unable to calmlisten to your heartt

(水面)平静的,(天气)无风的 (of water) not rough, (of weather) not windy
镇定的,沉着的; 宁静的,心平气和的 free from excitement, nervous activity, quiet and untroubled
[S][U]安静; 宁静; 镇静,不紧张 absence of excitement of nervous activity
[S][U](天气)无风,无浪(状态) an absence of wind or rough weather
vt. & vi. (使)平静; (使)镇定 make or become calm
calm-ness&:&平静(的) ...
calm-ness&:&平静(的) ...
"he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity"
wind moving at less than 1 0 on the Beaufort scale
without losing self-
"spoke in a calm voice"
"remained calm throughout the uproar"
"he remained serene in the midst of turbulence"
"a serene expression on her face"
"she became more tranquil"
"tranquil life in the country"
(of weather) fre
"calm seas"
"quiet the dragons of worry and fear"
"steady yourself"
become quiet or calm, especially after
"After the fight both men need to cool off."
"It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again."
cause to be calm or quiet as by adminis
"The patient must be sedated before the operation"
用作形容词 (adj.)
The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming.
She always remains cool, calm and collected in a crisis.
她在危难中总能保持冷静、 平静和镇静。
You should keep calm even in face of danger.
用作动词 (v.)
Moved by what she said, he could hardly calm down.
Before the performance everybody held a deep breath to calm down themselves.
The prime minister made a low-key speech, hoping to calm the situation.
In mental institutions, doctors often let the patients listen to soft music to calm their emotions.
用作名词 (n.)
Under his apparent calm lay real anxiety.
The sea had continued calm until a hurricane rose.
The hall was very quiet, but it was the calm before the storm.
Instantly the baby girl responds.The pulse rate becomes calm and steady.
You can be called into action with the knowledge that can bring calm to a changing planet.
用作形容词 (adj.)
He is a calm man.
Although she was frightened, she answered with a calm voice.
The calm water in the lake invited us to swim.
It was calm after the storm.
The older man was calm, but the younger man was angry.
He was comparatively calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
Although the enemy was only five miles away, the city was perfectly calm.
The situation was still comparatively calm there, he reported.
He remained calm before danger, his face not turning pale, his heart not bounding.
In spite of the danger they remained calm.
Don't excite yourself! Keep calm!
You must keep calm in an emergency.
S+be+~+to- v
He is calm enough to pervert the truth.
用作名词 (n.)
Her calm at the reception of the bad news surprised us.
Politicians at all levels appealed for calm.
The household settled into its usual calm.
A day of calm intervened between the hectic weeks.
The motorbikes invaded the calm of the summer afternoon.
Calm has returned to the garden.
Calm descended once again on the village as the last coach left.
After a storm comes a calm.
I felt an uneasy calm in the village.
It was a dead calm that preceded the storm.
用作动词 (v.)
Presently he calmed a liltte.
S+~+ n./pron.
Now calm yourself, please.
To calm himself, he walked over to the window.
His anger rose at the sight of the villain, but he calmed himself.
Shelley was unable to calm her.
Mother soon calmed the baby.
The nurses tried their best to calm the anxious patient.
She calmed the baby by giving him some milk.
The nurse was busy calming the frightened child.
I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves.
This announcement will calm their fears.
用作动词 (v.)
calm down (v.+adv.)
(使)平静下来 (cause to) (cause to) become relaxed and quiet
〔说明〕 calm down通常不用于进行体。
The roaring sea gradually calmed down.咆哮的大海逐渐平静下来。
The sea calmed down as soon as the wind fell.风平浪静了。
The sea gradually calmed down as we steamed out.我们的轮船开出去时,海面逐渐平静下来了。
Calm down! There's nothing to worry about .冷静点儿,没有什么好担心的。
The crying child soon calmed down.哭闹的孩子很快就不哭了。
We expect she'll calm down in a few minutes, when she gets over the shock.我们估计几分钟后她过了这阵震惊就会安静下来的。
The mayor lost control of himself for a moment, but he soon calmed down.有那么一会儿,市长也忍不住发起了脾气,但他很快就镇静下来了。
If you don't calm down, you're going to have a heart attack.你如果不平静下来,就会心脏病发作。
The situation then calmed down temporarily.那时的形势得以暂时地平静。
Nothing would help her when she became angry and trying to calm her down just added fuel to the flames.她生气的时候,简直对她毫无办法,若试图使其息怒,反而会更糟。
Try to calm the children down, they're too excited.让孩子们静一静,他们太疯了。
I tried to calm him down after the bad news.我尽力设法让他在听到坏消息后能安静下来。
We tried to calm down the angry man.我们努力使那个怒气冲冲的人平静下来。
Calm yourself down. There is nothing to worry about.冷静点儿,没什么好担心的。
用作形容词 (adj.)
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
Let's stop yelling at each other...Let's calm down.
出自:L. Uris
calm常与be, become, feel, get, keep, grow, remain等系动词连用,可用quite, perfectly, comparatively等副词修饰,在句中可用作定语或表语。
calm的基本意思是“(使)平静下来”。用于修饰空间、天气、海洋等时,指有风有浪到无风无浪平静状态的过程; 用于修饰人时,指人的头脑由激动状态(悲伤、情绪不稳或烦恼)到冷静、镇静的过程。用于后者时含有靠其判断力、意志或信仰而由紊乱状态恢复到内心的完全“安静”“安宁”“无骚动”状态。
calm, peaceful, quiet, silent, still
1.在修饰环境时各词所指的状态为:calm指风平浪静; peaceful指没有战争或骚乱; quiet指没有吵闹干扰; still指完全没有声音。例如:
The sea was calm yesterday.昨天海水是平静的。
Countries should settle their disputes by peaceful means.各国应通过和平手段解决他们的争端。
Differences among them could have been reconciled by them through peaceful consultations.他们中间的分歧本来可以由他们和平协商调解。
He had a bad headache and needed being quiet.他头疼得厉害,需要安静。
Everything was deadly still.万籁俱寂。
2.在修饰人时:calm指人心平气和,毫不激动; peaceful表示“安详的”“温和的”; quiet指性情温和、安静等,有时也指人的闲散或不活动; still指“一动不动”; silent侧重“沉默”“不说话”,但不一定不动。例如:
The teacher is peaceful when the student appeared.当这个学生出现时,这个老师很温和。
We should keep quiet in the hospital.在医院里我们应该保持安静。
His hands were never still.他的双手一刻也不停。
We've been silent for too long. It's time to speak out.我们沉默得太久了,现在是大胆地发表意见的时候了。
She sat silent in her own room.她在自己的房间里一动不动地坐着。
calm, compose
compose着重指“动作”,即控制自己的思想情绪或感情,使其“平静”; 而calm着重指“状态”,即镇定而显不出迷惑或兴奋。
calm, quieten, settle
A vacation will settle your nerves.休假可镇定你的神经。
A word from his father was enough to settle him.他父亲的一句话就足以使他安静下来。
The music will settle my disordered brain.音乐会使我纷乱的心情得到安定。
Have a brandy. It will settle your nerves.喝点白兰地吧,它会使你镇定下来。
Her soft words settled his agitated mind.她的温柔的话语使他焦虑的思绪平静下来。
I'll read a bit before supper to settle my mind.我在晚餐之前读读书使心情平静。
The children were shouting, but they soon quietened down.孩子们大叫大嚷着,但一会儿就安静了下来。
误 He promised to take me boating on a calmed day.
正 He promised to take me boating on a calm day.
误 She gave the calm boy some milk.
正 She gave the calmed boy some milk.
析 calm修饰天气、海洋、水等时作“平静的”“无风的”解,可直接用于名词前作定语; calm的过去分词calmed用作定语时主要修饰“人”,表示“镇定的”“镇静的”。
☆ 14世纪晚期进英入语,直接源自古法语的calme;最初源自后期拉丁语的cauma,意为中午的太阳(在意大利,正午是万物休息之时)。
calm-ness&:&镇静的;沉 ...
calm-ness:calm adj. (天气、海洋等)静的, 平静的, 镇静的, 沉着的v. (使)平静, (使)镇定, 平息习惯用语keep calm! 安静! 保持镇静!calm before the storm…
相关词典网站:Beta blockers can reduce anxiety for extreme worriers | Daily Mail Online
Why are so many young women taking heart pills to calm their nerves? Beta blockers can reduce anxiety for extreme worriers
Emily Rae, 26, an actress from London, began taking beta blockers after anxiety about her job was giving her frequent panic attacksLauren Woodward, 30, from Lowestoft in Suffolk, has been taking them since she was a teenager and needs them just to meet friends for coffeeBeta blockers stop the release of stress hormones such as adrenalinBy
01:10 GMT, 9 November 2015
07:26 GMT, 9 November 2015
Despite being a successful web designer, Suzi Dixon dreaded the meeting looming ahead of her. Fearful her clients wouldn’t think she was up to scratch, her chest tightened and her heart pounded.So she did what she’s done on a daily basis for the past decade when faced with situations that make her feel anxious: she swallowed a pill.But this was no ordinary prescription anxiety pill or antidepressant. Instead, it was a beta blocker - designed for those at risk of suffering heart attacks.
Emily Rae, 26, is an actress from London. She began taking beta blockers after experiencing stress at workAs one of a generation of 20 and 30-somethings for whom extreme worry is a constant companion (a recent survey revealed that one-third of young women suffer panic attacks, while another found nearly half have mental health issues), Suzi is not the only one turning to this type of medication.Statistics from public body the Health and Social Care Information Centre reveal that prescriptions of propranolol - one of the most commonly prescribed beta blockers - rose by 7 per cent between 2012 and 2013.While this may, in part, be due to its use in treating cardiovascular conditions (beta blockers decrease heart activity) they are undoubtedly being taken in abundance for anxiety, too.Beta blockers work by blocking the effects of the stress hormones adrenalin and noradrenaline, which cause the physical symptoms of anxiety - the increased heart rate, blushing, clammy palms and panic attacks. But at what cost? The side-effects of this medication can include nausea, stomach pains, cold hands and feet, insomnia, loss of libido, slow heartbeat, blurred vision and depression.
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If taken by an asthmatic, they can exacerbate breathing problems, triggering a potentially fatal asthma attack, and, crucially, they do nothing to tackle the issues that cause anxiety in the first place.‘Beta blockers work on a superficial level by dampening the physiological symptoms of anxiety, but they don’t deal with the underlying emotional issues,’ says Dr Natasha Bijlani, a consultant psychiatrist specialising in women’s mental health at London’s Priory Hospital.‘Plus, side-effects such as dizziness and nausea are similar to the symptoms you’re trying to get rid of anyway. Nobody should take them for years on end.’But Suzi, 36, is undeterred. ‘Some people have alcohol and cigarettes,’ she says. ‘I have beta blockers. I don’t want to be on them for ever, but they provide me with an emotional crutch and I worry when I’m without them.’
Lauren Woodward, 30, from Lowestoft, Suffolk has been taking beta blockers since she was 15 years oldIt seems increasing pressure to succeed in their personal and professional lives, compounded by the constant scrutiny of social media, is contributing to soaring anxiety levels in young women.Suzi started suffering from tremors and insomnia at 17 while studying for her A-levels. Her GP prescribed Prozac, an anti-depressant that recalibrates the balance of chemicals in the brain but which has also been linked to an increased risk of suicide.‘Prozac changed my personality,’ she says. ‘I grew arrogant and detached, and my insomnia actually got worse.‘After two years, I told my GP I wanted to deal with my nerves without it.’ So she came off the drug and tried to control her anxiety with a healthy diet and exercise - both proven to regulate moods. But, she says: ‘I had a constant fear of letting people down. At work, I worried about being e that people would see me blush and think I couldn’t cope.
I’m a worrier. If I can’t take a beta blocker, I avoid even simple things like driving
‘I was considered difficult when, in fact, I was just terrified. In crowded places, my heart would beat faster and I was often single, because I was too nervous to date.’At 27, she had her first panic attack. ‘I was at an exhibition and started hyperventilating and being sick,’ recalls Suzi, who is still single and lives in Bournemouth.‘My palms were sweaty, I couldn’t walk, blood rushed to my heart and I thought I was having a heart attack.’Caused by a surplus of adrenaline in the body when the brain feels it is under threat, panic attacks aren’t dangerous but feel frightening.The following day, Suzi’s GP told her it sounded like she was suffering from Generalised Anxiety Disorder, a condition that effects one in 25 adults and is thought to be caused by an imbalance of the brain chemicals serotonin and noradrenaline, which help control emotions and behaviour.Those affected are unable to stop worrying, struggle to sleep or concentrate and often have a disproportionate fear of failure.Suzi was put forward for an online course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) - designed to rearrange thought patterns and address negative behaviours - and prescribed up to four tablets of propranalol a day.
Propranolol can be prescribed to treat anxiety. They work by reducing the physiological symptoms of itWithin a week, she says, her anxiety all but disappeared. ‘My heart raced less when I was nervous, which meant I panicked less and felt more confident. But, unlike when I was on anti-depressants, I still felt like myself - just a more capable version.’While Suzi says she uses beta blockers as a last resort, experts believe the solution to anxiety doesn’t lie in doctors endlessly doling out repeat prescriptions.‘Maybe it is easier for GPs in busy clinics to do whatever they know keeps anxiety at bay for their patients, but it isn’t ideal,’ says Dr Bijlani.Lauren Woodward, 30, from Lowestoft in Suffolk, has been taking beta blockers since she was a teenager in an attempt to deal with her anxiety and weekly panic attacks.‘I’d rather be able to trust my body, but they give me reassurance I need,’ she says.‘I rely on them and carry them everywhere.’Lauren, mother to Charles, six, and Harry, four, is so nervous of social situations she takes beta blockers before meeting friends for coffee and even prior to making calls.‘I panic because I don’t like the sound of my voice,’ she explains.‘I’m a natural worrier and, if I can’t take a beta blocker, I avoid doing even something as simple as driving, as I worry I will crash.’Lauren’s GP originally prescribed her beta blockers after her father walked out of the family home when she was 15. ‘I came home from school one afternoon to find him gone,’ she recalls.‘I couldn’t breathe, my heart started to pound, my legs gave way and I had a panic attack.’She managed to avoid taking beta blockers while she was pregnant (use during pregnancy can cause problems with the placenta and lower the baby’s heartbeat), but says motherhood exacerbated her anxiety.
Emily had side effects of teeth chattering and yawning when she first began taking beta blockers‘School meetings fill me with dread and beta blockers help me look less nervous,’ says Lauren, who adds that the only side-effects she suffers are vivid dreams. ‘They stop my chest tightening and my legs giving way with stress.’Yet, while beta blockers mask the symptoms of her anxiety, they don’t stop her worrying in the first place.‘I don’t like taking the children to the park in case they have an accident, or to the zoo in case the animals escape and kill us,’ she says.‘On museum trips, I have premonitions that everything will collapse and the boys will die. I know I’m being irrational, but I can’t help it.’
Lauren doesn't like her reliance on beta blockers but says that even knowing she can take them is a comfort
Lauren says her GP knows she doesn’t like being reliant on beta blockers, but issues repeat prescriptions every three months nonetheless. And since separating from her husband of ten years, Jonathan, 39, a voiceover artist, at the start of this year, her doctor has encouraged Lauren - daunted by life as a single mum - to take them twice a day if she feels the need.‘Just knowing that they are there is a comfort,’ she says.But given how ineffective some experts say beta blockers are, could they simply be having a placebo effect? In other words, do they only lower Lauren’s anxiety levels because she believes they will?‘Their use might be increasing because anxiety is such a huge problem, treatments are limited and we’re wary of overusing much more effective anti-depressants,’ says GP Ian Campbell.‘But propranolol isn’t very effective. It isn’t physically addictive, but people can become emotionally dependent on it.’
GPs prescribe beta blockers more than 27 million times a year, at a cost of ?93 million
Emily Rae, 26, started taking beta blockers this summer after becoming overwhelmed trying to juggle admin and childcare jobs alongside breaking into her chosen career as an actress. ‘Every day, I felt as if something bad was going to happen.‘I’d wake at 6am with sweaty palms and my heart hammering,’ says Emily, who lives in London with her boyfriend of five years.‘I worried about letting people down and felt sick, dizzy and detached, with a knot of tension constantly simmering close to the surface. I pushed myself to the limit and could never relax.’This spring, after a series of panic attacks, Emily went to her GP who diagnosed her with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and sent her for CBT.‘I met a girl in my group therapy class who seemed reliant on beta blockers for her anxiety and decided I didn’t want that to happen to me,’ she says.But the panic attacks continued, and so she returned to her GP this August, who prescribed her four tablets of propranolol a day to take whenever she felt she needed them.There is evidence asthmatics shouldn’t take propranolol as it could prompt breathing difficulties. Emily is an asthmatic, but says: ‘My asthma is mild so my GP said it would be safe.’Initially, however, they didn’t have the effect she’d hoped.‘I felt absolutely exhausted for four days,’ she says. ‘My teeth chattered and I couldn’t stop yawning. I was worried, but read that these were side-effects and, as my body adapted, they subsided and I felt more relaxed.’Emily tries not to take them more than three times a week.‘They help if I’m meeting new people or doing anything unfamiliar,’ she says.‘But I don’t want to be on medication in the long term and hopefully will be able to calm myself down without them in the future.‘I know beta blockers aren’t a cure, but they take the edge off my anxiety.’
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