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史上最恶搞点球大战 倒霉门将脸扑五点残血夺冠...笑成傻逼了……多少次辛苦的排练……哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
The Big Bang Theory S08E01 & S08E02: &The Locomotive Interruption& & &The Junior Professor Solution
with Leonard and Penny shacking up and Sheldon hitting the rails for some quality nervous-breakdown time, The Big Bang Theory's two-episode Season 8 premiere felt like a step backward in some ways. However, this is a series that's always preferred baby steps to giant leaps in its approach to change, and it's clear that Sheldon's move to the classroom wouldn't've been possible without his cross-country sojourn. I just think I might have preferred to see Sheldon tormenting students for once, instead of tormenting Howard.Anyone who was concerned about a Sheldon-free Season 8 need not worry. After he got his pants stolen, Sheldon grew tired of the hobo life and returned to California, where Penny's new hairstyle horrified him and HR broke the news that the only way he could avoid studying string theory for the rest of his natural life was to take a promotion to Junior Professor&complete with the responsibility of teaching grad students. I guess Rate My Professor is still the holy grail of class scheduling, though, because Sheldon's reputation as an obnoxious weirdo preceded him and no one signed up for his class... except Howard.
It turns out that, after years of justifying his engineering degree to the others, Howard has decided to get his PhD after all.While Howard and Sheldon returned to career promotions, Penny faced a life-altering gig (of sorts) when she interviewed with Milton from Office Space (Stephen Root!) and landed a job as a drug rep after the two bonded over how scary Bernadette is. New job, new hair, and while Penny's decision to quit acting and hitch her star to something else is probably smart, it's also kind of sad, because it seems that everyone on this show gets to follow their dreams except for Penny.
Well, Penny and Stuart.Still reeling from the loss of his comic store, Stu appeared to find solace in Howard's mom. Dude has no idea what he wants to do with his life, but at least he's happy with Deb Wolowitz, so... congrats-I-think? (Plz no awkward Stuart-becomes-Howard's-stepdad story? The "dad fight" this week was painful enough.)And then there was Amy, doing Amy stuff. I was waiting for her dealings with Penny and Bernadette to blow up in her face, and was pleasantly surprised when they sort of disappeared, like the bubbles in a bottle of fizzy water that's gone flat. In fact, that may be the best way to describe The Big Bang Theory's Season 8 premiere. Fizz "makes beverages more interesting," says everyone who can't handle plain water because it's "boring." But if the worst of The Big Bang Theory is plain water, then this premiere was a bottle of slightly stale Perrier. It was interesting for all the small changes carried over from Season 7, like Penny's pursuit of jobs outside of acting and Sheldon's newfound bravery, but for all of the interesting bits, there was plenty of the same old sh*t. Sheldon terrorized Howard. Amy was desperate and a little pathetic. Penny proved incapable of making it through an interview for a big-kid job without charm and sheer luck saving her ass... which may actually be the case for any job interview.
Still, there's a lot to be excited about with regard to this coming season. Leonard and Penny are more stable than they've ever been. Sheldon and Amy have finally reached their own awkward version of comfort with one another that's both endearing and off-putting and entirely them. While the opportunity to feature some Sheldon-teaching-the-ignorant-masses was squandered on yet another round of Sheldon-torments-Howard, this was only the season premiere and we have plenty of time to get Sheldon in a room full of terrified grad students. On that note: Penny in a room full of sales targets is going to be priceless, though a little predictable, when it finally happens. Wouldn't it be great if The Big Bang Theory surprised us all and Penny ended up being an awesome drug rep? C'mon, TBBT, I know you have it in you.
THE STRAY OBSERVATION ADDENDUM& "Why don't I get you a job at the sitting-around-all-day-wearing-yoga-pants factory?" OMG Bernadette, that sounds like the best job ever.
& Pantsless Sheldon in the train station was kind of amazing. Also, as a loser who gets totally geeked at the mundanity of mass transit, Sheldon's observations about train station ketchup dispensers was kind of amazing.& I like Penny's hair. I like that Sheldon freaked out at Penny's hair.& Sheldon's self-consciousness about Amy perceiving his rescue from the Kingman, AZ police station as a failure was sweet. I'm just sad that his big adventure ended up being "a failure," though I'll also happily argue that just leaving on the adventure was a huge victory for Sheldon.&
What did you think of this premiere?
如果26个英文字母 A B C D EF G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 分别等于:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26。那么:
Knowledge (知识): K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E= 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96%。
Workhard (努力工作):W+O+R+K+H+A+R+D= 23+15+18+11+8+1+18+4 =98%。
Luck(好运) L+U+C+K=12+21+3+11=47%。
Love(爱情) L+O+V+E=12+15+22+5=54%。
是Leadership (领导能力)吗?
ATTITUDE (心态) A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100%。
我们对待人生的态度才能够100%的影响我们的生活,或者说能够使我们的生活达到 100%的圆满!
】1)Drop the act. 别装了2)Don’t play dumb!别装傻了 3)Stop playing the fool./Don't act stupid.别装傻了 4)Stop pretending that you care about me.别假装关心我了。5.keep it real .认清自己。6.Don't be an ass.别那么讨厌。7. We have nothing in common.
新疆风味&新疆风味新疆风味&新疆风味&&&&&&Xinjiang Special Cuisine&Xinjiang Special CuisineXinjiang Special Cuisine&Xinjiang Special Cuisine&&&&&大盘鸡 Xinjiang Style Braised Chicken&&&&&红焖羊肉 Braised Lamb in Brown Sauce&&&&&香酥羊排 Flavor Fried Lamb Racks&&&&&葱爆羊肉 Saut&ed Sliced Lamb with Green Onion&&&&&孜然羊排 Fried Lamb Racks with Cumin&&&&&馕包肉 Xinjiang Style Braised Lamb Chops with Nan-bread&&&&&新疆馕包鸡 Xinjiang Style Braised Chicken with Nan-bread&&&&&酸奶 Yogurt &&&&&馕炒肉 Saut&ed Lamb with Nan-bread&&&&&爆炒羊头肉 Saut&ed Sliced Jemmy &&&&&爆炒羊肉 Saut&ed Sliced Mutton&&&&&风味大盘牛肚 Special Flavor Tripe&&&&&新疆一品炒馕 Special Flavor Saut&ed Mutton with Nan-bread &&&&&辣爆羊蹄 Spicy Saut&ed Lamb Feet&&&&&牙签肉 Fried Mutton on Toothpicks&&&&&羊羯子(麻辣) Spicy Stew Lamb Chine&&&&&塔里木羊棒骨 Tarim Special Flavor Roasted Lamb Shank&&&&&白条手抓肉 Plain Boiled Lamb Rack&&&&&小碗牛肉 Stewed Beef Served in Small Bowl&&&&&蒜烧肚片 Stew Tripe with Garlic &&&风味羊腰 Special Flavor Lamb Kidney&&&&&葱爆腰子 Saut&ed Lamb Kidney with Green Onion&&&&&爆烧肚片 Saut&ed Tripe&&&&&孜然牛蹄筋 Saut&ed Beef Tendon with Cumin&&&&&清炖羊排 Stew Lamb Rack&&&&&馕丁炒牛肉 Saut&ed Veal with Chopped Nan-Bread&&&&&爆肚 Quick Boiled Lamb Tripe&&&&&炖板筋 Stew Beef Neck Tendon&&&&&炒烤肉 Grilled Mutton with Cumin&&&&&孜然羊脆骨 Saut&ed Lamb Cartilage with Cumin&&&&&炒腰子 Saut&ed Lamb Kidney&&&&&牛肉蔬菜杂烩 Stewed Beef with Vegetables &&&&&爆炒牛肉 Saut&ed Veal &&&&&炒烤板筋 Grilled Beef Neck Tendon&&&&&新疆大盘肚 Xinjiang Style Braised Tripe&&&&&新疆炒烩菜 Xinjiang Style Hotchpotch&&&&&清炒牛(羊)肚丝 Plain Saut&ed Shredded Tripe &&&&&葱烧蹄筋 Braised Beef Tendon with Green Onion&&&&&酱板筋 Soy Stewed Beef Neck Tendon&&&&&烧烤鸡胗 Grilled Chicken Gizzard&&&&&皮芽炒肉 Saut&ed Beef with Onion&&&&&红烧牛蹄筋 Braised Beef Tendon &&&风味香辣羊排 Spicy Lamb Rack&&&&&锅仔羊杂 Sweetbread Broth in Mini Hotpot&&&&&锅仔野山菌 Wild Mushroom Broth in Mini Hotpot&&&&&老干妈牛肉 Saut&ed Beef with Black Bean Chili Sauce&&&&&咖喱鸡块 Curry Chicken&&&&&木须肉 Moo Shu Beef (saut&ed sliced beef or mutton with egg and black&&mushroom)&&&&&咖哩黑椒牛柳 Curry Beef Filet with Black Pepper&&&&&小炒黄牛肉 Special Saut&ed Sliced Beef&&&&&醋溜木须 Vinegar Flavored Moo Shu Beef&&&&&小炒羊肉 Special Saut&ed Sliced Mutton &&&&&香菜爆牛肉 Saut&ed Beef with Coriander&&&&&尖椒牛柳 Saut&ed Beef Filet with Hot Pepper&&&&&香妃羊肉汤 Special Flavored Mutton Soup&&&&&过油肉 Saut&ed Sliced Mutton with Onion, Hot Pepper and Tomato &&&&&辣子鸡丁 Saut&ed Chicken with Chili&&&&&青椒鸡块 Saut&ed Chicken with Sweet pepper&&&&&辣子肉 Braised Mutton with Chili&&&&&肉沫炒蹄筋 Saut&ed Beef Tendon with minced Beef&&&&&芫爆肚丝 Saut&ed Shredded Tripe with Coriander &&&&&尖椒牛心管 Saut&ed Ox Heart Blood Vessel with Chili&&&&&红烧羊棒骨 Brown Stewed Lamb Shank&&& 尖椒羊头肉 Saut&ed Jemmy with Hot Pepper&&&&&葱烧肚条 Braised Tripe with Green Onion&&&&&扒牛肉条 Plain Braised Beef Tenderloin &&&&&酱羊蹄 Braised Lamb Feet&&&&&香辣牛柳(香麻) Saut&ed Beef Filet with Spicy Sauce&&&&&家常蹄筋 Homely Braised Beef Tendon &&&&&肉沫土豆泥 Meshed Potato with Minced Mutton Sauce&&&&&干煸牛肉 Saut&ed Shredded Beef with Chili Sauce&&&&&重庆辣子鸡 Saut&ed Diced Chicken with Chili, Chongqing Style&&&&&土豆烧牛肉 Braised Beef with Potato&&&&&麻辣宽粉 Braised Broad-starch-vermicelli with Spicy Sauce&&家常菜&家常菜家常菜&家常菜&&&&&&Homely Cuisines&Homely CuisinesHomely Cuisines&Homely Cuisines&&&&&水煮牛肉 Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil Soup&&&&&京酱肉丝 Saut&ed Shredded Beef with Sweet Bean Sauce, Beijing Style&&&&&圆白菜炒粉条 Saut&ed Starch-vermicelli with Cabbage&&&&&粉条炒肉 Saut&ed Starch-vermicelli with Mutton&&&&&蒜苔炒肉 Saut&ed Garlic Bolt with Beef&&&&&木耳肉 Saut&ed Mutton with Black Mushroom&&&&&家常豆腐 Homely Braised Tofu&&&&&鱼香肉丝 Yu-Shiang Shredded Beef (Saut&ed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)&&&&&红烧鸡块 Brown Braised Chicken&&&&&青笋肉片 Saut&ed Minced Beef with Lettuce Stem&&& 酱爆肉丁 Saut&ed Diced Beef (Mutton) with Sweet Bean Sauce&&&&&西葫芦炒肉 Saut&ed Minced Mutton with Vegetable Marrow&&&&&蘑菇肉片 Saut&ed Minced Mutton with Mushroom&&&&&尖椒肉丝 Saut&ed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper&&&&&麻辣鸡丁 Saut&ed Diced Chicken with Spicy Sauce&&&&&芹菜炒肉 Saut&ed Minced Beef with Celery&&&&&酱爆鸡丁 Saut&ed Diced Chicken with Sweet Bean Sauce&&&&&糖醋里脊 Saut&ed Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderloin &&&&&苦瓜肉片 Saut&ed Minced Mutton/Beef with Balsam Pear&&&&&宫爆鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken&&&&&腐竹肉片 Saut&ed Sliced Beef with Dried Bean Milk Cream Roll&&&&&丝瓜肉片 Saut&ed Sliced Beef with Towel Gourd&&&&&青蒜百叶 Saut&ed Sliced Tripe with Garlic Sprouts&&&&&红烧牛肉 Brown Braised Beef&&&&&炖小酥肉 Stew Fried Beef&&&&&酸辣里脊 Saut&ed Spicy and Sour Beef Tenderloin&&&&&香菠咕老肉 Saut&ed Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderloin with Sliced Pineapple&&&&&水煮板筋 Sliced Beef Neck Tendon in Hot Chili Oil Soup&&&&&水煮羊肉 Sliced Mutton in Hot Chili Oil Soup&&&&&爆炒羊腰片 Saut&ed Lamb Kidney&&&&&茄子炒肉 Saut&ed Sliced Mutton with Eggplant&&&&&香辣千千肉 Spicy Beef &&&水煮牛百叶 Sliced Tripe in Hot Chili Oil Soup&&烤串&烤串烤串&烤串&&&&&&Kebab&KebabKebab&Kebab&&&&&烤羊肉串 Mutton Kebab&&&&&烤肉筋 Mutton Tendon Kebab&&&&&烤板筋 Neck Tendon Kebab&&&&&烤肥腰 Big Sheep Kidney Kebab&&&&&烤鸡翅 Grilled Chicken Wing &&&&&烤羊腿 Grilled Lamb Shank&&&&&烤尖椒 Grilled Green Pepper&&&&&烤土豆片 Grilled Potato Slice&&&&&烤大蒜 Grilled Garlic&&烤馕 Grilled Nan-Bread&&&&&羊心管 Sheep Heart Blood Vessel&&鸡肉串 & Chicken Kebab&&羊脆骨 & Lamb Cartilage&&鸡脆骨 & Chicken Cartilage&&骨肉相连 Chicken with Cartilage&&小腰子 & &Small Lamb Kidney&&鸡心串 & &Chicken Hearts Kebab&&鸡胗串 &Chicken Gizzard Kebab&&羊排串 & &Lamb Rack Kebab&&烤牛肚 & &Tripe Kebab 凉菜&凉菜凉菜&凉菜&&&&&&Cold Dishes&Cold DishesCold Dishes&Cold Dishes&&&&&新疆拌菜 Shredded Onion, Green pepper and Tomato&&&&&柠檬藕片 Sliced Lotus Roots with Lemon Juice&&&&&西北酿皮 Sheet Jelly of Wheat Starch in Spicy Sauce, NW China Style&&&&&川北凉粉 Tossed Clear Starch Jelly in Chili Sauce &&&&&老醋花生米 Deep Fried Peanuts Pickled in Vinegar &&&&&凉拌木耳 Black Mushroom&&&&&拌三丝 Shredded Carrot, Cucumber and Vermicelli&&菠菜粉丝 Spinach and Vermicelli&&拌萝卜皮 Shredded Turnip with Vinegar&&糖醋心里美 Shredded Turnip with Sugar and Vinegar&&炝拌娃娃菜 Quick Cooked Chinese Cabbage Shred&&拍黄瓜 Pressed Cucumber with Garlic and Venigar&&&&&芝麻菠菜 Spinach with Sesame&&青椒变蛋 Preserved Eggs with Green Pepper&&芥末青笋丝 Shredded Lettuce Stem with Wasabi (Mustard Sauce)&&拌粉丝 Sour and Spicy Vermicelli&&拌海带丝 Sheet Kelp in Garlic Sauce&&&&&拌金针菇 &Sour and Spicy Thin Mushroom&&&&&凉拌苦瓜 &Shredded Balsam Pear in Sauce&&&&&姜汁松花蛋 &Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce&&&&&拌豆腐丝 &Shredded Dried Tofu in Sauce&&&&&皮蛋豆腐 &Preserved Eggs and Tofu in Sauce &&&麻辣蕨根粉 &Black Vermicelli in Spicy Sauce&&&&&拌白菜心 Shredded Chinese Cabbage in Sauce&&凉拌芹菜 Celery in Sauce&&芹菜拌粉丝 Celery and Vermicelli in Sauce&&黄瓜沾酱 Cucumber with Sweet Bean Sauce&&拌土豆丝 Quick Cooked Potato Shred in Sauce&&五香花生米 Spiced Boiled Peanuts&&炸花生米 Deep-fried Peanuts&&&&&糖拌西红柿 &Tomato with Sugar&&酸辣瓜条 Cut Cucumber in Spicy and Sour Sauce&&葱拌豆腐 Tofu and Shredded Green Onion in Suace&&凉拌拉皮 Sheet Starch Jelly in Spicy Sauce&&黄瓜拌金针菇 Shredded Cucumber and Thin Mushroom in Sauce&&凉拌腐竹 Dried Bean Milk Cream Roll in Sauce&&大丰收 Vegetables All-in-one&&&&&红油百叶 Beef Omasun (Tripe) in Chili Oil&&&&&拌肚丝 Shredded Tripe in Chili Oil&&&&&口水鸡 Steamed Chicken with Chili Sauce&&&&&酱牛肉 Spiced Beef&&&&&麻辣羊蹄 Spicy Lamb Feet&&&&&老虎菜 Green Pepper, Onion and Cucumber&&&&&凉拌牛蹄筋 Sliced Beef Tendon in Sauce&&麻辣蹄筋 Spicy Beef Tendon 芥茉百叶 Beef Omasun (Tripe) with Mustard Sauce&&拌羊杂 Cooked Sweetbread in Sauce&&三色杏仁 Fresh Almond with Carrot&&柠檬瓜条 Wax Gourd with Lemon Juice&&芥茉拉皮 Sheet Starch Jelly in Mustard Sauce&&&&&麻辣牛肉 Beef Slice in Chili Sauce&&椒麻牛肉 Beef Slice in Spicy Sauce&&红油牛肚丝 Beef Tripe Shred in Chili Oil&&蒜泥肚丝 Beef Tripe with Garlic Sauce&&红油鸡块 Steamed Chicken in Chili Oil&&拌羊头肉 Jemmy Cold dish&&西北拌拉皮 Sheet Starch Jelly in Spicy Sauce&&锅仔&锅仔锅仔&锅仔/&//&/铁板&铁板铁板&铁板/&//&/煲&煲煲&煲&&&&&&Mini Hotpot / Casserole / Ceramic Pot Broth&Mini Hotpot / Casserole / Ceramic Pot BrothMini Hotpot / Casserole / Ceramic Pot Broth&Mini Hotpot / Casserole / Ceramic Pot Broth&&&&&羊羯子火锅 (清汤/麻辣) Lamb Chine Hotpot (Plain or Spicy)&&&&&羊排火锅 (清汤/麻辣) Lamb Rack Hotpot (Plain or Spicy)&&&&&铁板牛肉 Beef with Onion in Casserole&&&&&小鸡炖蘑菇锅仔 Chicken and Mushroom in Mini Hotpot&&&&&锅仔羊排 (清汤/麻辣) Lamb Rack in Mini Hotpot&&金针菇羊肉粉丝锅仔 Mushroom, Mutton and Vermicelli in Mini Hotpot&&豆腐锅仔 Tofu in Mini Hotpot&&铁板羊肉 Mutton with Onion in Casserole&&铁板羊腰片 Lamb Kidney in Casserole&&萝卜羊肉煲 Mutton and Turnip Broth 冬瓜羊肉煲 Mutton and Wax Gourd Broth&&土豆牛肉煲 Beef and Potato Broth&&牛肉粉丝煲 Beef and Vermicelli Broth&&红白萝卜羊肉煲 Mutton, Turnip and Carrot Broth&&干锅茶树菇 Griddle Cooked Tea Tree Mushroom&&干锅脆豆腐 Griddle Cooked Deep Fried Tofu&&干锅四季豆 Griddle Cooked Green Beans&&素菜&素菜素菜&素菜&&&&&&Vegetables&VegetablesVegetables&Vegetables&&&&&麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu (Saut&ed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce)&&&&&地三鲜 Saut&ed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant&&&&&烧茄子 Braised Eggplant&&&&&香菇油菜 Saut&ed Rape with Black Mushroom&&&&&虎皮尖椒 Pan Seared Hot Pepper with Sauce&&&&&素炒土豆丝Saut&ed Shredded Potato&&素炒野山笋 Saut&ed Bamboo Shoots&&红烧豆腐 Braised Tofu&&炝油菜心 Quick Cooked Rape Bolts&&鱼香茄子 Yu Shiang Eggplant (Saut&ed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)&&红烧土豆 Braised Potato&&醋溜白菜 Saut&ed Chinese Cabbage with Vinegar Sauce&&酸辣土豆丝 Saut&ed Shredded Potato with Chili and Vinegar Sauce&&&&&番茄葱头 Saut&ed Onion with Tomato Sauce&&家常土豆片 Saut&ed Potato Chips in Homely Taste 尖椒土豆丝 Saut&ed Shredded Potato with Hot Pepper&&醋溜土豆丝 Saut&ed Shredded Potato with Vinegar Sauce&&番茄土豆丝 Saut&ed Shredded Potato with Tomato Sauce&&韭菜炒鸡蛋 Saut&ed Egg with Leek&&菠菜炒鸡蛋 Saut&ed Egg with Spinach&&尖椒炒鸡蛋 Saut&ed Egg with Hot Green Pepper&&西红柿炒鸡蛋 Saut&ed Egg with Tomato&&&&&松仁玉米 Saut&ed Sweet Corn with Pipe nuts&&&&&素炒苦瓜 Saut&ed Balsam Pear Slice&&&&&脆皮豆腐 Saut&ed Deep Fried Tofu&&&&&蚝油生菜 Saut&ed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce&&&&&素炒油麦菜 Saut&ed Long-leaf Lettuce&&葡萄玉米 Saut&ed Sweet Corn with Raisin&&新疆酸辣白菜 Saut&ed Cabbage with Chili and Vinegar Sauce&&鱼香土豆条 Yu Shiang Potato Chips&&炒四素 Saut&ed Vegetables 4 in 1&&炒芹菜 Saut&ed Celery&&鱼香豆腐 Yu Shiang Tofu&&雪菜毛豆 Saut&ed Preserved Vegetable with Green Soy Bean&&干煸豆角 Dry Fried Green Bean&&&&&宫爆豆腐 Gong Pao Tofu&&醋溜西葫芦 Saut&ed Vegetable Marrow with Vinegat Sauce&&青椒玉米 Saut&ed Sweet Corn with Green Pepper 糖醋莲藕 Saut&ed Lotus Root with Sugar and Vinegar Sauce&&凉瓜煎蛋 Fried Egg with Balsam Pear&&素炒青笋 Saut&ed Lettuce Stem&&皮芽炒馕 Saut&ed Nan-bread with Onion&&酸菜粉条 Saut&ed Pickled Cabbage with Vermicelli&&主食&主食主食&主食&&&&&&Cereal Food&Cereal FoodCereal Food&Cereal Food&&&&&新疆拉条子 Xingjiang Hand-Pulled Noodle&&&&&新疆炒片 Stir-Fried Flat Noodle Pieces&&&&&丁丁炒面 Stir-Fried Noodle Pieces&&&&&新疆抓饭 Xinjiang Style Rice with Lamb Rack and Carrot&&&&&生炒牛肉饭 Stir-fried Rice with Minced Beef and Sauce&&&&&家常面片 Flat Noodle Soup in Homely Taste&&&&&碎肉拌面 Hand-Pulled Noodle with Minced Beef and Vegetable Sauce&&&&&过油肉拌面 Hand-Pulled Noodle with Saut&ed Mutton Slice, Onion and Green&&Pepper&&&&&肉饼 Beef Cake&&&&&牛肉拉面 Hand Pulled Noodle Soup with Beef&&&&&烩面 Braised Noodle Pieces with Vegetables&&&&&鸡蛋炒饭 Stir-fried Rice with Egg&&&&&西北凉面 Cold Noodle with Garlic Sauce&&&&&新疆羊肉泡馍 Flour Cake Soaked with Mutton Broth&&&&&炒拉条子 Stir-fried Hand-pulled Noodle&&&&&番茄炒饭 Stir-fried Rice with Tomato Sauce 白皮面 Plain Broad Hand-pulled Noodle&&米饭 Steamed Rice&&汤面 Noodle Soup with Vegetable&&盖饭&盖饭盖饭&盖饭/&//&/盖面&盖面盖面&盖面&&&&&&Set Meal of Rice/ Noodle with Saut&ed Dishes&Set Meal of Rice/ Noodle with Saut&ed DishesSet Meal of Rice/ Noodle with Saut&ed Dishes&Set Meal of Rice/ Noodle with Saut&ed Dishes&&&&&过油肉 Rice with Saut&ed Sliced Mutton with Onion, Hot Pepper and Tomato&&土豆烧牛肉 Rice with Braised Beef with Potato&&木须肉 Rice with Moo Shu Beef&&地三鲜 Rice with Saut&ed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant&&鱼香茄子 Rice with Yu Shiang Eggplant&&鱼香肉丝 Rice with Yu Shiang Beef&&尖椒肉丝 Rice with Saut&ed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper&&土豆丝 Rice with Saut&ed Shredded Potato&&尖椒炒鸡蛋 Rice with Saut&ed Egg with Hot Green Pepper&&&&&红烧土豆 Rice with Braised Potato&&蒜苔炒肉 Rice with Saut&ed Beef and Garlic Bolt&&宫爆鸡丁 Rice with Kung Pao Chicken&&西红柿鸡蛋 Rice with Saut&ed Egg and Tomato&&红烧茄子 Rice with Braised Eggplant&&辣子鸡丁 Rice with Saut&ed Chicken Dices and Green Pepper&&酸辣白菜 Rice with Saut&ed Cabbage with Chili and Vinegar&&酸菜粉条 Rice with Saut&ed Sour Cabbage and Vermicelli&&粉条炒圆白菜 Rice with Saut&ed Cabbage and Vermicelli&&汤类&汤类汤类&汤类&&&&&&Soups&SoupsSoups&Soups&&& 羊排冬瓜汤 Mutton and Wax Gourd Soup&&&&&西红柿鸡蛋汤 Egg and Tomato Soup&&&&&紫菜汤 Laver Soup&&&&&新疆酸辣汤 Sour and Spicy Soup, Xinjiang Style&&&&&疙瘩汤 Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup&&&&&西湖牛肉羹 Minced Beef and Egg Broth&&&&&酸辣肚丝汤 Hot and Sour Soup of Shredded Tripe&&冬瓜丸子汤 Beef Ball and Wax Gourd Soup&&羊杂汤 Sweetbread Soup&&海米冬瓜汤 Dried Shrimp and Wax Gourd Soup&&牛肉粉汤 Beef Soup with Starch Jelly and Vegetables&&羊肉粉汤 Mutton Soup with Starch Jelly and Vegetables&&羊排萝卜汤 Lamb Rack and Turnip Soup&&榨菜肉丝汤 Shredded Beef with Preserved Vegetables Soup&&饮&饮饮&饮&&&&&&料&料料&料&&&&&&Beverage&BeverageBeverage&Beverage&&可乐 Coke&&鲜橙多 Orange Juice&&大雪碧 Sprite&&冰绿茶 Ice GreenTea&&冰红茶 Ice Red Tea&&矿泉水 Mineral Water&&杏仁露 Almond Juice &
【这道题“6÷2(1+2)=? ”难倒一百五十万人】一题简单的数学算式6÷2(1+2),竟难倒近150万人,这题在facebook吸引逾342万名全球网友解答,结果有192万多人答对,149万多人答错
【各种water】soda water 汽水;mineral water 矿泉水;spring water泉水;bottled water瓶装水;sea water海水;hot water热水;cold water冷水;boiling water沸水;tepid water温水;soapy water肥皂水;salt water盐水;fresh water淡水;distilled water 蒸馏水
【老外发短信时常用的英文缩写】 OIC--Oh I see(我明白了); BRB--Be right back(马上回来); BFN--Bye for now(再见);LOL--Laughing out loud(大笑); ASAP --As soon as possible(尽快);JK--Just kidding(仅仅是玩笑); TTYL --Talk to you later。。。
A Bite of Dragon Boat Festival
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming! For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi and racing dragon boats. Zongzi is an essential food for Dragon Boat Festival. Ingredients such as chestnuts, pork fat and the golden yolk of a salted duck egg are often added to the glutinous rice. The pudding is then wrapped with bamboo leaves, bound with a kind of raffia and boiled in salt water for hours.(Souce:Xinhuanet)
【各级行政区 】一级:省Province,自治区Autonomous region,直辖市Municipality,特别行政区Special administrative region;二级:地区Prefecture,市city,自治州Autonomous prefecture,盟League;三级:县County,市辖区District,县级市County-level city,旗Banner;
【职场绝妙口语】1. I trust your judgment.我相信你的判断。2. Tell me more.告诉我更多吧。3. I’m on It.我来搞定它。4.I’ve got your back.我支持你。5.My pleasure.乐意效劳。6.Let me think about that.让我想想。7. Well done.做得不错。8. Let me play the evil's advocate.让我来唱黑脸。
【两个单词的地道口语】1.All right. 没关系 2.You wish! 想得美!3.So what? 那又怎样? 4. No way! 没门儿!5. That’s out! 这可不行!6. Same here. 我也一样。7.no offence. 没有冒犯的意思 8.eyes front. 朝前看 9.good point!说得好 10. Got it? 明白了吗?
【如何形容难吃】1.The lousy food upsets my stomach.这饭菜太糟糕了,吃得我肚子直难受。2.It tasted terrible. 这真的很难吃。3.It tastes awful. 难吃死了 4.It's yucky 真难吃 5.It's tasteless没滋没味 6.It's too salty 太咸 7.junk food 垃圾食物 8.I lost my appetite.我没胃口了
【口语短句】Could you pick up the phone?你能接下电话吗?| That goes for you too. 彼此彼此。| How do you like your steak cooked?你的牛排要几分熟? | He is completely freaking out. 他彻底崩溃了。| Bravo. 太棒啦!| Let's get a group shot. 我们拍个集体照吧。
【各种烹饪利器】擀面杖rolling pin;锅铲spatula;蔬菜刀vegetable knife;切菜板cutting board;打蛋器eggbeater;高压锅 pressure cooker;搅拌器whisk;木勺wooden spoon;煲casserole;漏勺colander;土豆削皮器potato peeler;洗碗机dishwasher;盐罐salt shaker;滤锅 colander
【如何用英语夸美女】1 You are gorgeous!你真漂亮。2 She is a babe 她是个美女。3 She turns me on. 她让我眼睛为之一亮。4 She is a hottie 她是个辣妹。5 She is a cutie=She is so cute 她好可爱。6 She is well-developed/well-endowed 她很丰满
【形容气色】①have a good complexion 气色很好 ②lose color 苍白失色 ③off color 气色很差 ④little color 没有血色 ⑤change color 突然变色(可以变得脸色苍白或者脸色红润)⑥to have good color 气色不错 ⑦looking bouncy 看起来生龙活虎。
【实用口语短句】Don't waste your breath. 别多说了。| That's within my price range. 在我可承受范围之内。| we just shot the breeze for an hour. 我们闲聊了一个小时。| The ghost story made our hair stand on end. 那个鬼故事让我毛骨悚然。| Hold your horses, dear. 亲爱的别急。
【自拍相关地道英语说法】自拍 take self-portrait/take one's own picture;duck face嘟着嘴像亲嘴一样的表情,也称kissy face;嘟嘟嘴 puckered lips;扮鬼脸 grimace;撅嘴 pout;装嫩act younger;剪刀手 victory sign/peace sign;pose摆姿势;不喜欢拍照的 camera-shy;喜欢抢镜的人camera hog


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