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江南十校2015届高三上期末大联考英&&& 语第I卷(& 共115分)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 第一部分(共两节,满分30分)&&& 做题时先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1-5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Which of the following does the man like best?&&& A. Gardening.&&& B.Collecting coins.&&& C.Collecting stamps.2. Who is the woman speaking to?&&& A.A taxi driver.&&& B.A policeman&&& C.A passenger.3. What did the man probably do just now?&&& Aq He read newspapers.&&& B. He watched a sports match.&&& C. He worked on a newspaper article.4.What time is it now7& A. 9:00.&&& B.8:45.&&& c.8:30.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?& A.A monster.&&& B.A film.&&& C.A play.笫二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间各个小题.每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers probably doing?& A. Watching a show.&&& B.Having a class.&&& C.Enjoying a Chinese take-away,7.How does the man feel?& A. Upset&&& B Bored.&&& C.Disappointed.听第7段材料,回答第8.9题。8. What relation is Jane to the man?& A. His wife.&&& B.His secretary.&&& C.His sister,9. Why can't the woman help the man?& 八She has to look after the children.& B. She will have her hair done.& C. She will go out with her sister.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Wb.at is wrong with the woman?&&& 久She is wet all over.&&& B.She has a hea.dache_& C.She has coughed for three days.11. What does tne man tell the woman to do?&&& 八Stay in bed for some time.&&& B. Do housework from time to time.&&& C. Plant some roses tomorrow morning,12. Where does this conversation most probably take place?&&& A In a garden.&&& B.In the man's house.&&& C.In the woman's house.昕第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How often are the sports meetings hpid?&&& A. Once a week.&&& B'Twice a week.&&& C Once a month&14. Which is not mentioned in the dialogue?&&& A. Lectures.B.Music concerts.&&& C.Football games15. What does the woman remind. the man to do when he goes swimming?&&& Ah Make an appointment.&&& B.Take his swimmina suit.C.Sign at the infr)rmatinn board.16. Hoxv much does the City Trip cost a club member and his guest?&&& A£30.&&& B.£50.&&& C.£90.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the speaker think of his work?&&& A Interesting.&&& B.Dull.&&& C.Meaningful.18. What is the biggest surprise the Facebook give the speaker?&&& A. He gets lots of response.&&& &He has been invited to many countries.&&& C. He has got in touch with his best friend at school.19. Where is the speaker now?&&& A In Australian&&& B.In Britain.&&& C In Austria.20. What do we know about Carrie?&&& A. She is thirty years old&&& B. She lives near the speaker.&&& c. She hasn't changed one bit.&&& 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)&&& 第一节单项(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)&&& 从A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出玎以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Regular reviewing is __good habit. If you stick to it, you will& make&&&& greatprogress in your study.A./&&& Ba;a&&& C.a&&& D./;a22. Watch out! Do not get too close to the building. The walls&&& .&&& A. are being painted B.are painted C.have painteci&&& D.have been painting23. -Shall we go for a picnic this Saturday?&&&& . Will next Saturday be OK?&&& A. Sure,it}s up to you&&& B.Surc,it's no problem&&& C Sorry,l can-t make it&&& D.Sorry,l'm not available today24. Good preparations should be made for a job interview,because first impressions really&& .&&& A.count&&& &affect&&& C control&&& D.consider25. Douglas quite enjoyed himself while traveling in Huangshan, though the journey tooka week&&& A. specially&&& B-approramately&&& c.originally&&& D.naturally26. About China, the most frequently used word by people is "exciting", since the country&& &&& every day.&&& A is changing&&& B changes&&& C has changed&&& D.was changing27. Making mistakes doesn' what really makes a difference is whether you can&&& correct them____they get worse.&&& A. as&&& &after&&& C when&&& D.before28. There he was,standing still where I had left him and opening his mouth as if&&& some-&&& thing.&&& Ato say&&& B.saying&&& c.to be saying&&& D.having said29. The truth is that the passers-by,rather than the driver,&&& for the terrible accident.&&& Ais to blame&&& B.is to be blamed&&& C are to blame&&& n are to be blamed30. Don-t forget to put the tools back where they were after you have firushed yourwork,&&&&&& ?&&& A do you&&& &don't you&&& Cwill you&&& D.won-t you31. -Without smart phones,people&&&&&& closer to each other.&&& -Er,it seems to be high tech that has widened the distance between people.&&& A be&&& &.iroc&&& C.is&&& l- wniiIH hP32. Success ilsually goes to____is well prepared.&&& A the person&&& B.the one&&& C whoever&&& D.who33. Simple-minded teenagers tend to be easily&&&&&& because they don't know much of the&&& world.&&& A taken up&&& B.taken in&&& C taken on&&& D.taken off&34. Cherish your life and keep away from drug! It is something at no time&&& touch!&&& A you should&&& B should you&&& C.you will&&& D.will you35. -1 am leaving for Madrid tomorrow,Caroline.&&& ___&&& _______-&&& A Take your time&&& B.AIl the best&&& C Well done&&& D.That's OK&第二节完形(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。&I spend this morning clearung up the home where I live Now I am not talking about thL house I am sitting in right now. As I& 36& I can see the s:ink is still full of dirty dishes. Dust isstarting to__37on the pictures,t:ables,and even my computer again Dirt& 38& to he swept from the floorrnd pet hair needs to be cleaJled& 39&&& the couch.What is more,the& 40& in& the turtIe7 s aquari啪(鱼缸)has to be cllanged.Yet,as I looked my dirty,little house I& 41& have to smile'because I know that the Home& in which I live is& 42& right now. That home is my soul. When I& 43&&& this morning I noticedthat it also had become& 44 again Iwasn't willing toletit& 45& the way for long,thoughI have learned that a dusty soul leads to a terrible day and the terrible days lead to a(an) 46&&& life.&I spent the morning clearung my soul from top to____47.I swept the negative thoughts& from my mind and the& 48& feelings from my heart. Worries,anger and fear were& 49& intothe garbage can. When I was done I felt& 50&&& in my home once more.&The house in which I sit may need a lot of& 51& ,but it will have to wait its turn. The& home in which I live is what I am most& 52& about.I hope that the same is& 53& for you.I& hope that you always make efforts to keep your soul _54&&& ,beautiful and full of love and care.Remember someday you will leave your house behind,but you will& 5 5& your home with you.36.Alook around&&& B put forward&&& C move back&&& D.take down37.A attack&&& B.jump&&& c.gather&&& D.sit&&& 38.A.hopes&&& B.needs&&& C.expects&&& D.wants&39.A of&&& B.out&&& C away&&& D.off&40.A.plant&&& B.stone&&& C.sand&&& D.water&41.A.ever&&& B.still&&& C never&&& D.hardly&42.A clean&&& B.dirty&&& C quiet&&& D.comfortable&43.A turned up&&& B.stood up&&& C took up&&& D.woke up&44.八crazy&&& B.lazy&&& C.dusty&&& D.rainy&45.A.lie&&& B.stay&&& C keep&&& D.hold&46. A. interesting&&& B.frightened&&& C satisfying&&& D.wasted&47.A.top&&& B.side&&& C bottom&&& D.middle&48.Aharmful&&& B.useful&&& C healthy&&& D.enjoyable&49.A collected&&& B.thrown&&& C set&&& D.arranged&50.久safe&&& B.sad&&& C calm&&& D.excited&51.A work&&& B.time&&& C.pack&&& D.decoration&52.A.bored&&& B.interested&&& C upset&&& D.concerned&53. A_ suitable&&& B.wronR&&& C true&&& D.helpful&54.A. dark&&& B.bright&&& C sharp D.clever&55.A bring&&& B-join&&& C.take&&& D.move第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)&阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A&Two workers was rescued 188 hours after they trapped in a coal mine collapse(倒塌)in the&south China-s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region The two were among 18 miners trappedafter the mine,collapsed midday on July 2 because of days of heavy rain.&A total of 71 miners were working underground when the accident occurred on July 2-49managed to escape. Rescuers have got eight bodies so far.& Ye Fangyong,commander of the rescue headquarters,said that the place where the survi-vors were found was at 320 meters underground. It was filled with mud after the collapse,butthere was still room for fresh air. He said three more miners trapped at a work platform390meters underground may survive because the place also have some space for fresh air.& Rescuers had believed that four other miners would found with the rescued two, but thechances of the remaining 12 being found alive are not good due to the conditions in the mine.& However,the rescuers have not given up. They are using scientific measures such as a&water-proof radar device(裟置)to help find the exact locations of trapped workers* Moreover,rescuers have been offered 2 million yuan for each miner they pull out alive.&The two survivors have been identified a) 41-yea卜old Liu Jiagan and 35-year-old Qin&Hongdang. They are in safe condition.Before they were rushed to Heshan People's Hospital for treatment,they told rescuers inweak voices that they survjved un.der the mine by drinking spring water that seeped(渗漏)through the top of the shaft(矿井).56. The local mine coal accident was probably reported on&&&&&&&&&& .&AJuly8&&&&& B,Julylo&&&& C.July2&&&&& D.July357. What caused the coal mine break down?& A Workers& abnormal xvc}rking_&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Typhoonn.& C. Days of heavy rajp&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Shock of the ca:thquake58. According to the passage,th. e rrmPrs could be alive unaerground if&&&&&&&&&& .&& A there is some space for fresh air&& B. they are equippeci with water-proof raciar device&& C. they drink enough water&& D. there is enough food59. Which of the following is TRUE accoraing to the passage?&& A. Scientific measures are used to help rescue the trapped workers.&& B. Each miners being pulled out alive will be offered 2 miliion yuan.&& C. Officials offered to give the continuing rescuers higher rank&& D. Water-proof radar- will be puf down to give light.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& BWe answer some questions tlris week in our series on getting into an American collegeor university.& The first question is about our recent discussion of English language test. Vo Ngoc from& Vietnam would like to know about the TOEIC,which is designed to measure skills of Englis'n asspoken in the workplace.& The Educational Testing Service adm. inisters the TOEIC. It says the test measures thelanguage skills of people working in an international environment. American colleges and uruversities accept scores from the TOFEL and often the IELTS. If you miss our reporf on thesetests,you can fina it at our website zurvw* unso. com..& Tahir Mahood from Pakistan asks how to improve his English before taking these kinds oftests. Well,you c:an start by looking for ways to use English as much as you can Watch Amenatnmovies and TV shows and read books in English Look for English speakers to talk to.&The Internet has many free materials for Engiish learners. Visitors to e,uurw. unsv. ,for example,can read,listen and watch programmes on many different subjects. The U. .S. Depart-ment of Education recent launched a free website designed to help immigrants learn English.The site is called USA Learns at zuww. usalearns, org, like unanv. chinadaily. cn, interded forEnglish learners in ChinaNext,a question from Turkey:Hasan Eker asks about getting a postdoctoral position in theU. S. Tlus is work generally done by a person who recent:ly earped a PhD. The National Post-&doctoral Association in Washington has information about international postdocs on its websitc. national postdoc. org.And,finally,om Iran,Afgharustan and Indonesia about how to pay an education through jo'os. There- re rules that restr:ict the kinds of jobs that& foreign studemscan have wEule studying in the U. S.60. What-s the purpose of the passage?A To attract more people to the website.B. To introduce the TOEIC to readers.C. To ask questions on entering American uruversities.D. To help deal with some puzzles on entering American colleges.61, According to the passage,TOEIC is&&&&&&&&&&& .A a must for those who go to American uruversitiesB. designed for whoever apply for a job with companiesC, to test a student-s language skills in the workplaceD. a test for students to graduate from universities62. A person wb.o wants to learn. English can go to the following EXCEPT _&&&&&& .A. www. unsv. com&& B. www. national postdoc. orgC. www. usalearns. org&&&&& D,www chinadaiLy. cn,63. What can we knOw from the passage?A\. Foreigr. student_ are not allowed fo do whatever jobs they like in t,he U. S.B. Every graduate from colleges can get a postdoctoral position if they want to.C. The IELTS is also necessary for job application like the TOEIC.D. Students from Iran aren-t allowed to have jobs in the U. S.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C&Join the Farruly Read-Aloud Celebration,held by the Gonda Family Library ana the Family&Scnool Alliance at UCLA Lab School,from February 21 to March 14,2014. We ask you to spend time reading aloud to your chilr3ren at least 20 minutes each daY We hop._ to help families develop a inabit of reading aloud every day throughout and beyond primary school. We'li finish the cele-bration with a party on March 14 for the whole school.& Ways to join:& O& Visit Book Corner for reading aloud suggestions.&&&& Come to the start of the acti\rity on Friday,Feb, 2".,&O&& Add books to our list of favorite read-al.oud&O& Send us a photo of your family reading together (jkan,tor@ucta. zdu). Mrre will share it at& the party.& O&& Record your family's reading journey! .& O& Join us for th^ party on March 14,5一7 p. rn.&& Go on a reading jorumey!&Books can introduce your family to interesting people,exciting places,adventures and infor-mation. Let your journeys take you through these categories:& O&& Fiction&&&&&&&&&&&& O&& Picture books&&&&&& O& Poetry& O& Science&&&&&&&&&&&& O&&&& History&&&&&&&&&& O&& Sports&& O& Arts&&&&&&&&&&&&& O& other Non-Fiction&&&&& O&& Benefits of Reading Aloud&Reading aloud helps a cluld to read -Mth pleasure,create background knowledge,and build&vocabulary. It also prowides children with a reading model. Reading alo::d doesn't just benefityoung children Parents should continue reading aloud as their children grow because listeningcomprehension is more importarit than reading skills in middle school.&Jim Trelease,in his Read-Aloud Handbook,has noted that almost as big a mistake as notreading to chiidren at all is stopping too soon& Until about the eighth grade,children listen amlcomprehend on a higher level than their reading skills allow them to read independently, Thismeans children can hear and understand stories that are more difficult and more interesting thananything they can read on their own64. What- s the purpose of the Family Read-Aloud Celebration?&&&&&&&&& I& A To celebrate the joys of reading.& B. To help improve family relationship,C. To change families& bad reading habits.& D. To get families into the habit of reading aloud.65. If you want to join the activity,you're supposed to __A. mail a book to the school&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. make an appearance at the starting dayC. read out loud from 5~7 p. m every day&&&&&& D. share your reading experience at the party66. We can infer from Jim Tyelease that&&&&&&&&&& .& A. young cluldren show greater skil{s at& s~ening than reading& B. children should be allowed to makc mistakes in reacling&& C, interesting stories are easier for children to understand&& D the eighth-graders can-t read on their own67.In wliich par' oi a website can We fincl the texr?A Culture&&&&&&&&& B. Lifestyle.&&&&&&&&& C. E,ducation.&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Science.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D& Whenevcr you buy something,it is possible that someone has already worn,eaten,or teste.dit to make sure it is safe and do what is supposed to do. But what if you wanted a special suit tokeep a shark from hurting you? Who wanta +o test a product like it?& "I do! " says Jeremiah Sullwan,a scientist in California& "You have to believe in what yousell,right?"&& Sullivan. owns SharkArmor Tech,a company that makes a& $ 49400 sharksuit that even agreat white shark can- t bite through Before Sullivan could sell his sharksuits,he needed to&make sure his design would work. Sullivan put on the sharksuit and jumped into a shark feedingground. "I need to know exactly what a human body could expect to go through," he says.&Sharks moved ali ar.ound Hm and then attacked his arm. Sullivan felt the bite but no teeth.He& was uncomfortable at times,but not painfuL The suit works! "&"I,ve now been bitten thousands of times but.never badly," says Sullivan,who now works with shows like Wild Kingdmn, ana programs for the Disco'oery Channel s Shan~ Week.& So,are you all set to buy a sharksuit? Before you do,you should know that th. e suit weighs20& pounds and makes swimming almost impossible-not so practical for a day on the beach. Andin fact, Sullivan wants only .professionals, such as filmmakers, scientists and drivers, to havesharksuits. Why? Because even if someone is wearing a sharksuit,they could get seriously hurtif they treat diving with a 4,OOO-pound shark as a game.&& During sharksuit testing,sharks have thrown Sullivan to a bottom o/ reefs(磙) and tried totake him off into the deepest part of the ocean. "However," Sullivan sa}fs,"you don't need tobe afraid of sharks. It-s actually pretty hard to get a shark to bite you, "68. The first paragraph is written to&&&&&&&&& .A start a discussion&&&&&&&&& B. introduce the topic of the textC show the main points of the text&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. test readers' knowledge69. Why did Sullivan get close to sharks?A To see if hiS sharksLut works.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. To study what sharks feed on.c. To catch a special kind of white shark.&&&& D. To learn how to swim with sharks safely,70. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 5 mean?& A Most people won't wear the sharksuit to the beach& B. People like to go to the beach with the sharksLut.& C. The sharksuit makes a perfect day on the beach& D. The sharksuit can-t be worn for a whole day.71. We can learn from the text that the sharksuit _A works well for swimmers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B& is light but uncomfortableC, keeps sharks away from humans&&&&&&&& D. is designed for special purposeESpeaking two languages can actually help offset(抵消) some effects of aging on the brain,a new study has found,&Researchers tested how long it took participants to switch from one cogrutive(认知的) taskto another,something that-s knovrn to take longer for older adults,said lead researcher,BrianGold,a neuroscientist ar the Uruversif.y of Kentucky.Gold-s team compared task-switching speeds for younger and older adults,knowing th.eywould fjp.d slower speeds in the older population because of previous studies. However,theyfouiid that oider adults who spoke two languages were able to switch mental activities fastercietlned in tne st,idy as peopie speaking a second iangUage aaily since they wereat ieast 10 yeatsoldGold& and his team asked 30 people,either bilingual o: nionolingual(只僮一种语言 人) ,tuhave a series of tests. They found that bilingual people were not oniy able to switch tasksfaster-they had different brain acti/ty than their monolingual peers.&Kristina called bilingualism "a beautiful natural experimentY, because people grow upspeaking two languages,and studies have shown that they get certain cognitive benefjfs fromsv,tching between languages aml determirung whi:h to respond with based on what's going onaround them.Gold said he grew up in Montreal,where he spoke Frencb. at school and Er.glish at hcme,promptipg relatives to question v:hether his French language immersion would somehow hinderhis abiiity to learn Englisl:."Until wery recently9 liearning a second language in childhood was thought of as danger-ous," he said. "Actually,it's beneficial. "72. What-s the main idea of the passage?&& A Researchers found that speaking two languages is hnportant.&& B. Researchers found that bilingual people respond slowly.&& C. Researchers found that bilingual peopie can slow down the speed or aging on the brain&&&&& and respond fast.&& D. Researchers found that bilingual people are great.73. Which of the followirLg is TRUE according to the passage?& A Oider bilinguals can-t respond faster in mind.& B. Older add.ts speaking a second language daily since tF,ey were at least 10 years old can&&&& respond faster than those who don't& C. Young biiinguals can respond fast:er in mind tnan those monolinguals.& D. Bilingual children respond slower in mind than those monolinguals.74. Kristina called bilingualism "a beautif'ul natural experimen+" because&&&&&&&&& & A people grow up,benefiting from speaking two languages& B, people speaking two languages.are natural&&&& .&& C. people speaking two languages are beautiful& D. people speaking two languages like the experiment75. We can learn from the last paragraph that learning a second language in chilclhooci& is-&&& .& A aangerous to children&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. not beneficial to children& C. aapgerous but beneficial to children&&&&&& D. not'dangerous but beneficial to children
第四部分&& 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填人恰当的单词。&注意:每个空格只填一个单词。&Teen obesity means the problem of very overweight teenagers. Obesiry for a teenagerhappens when his or her BMI(身体质量指数)is more than 95 percent greater as compared toother teenagers of the same gender(性别)and age.&The term "obese" is commonly used by doctors wh. en a person's weight can badly affectthejr health. Obesity can be caused by genetics and habits such as eating unhealthy food and∞tgetting enough exercise.Teen obesity can lead to several health problems. Obese teens are at greater risk of develo-ping health complication(并发症),such as type-2 diabetes(糖尿病),high blood pressure andbigh cholesterol(胆固醇).If they remain obese into adulthood,these teens can also raise theirchances of developing heart disease.&&& 、&In addition,there can be many psychological effects of teen obesity. Some expP-:ts believethere is a strong link between obesity and self-identity(自我认向).If teens are treated poorly byother teens,they may F.ave the feeling of low self-esteem(自尊),loneliness and depression&Health experts recommend several ways to control teen obesity, The most common sugges-tions are eating balanced meals with enough fruit and vegetables in addition to getting 60minutes of exercise daily. Eating a good breakfast can also help,according to some doctors.&Doctors suggest that teens avoid trying to go on a diet and instead learn to how to makelifestyle changes, Some experts also recommend making the entire family take part in healthierhabits to make the obese teen feel less alonet Parents can also avoid talking about health weightin terms of "fat' and "thin" and instead say that each person's ideal size is differentTitle&Teen obesityIntroduction&Teen obesity happens when h s or her BMI'is o'S{reater than teenagers of the same gender and age76.&&&&& &★Genetics★77. _ -&&&&&&&&&&& eating habits★78.&&&&&&&&&&&& to get enough exercise79.&&& effects &★It 80. __&&&&&&& __ the risk of developirut heal+h cc:nplication★Obese teens are iikely to aevelop heart disease when theybecome 81.&&&&&&&&&&&&& .★Obese teens may have low self-esreem and feel 82.&&&&&&&&&& && or depressed.83.&&&&&&& &★Eat balanced meals ancl take exercise every day.&&&&&&&&&& .★Eat a good breakfast_★Change 84.★Make the whole fan.ily 85&&&&&&&& '&&&& in nealthy habits.&第二节&& 书面表达(满分25分)&一些父母经常翻看自己孩子的书包、日记甚至网上聊天记录(chat records),请你就这一现象谈谈自己的看法。& 注意:1,词数120左右;&&&&&&& 2.可根据要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。&文章来源莲 山课件 w ww.5 Y
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