
[全球地震分布区, 1963年–1998年]&
(also known as a , , or ) is the result of a sudden
of energy in the Earth's crust that creates
Earthquakes are recorded with a , also known as a . The moment
(or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude) of an earthquake is conventionally reported, with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly
and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas.
of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli .
At the Earth's surface, earthquakes
themselves by shaking and sometimes
the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers
displacement to cause a . The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and
volcanic activity.
In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to
any seismic event — whether a natural
or an event caused by humans — that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments. An earthquake's point of
rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter refers to the point at ground level directly above the hypocenter.
release: vt. ①释放、解放 The prisoner was released from jail when his sentence was up. 该囚犯刑满释放。&&&&②发表,发行 The new movie will be released next weekend. 新电影将于下周末发行。n. 发表,发布 The release of the singer's new album is set on 9th of September. 这位歌手的新专辑定于9月9日发布。magnitude:n. ①大小,数量 I want to know the magnitude of this equipment before making room for it.在给这个设备腾出地方前,我想知道它的大小。&&&②巨大,广大 The flood caused a magnitude of the loss. 洪水造成了巨大的损失。&&&③重要性,重要程度 I didn't realize the magnitude of this meeting and paid little attention to it. 我没有意识到这次会议的重要性,一点也没有重视它。 intensity: n. ①强烈,剧烈 There was a cold-blooded intensity in the general's stare. 将军凝视的目光中透着极度的冷酷和无情。&&&②强度 An earthquake of similar intensity shook another village 8 miles away. 距此地8英里的另外一个村子也发生了一次同样强度的地震。scale:n. ①刻度,标度 In America, temperature is measured on the Fahrenheit scale. 在美国,温度是用华氏刻度来衡量的。&&&②天平,磅秤;比例尺 The packman empties the walnuts from the bag onto a weighing scale. 小贩将袋中的胡桃全部倒出,放在磅秤上过秤。&&&③规模 on a large scale 大规模地 // in scale 成比例,相称 // out of scale 不成比例,不相称&&&④音阶 Maria expertly sang a coloratura scale. 玛利亚花腔音唱得很熟练。&&&⑤鱼鳞 The fish is covered with colorful scales. 那种鱼长满了彩色的鳞片。v. (down)缩减,缩小manifest:vt. 表明,证明,显示 The kids manifested dense interest in their studies. 孩子们对学习显示出了浓厚的兴趣。a. 明白的,明了的 Kevin strove to make his ideas anifest to us. 凯文极力使我们明白他的想法。displace:vt.①移置,转移 I displace a joint in my knee while running. 我跑步时膝关节脱臼了。&& ②取代,置换 Many feared that radio would displace the newspaper industry. 许多人担心广播将会取代报业。sufficient:a. (for) 足够的,充分的 Is $10 sufficient for your expense? 10美元够你花的吗?[考点]self-sufficient 自给自足&&&&&&&&&&&&& occasional:a. ①偶然的,非经常地,特殊场合的 Jack only smokes an occasional cigar. 杰克只是偶尔才抽雪茄。&&&②临时的;不时的 They hired some occasional chauffeurs in their wedding. 他们在结婚时请了一些临时司机。describe:v. 描述,形容 An eyewitness described the scene as the shooting took place. 一名目击者描述了枪击发生时的情景。phenomenon:n.[pl.phenomena] 现象 Bankruptcy is a common phenomenon in an economic recession. 破产在经济萧条期是一种常见现象。initial:a. ①最初的,开头的 the initial stage 初级阶段&&&&②词首的 The initial letter of the word Spain is S.“Spain”一词的首字母是S。n. 词首大写字母 The clerk wrote his initials on the sales receipt. 业务员在销售收据上签上了自己名字的大写字母。
CopyRight & 沪江网 2015&四川一天六次地震 启动四级应急响应_高清在线观看_百度视频
四川一天六次地震 启动四级应急响应地震四级应对反应_百度知道
昨天四川震安逸了 昨晚绵阳晃的厉害 本人就吓糟了 今天看新闻说啥子我省对地震四级应对反应 是什么意思


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