Be the girl you always have a dreamto be .的意思。谢谢

Be the girl you always have to be .的意思.谢谢
Be the girl you always have to be .的意思.谢谢
Be the girl you always have to be .的意思.谢谢
这是个复合祈使句 〔主句〕Be the girl 要做这样的女孩子〔定语从句〕you always have to be 你总得要成为的 (女孩子).合成翻译:做你必须始终要成为的那种女孩子.本节目单下的其他节目
【英文天天写】131017 你是“低头族”吗?
发布于: 20:00:08
Good evening, everyone !&I am Peter. Today, I am a temporary host for Thursday's programme.Hope we can have fun here every Thursday!大家晚上好~!
【今日话题】Are You A&Phubber?
It seems that since the arrival of smart phone in 2007, we have seen the emergence of a new problem, and a uniquely 21-century problem. While our world is getting more connected, people become more disconnected, losing our conversation and real human interactions. Generally, many people are ignoring the person in front of him/her and being addicted to their smart phones. Lacking of a proper word to describe this phenomenon, however, hinders us from discussing it and solving it,&Now, the “word problem” no longer exists since a group of lexicologists who gathered at University Of Sydney, Australia, on 22nd May, 2012, has created a new word for it. Here it is – Phubbing. This word is a combination of Phone and Snub and it describes the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your cell phone instead of paying attention. Just on the second day after its invention, the word has gone viral in local social conversations. And then it soon championed worldwide with the help of new global movement – “Stop phubbing”. Within a year, over 180 countries were using it.&While numbers of people are questioning the improper social etiquette, phubbing, another tragedy happened at San Francisco last month. A college student was randomly killed by a shooter in a metro carriage. The shocking fact is the killer had taken out his pistol many times in front of people, aiming at those innocent passengers. But nobody actually had noticed that because all of them, obviously, were attracted by their tablets or smart phones. People were unaware of the upcoming danger, which led to the death of that college student. What an astonishing truth!&So here are this week’s topics:1. Are you a phubber? Are you a victim of phubbing? Tell us your stories.2. Are you in favour of or against the global movement of “Stop phubbing”? And Why?&注意话题范围和phubbing的定义,不要跑题。&
by Malum Mobile devices such as smart phones have become so common nowadays that it seems everyone is using them all the time. The recent incident of a murder taking place on board a train with nobody realizing, not even the victim himself, since everybody was using their mobile devices further illustrates this dangerous trend. While on their mobile devices, some people cross the street without looking up, not paying attention to the traffic light nor approaching traffic. When these people are unaware of their surroundings, not only are they endangering themselves, they can also become a hazard to the people around them.
订阅本节目 请戳我戳我~~~&
I spend a lot of time on my smartphone,I like to share stories with my friends and my followers through weixin and twitter(weibo),but literally,I should not be sorted as a phubber because I also enjoy people's company in real world.I believe many people feel the same way.On one hand,they love to indulge themselves in virtual life where they can forget all the troubles,on the other hand,they are happy to talk to friends face-to-face or be surrounded by lover's warm arms.However,some extreme examples alert us.Some people put so much attention in virtual world that they totally neglect the real world.Not enough care from family or friends is one of the reasons should be blamed for and those who are neglected tend to seek securities from those devices.In the end,it becomes a vicious circle.So from now on,let's begin to care the people around us.
Hello and welcome.Great!1) should not be considered- The word &considered& may be a better choice than &sorted.& Usually &sorted& is for objects.Let's learn together. Cheers.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、indulge themselves in virtual life && indulge themselves in virtual world
换个词语感觉更准确。而且你后面用的也是virtual world。2、one of the reasons should be blamed for && one of the reasons that should be blamed for 个人感觉这个that还是不要省略的好。3、and those who are neglected && the people who are neglected
Phubbing, a new word known as a gourp of people tapping their smartphone on mater where they are.Obviously, it is dangerous and many cases have given us alarms. For example, a girl cut her head to die when she was addicted to the cell phone, but the elevator was borken up not long before, and a young man was killed during the subway and no
one noted it for all people focused on the phone.
Smart phone has become one part of our lives, but it is rediculous to watch the phone all the time, those cases lead us to think about it, we should use the phone wisely, not stupitly.答题用时:[20:32]写作需要锻炼,怎么感觉干巴巴的没话说呢,写得不好,请多指教。
a new word known as a group of people ... -& a new word was coined for a group of people who are always tapping their smartphone no matter where they are.
第二段的 and a young man 前最好断句.
no one noted it -& no one noticed it ...
rediculous -& ridiculous
Hello and welcome.Great!1) group of people- Spelling2) no matter where they are- SpellingLet's learn together. Cheers.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、on mater where they are 什么意思?是不是关键词语拼写错误?2、a girl cut her head to die && a girl tried to commit suicide 或 a girl tried to beheaded herself 如果描述起来感觉困难,换种说法。这个也是英语的关键能力之一。3、but the elevator was broken up && but the elevator had broken up
这里用过去完成时是不是更妥当点呢?4、no one noted it && no one noticed it 5、those cases lead us && Those cases lead us
一句话结束,注意句号或具备结束功能的标点符号结尾。并且,下一句用大写开头。6、we should use the phone && We should use the phone
songcheng628说:欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、on mater where they are 什么意思?是不是关键词语拼写错误?2、a girl cut her head to die && a girl tried to co...1、no matter当时拼错了,~~~~(&_&)~~~~ 2、那个女孩子不是自杀,而是走出电梯时玩手机,结果电梯坏了卡住她的头,当然,女孩壮烈牺牲,这里不知怎么表达好,加上以为大家都这件新闻都比较了解就没详细描述;4、这里用noted原先想表示没有人指出来/站出来,结果大家都理解为“注意到”,~~~~(&_&)~~~~ 亲,谢谢指点啊,以后要多写多练才行呢。
In my opnion, i don’t think as a phubber that become almost unhappy.First of all, “Phubbing” isn’t a central problem of regardless surrounding persons. In the 21 century, everybody like alive in his small world, and refuse talk with others or physical contact. Especially between parents and children, the generation gap exchanges to each other less and less. “Phubbing” is only a way to avoid this situation. On the other hand, when you participate in a party that you don’t like, become Phubber can help you spend a long time. In their world, there is also the communication. 好多年没写英语啦, 请大家多多指教~~ @_@
写完后 自己都是乱的~~~囧
Hello and welcome.Great!1) I- Don't forget the pronoun &I& is always capitalized.Let's learn together. Cheers.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、as a phubber that become almost unhappy 什么意思?不如改成being a phubber will lead to some unhappy consequences in one's life.2、central problem of regardless surrounding && central problem of ignoring surrounding3、everybody like alive in his && everybody likes living in his4、and refuse talk && and refuses to talk5、or physical contact && in phusical contact6、the generation gap exchanges to each other less and less && due to the generation gap, the talkings between parents and children are becoming less and less7、On the other hand.... 我在节目中多次提及到on the other hand用法的问题。总的来说,它是中国学习者最常见的错误之一。我们总情不自禁的把他等同于“另一方面”,和前句的是属于递进的逻辑关系。实际上,on the other hand在地道英语写作中属于“对比”关系。例如,on one hand, A...; on the other hand, B... 那么,A和B在逻辑上是对立的。请千万注意!8、become Phubber && being a phubber 注意基本的语法。9、spend a long time && kill your time10、there is also communication && that's also called 'communication'从上面文章上可以看出,的确有一阵子没有写过英文了。有些基本的语法都生疏了。如果你有意重拾英语写作,那么请不要心急。从简单句连起,保持练习频率,会有效果的。对了,还有一点是,多多参与我们的节目,很多人在这里都得到了自己的收获。
I can understand the feeling of being phubbed. Two years ago, on a party hold for 10 years anniversary for graduation from middle school, lots of familiar classmates that haven’t met for a long time gathered together and celebrated this special day. We drunk and recalled interesting things happened at middle school. However, there were some guys looking their phones, sitting at the corner. We tried to ask them to join us together, but only to get cold replies. I really wondered what was their purpose to come to the party. Although we spent a happy time that night, these guys made us a bit unpleasant. I really want to tell these guys who are addicted to their phones: No matter how wonderful the virtual world is, we live in the real world. Why not put your phone down, and let’s chat with each other face to face. You’ll find the real world is also full of pleasure.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、but only to get cold replies && but only got cold replies写的不错,语言流畅,基本没有错误。能够很清楚的表达自己的意见。最重要的是,到现在为止,你是第一个与我们分享自己故事的人。Well Done! 请多多参与我们的节目!
songcheng628说:欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、but only to get cold replies && but only got cold replies写的不错,语言流畅,基本没有错误。能够很清楚的表达自己的意见。最重要...Thank you very much for your high comment
About phubbingIf you want to know my attitude to this thing, I will say that’s reasonable. Virtual society is more comfortable and free than real world. On the internet or mobile internet, people can be honest or mean, can be hypocritical or fearless. In all, they can show their real characters. They can gossip others or focus on society issues or something else that they cannot do in real world. So the virtual society is more attractive than real one. I’ll say don’t blame them and after all they are doing their own businesses. I think the most important thing is not the phubbing itself. It should be the contents which they focus on. If they pay attention to society issues like officer corruption, not only we should not be against their phubbing, but also we should support to them. Therefore, leave them along and let them phub, maybe they are concentrating their power to fight against society problems.
Hello and welcome.Great!1) gossip about others- The preposition &about& should be used.Let's learn together. Cheers.
support to them--------&support themleave them aloneconcentrating their power to fight-----&concentrating their power on fighting ,not so sure,and also think the word &power& is not so appropriatelearn together
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、my attitude to this thing && my attitude towards this 2、On the Internet or moblie internet && On the Internet
重复意思,删除累赘。3、In all && In other words4、not only we should not be against && not only shouldn't we be against
注意看语法书上倒装相关章节。5、let them phub && let them phubbing
Let's retrospect to those days when smart phones have not been invented. Then how do we spend our spare time, when you are waiting for a bus, when you are in a get-together , how do you kill the time.Those fancifully modern gadgets represented by smart phone aroused huge sensation once appeared. Acted as a mobile terminal, smart phones enriched
one's tedious spare time by extending your Internet life, From this point of view, it does benefit us deeply. However, some people obviously
gone too far from it. They addicted themselves into the virtual world without pay attention to others, namely &Phubbing&,This is a cool world to describe those people. We dig it deeper, for some &phubber&,maybe they just too lonely in real life. After all facing a forever –existed virtual world are much easier than facing the tough real world. In this way,&Phubbing& is a perfect way to run away from something they don't want to face. A good way to get rid of this trouble is share those interesting things you got via your phone to friends around you while you are “Phubbing”.
Hello and welcome.Great!1) some people obviously have gone too far- The form &gone& is a participle and should be used with &have& to form &have gone.&- Simple past tense &went& can also be used.Let's learn together. Cheers.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、retrospect && look back 用词准确,但与你的文章风格不一致。你第一段明显想用循循善诱的问题引发读者的思考,这样的“大词”不建议使用。词语要与文章风格统一。2、第一段后面几个问题之间全部用逗号连接,不妥。一句话说完就用句号连接或者用具有断句功能的标点符号结束。另外,连词连接两个短句也是一种该选择。3、Those fancifully modern gadgets && Those fanciful and modern gadgets
很明显,你的fancifully不是修饰modern而是gadgets。4、represented by smart phone 删除5、smart phones enriched && a smart phone enriches
注意紧贴的前一句说的是as a mobile... 前后一致。另外,讲普遍现象或事实时用一般现在时比较的好。6、gone too far from it && have gone too far from it7、without pay attention && without paying attention 8、namely &phubbing& && namely &phubber&
注意你的主语是some people, 而phubbing的定义是行为不是人。(这就是我在题目后面特别提醒那段红字的目的)9、maybe they just oo longly && maybe they are just too lonely
不要忘记基本语法规则。10、After all facing && After all, facing
这个逗号的重要性不言而喻,请自行体会。11、world are much easier && world is much easier12、is share those interesting && is sharing those interesting 总的来说,写的不错。写作功底还行,但语法稳定性上有待提高。特别是写作时间长了或者句子太长了,容易犯基本的语法错误。原因可能有两点:1、写作基本考语感,但自己的语感有时候不那么的可靠。2、疲劳导致忘记基本的语法规则。明白了原因才能找到解决方法。不过无论哪种,都需要加强练习才能做到语法运用自如。请多多参与我们的节目!
Ha, honestly speaking, I'm a phubber, although I don't like phubber surroundings. When we are gathering some people are staring at their cellphone and as time passed by, more and more people do the same things. That's the main cause why I become a phubber. I used to struggle for overcoming such a bad habit. Because when the time using cellphone is increased the time we connect with the actual world decrease. I try to put it on the desk and silent the cellphone. But there is no dramatic effect. The new approach to leave off from the group of phubber is trying, and now when we are getting together I really want to sit closely and just talk about some recent affairs, maybe boring, but we can enhance our friendship, is it?
Hello and welcome.Great!1) the time we connect with the actual world decreases- The form &decreases& should be used because it means &the time decreases.&Let's learn together. Cheers.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、I don't like phubber surroundings && I don't like those phubbers who surround me2、Because when then time using cellphone is increased the time we connect with the actual world decrease && Because the more we use cellphone, the less we are connected with the real world.
注意句型的变化,我的这个是不是更简单、明了?3、there is no dramatic effect 这句话很突兀,什么意思?没有戏剧化的效果?4、enhance our friendship, is it? && enhance our friendship, don't we?总体来说,不错!特别是你变成了一个phubber的原因让人眼前一亮,的确如此。周边的人也可以影响我们!
Smart phone and tablet is marvelous.It’s the people who use them to blame.Honestly,I am not phubber,and hate phubbing.So I am totally in favour of the global movement of “Stop phubbing”.It is one of the most fantastic movements,I think.Phubbers,especially those married ones should be charged with bing a crime.For their family, what a great hazard it is when they pay all their attention to the smart phone at home.
Hello and welcome.Great!1) charged with a crime- SpellingLet's learn together. Cheers.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、is marvelous && are marvelous2、to blame && to be blamed for3、bing a crime && being a crime????总的来说,写的不错,值得鼓励。虽然文章短小精悍,但是结构和观点都很清晰。请多多参与我们节目!我们需要这样高品质的文章!
I have to recognize that I am a phubber and I always use the mobile phone wherever I am. I scan the website, play games and connect with people by the app. It is likely that I live in the phone world and sometimes I just continue to open and close the telephone without any aim. What is wrong with me ? I suspect whether I have phychosis at some degree. However, when I turn around at the school, I find that almost people are similar with me. Therefore, I am greatly in favor of the movement which calls for people stopping phubbing. Through the movement, I ought to pay attention to the truly social connection. Talk with them face to face. It is not only touch feeling ,but exercise speaking skills and courage.
① phychosis是不是psychosis,感觉用的有点奇怪捏 ②when I turn around at the school, I find that almost people are similar with me. 》》most people are similar to me ③ Talk with them face to face》》talk to them face to face④. It is not only touch feeling ,but exercise speaking skills and courage.不懂
Hello and welcome.Great!1) without any purpose- &Purpose& would be a better word choice than &aim.&Let's learn together. Cheers.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、recongnize that && realise that2、scan && browse3、play games && playing games4、by the app && by the apps
单数变复数,因为软件不止一款5、It is likely that I live && It's like that I am living6、in the phone world && in a virtual world
注意体会我换掉的两个词语。7、almost people && almost all the people8、similar with me && similar to me9、Talk with them && Talking with them10、but execersie ... && but excersie one's communicating skills as well as courage.多多加强练习,你还是学生,英语这个水平还不错。但更上一层楼还需要多多参与我们的节目。毕竟,罗马不是一天建成的。
Honestly, I am in favor of the global movement of “stopping phubbing” as the single reason that too much concentration on the digital devices and neglect the surrounding real world lead to the addiction to the virtual world and indifference to the real world. It is high time that we did something to advocate the public the imperative need of caring and attending friends and relatives among us. Take my personal experience as an example, I just joined a friends gathering last week celebrating the reunion of a Mary’s back from afield. We haven’t met Mary for nearly two years since she studied in the UK. To my disappointment, instead of talking with each other and sharing the happiness and sorrow in the episode of the 2 years, we seldom talked to the friends in the same atmosphere sitting around us but were busy engaged in exchanging views in the Renren and wetion. Therefore, I strongly propose that no more phubbing, we should live in the touchable real world but not i-touchable machine world.
Nice to meet you again.indifference 和 i-touchable 这两个词用的挺不错的wetion 是不是拼写错误?
Hello and welcome.Great!1) advocate to the public- The word &to& should be used.Let's learn together. Cheers.
Malum说:Hello and welcome.Great!1) advocate to the pubic- The word &to& should be used.Let's learn together....I just looked up a dictionary.'advocate' is a transitive verb, so don't need to use 'to'.Do you agree with me?
wudihuanying说:I just looked up a dictionary.'advocate' is a transitive verb, so don't need to use 'to'.Do you agree with me?Hello,The word &to& is not needed if what follows is an object, such as a cause.For example,He advocated equality for all.She advocated protection of the environment.In this case, the word &to& is needed because the public refers to the people.He advocates to the public means he educates the public.
Malum说:Hello,The word &to& is not needed if what follows is an object, such as a cause.For example,He advocated eq...Ok, I understand. Yes, 'to' is needed indeed.Thank you for your reply.
欢迎参加节目!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、as the single reason && as reasons
前面说一个原因,但紧接着就罗列两个,前后矛盾2、and neglect && and neglecting3、the addiction to the virtual && the addiction of the virtual 4、第一句过于复杂,导致意思表达不清,语法出现错误。建议长句变断句,复杂句换成简单句。不要把这么多内容强行糅合,有时候效果适得其反。5、we did something && we do something6、advocate the public the imperative need of caring... && advocate the imperative need of caring... of the public
注意public和后面的逻辑关系。如果我没有推测错误的话,应该改为我这样的语序。7、第二句问题如同第一句。且and多度使用。注意,我的理解是and作为连词使用时,一般表达并列关系或递进关系。也就是说,连接的两句需要有内在的逻辑联系,如果没有,不宜使用连词。另外,不要将一个意思反复的说,A and B and C and D...这样只会让意思和逻辑更加混乱,读者不知所以。8、of a Mary's back && of Mary's back9、back from afield 据我所知,afield是adv。10、instead of talking ... and sharing... and sorrow
看见没,and过度使用的问题又出现了。如果感觉不可避免,那么请换一种说法。一句话中不要多次出现and。11、in the episode of the 2 years && in the 2 years 个人感觉这里过度修饰,简洁点好。12、but were busy engaged && and were busily eagaged
注意看我修改的两个词语。13、touchable real world and intouchable machine world && tangible world
I used to spend lots of time on my smartphone, mainly to log in the mini-blog and see the friends’ updated news. But there was one time that when I was totally indulged in the virtual world while walking across the street, I almost got a crash by a fast running car. Afterwards, I felt scared yet a bit lucky. I decided not to be such a phubber that pay attention to almost nothing around me. Then next day, I used the old-style simple Nokia phone instead of the smartphone. When I was on the way to work, I felt that the trees were green, the sky were blue, and even the sharp sun that hanging high on the sky seemed so nice and warm. At that moment, I have tasted the sweet fruit of not be a phubbing, since which I realized that being phubbing would keep us endangered and ignoring the beautiful things around us. So we should encourage stop phubbing and enjoy more beautiful things around us.
The Phenomenon of phubbing is becoming wider and wider.People even nothing without using their phones or tablets and being ignorant of others.It seems like having the phones or tablets then you possess the whole world.Frankly,as the development of electronic technique,we are buried in a smaller world in which we can reading,searching imformation,sending emails,paying for bills and shopping instead of going out and interacting with each others to realize goals. Our daily life is greatly more convenient than ever.Meanwhile,some drawbacks definitely can not be negleted.Are we truly always doing meaningful things while we using phones and tablets without merely killing the time and being accustomed to it or escaping reality?Perhaps,we need deeply think about and reflect on it.In my opinon,firstly,we might as well take the best advantages to the phones and tablets to do the useless and essential things and unload those apps hooked by you in order to save your precious time.Secondly,if nessesary,force yourself into communicating with others on the account of that you a in a real life rather than shaowy.
怎么都没有人呢 批改我的文章
不好意思,最近发烧在,评点较晚,抱歉!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、The Phenomenon && The phenomenon2、People even nothing && People even can do nothing3、using their phones or tablets && using phones or tablets4、we are buried in a smaller world && we are living in a smaller world5、we can reading && we can read .... 后面所有V+ing全换成v。6、greatly more convenient && more convenient
删除累赘表达。7、truly always && truly 8、while we using phones && while using phones9、escaping reality && escaping from reality10、the useless and essential things && the essential things11、you a in a real life rather than shaowy. 什么意思?尽管有一些小瑕疵,但有进步,请继续加强练习。
songcheng628说:不好意思,最近发烧在,评点较晚,抱歉!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、The Phenomenon && The phenomenon2、People even nothing && People even can ...
thanks for commenting and take a good care of yourself -
In fact, these phubbers are looking for loneliness. Because they are lacking in a clear idea about what they want, they jump into the virtually connected world hoping to leave a footprint or find their existence.
If we go back 200 years to an agricultural society, we could find that society had many colourful, individualised people who lived on different geographic regions, weather and season. However, the industrial world has evolved into a structured and standardised society. For example, your profession decide your circle of friends, your salary, social rule and even your spouse.
This evolution has been aggravated and enforced by programmed software and computerised tools. In my view, we are entrapped and lost in a prison in which everything has its own template or process and we are forced to follow them strictly. In order to break away the prison, we are cheated to use the cell phone by the alluring word “connected”. But these tools can only make us more loneliness.
1、looking for loneliness &&
looking for a sense of existence
2、to an agricultural society 删除,多余。
3、had many colourful ?这里用had吗?我也不确定,虚拟语态里的有时候可以用其他形式吧?如has
4、who lived on && who live in??
5、decide your circle of friends && decides your circle of friends
6、This evolution has been aggravated and enforced by programmed software and computerised tools. 这说的是哪跟哪?比喻吗?
7、we are cheated to use the cell phone by the alluring word “connected” && We cheated ourselves by useing the smart phones and created an alluring word &Connected& for them.
8、But these tools can only make us more loneliness. && But these tools can bring us nothing except for lonliness. 注意英语思维。
1、looking for loneliness &&
looking for a sense of existence
2、to an agricul...看你的评论学的东西最多了,好细心的主持人,给个赞
It is really very dangerous if we have became a phubber. Let me tell you a tradgy of a phubber,whom I know from a newspaper. I can't remember the exact name of her. But I could remember she was a phubber. One day, when she went back to school, she was absorded in playing her smartphone. Therefore, she did not take any notice to her surroundings. Suddenly, she fell into a deep hole and never stood up again-she lost her life.
Every coin has two sides. so is the smartphone. Its appearance makes our life much more convinient.However, if we cannot control ourselves, we will surely get into trouble because of it,espacially when we spend all of the time playing it.
very good.我觉得appearance
换为 advent 比较好,
I am not a phubber and I am not among the head-down generation with their hands glued to their cellphones. But I am very frustrated to the fact that I have to deliberate to draw attention from friends that I am talking to, as they are constantly looking at their phones. Too involved in smartphone can hurt relationships, making people feel they are not important. I call on more effort to make real meaningful connection and interaction to people around you. Creating a caring environment by focusing on the real-world conversation and listening to people around you.
不好意思,最近发烧在,评点较晚,抱歉!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、with their hands glued to && whose hands are glued to2、deliberate to draw && delibrately draw3、more effort && more efforts4、to make && on making 5、real meaningful connection and interaction && real meaningful connections and interactions写的不错,比较喜欢你的开头。继续加油!


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