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nginx/1.4.4BC557A(2K REEL) D/C95Image is for illustrative purposes only Please refer to product descriptionMfg:PHID/C:Package:Qty:0StockType:AvailableDelivery:Category:Integrated circuitsPost Date:Dec 12, 2011Detailed Product DescriptionPart NO.MfgDescriptionBC557A(2K REEL) D/C95
Datasheet PDF DownloadPHISupplier DetailsCountry / Region:ChinaBusiness Address:china Guangdong shenzhenProduct Category:Integrated circuitsMain Business Activity:Import/ExportDate of establishment:Dec 05, 2011Membership Period:5 year(s)Membership Type:General memberBC557A(2K REEL) D/C95
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