although there is no one but,s so.much like me and i like ,but

i know they love me even they don't know me
I'm so torn my crush likes another girl but he keeps on looking at me, like a lot, and wherever I go he is already there vice versa... The other today he started talking to me in a flirty sorta way coz I said that he was cute and yeah idk what to do I'm so undecided please help me??
just be like hey man i like you do yu like me no bullshit games
赞赏此回答请求这句话的中文翻译“although there‘s so much diffculties we had met. I never reg..._百度知道
请求这句话的中文翻译“although there‘s so much diffculties we had met. I never reg...
哪来的相爱啊晕 应该是:尽管我们遇到了那么多困难,可我从未后悔过
出门在外也不愁Vaes Dothrak
21, aspiring author, singer, model, and engaged to &@. Oh and give me shit if you must, I hope you understand how little of a shit I give about your opinions.
Banning feminism is a stupid thing to say, yes there are women who take it too far but there is genuine people who only want equal rights and if that's a bad thing to you, a women, like me then you are stupid. If it wasn't for feminism you wouldn't be able to vote, or do much of anything.
But its not feminism why I'm allowed to vote, it was suffrage. Suffragettes had a noble cause, all feminism seems to do is complain when a man dare comment on a woman's beauty, and complain about how we're still a long way off equality. What more do women want? In the western world women are allowed to leave a job at any time when they get pregnant, in the uk wages between men and women are closer, and more notably, during a custody case between a man and a woman over their children, a woman is more likely to win custody and the man forced to pay for his children for up to 18 years, sometimes longer if the child goes into further education.In the 21st century we don't feminism, we need the world leaders to join up and end the ACTUAL oppression towards women. you know those child brides, child pregnancy, rape, the consequences of rape (AIDs, PTSD, Pregnancy ect) and frankly women online saying &OH MY GOD A MAN CALLED ME BEAUTIFUL, HE IS PERPETUATING THE PATRIARCHY AND RAPE CULTURE I AM NOT AN OBJECT& is turning feminism into a joke. That's why we don't need feminism, we just need massive groups of people (men and women alike) to stand up and start making this world a better place.Trust me, you're not oppressed because of sexist adverts and a few nice men who are nice enough to appreciate beauty, or because of half of your first world problems. I hate feminism because its literally first world problems. try being married off at 8 and dying in labour cause your much older husband impregnated you too young. Try being raped and not being allowed to abort your child or ending up with something that could kill your child, try being stoned to death for adultery because of said rape.I'm not saying rape isn't a first world problem, but there is a more fair judicial system in the western world. I'm not saying the gap in wages is fair, but considering women can quit at any time when they get pregnant, and in all honesty at least you're allowed to work, and I'm not saying sexist adverts are fair either, but at the end of the day, you have the freedom to do all this and be offended by things, women outside the western world don't have those rights. if feminism has to exist, then you should fight for those women instead of being offended by trivial things in comparison to what those women suffer instead taking credit for the suffering women endured fighting for our right to vote as suffragettes, it is not the same as feminism and Emily Davidson did not die for feminism, she died for suffrage, don't desecrate her memory by claiming its feminism.
赞赏此回答@ Neverland Ranch
I do work. But im also on school so i dont have that much time. And i dont reallt earn that much. :/ i know. Some of my friends understand it. But some just let me down. Also my best friend is ignoring me for a month now with no reason. Its like nothing is ever going to be okay. Im almost 17 now.
Sorry for the long replyHave you tried to ask or speak to your bestfriend about why they are ignoring you? If u havent then perhaps try that. Meanwhile why dont you try seeking out new friends?
Getting to know new people could chnage your perspective on things as well as your attitude too. I know because ive done this and even though friends come and go you must always surround yourself with people who make you happy.I dont even work so you're already ahead of me. Try not to worry though because having been in your position myself it has taught me alot. I know the value of money because ive never had things handed to me on a silver platter and i already know how to handle whatever finances i do have. I know how to prioritise and how to save up too. Trust me, its all going to work out soon enough. Soon you will compensate for this and the skills you have acquired will stand you in good stead for the future :-)英语翻译Dear Mr.Li,  Last Sunday,I went to do some reading in your library.Although,I like your library very much.I also foung something wrong during my reading the book.So,I want you tosolve these problems as soon as possible.First of all,there are a few new books in the_百度作业帮
英语翻译Dear Mr.Li,  Last Sunday,I went to do some reading in your library.Although,I like your library very much.I also foung something wrong during my reading the book.So,I want you tosolve these problems as soon as possible.First of all,there are a few new books in the library.In my opinion,if a library has the more new books,the more people will come to there.Second,too many books had been mixed.These will bring too many troubles for us to finding the useful books.Third,there is a light was broken down.I hope that you would tear it down instead of a new one.Finally,I found some managers were always talking about something together.It is so bad that we even don't want to go to the library again.As a student,I think it is necessary to tell these to you.  So,for the sake of readers,Isuggest that you change all these as soon as possible.Yours,Li Hua


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