
外媒看中国 魅族M1 Note=山寨爱疯5c
编辑点评:魅族发布的M1 Note系列以其强大的功能,精美的外观还有合适的价格赢得了众多年轻人的好评。但是其无论从设计还是外观都和爱疯5c的惊人相似度,已经第一时间让外媒炸了毛。西方市场纷纷掀桌:尼玛这不就是廉价版的爱疯5c吗?!!
While many Chinese smartphone makers have recently stepped up their efforts in delivering more original designs, we can't say that's the case with Meizu's latest offering. In fact, we already knew the cheeky company was up to something when the Chinese media received an iPhone 5c&&in their&, and now we know why. As you can see above, the plastic M1 Note announced today comes in the shamelessly identical set of colors as the iPhone 5c: green, pink, white, yellow and blue. Starting at just CN&999 (about $160) unsubsidized, this is Meizu's cheapest Android smartphone yet, as it attempts to compete directly with the likes of Xiaomi and Huawei in the sub-CN&1,000 entry-level market.虽然很多中国智能机制造商近来加速原创设计的开发,但是魅族的最新产品&&呵呵,我们觉得完全不是这么回事谢谢。事实上,我们已经知道了,当中国媒体在他们的邀请函里收到了爱疯5c的样品机时,这家厚颜无耻的公司就忙于策划着什么,现在我们知道原因了。如您所见,今天他们家发布的这款塑料质感的M1 Note,和爱疯5c的相似度简直是没脸没皮到新高度:绿色,粉色,白色,黄色,和蓝色。不受任何资助,这款魅族最廉价安卓机只需人民币999元,因为它试图同像小米和华为这样1000元以下的入门级手机市场直接叫板。
On paper, the M1 Note is surprisingly good value. This dual-SIM phone comes with a 5.5-inch IGZO display with a generous 1080p resolution (whereas Xiaomi's slightly cheaper Redmi Note 4G only has 720p), Gorilla Glass 3, a 13-megapixel f/2.2 main camera, a 5-megapixel f/2.0 front-facing camera and a nice 3,140 mAh battery. It's powered by MediaTek's MT6752 chipset with an octa-core, 64-bit ready processor, a Mali T760 MP2 GPU, 2GB of RAM and FDD-LTE radio. Like the higher-end MX4 Pro, the M1 Note runs on Meizu's heavily customized Flyme 4.1 based on Android 4.4.4.理论上,M1 Note出乎意料的价廉物美。该款手机双卡双待,配有5.5英寸IGZO显示屏,超棒的1080P分辨率(然而小米略廉价的红米Note 4G只有720P分辨率),第三代Gorilla玻璃,13兆像素f/2.2光圈主摄像头,5兆像素f/2.0前置摄像头,和3,140 mAh电池。内含联发科技八核芯片集,64位处理器,Mali T760 MP2 GPU,2G内存和FDD-LTE 无线电。和高端机MX4 Pro一样,M1 Note靠的是自定制的安卓4.4.4基础上的Flyme 4.1系统。
What this new model does lack is the fingerprint reader featured on the MX4 Pro, and likewise with the microSD expansion (so you're stuck with the built-in 16GB or 32GB). That said, at this price point, we're certain that most folks won't be complaining too much.这款新机缺少的就是MX4 Pro指纹识别器,microSD expansion扩展器(所以你只能使用它内置的16G或32G内存)。其实以这个价格来评判,我们肯定大部分消费者是不会太有怨言的。
Despite its plastic body, the M1 Note is just 8.9mm thick and weighs just 145g. As with most recent Meizu phones, this device also seems to offer better grip comfort than the less-curvy iPhone 5c, and the ceramic finish should make a nice icing on the cake. What's less impressive is Meizu's blatant rip-off of even the tiniest things like the iPhone 5c's microphone plus loudspeaker design on the bottom side. But hey, at least Meizu did openly pay tribute to Jony Ive at last month's MX4 Pro launch event.虽然它是塑料质感,M1 Note只有8.9毫米的厚度,仅重145克。和大部分魅族手机新品一样,这款新机似乎也提供了比较少曲线的爱疯5c更棒的手感,而且外部的掏漆更是锦上添花。没什么印象的就是,魅族甚至在小部件的设计上都剽窃爱疯5c,把麦克风外加扩音器的设计安于机子底部。但是喂喂喂!至少魅族确实在上个月MX4 Pro的发布会上,公开地夸赞了乔纳森&艾维。
Unless Apple does something about this cheekiness, Meizu's &gift to the next generation& is expected to head to the Western market in the second half of January. For now, the company's taking online pre-orders in China ahead of the local launch on December 30th, with the 16GB version going for CN&999 (about $160) and the 32GB version for CN&1,199 (about $190).除非苹果对这种厚颜无耻的行径做点什么,否则魅族这款&致青春&大礼有望在1月下半月进军西方市场。而现在,该公司已在中国接受网上预定,当地的发售是在12月30日,16G版本的售价999元(160美元),而32G的售价1199元(190美元)。
魅族发布的M1 Note系列以其强大的功能,精美的外观还有合适的价格赢得了众多年轻人的好评。但是其无论从设计还是外观都和爱疯5c的惊人相似度,已经第一时间让外媒炸了毛。西方市场纷纷掀桌:尼玛这不就是廉价版
CopyRight & 沪江网 2015&评论列表(网友评论仅供网友表达个人看法,并不表明本站同意其观点或证实其描述)
The chances are you've been using apps for years. Your home or work computer has apps like a spreadsheet program, calculator or photo editor. Recently these apps, or applications, evolved in a big way.你很有可能已经使用应用软件很多年了,你的家用或办公电脑装有如电子数据表、计算器、图片编辑器之类的应用程序。近来,这此应用程序经历了极大的变革。
This is Apps Explained by Common Craft.本期的大众技艺将介绍应用程序。
Let's start with platforms. You know, a place to put things. A table, in a basic sense, is a platform. You plug in some plates, cups and flatware and it turns into a great place to eat.我们先从平台开始说,你知道的,就是一个承载东西的地方。一张桌子就是基本的平台,你放置一些碗碟,杯子刀叉,就成了吃饭的好地方。
Computers work the same way. They create platforms for software applications. A spreadsheet and an accounting app can turn a computer into a business tool. Music and video apps can make a computer a studio.电脑亦是如此,它们为软件提供了平台。一张电子数据表和会计应用程序都可以让电脑成为业务工具。音乐和视频软件可以让你的电脑成为艺术工作室。
For most of their history, apps have seemed big and expensive. We often bought them at a store and loaded them onto a computer with a disk. And most of these apps didn't connect to the Internet.回顾过去,应用程序大多繁冗昂贵。我们通常是在商店购买,然后通过光盘拷贝到电脑上。这些软件大多是单机版的。
Recently platforms changed in big ways. Our mobile phones and tablets became useful platforms just like our computers, and this enabled a different kind of app. Instead of big expensive programs, many apps became smaller and cheaper. Instead of coming in a box or taking hours to download, they could be purchased or downloaded for free from the Internet with a click, even on the go.近来,平台进行了极大的变革。我们的移动电话和平板电脑像普通电脑一样,成为了极为有用的平台,同时新型应用软件应运而生。许多应用程序不再繁冗昂贵,变得小巧而便宜,摒弃了传统的纸盒包装,也不再需要花数个小时去下载,你只需网上轻轻一点,就可以购买或免费获得这些程序,有的软件甚至可以自动更新。
We can collect apps on our devices that reflect our needs and interests. One person's collection may focus on gaming, another, business, or both. Now apps may wake you up in the morning, give you a snapshot of the news, play the music you like, help you get to the airport, check you in and help you read your new book all from the palm of your hand.我们可以通过设备收集一些有用的或感兴趣的应用程序。有的人专注于游戏,有的人专注于商务,也有人两方面都爱。现在应用程序可以早晨叫你起床,给你及时推送新闻快照,播放你喜欢的音乐,导航去机场的路,自动登录让你能阅读新书,而这些都实现于掌中方寸。
To support all these new apps, we need online marketplaces that make them easy to purchase and download. This way, small teams and large organizations have a way to market, give away or sell thousands of new apps.为了经常能接触到新应用程序,能较为轻松地购买或下载它们,我们需要网络市场。小团队和大机构借此入驻市场,派送或售出数以千计的新应用程序。
And these new apps have another advantage. Many are built to work with the Internet.&This means they can back up your work, play your music, or connect you with friends, wherever you are - without opening a web browser. But it's not just phones and tablets. Computers, browsers, social networks and gaming systems have all become platforms for a new generation of apps.另外,这些新程序还有其它优势,其中有许多都依附于互联网,也就是说,无论何地,不需要打开浏览器,它们便可以帮助你完成工作,播放音乐,让你与朋友交流。但除了手机和平板电脑之外,普通电脑、浏览器、社交网络和游戏系统都成为了新一代程序的平台。
So apps aren't really new. What have changed are platforms and marketplaces that make them easy to purchase and collect for whatever you need to do.所以说,应用程序并不是什么新鲜事物了。真正改变的是平台和市场,正是它们让程序便于你购买和收集,物尽其用。
I'm Lee LeFever and this has been Apps Explained by Common Craft.我是李拉菲,本期大众技艺介绍了应用程序。
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