什么是 ADIT processing教程

绿了,终于绿了! - 未名空间 - 中国大陆站(.cn)
[版面:][首篇作者:] , 日04:56:53
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发信人: bxbbxb (snowice), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 15:56:53 2013, 美东)
On December 23, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this
customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on
the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days
following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing
referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before
receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-
485 timeline
RD: 10/1/13
FP: 11/13/13
AP: 12/23/13
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 75.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: gardenerla (少说话,多灌水), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 15:57:19 2013, 美东)
【 在 bxbbxb (snowice) 的大作中提到: 】
: 感谢啊,真感谢大家的祝福.
: 原本以为今年不可能绿了,结果今天收到信息说状态变了,一查发现真的绿了。
: On December 23, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this
: customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions
: the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60
:& following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing
: referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before
: receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-
: 485 timeline
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 71.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: cuisying (cui), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 15:59:07 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 76.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: ok (), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:03:04 2013, 美东)
【 在 bxbbxb (snowice) 的大作中提到: 】
: 感谢啊,真感谢大家的祝福.
: 原本以为今年不可能绿了,结果今天收到信息说状态变了,一查发现真的绿了。
: On December 23, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this
: customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions
: the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60
:& following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing
: referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before
: receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-
: 485 timeline
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 71.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: zni2 (nini), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:09:59 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 98.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: RF2009 (RF2009), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:22:37 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 199.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: LXer (蓝翔人,中国最牛IT人), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:23:16 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 65.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: linji (吉林), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: Smartphone每个月的可能的最低数据用量是多少?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:23:38 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 10.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: cofaky895 (eH), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:31:52 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 65.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: xgw167 (Tit@N), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:33:42 2013, 美东)
Big Cong!!! NSC or TSC?
【 在 bxbbxb (snowice) 的大作中提到: 】
: 感谢啊,真感谢大家的祝福.
: 原本以为今年不可能绿了,结果今天收到信息说状态变了,一查发现真的绿了。
: On December 23, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this
: customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions
: the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60
:& following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing
: referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before
: receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-
: 485 timeline
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 67.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: dnaxy (雪松), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:33:56 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 199.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: robustli (robustli), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:39:50 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 170.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: bjmuyj (bjmuyj), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:39:56 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 162.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: MyPrincess (打点酱油), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:41:12 2013, 美东)
【 在 bxbbxb (snowice) 的大作中提到: 】
: 感谢啊,真感谢大家的祝福.
: 原本以为今年不可能绿了,结果今天收到信息说状态变了,一查发现真的绿了。
: On December 23, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this
: customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions
: the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60
:& following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing
: referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before
: receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-
: 485 timeline
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 149.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: sqlk2012 (ganengwsn), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:54:32 2013, 美东)
【 在 MyPrincess (打点酱油) 的大作中提到: 】
发自Android MITBBS阅览器 8.5
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 174.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: foxdna (qqo), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 16:56:16 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 138.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: nacotine (LG), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 17:04:08 2013, 美东)
【 在 bxbbxb (snowice) 的大作中提到: 】
: 感谢啊,真感谢大家的祝福.
: 原本以为今年不可能绿了,结果今天收到信息说状态变了,一查发现真的绿了。
: On December 23, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this
: customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions
: the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60
:& following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing
: referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before
: receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-
: 485 timeline
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 128.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: Rosefield (Rosenhof), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 17:18:24 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 155.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: violetlvsoso (麦兜~求绿), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 17:23:05 2013, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 198.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: smallhead (小脑袋), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: 绿了,终于绿了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 23 17:28:38 2013, 美东)
tsc or nsc?
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 海外:
中国: ?[FROM: 97.]
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- 版权所有,未名空间 - 中国大陆站(.cn),since 1996TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.
485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line - 未名空间 - 中国大陆站(.cn)
同主题阅读:TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.
485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
[版面:][首篇作者:] , 日05:01:53
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[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: skydragonID (skydragon), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:01:53 2014, 美东)
今天状态从Acceptance 直接变成Card/Document Production.
&On April 14, 2014, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30
days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we
will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer
service at 1-800-375-5283.”
不过还要等到卡到手才算.& 卡一般多少天能收到?
Time line: EB1A
140 RD: 01/03/2014,
3个星期后, 追加PP
140 AD: 02/04
485 RD: 03/07
FP date: 03/31 as scheduled
Card/Document Production: 04/14
Card received date: 04/19 (USPS 2-day priority mail with tracking number)
补充: 485, 131 765 同时递的. 目前,131 765 还是在 Initial Review.
我是从网上查到的. 我填了 g-1145 e-notice. 但不知为什么没收到E-mail notice.
补充2: 今天早晨状态变成 Decision. 看来没有 e-notice.
补充3: 绿卡已于04/19 收到. (131, 765 仍然是 Initial Review.但已不需要了).
从本版获益良多. 万分感谢大家的建议和解答!!! 现将 485, 131, 765 清单附上
.希望对后来人有所帮助. 背景在以前140贴过, 如下:
On April 14, 2014, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this
customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on
the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days
following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing
referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before
receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-
Google 了一下 ADIT = &Alien Documentation, Identification &
Telecommunications&. 是关于指纹. 难道有关指纹一些调查还没完成. 绿卡也能批?
485 材料清单
Part I: Documents List for Form I-485, Adjustment of Status Application
1. A check of $1070 for filing fee ($985 for I-485 plus $85 biometric fee)
2. Completed Form I-485, Application for Status Adjustment
3. Copy of& I-140 Approval Notice (I-797 for I-140)& in the category of EB1A
(Alien of Extraordinary Ability)&&&&&&
4. Copy of notarized birth certificate with English Translation&&
5. Copy of notarized marriage certificate with English Translation
6. Copy of passport biographical page, note page and visa stamps
7. Two 2in x 2in photos (with Name and SSN on back)
8. Form G-325A, Biographic Information&&
9. Form I-693, Medical Examination (sealed)&&&&&&
10. Form G-1145, e-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance.
11. Copy of the latest Form I-94 (front and back)&
12. Copy of Social Security Card&&&
13. Copy of Driver License
14. Copy of I-797 Approval Notices for H1B
15. Employment Verification Letter&&&&&&&&&&&
16. Copy of W-2 of latest 3 years& (, 2013)&&&&&
17. Paycheck stubs for last three months (12//2014)
19. Copy of previous I-20s (when I was a student)
765 材料清单
Part II: Documents List for Form I-765, Employment Authorization Application
1. Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization&&&&&
2. Copy of I-140 Approval Notice (I-797 for I-140)& in the category of EB1A
(Alien of Extraordinary Ability)
3. Copy of latest Form I-94, both sides&&&&
4. Copy of passport biographical page, note page and visa stamps
5. Copy of notarized birth certificate with English Translation&
6. Copy of Driver License
7. Copy of Social Security Card&&&
8. Form G-325A, Biographic Information&
9. Form G-1145, e-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance.
10. Two 2in x 2in photos (with Name and SSN on back)
11. Copy of I-797 Approval Notices for H1B
12. Employment Verification Letter&&&&&&&&&&&
13. Copy of W-2 of latest 3 years& (, 2013)&&&&&
14. Paycheck stubs for last three months (12/4, 02/2014)
131 材料清单
Part III: Documents List for Form I-131, Advance Parole Application
1. Completed Form I-131, Application for Travel Document&&&&&&
2. Copy of I-140 Approval Notice (I-797 for I-140)& in the category of EB1A
(Alien of Extraordinary Ability)
3. Copy of latest Form I-94, both sides&&&&&&
4. Copy of passport biographical page, note page and visa stamps
5. Copy of notarized birth certificate&&&&&
6. Copy of Driver License
7. Copy of Social Security Card&&&
8. Form G-325A, Biographic Information&
9. Form G-1145, e-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance.
10. Two 2in x 2in photos (with Name and SSN on back)
11. Copy of I-797 Approval Notices for H1B
12. Employment Verification Letter&&&&&&&&&&&
13. Copy of W-2 of latest 3 years& (, 2013)&&&&&
14. Paycheck stubs for last three months (12/4, 02/2014)
15. A letter explaining why I need to travel outside of U.S.
※ 修改:?skydragonID 於 Apr 30 18:00:24 2014 修改本文?[FROM: 70.]
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 138.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: littleted (Teddy), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:03:30 2014, 美东)
cong hope i am as lucky as u
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 159.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: bwl (〖霸王龙〗), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:05:30 2014, 美东)
Big Cong!!
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 170.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: Sheng2014 (包包), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:05:55 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 198.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: dreaminhands (hand in hand), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:14:12 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 146.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: FVWM (FVWM), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:19:02 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 108.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: michaelxiaga (南京中山陵), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:21:54 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 138.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: myle (myle), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:28:44 2014, 美东)
【 在 skydragonID (skydragon) 的大作中提到: 】
: 今天状态从Acceptance 直接变成Card/Document Production.
: &On April 14, 2014, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow
: days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we
: will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer
: service at 1-800-375-5283.”
: 不过还要等到卡到手才算.& 卡一般多少天能收到?
: Time line: EB1A
: 140 RD: 01/05/2014,
: 3个星期后, 追加PP
: 140 AD: 02/04
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 141.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: wang229 (两棵树), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:35:07 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 129.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: thunder8256 (blei), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:35:41 2014, 美东)
big cong!一月份的xmjdh啊!沾喜气!
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 69.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: yuhuashi11 (爸爸,巧虎), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:37:19 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 174.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: gtgt2013 (春夏秋冬), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:45:08 2014, 美东)
麻痹的不公平不公平 不公平!!!!!
【 在 skydragonID (skydragon) 的大作中提到: 】
: 今天状态从Acceptance 直接变成Card/Document Production.
: &On April 14, 2014, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow
: days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we
: will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer
: service at 1-800-375-5283.”
: 不过还要等到卡到手才算.& 卡一般多少天能收到?
: Time line: EB1A
: 140 RD: 01/05/2014,
: 3个星期后, 追加PP
: 140 AD: 02/04
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 174.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: omicron (面包), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:45:23 2014, 美东)
恭喜恭喜!这么快!楼主的名字是不是比较特别?FBI name check迅速通过?
【 在 skydragonID (skydragon) 的大作中提到: 】
: 今天状态从Acceptance 直接变成Card/Document Production.
: &On April 14, 2014, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow
: days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we
: will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer
: service at 1-800-375-5283.”
: 不过还要等到卡到手才算.& 卡一般多少天能收到?
: Time line: EB1A
: 140 RD: 01/05/2014,
: 3个星期后, 追加PP
: 140 AD: 02/04
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 137.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: Elva001 (Elva), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:45:59 2014, 美东)
big cong!沾喜气
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 10.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: chris2012 (chris), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:46:15 2014, 美东)
搂主 是不是只申请了绿卡,没申请工卡什么的?
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 206.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: saris (unknown), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:46:25 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 24.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: playmore (playmore), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:53:17 2014, 美东)
【 在 skydragonID (skydragon) 的大作中提到: 】
: 今天状态从Acceptance 直接变成Card/Document Production.
: &On April 14, 2014, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow
: days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we
: will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer
: service at 1-800-375-5283.”
: 不过还要等到卡到手才算.& 卡一般多少天能收到?
: Time line: EB1A
: 140 RD: 01/05/2014,
: 3个星期后, 追加PP
: 140 AD: 02/04
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 129.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: guoguobaobao (爱就爱了), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:53:19 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 128.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: carposina (yxb), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:54:31 2014, 美东)
【 在 skydragonID (skydragon) 的大作中提到: 】
: 今天状态从Acceptance 直接变成Card/Document Production.
: &On April 14, 2014, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow
: days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we
: will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer
: service at 1-800-375-5283.”
: 不过还要等到卡到手才算.& 卡一般多少天能收到?
: Time line: EB1A
: 140 RD: 01/05/2014,
: 3个星期后, 追加PP
: 140 AD: 02/04
: ...................
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 173.]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
发信人: yingying0823 (yy), 信区: Immigration
标& 题: Re: TSC似乎加速. 应该绿了吧.& 485 RD 03/07/2014. 附 Time line
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 17:55:43 2014, 美东)
※ 来源:?WWW 未名空间站 网址: 移动:在应用商店搜索未名空间?[FROM: 107.]
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