
(阅读理解)8. Have fun with junk垃圾大变身 We make a lot of junk (垃圾) every day. We throw it all away. But junk is not junk for the pupils at Beijing BISS International School. They turn the junk into works of art (艺术品). &&&&&& They collect paper, old cloth, old CDs and many other things together. Everyone picks up (挑选) what he or she needs (需要).They make pieces of art out of the junk. &&&&& Arun, 10, is a fifth grader. She makes a robot. “I use a broken clock for his face, an old toy for his arms and hands and bottle caps for his eyes,” she says. &&& Justus, 8, is a third grader. He uses the junk to make Han Solo from Star Wars (《星球大战》).This owl is made of old CDs, an ice cream lid and the top of a fan. &&& Justus (left) and Arun (right) hold their art. This fly is made of plastic forks, a speaker and some buttons.& 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 1. What can the pupils at Beijing BISS International School make the junk into? A. CDs. B. A broken clock. C. Plastic forks. D. Han Solo. 2. From the second paragraph we know that _____. A. They pick up paper, new cloth and many other things together& B. They collect paper, new CDs and many other things together C. Everyone throws away what he or she needs. D. The students make the junk into pieces of art. 3. What does Arun need to make a robot with the junk? ①plastic forks& ②a broken clock ③an old toy& ④bottle caps A. ①②③& B.②③④&& C.①③④&& D.①②④ 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Each of us makes a lot of junk every day. B. Arun is in Grade 4 and Justus is in Grade 3. C. Justus makes the junk into Han Solo from Star Wars.& D. This fly is made of some buttons, a speaker and plastic forks.& 5. What is the writer trying to tell us?& A. We make a lot of junk and throw it all away. B. We can turn the junk into works of art. C. The owl is made of old CDs, plastic forks and the top of a fan. D. Junk is junk for the pupils at Beijing BISS International School.
答案解析: 【语篇解读】 我们每天都制造很多的垃圾。我们都把它扔掉。但垃圾对于北京BISS国际学校的小学生来说垃圾不再是垃圾。他们把垃圾变成了艺术品。他们收集一些废品,然后挑选一些用来制作艺术品,阿伦用废品制作了一个机器人而贾斯特斯制作了一个猫头鹰。真是垃圾大变身!【长难句注释】 We make a lot of junk every day. We throw it all away. But junk is not junk for the pupils at Beijing BISS International School. They turn the junk into works of art. &&& 我们每天都制造很多的垃圾。我们都把它扔掉。但垃圾对于北京BISS国际学校的小学生来说垃圾不再是垃圾。他们把垃圾变成了艺术品。 1. D 细节理解题 从短文第4段的第2个句子He uses the junk to make Han Solo from Star Wars. 可知Han Solo是用垃圾做成的。故选D。 2. D 细节理解题 从短文第2段的第3个句子They make pieces of art out of the junk. 可知学生们可以吧垃圾制作成艺术作品。故选D。 3. B 细节理解题 从短文第3段的第3个句子“I use a broken clock for his face, an old toy for his arms and hands and bottle caps for his eyes,” she says. 可知一个机器人是由一个破钟、一个旧玩具娃娃和两个瓶盖做成的。故选B。 4. B 推理判断题 从短文第3段的第1个句子Arun, 10, is a fifth grader. 和第4段的第1个句子Justus, 8, is a third grader. 可知阿伦是五年级的学生而贾斯特斯是三年级的学生。故选B。 5. B 观点态度题 .从短文的主题和中心思想可知作者是要告诉大家我们可以把垃圾变成艺术作品。故选B。&&&&更多类似试题
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作  者 OICQ 快讯类型 三区发行快讯 影片名称 米奇唐老鸭高飞三剑客& 发表时间 日
米奇、唐老鸭、高飞魅力联手出击!由迪士尼三大巨星逗趣演出的长篇动画「三剑客」,改编自法国经典名着,剧情紧张刺激充满欢乐,更大胆颠覆、重新编唱了多首耳熟能详的古典名曲,让贝多芬、柴可夫斯基、史特劳斯也疯狂!米奇、唐老鸭、高飞三个好伙伴原本只是皇家侍卫队里的工友,三个臭皮匠却始终怀抱成为剑客的伟大梦想!当米妮公主发现有人要谋害她时,便要求剑客总部的队长派人保护她。首批限量精装典藏版,预购送可爱米奇玩偶一只,数量有限!要买要快!  赠品米奇玩偶尺迹焊24cm * 宽12cm
内容简介:  米奇、唐老鸭、高飞魅力联手出击!  由迪士尼三大巨星逗趣演出的长篇动画「三剑客」,改编自法国经典名着,剧情紧张刺激充满欢乐,更大胆颠覆、重新编唱了多首耳熟能详的古典名曲,让贝多芬、柴可夫斯基、史特劳斯也疯狂!  米奇、唐老鸭、高飞三个好伙伴原本只是皇家侍卫队里的工友,三个臭皮匠却始终怀抱成为剑客的伟大梦想!当米妮公主发现有人要谋害她时,便要求剑客总部的队长派人保护她。  于是,一心想篡夺王位的队长便把从未受训的米奇、唐老鸭、高飞升格为剑客,并还指派他们担任保护米妮公主的任务。眼看米妮公主就要被歹徒绑架了,剑术不精的米奇和伙伴们能够克服万难、阻止剑客队长的阴谋吗?  迪士尼巨作「三剑客」,是欢庆米奇诞生75周年的最新动画电影,三个人坚定的情谊不仅传达了「团结一定强」的信念,更阐述了「人人为我,我为人人」的骑士精神,值得您立即拥有与全家同乐!
特别收录: 游戏:制作一出歌剧米奇的各种帽子: 探索米奇的演艺生涯 被剪掉的片段幕后制作迪士尼歌曲精选
Fast Play: 迪士尼“马上看"观赏DVD更快更容易选妥语言版本后自动播放预告片本片精选过的特别收录内容
商品规格:发音:英 杜比5.1声道, 中 杜比 2.0声道 字幕:英/泰/印尼/中(2套) 萤幕比例 1.78:1, Enhanced for 16X9 Televisions
赠品 :可爱的米奇玩偶一只(24cm *12cm)&


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