Who is the man that is standing by the gate?&&站在门口的那个人是谁?
Which is the T-shirt that fits me most?&&哪件T恤衫最合我的身?
They talked about the persons and things that they remembered at school&&他们谈论着他们所能记起的在校时的人和事。
Look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street. 瞧瞧那个沿街走来的人和他的 毛驴。 
(二)关系代词as和which 引导的定语从句
as 和which 引导非限制性定语从句时, 其用法有相同之处,也有不同之处。具体情况是:
1.& && & as 和which都可以在定语从句中做主语或宾语,代表前面整个句子。如:
He married her, as / which was natural.&&他跟她结婚了,这是很自然的事。
He is honest, as&&we can see.&&他很诚实, 这一点我们看得出来。(表示人从日常主观常识,经验对某一事情的看法,评价,用as为妥.)
& &2. as 引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在主句之前、主句之后,甚至还可以分割主句。 which 引导的非限制性定语从句只可放在主句之后。另外,as 常常有“正如、正像”的含义。如:
As is known to all, China is a developing country.& &众所周知,中国是发展中国家。
He is from the south, as we can know from his accent.&&他是南方人,这一点我们从他的口音可以知道。
John, as you know, is a famous writer.&&正如你所知, 约翰是个著名作家。
Zhang Hua has been to Paris more than ten times, which I don’t believe.&&张华已去过巴黎十多次了,这一点我不相信。
Tom was late for school again and again, which made his teacher very angry.&&汤姆老是迟到,这使得老师很恼火。
These tables are made of metal, which made them very heavy.&&这些桌子是金属的,这使得这些桌子很重。
1.&&当先行词受such, the same 修饰时,关系词常用as。 如:
I’ve never heard such stories as he tells.&&我从未听过象他讲的这样的故事。
He is not such a fool as he looks.&&他可不象他看上去的那样傻。
This is the same dictionary as I lost last week.&&这部词典跟我上星期丢失的一样。
注意:当先行词受the same 修饰时,偶尔也用 that引导定语从句,但与as引导的定语从句意思有区别。如:
She wore the same dress that she wore at Mary’s wedding.&&她穿着她在玛丽婚礼上穿过的同一条连衣裙。
She wore the same dress as her younger sister wore.&&她穿着跟她妹妹所穿的一样的连衣裙。
& &(三) 以the way为先行词的限制性定语从句通常由in which或that引导,而且通常可以省略。如:
The way (that / in which ) he answered the questions was surprising.&&他回答这些问题的方式令人惊奇。
& && &I don’t like the way (that / in which) you laugh at her.& && &&&我不喜欢你冲她的样子。
& & 用关系代词还是关系副词引导定语从句主要看关系词在定语从句中的作用(即所担当的成分)。试比较:
A.&&I know a place where we can have a picnic.& && &我知道一个我们可以野炊的地方。
& &&&I know a place which / that is famous for its beautiful natural scenery.& &我知道一个以自然景色优美而闻名的地方。
B.& &I will never forget the days when we spent our holidays together.& & 我永远忘不了我们一起度假的日子。
& && &I will never forget the days that / which we spent together.& && & 我永远忘不了我们一起度过的日子。
C.&&This is the reason why he was dismissed.& && && &&&这就是他被解雇的原因。
& &&&This is the reason that / which he explained to me for his not attending the meeting.& &&&这就是他向我解释的他没有参加会议的原因。
&&(五)but 有时也用作关系词引导定语从句。如:
& &&&There are very few but admire his talents. 很少有人不赞赏他的才干的。(but = who don’t)
& && & The plane that has just taken off is for Paris.&&(定语从句)& & 刚刚起飞的那架飞机是开往巴黎的。
& && & The fact/news&&that he has already died is quite clear. (同位语从句) 他已经去世了,这个事实很明了。内部内容
The news that/which/x I have heard is true. 定语从句 外部限制
The news that we won&&is true.
2.定语从句由关系代词或关系副词引导,关系词在从句中担当相应的句子成分,关系代词在从句中作宾语时经常可省略。同位语从句主要由连词that 引导,在从句中一般不担当成分;有时也由where, when, how, who, whether, what 等连词引导,这些连词则在从句中担当成分。
& && & The news that he told me is true.&&(定语从句)& && && &他告诉我的消息是真的。
& && & The news that he has just died is true.& &(同位语从句) 他刚刚去世了,这个消息是真的。
& && & The problem that we are facing now is how we can collect so much money. (定语从句)& & 我们现在面临的问题是如何筹集这么多资金。
& && & The problem how we can collect so much money is difficult to solve.& &(同位语从句)& &我们如何筹集这么多资金,这个问题很难解决。
& && & The question that he raised puzzled all of us.&&(定语从句)& &&&他提出的问题让我们很为难。
& && & The question whether he is sure to win the game is hard to answer.& &(同位语从句)&&他是否一定会赢得那场比赛,这个问题很难回答。
& && & 3.同位语从句与先行词一般可以用动词be发展成一个完整的句子, 而定语从句则不能。如:
& && & A. The idea that he we could ask the teacher for advice is wonderful.&&(同位语从句)我们可以向老师请教,这个主意不错。
& && && && & The idea was that we could ask the teacher for advice.
& && & B. The fact that the earth moves around the sun is known to all.&&(同位语从句)& & 地球围绕太阳转,这个事实人人皆知。
& && && && &The fact is that the earth moves around the sun.
& && && &C. Pay attention to the problem how we can protect the wild animals. (同位语从句)&&请注意如何保护野生动物这个问题。
& && && &&&The problem is how we can protect the wild animals.
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一般现在时、现在进行时、be to,be about to 都可以表示将来时,但各有特定意义:
一、表示公众活动时间表的,相对客观确定的公众普通时间表进程安排的应该用一般现在时表示将来活动:如“明天星期一。”“五次特快列车9点开”“156次飞机航班6点30分到。”等都是确定的公众活动时间表,个人不能随意改变的,应该用一般现在时来表示将来时:Tomorrow is Monday.
The train starts at 9.
The plane arrives at 6:30.
二、表示人在思想上“早有打算”的个人主观准备活动时,常用Sb be doing sth 句型,其中be going to 最典型。I am going to buy a house next year .
不单be going to 其它象leave ,start,take off,arrive等表示“出发”“动身”“到达之类的词也常用be doing 来表示早有打算的活动:He is leaving tomorrow.
The plane is taking off soon.(这是表示飞机马上要起飞的具体一次的情景.对比:The plane takes off at 6.却是天天如此的公众规律性活动。)
<font color="#、飞机公共汽车马上要起动马上要到达的情景。例句见上文。
<font color="#、 有迹象表明马上要下雨等也用:It is going to rain .
三、be to 表示按事物发展进程必定会发生的趋势或倾向的将来个人具体活动:
& &My brother is to go to school next year .(我弟弟明年八岁,一般八岁都是必然要上学读书了 。)
Be to 还可以表示语气感情色彩,表示警告、命令、威胁相当于should
All this are to be answered for .
You are to be here at 8 .
You are to be beaten .
四、be about to 表示几秒钟之后马上发生,很紧迫快速的具体情景:
I was about to go out when it began to rain .
<font color="#、飞机公共汽车马上要起动马上要到达的情景。
look,&&the plane is taking off soon. the bus is coming.
有迹象表明马上要下雨等也用:it is going to rain
tomorrow is monday.
the train starts at 9.
the plane arrives at 6:30.
the plane is taking off soon.(这是表示飞机马上要起飞的具体一次的情景.对比:the plane takes off at 6.却是天天如此的公众规律性活动。).
1.the train ________(arrive) at 8 tomorrow.
2he _______(arrive) at 8 tomorrow .
3.i_____________________(buy) a flat tomorrow .
4.i_____________________(buy) a flat in 2020.
5.he ____________(die ) when the food is used out .
6.he_____________(marry) a japanese .
7.he ____________(grow) taller and taller .
8.he ____________(grow) some flowers in his house .
9.tomorrow _______(be )&&the national day .
10.tomorrow_______(be)&&a fine day .
三、be to 表示按事物发展进程必定会发生的趋势或倾向的将来个人具体活动:
& &my brother is to go to school next year .(我弟弟明年八岁,一般八岁都是必然要上学读书了
be to 还可以表示语气感情色彩,表示警告、命令、威胁相当于should
all this are to be answered for .
you are to be here at 8 .
you are to be beaten .
四、be about to 表示“正准备做某事,这时突然。。。。”几秒钟之后马上发生,很紧迫快速的具体情景:
i was about to go out when it began to rain .
<font color="#火车明天九点到。
<font color="#。我今年要盖个房子。
<font color="#,我今年运气不好。
<font color="#,我今年做了四件事。
<font color="#,我今年要买电脑。
<font color="#。我今年老是生病。
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<font color="#,与现在事实相反: If I had 500,000 yuan , I would buy a house in Nanning at once.
2,与过去事实相反:If you had not helped me yesterday , I would have died already .
3,与将来事实相反:If I should be a king tomorrow ,I would choose you the queen 。
<font color="#,Had I&&500,000 yuan , I would buy a house in Nanning at once.
2, Had you&&not helped me yesterday , I would have died already .
3,Should I&&be a king tomorrow ,I would choose you the queen 。
His father suggested that Li ping (A.ran B .runs C.run )every morning .(只能选原形C,should 省略了)
It was asked that only German (A.could be B.would be C.be D.must be )taught in the school ..(只能选原形C,should 省略了)
在命令,要求,劝告,建议中都可以把should 翻译成“应当”但在评价性句子中没有“应当”的意思也要用should 虚拟句型。例:
It was important that she (A.ate B.eats C.eat D.must eat )more fruits..(只能选原形C,should 省略了)
It was strange that he should fail in the game .
三、还有表示感叹的did 虚拟句型:
<font color="#,It is high time I prepared for the coming Spring Festival Party 。
<font color="#,I would rather you died tomorrow 。
did 虚拟句型的特点就是感叹某人早该做某事或某事该怎样才合“我”意。中国学生最不容易用好did虚拟,总觉得那样的句子不可思议,不应如此。总是要用should。但人家的语言习惯只能跟从和服从,或者找些变通的思路来改变自己的定势观念思维。比如说,似乎在当皇帝大爷时,能对别人发号施令时用should,在当孙子时,不能命令要求别人,只能感叹,希望时就要用did虚拟了。did虚拟句型不多,把那几个句型背下来就是了.
& & 还有一种只有从句没有主句的虚拟句子,也很类似表示感叹的“孙子”did 虚拟,只不过它既有did,(与现在事实相反),也有had done(与过去事实相反)。它只重在感叹,不侧重陈述。
& & I wish I were a bird .要是我是个小鸟就好了!
& & I wished I had not been married to such a bad-tempered woman .
& &&&要是我没娶那坏女人就好了!
& & If only I had got 100,000 yuan 。
& & If only the beautiful girl were my close friend !
[ 本帖最后由 贵高谭老师 于
18:36 编辑 ]
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Step one 引入
学生:1.He died .2.You go to die .
教师:Is it right? No, the second sentence is not right .
Step Two 解释
教师:The first sentence is a fact that has happened .But the second sentence is not a fact .It’s an order.”You go to die .”是事实陈述句,意即你就象每天都吃饭一样,每天都去死一回..显然此句并不是事实陈述,而是我命令你立即在我面前消失.,非事实的命令,警告,威胁都应该用情态语气句:You shall go to kill yourself .
(展示本班班主任罗老师抢蓝球的powerpoint相片)象“罗老师跳得很高。”Mr luo jumped very high。是事实陈述,但如要表达“罗老师你再跳高一点把球抢到吧!”就是希望要求,应该用情态语气句子了:Mr Luo should jump higher to catch the ball .
3.他来了.你九点来吧. He came at 8. You shall come at 9
4.你不抽烟,你真好。You don’t smoke, it is good of you.
5.你不要在这抽烟!You shall not smoke here..
6.他很小心。你小心点!He is careful. You should be more careful.
7.昨天你不等我,You didn‘t wait for me yesterday 。
8.你不要等我,自己先吃饭。You needn‘t wait for me 。You shall have super without me 。9.我在会上不说汉语说英语。I spoke English instead of Chinese 。
10.你不要说汉语要说英语。You shall speak English instead of Chinese 。
Step Four讲述情态动词shall与will的区别:
& && &&&Shall 和will表示将来时的时候是助动词,但shall表示命令别人或请求对方发命令时是情态动词,, will表示”愿意做某事.”或”总是/就会发生某事”时,是情态动词.
陈述句的Shall常用于主语被“我”命令,警告,许诺。隐含着“我命令你”“我要你做某事”的意思.象上文的You shall go to kill yourself。 You shall not smoke here 。而疑问句的Shall则是请“你“对“我”或“他“发命令。因此陈述句情态动词Shall的主语总是二,三人称.如果是第一人称那肯定是助动词表示将来时.I shall marry the most ugly girl in the world-----you .You shall marry me next month . 前者表示将来时,后者则是命令你嫁给我.疑问句情态动词shall的主语总是一,三人称“Shall I/we/he/they。。。。。。。。。。?”一般没有“Shall you。。。。”不能让你自己命令自己啊!而will则三种人称都有。情态动词will常定于表达两种意思:一是表示主语自己“愿意”做某事:I will lend you some money 。二是表示在某种时间,条件情况下,多数会自然而然发生某事的结局倾向,趋势。常译为“总是”,“就会”:When I return home,my mother will cock some good meal specially for me 。The fish will die without water 。
情态动词Shall 的常用法
:1.You shall come here at 8 .(命令)& &&&.
2.You shall be beaten . (威胁)& && && &&&.& && && && && &
3.You shall get the money tomorrow. (许诺)
4.Shall I buy you some apples ? Shall he come here at once ?
1.& & & & He won’t&&marry you !(愿意)& && && &&&
2.& & & & If he is free, he will take his son to the park. (倾向,趋势)
Tell you a funny story : Once a man in Scotland who Can’t swim fell into a lake 。He wanted someone to save him 。It’s right for him to say: “Nobody will save me ,I shall die.”(没有人会来救我啦,我将要死去啦!)But he said “Nobody shall save me !I will die !” 那意思就变成”我命令不准任何人来救我, 我自己要死。”人家以为他决心要自杀,都不敢去救他。就因为用错了shall 和will,他丢了一条命。
Step Five 练习:用情态动词shall 和will,翻译下面句子:
1.你们要破坏旧世界You shall destroy the old sociaty!
2.我要嫁给你.I will marry you.
3我要杀了你!You shall be shot!
4.如果你被打中,你就会到另一个世界去了。When you’re Shot,you Will go to another world!
5.你带客人进去!You shall show the guest in .
6.当客人来时,他就会带他进来。He will show the guest in,when he&&comes
7.明天你会得到钱。(明天会给你钱。)You shall get the money tomorrow.
8.每月15号,我们就会有钱领。We will get our pay on 15 each month.
9”今天我要煮西红柿吗?””是的,要.” “Shall I cook some tomatoes today?”“Yes,you shall。”
10.“他必须马上去吗?”” 你愿意代他去吗?”“Shall he go at once ?”.“Will you go instead of him ?”
:1.(Will,Can ,Must,Shall)the house fall down ?The earthquake is so strong 。& && && && && && && && && && &&&
.2.(Will,Can ,Must,Shall)we push the house down ?& && & .
3. Is the question very difficult. (Will,Should ,Must,Shall)none& & answer it ?
4.(Will,Can ,Must,Shall)it rain?(Will,Should ,Must,Shall)none& & answer it ?
Step Six 讲解.shall,must,should 的区别:
同是中文的“必须”“要”在英语中却有时用shall,有时用must,有时用should.同是中文的“不要”,有时用shall not,有时用mustn‘t,有时用shouldn’t。区别何在,深究下去见分晓:
Shall常用于“命令”“许诺”;象”你闭嘴!” Must常用于纪律要求,象”车要靠右行””你不要迟到”;should常用于教育劝告,象”你要多运动.”。Shall not指“ 我命令你/他不许做某事”,”You shall not move .” Mustn’t常表示公众纪律不容许做某事.You mustn’t be late .shouldn’t常用于道德层面上的教育劝告或出于个人看法的建议某人最好不要去做某事.You should not say such words to her .
Step Seven 练习
1.& & & & 这个村庄必须要铲平!The village shall be destroyed.
2.& & & & 飞机必须八点到那里!The plane shall Be there at 8!
3.& & & & 你应该注意你的健康!You should take care of your health.
4.& & & & 你不要在这抽烟!You mustn’t smoke here
5.& & & & 你应该多吃水果。You should eat more fruit.
6.& & & & 杀人必须偿命!He who kills another shall be killed.
7.& & & & 他不该睡在街头.He mustn’t sleep in the street.Step Eight Homework :
Step eight&&make sentences with Model verbs& & & &
please go to:
step night 评讲学生作业
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& && & 在英语中,一句话只容许用一个主句谓语动词。如果在一句话中有多个动作出现,那必须要分清主次从属,必须要用非谓语动词或状语从句来表达次要从属的动作。表示时间,原因,条件,让步,伴随,方式,目的,结果等状语及宾补的动作是从属次要的,可以用非谓语动词或从句来表示。从句大多可转换成非谓语动词短语。 “母亲微笑着看着睡在她臂里的婴儿”母亲“看”是主要的,“笑”和“睡”都是从属的。”笑”是伴随状语,”睡”是宾补 Baby sleeping in her arm,the mother looked at him smiling 谓语与非谓语的区别,就象首领与随从的区别一样.一个句子只能有一个主句谓语,.这就象一个国家只能有一个首领一样.你不能在一个句子中两个动作都用主句谓语,也不能两个动作都用非谓语或从句谓语.&&汉语没有非谓语动词.主从句都可以省连词,如“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”,也可以主从句都用连词.例”如果你决心登上最高的山顶,那么你会觉得其它山很小.”而这在英语都是不允许的..英语错句::“You get to the top of the highest mountain, you’ll find&&others rather smaller .”它错在从句.无连词变主句, 两个分句都是主句,就象一个国家都是皇帝,没有大臣主次从属了.如果你说成“If you will get to the top of the highest mountain, and then you’ll find&&others rather smaller .”这在英语来说更是错的.两句都是有连词的从句,就无主句了.就象群龙无首,全国无君一样.正确的英语应该这样说:“Getting to the top of the highest mountain, you’ll find the others rather smaller ”非谓语动词不用连词,因为它是短语不是从句;非谓语动词前不用主语,因为它与主句同一个主语.如果与主句不同主语,就要用独立主格,如前面的句子:: Baby sleeping in her arm,the mother looked at him smiling那个动作该用谓语,那个该用非谓语。有两个判别方法:一、辨别句子重心。句子中心重点在那里?那个动作是重要谓语,那个是次要状语或宾补?象“你借刀杀人”那重点肯定在“你杀人”,“借刀”只是方式状语。Asking another to kill a man ,you’re the real murderer&&。 象“知法犯法”句子重心是“犯法” “知法”是让步状语.Knowing the law,you still broke the law .二、采用试添加连词找出状语的排除法来确定唯一谓语。如能加上“由于”,“当…时候”“如果….””虽然….”“为了…”在动词前,那这动词就是次要的,可以用非谓语动词。象“他在大街上走,看见有人偷东西。”就可以加上“当他在大街上走时,”是状语,“偷东西”是宾补,那“看见”就是谓语了。Walking in the street,he saw someone steeling.“爱屋及乌”的重心在那里,“因为你爱屋”是原因状语,那“爱屋里的鸟.”就应该用谓语动词, Loving the house,you will love the bird in the house “戴花要戴玫瑰花,嫁人你要嫁给我.”. “如果你要戴花”“如果你要嫁人”是状语,用非谓语动词. Wearing a flower,you shall wear a rose.Going to marry a man, you shall marry me. 在英语中,伴随状语是用and来连接的.如:He sat ,read and smiled there .相应的非谓语动词表达:He sat there,reading and smiling .在含有伴随状语的非谓语动词的句子中,习惯上是较长期稳定不变的背景动作用作谓语,相对较活跃多变可随时停止的动作用非谓语.如坐.站,走,看电视等动作用谓语,说,笑,写,跳,唱歌,织毛线等动词用非谓语.如”边走边唱,边看电视边织毛线,边洗澡边唱歌,躺着看书,”都是前者用谓语动词,后者用-ing 来表示.判别下列那个句子正确:1.A.He read lying .& &B.He laid reading.2.A.He talked watching TV.& &B.He watched Tv&&talking.3.A.They talked and laughed,walking to school.& &B. They walked to school, talking and laughing,现在用非谓语动词翻译下列句子,要分清主次动作:1.“你站着说话不腰痛。 ”重心:你不会知道腰痛是什么滋味。加连词:由于你能站着说话.&&结论: “不腰痛”当主句谓语Standing talking,you don’t suffer backache 。2、 “我喝牛奶肚子痛。” 重心:我肚子痛。加连词:由于我喝牛奶,Having drunk some milk, I has some trouble with my stomach. 3.“喝牛奶,人健康”重心:人会变得更健康。加连词:如果喝牛奶,Drinking milk every day, we will get more healthy 4. ” 我喝牛奶呛着了。”重心:呛着了。。加连词: “当我喝牛奶时” 或“由于我喝牛奶”都可以。Drinking milk,I choked.& 。现在用非谓语动词翻译下列句子,要分清主次动作:要注意各种类的状语的非谓语动词的特点:1.表示伴随,方式的状语一般只有-ing的一般形式,没有完成时。普遍经常的条件状语用一般时,具体特定时间的一件事的条件状语,并且动作对结果有影响才用完成时.1.如果你要嫁人,你一定要嫁给我。Going/Wanting to marry somebody_,you shall not marry another,but you shall marry me .2.你姐嫁了你才能嫁.Your sisyer having been married,you can be married..(具体确定的”嫁”成为你嫁的先决条件,用完成时.普遍经常的”你要嫁”用一般时.主语不一样,用独立主格.)B.他站在那里睡着了。(伴随)He stood there sleeping .C.一点一点地学,你会成为学者.(方式)Learning bit by bit,you’ll be a scholar .Doing homework,I heard my name called 。强调动作对结果有影响,强调动作是主句的先决条件,用完成时(也常为具体特定原因)。强调同时或经常发生,强调主句动作在状语时间段内发生,用一般时。目的状语的非谓语动词只能用不定式,不能用-ing。例:1.吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。To live,we eat。But we live not to eat 。2. 为了成为一个清华大学生,他努力学习。To&&be a college student in Qinhua University ,he works hard顺趋势的结果状语只能用-ing短语,逆趋势的结果状语只能用不定式。一般结果状语只放句未。例:1.他去访问教授,(结果)学到了许多东西。He visited the Professor,learning a lot 。2.他去访问教授,(结果)发现教授不在家。He visited the Professor,only to find him out 。3.他回到家,发现他母亲病了。He returned home,only to find his mother ill 。所谓顺趋势,就是结果与期待希望目的相符,是正向发展。逆趋势则是出乎主语期待希望,如回到家发现门锁着不得进门,回到家发现妈妈病了或不在家,都是主语所不愿意看到的结果,这便是逆趋势结果。1.& && &&&He studied hard,becoming a college student 。(他努力学习,结果成了大学生是顺趋势, 2.& && &&&2.He studied hard,only to fail the exam 。(努力学习却考试失败与期待不符是逆趋势。)3.He hurried to school ,(发现那天是星期天.)Only to find it was Sunday .(来到学校发现星期天不用上课,与来校期待不符是逆趋势)4.He hurried to school ,(发现还有十分钟才上课)Finding that there was 10 minutes left .(来到学校没迟到符合期待是顺趋势,)
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初级会员, 积分 253, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
威望7 注册时间积分253精华0帖子
How did you like the English evening? (为什么选a)
__________.I thought some of its items were wonderful.
A.It was quite a success
B.I didn''t enjoy it at all.
C.That''s all right.
D.Very much indeed.
答:“How did you like。。。”问的是“觉得怎么样?”B、C、D都不是评价,只有A回答是评价。
2.______is her brother?(d,什么时候才用a)
The man on the left talking to the professor.
A.Who B.What C.Where D.Which
答:who 问的是“谁”如“正在干什么/站在什么地方/有什么特点特征的人。
which 问的是“那一个”,即在同时有几个人的情况下,从几个人中分辨出一个来时才用which.
3.Look at the sheep over there,___which were bought from America.(a, 为什么不用c)
A a good many of B.a great number C.plenty of D.a great many
答:plenty of有&足够多&(能满足某种需要)的意思,如有(禾苗生长)&足够多的雨水&,&有足够多的钱&吃饭(穷学生也许有每月200元就可以是plenty of money了。此句的没有提到“够多少人吃”的“需要”, 不应该用plenty of。
4._______do you mean by this?(d,这句话是什么意思,不选abc的理由是什么)
A.What on the earth B.Whatever in the world C.What at all
5.Many revolutionaries _____ for the liberation of the country.(a,介 绍一下选与不选的理由)
A.gave their lives B.losed their lives C.lay down their lives
D.devoted themselves
B.没有losed这个单词(LOST啊)C、没有这种搭配。放下某物才对。D.devoted themselves to sth.才对,固定搭配。
6.________- he began to write articles in English for American newspapers.(c,为什么不可以选b)
A.Shortly after B.Long before C.Before long D.Sooner
B.Long before 是“在。。。很久之前”的意思。before后常可再接一个从句,此句意思应是“不久”
7.I ______ the honest man,I ____ him right.(a,简介一下这几个搭配的用法)
A.believed in,believed B.trusted in,believed in
C.depended on,trusted D.expected,proved
答:believed in sb/trust sb. 是信仰某人的品德,believed 是相信某人的话。
&&1. --bob’s____ the branches from the tree. go and ___for firewood, bill!
--do you think i’ll really ___for this kind of work?
答案: cut out
请解释cut away 为什么不可用cut off?
2.when i saw a lot of people gathering over there, i went over to see___
答案:what was the matter?
为何要倒装?而“ people often want to know about what my job is.”不用倒装?
3. --i’m traveling to australia.
--oh! great! ____
答案:good luck with your trip.
不可 have a good time?
4. --everyone says you are a good student. you are never late for school, are you? --___
答案:yes, sometimes.
不可 “no, i don’t.”?
5.放弃chance 为什么用throw away 而不用 give up?
6.this old temple ______ the 12th century. now it is well protected.
答案:dates back to
不是应该用“is dated from”吗?
7.we have met with a lot of problems using this computer, ___ this is not the worst one.
a. as before what cove which d.which
8.it is not right for you to ___fifty dollars from my salary without any good reason,
答案:keep back
我用了bring down,为什么不可以?
9.unless you ___ nature, you are sure to be punished by nature.
a. go against b.go across c.go by
1. --bob’s____ the branches from the tree. go and ___for firewood, bill!
--do you think i’ll really ___for this kind of work?
答案: cut out
请解释cut away 为什么不可用cut off?
答:off 必须要带tree当宾语,不能带branches当宾语,表示“树枝”脱离“树”,不是“树枝”脱离“树枝” cut the branches off the tree=cut the branches away from the tree
2.when i saw a lot of people gathering over there, i went over to see___
答案:what was the matter?
为何要倒装?而“ people often want to know about what my job is.”不用倒装?
答:这不是倒装,这是陈述语序。he asked what the thing was.(the thing是主语, what是表语,)但必须说he asked what was the matter..(what是主语,the thing是表语。)&the thing &和“the matter&有什么不同呢?显然又是具体和抽象的区别。the thing 是具体的一样物品,但the matter 却不是具体的物品,它指的是“不正常”“不顺利”的形势,等于抽象的形容词wrong.“i went over to see what was wrong.&没有倒装吧?
4. --everyone says you are a good student. you are never late for school, are you? --___
答案:yes, sometimes.
不可 “no, i don’t.”?
答:no,i am not 才可以回答are you 啊?
6.dates back to 、dates from 都可以啊,只是不用被动。
7.c选项是不是of which 啊?which 应该指代problems啊,意思是“用这台电脑时我们碰到过许多问题,这个还不是其中最严重的一个”。
8.意思是“你无缘无故地从我工资中扣除50美元是不对的”。请叙述一下用bring down的理由是什么,好吗?
9.unless 表示if not ,不是吗?整句话的意思是“如果你不遵循自然规律,必定会为其所惩罚”。
3题have a good time 也是其中的选项吗?
1.an honest person is ____ repected in our society.
a.fairly b.rather c.much d.very
3.when delivering his lecture,the professor mentioned his lastest book ____ passing.
a.from b.on c.by d.in 为什么选d啊,它们之间有什么差别吗?
4.the building is ____ that one.
a.as low as b.not as high as c.no higher than d.both a and c.答案选d,但我认为a,b才是正确的,是不是这样呢?
5.you needn’t take the trouble ___ those complicated experiments. a.to do b.in doing c.doing d.do
1. well/much respected,fairly修饰形容词/副词
4. as low as= no higher than,not as high as 不如他高
5.take the trouble to do 不辞辛苦去做
1.fairly有”还算得上、、、“的意思,即马马虎虎地,有点勉强地”还算得上、、、“的意思。就象比及格的分数多一点的六、七十分的“相当不错”,象爱因斯坦不是小提琴家”他拉小提琴拉得相当/非常好“就只能是&fairly well”了。零上3、4度对冬眠的动物来说是“相当暖”,也只能用fairly warm 了。而very, much却是接近顶峰的八、九十分甚至100分的“非常”“相当&了。rather则往往是超过头,令人不好受的“非常”,象rather cold/hot/tired
not so(一般不用as)+原级+as =not+比较级+than 是“前者比不上后者、、、”,是肯定意义。
判定它是肯定还是否定意义是很重要的,例如:1.some bamboo is (a.no shorter than b.not higher than c.no higher than d.not so high as)your ankle.
ankle肯定是否定“高”的,不会是否定“矮”的,那么,a、“两者都不矮”不对, d、“比不上你的脚踝那么高”在中文中说得通,但其实它是在肯定“两者都高”的基础上说“竹子比不上你的脚踝高”。应当是否定意义“两者都不高“才对,因此应选c为最佳答案。
1.mr hart repaired the tv set for us,which_____me a lot of trouble.
a.gave b.remained c.left d.added
我认为应该选c. 也许你的答案是错的.remained是不带宾语的,add也不带双宾.left sb some trouble 是给某人留下许多麻烦,意指他修理离开后才给我留下许多麻烦.& 给某人麻烦&没有&留下麻烦&那么贴切,
2.the girl likes maths and chemistry,besides,_______is very good.
a.each of which b.but neither of which c.neither of them d.each of them
4.animals do not &talk& with words. they use smells,sounds and movements to communicate with _______animal.
a.any other b.another c.each other d.the other
应该选b吧,each other后不应再跟animal的.
8.-it''s five years since i worked here.
a.have you worked here happily b.how long will you still work here
c.where do you work now d.do you want to make a change now
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