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& 富士通LifeBook S6420D参数
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产品价格&&&价格趋势网上购买-&&&基本参数 &&&平台技术Intel 迅驰2代平台Montevina&&&机身颜色黑色&&&产品定位商务&&&操作系统Windows Vista 家庭普通版&&&主板 &&&主板芯片组Intel GM45+ICH9M&&&CPU &&&处理器型号Intel 酷睿2双核 T6400&&&处理器主频2.000&&&二级缓存2MB&&&总线频率800MHz&&&内存 &&&内存容量2.000&&&内存类型DDR3 1066&&&最大内存容量4GB&&&硬盘 &&&硬盘容量320&&&硬盘描述SATA接口, 5400转&&&显卡 &&&显卡芯片S3 Graphics Chrome 430 ULP&&&显存容量256MB&&&显卡类型独立显卡&&&显示屏 &&&屏幕尺寸13.3英寸&&&分辨率&&&屏幕比例宽屏&&&屏幕描述TFT-LED WXGA&&&光驱 &&&光驱类型DVD刻录机&&&多媒体 &&&摄像头内置130万摄像头&&&扬声器支持, 双立体声扬声器&&&其它设备 &&&指纹识别支持&&&读卡器五合一读卡器(SD/SDHC/Memory Stick/Memory Stick PRO/xD)&&&网络通讯 &&&有线网卡1000M以太网卡&&&蓝牙蓝牙2.1+EDR&&&红外支 持&&&输入输出 &&&触摸板指纹识别系统、触摸板(带垂直和横向滚轮)&&&电源 &&&电池规格6芯锂电池(5800mAh)&&&续航时间4.7小时, 具体时间视使用环境而定&&&电源适配器100V-240V 80W 自适应交流电源供应器&&&外观 &&&重量(净重)1.9千克&&&长度314&&&宽度234&&&厚度35.9&&&机身尺寸314×234×26.4/34.9mm&&&其他 &&&随机配件锂电池, 电源适配器, 说明书&&&附带软件Softex Omnipass, CyberLink PowerDVD, CyberLink PowerProducer, Roxio Easy Media Creator, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Fujitsu UpdateNavi16, Fujitsu 3D Shock Sensor Utility, Fujitsu Power Saving Utility, Fujitsu Hardware Diagnostic Tool, Fujitsu Display Manager, Sun Microsystems Java Runtime, Camera Capture Application, Microsoft Office Professional 2007 60-day Convertible T 1年使用权 Norman Virus Control with Sandbox Technology and Norman个人防火墙, Acronis True Image个人版&&&其他性能超炫丽宽屏液晶显示屏, 250流明防渗漏设计键盘安全: BIOS锁, 硬盘锁, 防盗锁插槽, 支持Smart card7, 第二代指纹识别技术(带有垂直滚动功能)&&&售后 &&&保修政策3年部件及人力(系统电池: 1年)&&&
&&Copyright &
PCPOP, All Rights Reserved 泡泡网 版权所有
由于Fujitsu Lifebook S6420是基于Phoenix BIOS,所以刷黑后的修复方法还是基于Phoenix
Crisis Recover Mode.
但是由于Fujitsu一贯的特殊性,在探索适用于Lifebook S6420的Crisis Recover
根据市面上的资料Crisis Recover
那唯一可行的办法就是用U盘或者光盘了。无数次尝试后,终于找到了Fujitsu进入Crisis Recover
1, 取下电池,拔下电源。
2,电脑必须出于黑屏状态,但BIOS Boot
3,插好恢复用的U盘,读卡器也可以,在按住 Fn+F键的同时作如下动作:
(1), 插上电源
听到内置喇叭发出 哔哔 声后,释放Fn+F。
最困难的是制作支持Crisis Recover
1. Use HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool with MiniDOS files to make
your Bootable: Flopy, USB Flopy, USB Flash Drive
(Flash Drive works in rear cases).
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view
the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys
if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded,
which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash
2. Copy all the files from Rescue to your: Flopy,
USB Stick, USB Flopy.
3. Rename your BIOS file to bios.wph and copy it to
your: Flopy, USB Stick, USB Flopy.
4. Remove the battery, unplug the computer from the power.
5. Hold down: Fn+B or WinKey+B (On some new Acer
Laptop's Fn+Esc and on some new Fujitsu Siemens Laptop's Fn+F)and
while holding plug the computer in to power (do not plug the
battery) and pres the power button.
6. Now you should hear the flopy drive working, hold the keys for a
while and then let go.
7. Leve the computer for at least 10 min. and if the computer does
not restart it self turn the power down.
8. Plug the battery and the power sorce and if everything went OK
the computer shold start normaly.
Note: This procedure is for Phoenix BIOS`es only
and in some cases the USB Stick might not work.
How To:
1. Click on the Phoenix_Crisis_Recovery.exe to
make: Flopy, USB Flopy.
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view
the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys
if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded,
which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash
2. Copy all the files from Rescue to your: Flopy,
USB Flopy.
3. Rename your BIOS file to bios.wph and copy it to
your: Flopy, USB Flopy.
4. Remove the battery, unplug the computer from the power.
5. Hold down: Fn+B or WinKey+B (On some new Acer
Laptop's Fn+Esc and on some new Fujitsu Siemens Laptop's Fn+F) and
while holding plug the computer in to power (do not plug the
battery) and pres the power button.
6. Now you should hear the flopy drive working, hold the keys for a
while and then let go.
7. Leve the computer for at least 10 min. and if the computer does
not restart it self turn the power down.
8. Plug the battery and the power sorce and if everything went OK
the computer shold start normaly.
Note: This procedure is for Phoenix BIOS`es only
and in some cases the USB Stick might not work.
How To:
1. Use HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool with MiniDOS files to make
your Bootable: Flopy, USB Flopy, USB Flash Drive
(Flash Drive works in rear cases).
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view
the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys
if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded,
which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash
2. Copy all the files from Rescue to your: Flopy,
USB Stick, USB Flopy.
3. Rename your BIOS file to bios.wph and copy it to
your: Flopy, USB Stick, USB Flopy.
4. Remove the battery, unplug the computer from the power.
5. Hold down: Fn+B or WinKey+B (On some new Acer
Laptop's Fn+Esc and on some new Fujitsu Siemens Laptop's Fn+F) and
while holding plug the computer in to power (do not plug the
battery) and pres the power button.
6. Now you should hear the flopy drive working, hold the keys for a
while and then let go.
7. Leve the computer for at least 10 min. and if the computer does
not restart it self turn the power down.
8. Plug the battery and the power sorce and if everything went OK
the computer shold start normaly.
Note: This procedure is for Phoenix BIOS`es only
and in some cases the USB Stick might not work.
How To:
1. Click on the Phoenix_Crisis_Recovery.exe to
make: Flopy, USB Flopy.
When creating the boot Floppy, select from Folder Options to view
the hiden and system files and delete or rename the file config.sys
if present.
Couse we need DOS with no additional programs that are loaded,
which could interfere with the operation of the BIOS flash
2. Copy all the files from Rescue to your: Flopy,
USB Flopy.
3. Rename your BIOS file to bios.wph and copy it to
your: Flopy, USB Flopy.
4. Remove the battery, unplug the computer from the power.
5. Hold down: Fn+B or WinKey+B (On some new Acer
Laptop's Fn+Esc and on some new Fujitsu Siemens Laptop's Fn+F) and
while holding plug the computer in to power (do not plug the
battery) and pres the power button.
6. Now you should hear the flopy drive working, hold the keys for a
while and then let go.
7. Leve the computer for at least 10 min. and if the computer does
not restart it self turn the power down.
8. Plug the battery and the power sorce and if everything went OK
the computer shold start normaly.
Note: This procedure is for Phoenix BIOS`es only
and in some cases the USB Stick might not work.
... 337&postcount=2
作者成功的用U盘救活了Thinkpad X200,这时候,我才相信Crisis Recover
以下是利用Crisis Recover Mode通过U盘修复Thinkpad X200的步骤:
1.)Use a usb stick and do a format as FAT from windows.
(I use 1gb stick)
2.)Run WINCRIS.EXE select your formated usb stick Click the "Start"
button whait and a message come and say to "Remove your stick
and reconect" So remove the stick click "OK" to the window (do not
close the WINCRIS.EXE and dont click anything else) and
Afer choose "YES" in the windows say "Do you whant to format
onother crisis disk?" and click again the "Start" button.
(This is to make sure we update the CRISBOOT.BIN in usb boot
sector. For me works like that.)
(If WINCRIS.EXE doesnt run and give an error try to run it in
compatibility mod)
3.)Remove your stick and reconect, copy in the stick the
and finaly your bios with name: bios.wph.
照着这个模式作的时候,果然U盘能启动Crisis Recover
&&&&&&& echo.
&&&&&&& echo.
The necessary files are being copied to the
Crisis Disk
&&&&&&& echo.
&&&&&&& echo.
&&&&&&& echo.
&&&&&&& set
&&&&&&& echo Copying the file
&&&&&&& xcopy /v
%crisisCurrentFile% %crisisDriveName% &nul
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==1 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==2 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==4 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==5 goto
&&&&&&& set
&&&&&&& if exist PHLASH16.EXE
set crisisCurrentFile=PHLASH16.EXE
&&&&&&& echo Copying the file
&&&&&&& xcopy /v
%crisisCurrentFile% %crisisDriveName% &nul
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==1 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==2 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==4 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==5 goto
&&&&&&& if exist PHLASH16.EXE
&&&&&&& set
&&&&&&& echo Copying the file
&&&&&&& xcopy /v
%crisisCurrentFile% %crisisDriveName% &nul
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==1 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==2 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==4 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==5 goto
&&&&&&& set
&&&&&&& if not exist
%crisisCurrentFile% goto cdnovga
&&&&&&& echo Copying the file
&&&&&&& xcopy /v
%crisisCurrentFile% %crisisDriveName% &nul
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==1 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==2 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==4 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==5 goto
&&&&&&& set
&&&&&&& if exist PHLASH16.EXE
set crisisCurrentFile=BIOS.WPH
&&&&&&& echo Copying the file
&&&&&&& xcopy /v
%crisisCurrentFile% %crisisDriveName% &nul
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==1 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==2 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==4 goto
&&&&&&& if ERRORLEVEL==5 goto
&&&&&&& echo.
&&&&&&& pause Press any key to
create the CRISIS disk boot sector...
由于网上所有的资料都说,使用Crisis Recover
接下来就看看制作富士通U盘 BIOS恢复工具的方法。
运行wincris.exe ,需要管理员权限,报错的话,请用WinXP兼容模式。
无需勾选任何选项,点击 start
该过程用于将Crisis Recover Mode的BIN文件,导入到U盘引导区。
出现对话框后,先不要关闭wincris.exe ,根据提示,将U盘插拔后,在连接电脑。这时Crisis Recover
Mode的BIN文件已经导入,可以关闭wincris.exe 。
(23.38 KB)
<img ALT="wincris2.jpg" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="http&#58;//www./bbs/attachment.php?aid=NzE2OTh8YjRhNzA3ZmN8MTI2NTE4NDk1OHxhM2QwWXJpRW52TFkrMS9DcGJ2L0FROThQN05PK1hSQmlpSkRnRnZ0MjdPdXp0dw%3D%3D&noupdate=yes"
TITLE="无软驱,U盘恢复刷黑的富士通Fujitsu&S6420(Phoenix&bios)." />
(105.18 KB)
<img ALT="wincris.jpg" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="http&#58;//www./bbs/attachment.php?aid=NzE2OTl8NjUzY2Y2Nzl8MTI2NTE4NDk1OHxhM2QwWXJpRW52TFkrMS9DcGJ2L0FROThQN05PK1hSQmlpSkRnRnZ0MjdPdXp0dw%3D%3D&noupdate=yes"
TITLE="无软驱,U盘恢复刷黑的富士通Fujitsu&S6420(Phoenix&bios)." />
<img ALT="U.jpg" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="http&#58;//www./bbs/attachment.php?aid=NzE3MDB8Zjk5OTI1Zjd8MTI2NTE4NDk1OHxhM2QwWXJpRW52TFkrMS9DcGJ2L0FROThQN05PK1hSQmlpSkRnRnZ0MjdPdXp0dw%3D%3D&noupdate=yes"
TITLE="无软驱,U盘恢复刷黑的富士通Fujitsu&S6420(Phoenix&bios)." />
插好恢复用的U盘,读卡器也可以,在按住 Fn+F键的同时作如下动作:
(1), 插上电源
听到内置喇叭发出 哔哔 声后,释放Fn+F。
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。富士通lh531开启ahci怎么开?_百度知道富士通MHZ2160BH G2硬盘支持AHCI模式吗_百度知道


更多关于 ahci怎么开启 的文章

