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时间:01月22日 14:00
本次研讨会将邀请M580产品经理为大家介绍全球首款ePAC,以及如何利用深度集成的工业以太网技术,使得工厂的设计、实施和运行实现真正意义上的开放性。&&预先提问粤ICP备号-1 &&Eplan P8 Pro Panel 2.3 - 中国亿万电器网 - Powered by LeadBBS 6.0
Eplan P8 Pro Panel 2.3
&EPLAN Pro Panel是控制柜和开关系统三维工程的CAE解决方案。该软件包括电气和流体结构控制柜的三维装配施工,虚拟三维布线以及为生产设备提供NC数据用以装配导线,还有三维的功率分配和铜排的配置,包括生产一体化。EPLAN Platform将控制系统与三维控制盘柜装配之间直接联系起来。一致的数据交换增加了项目的品质并且加速了在可持续的基础上的整个项目的进度。
无论是动态碰撞检测或是自动检查安装规则:EPLAN Pro Panel为专业的三维布局规划铺平了道路。首先,系统在导航器或是装配实施清单中显示所有用于装配工作的设备。通过EPLAN eTouch技术可以让你对齐元件并精确的放置它们。并且根据厂家规定的要求考虑安装最小间距,以及设备的正确定位、布线线槽以及支撑导轨。
基于三维的装配结构,通过从电气技术电路原理图中得到的网络定义点和连接信息,EPLAN Pro Panel将计算电缆导线布线的最佳路径,包括检查槽满率。自动的计算长度,提高你的生产率。这里不需要你手工的计算和预组装的导线,从而增加了省行和组装的效率。
没有设备数据的工程?不可思议的!EPLAN Pro Panel Professional给你各种各样的选择来取得设备数据――包括三维几何模型,无论是通过EPLAN Data Portal来取得“可以立即使用”的部件,或是通过内置的STEP接口,直接从组件制造商、从任意的3D CAD程序的数据通道或是数据光盘上获取。三维的几何模型被加载到EPLAN Pro Panel中并被转换为EPLAN的宏,并在半自动的基础上用来做三维的装配工作。
EPLAN Platform将电气工程和三维安装布局直接联系到一起。在电气工程中规划设计的设备和装置可以在三维安装布局中直接利用。不会因为由于有冗余的数据,人工的数据传输,同步,一致性检查以及维护零部件清单信息而需要损失更多的时间。
EPLAN Platform提供各种接口集成到你的公司的IT基础设施中并可以进行数据交换。这不仅可以为项目工程师带来完美的结果,一致的IT和系统环境同样也有利于商业部门和生产部门。
EPLAN Pro Panel可以提供机械加工的信息包括安装板,门或是整个柜子外壳的。通过点击一个按钮,你可以生成生产相关的数据包括钻孔,攻丝或是开口并可以让这些数据直接在数控加工机床上使用。EPLAN Pro Panel NC附加模块通过提供标准的DXF数据支持常规的机械设备,或是使用直接接口的方式将Steinhauer 和 Kiesling设备加工中心整合到你的产品开发流程中。
通过EPLAN Pro Panel Professional进行布线规划是非常简单的。无论是手动或是自动的装配,所有安装电缆组件所需要的数据都将提供。数据将是中性的或是机器特定格式的输出,因此,你可以连接标准的电缆装配设备也可以给专业的供应商提供信息。
显著的附加值&EPLAN Pro Panel提供了完美的一致性和最优化配置的支持以及一流的生产一体化。通过缩短生产时间,持续的减少成本并提高产品的质量:& &&#8226;EPLAN智能技术使得三维配置像二维那么简单
& & & & & 一致的外观和感受
& & & & && 通过EPLAN基础技术的支持
& & & & && 可以简单的扩展项目资源
& & & & && 通过EPLAN基础的附加功能提供一致性支持
& & & & && 通过EPLAN Data Portal连接到Rittal-Therm
& & & & & & & & 完全地集成到您的系统架构中
功能和选项常常涉及到产品的最大的配置[hr]&[b]Eplan P8 Pro Panel 2.3 | 1.0 Gb[/b]
The major new release of the EPLAN Platform is launched. Version 2.3 focuses on standardization and automation, which opens up new opportunities for users when it comes to standard-compliant design and handling safety values. Simple macro editing and extended search functions for system settings guarantee highly productive engineering for users. Another practical benefit: central administration of phased-out devices and associated test runs to give transparency and safety to existing projects.
The latest Version 2.3 of the EPLAN Platform is characterized by standardized and largely automated engineering across a consistent database. There is comprehensive support for new standard-compliant designations based on EN 81346 and the safety values focused VDMA 66413 exchange format. The central administration of phased-out items and a new search function for system settings are additional new features of the CAE software to allow interdisciplinary cooperation and configuration. For example macros: Version 2.3 offers extensive options for handling macros/partial circuits and their variations. What is new is the fact that these macros can be edited and if needed be updated across the entire project within an incredibly clear table view. This means that comprehensive changes can be made within the project with just a few clicks of a mouse C potential error sources are reduced by means of central data storage.
[i]Secure in accordance with standards: EN 81346 and VDMA 66413[/i]
The definition of mechatronic solutions and the appropriate designations in the documentation are typical everyday designing tasks. The norm EN 81346 “Industrial Systems, Plants and Equipment and Industrial Products C Structuring Principles and Reference designations” is particularly widely accepted on an international level. The EPLAN Platform 2.3 allows project structures and project designations to be implemented on a user-friendly basis in compliance with this current standard. There is also the issue of fail-safety of components and safety function in line with machinery directive 2006/42/EU. EPLAN supports a consistent electronic data exchange format for the relevant safety-related values for automation components in accordance with VDMA 66413. The relevant safety data from the device manufacturers can be transferred to EPLAN’s parts management system via a standardised interface. The values are saved directly with the components and are therefore directly available for designing purposes. This means there is no need for time-consuming manual amalgamation of safety values and the user can be sure to get things right.
[i]Central administration of phased-out devices[/i]
Phased-out items are generally replaced by a newer model, but are still used in existing projects and must be administered transparently. In Version 2.3, the EPLAN Platform makes the central administration of phased-out articles easier by allowing marking in the article administration system. There are also new check runs to give users even more safety in designing. Once stored centrally in the parts management system, the information is available to all involved across the entire project. This means that the CAE software creates more transparency in the engineering process and keeps existing projects manageable. While we’re on the subject of manageability: The EPLAN software offers extensive configuration options for individual adjustments to the way users work.
[i]Easier searches, quicker results[/i]
The new Version 2.3 also incorporates a high-performance search function which makes it easy to find and adjust the system settings by means of keywords. For the project data navigators available in EPLAN, users can now define whether and which additional information is displayed in the tree view. The display options have been harmonized and extended and made adjustable to allow this. This makes navigation easier for the users and gives them additional flexibility in terms of individual configuration. There is a quick overview of important information to make engineering more productive.
[i]About EPLAN Software[/i]
We have been developing engineering solutions for more than 25 years. As a subsidiary of Rittal within the Friedhelm Loh conglomerate, we are synonymous with continuous development, innovation, longevity and secure investment. Seven German offices and a presence in over 50 countries across the globe stand for a professional consultant service is close at hand. 30,000 customers of all sizes from a broad range of industries, are using our solutions every day C and are opening up new dimensions in engineering.
The EPLAN platform together with Autodesk products for M-CAD and PDM can assure data continuity throughout all disciplines. All departments work within one uniform database with EPLAN Electric P8 (electrical engineering), EPLAN Fluid (fluid engineering), EPLAN PPE (EMSR engineering) and EPLAN Pro Panel Professional (enclosure engineering). EPLAN provides everything from a single source as one of the leading Autodesk& resellers: AutoCAD Inventor, AutoCAD Mechanical, and the PDM solutions of the Vault product family.
[b]Name: [/b]Eplan P8 Pro Panel
[b]Version: [/b]
[b]Interface: [/b]multilanguage
[b]OS:[/b] Windows XP / Vista / Seven
[b]Size: [/b]1.0 Gb
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